THURSDAY JULY 12 19 My 13611111111111 51m Javier McLean Dill lilchlsstcl and Bookkeeping W111 p21 Win 341 Bollncal Moire Nable The viiWllig pupiis of Erotic Xi loot Flem or Low gamed 1n the 11b5ect in EXA Fr ll mild Mal Lend icalcd lihiL arm 811 English in GRADE TO GRADE Xi glmlln ANNOUNCED llf this Elixir Roi Nubian liiidnlrrlilg H15 Second Class Honors Eiulllu ll ppm mmkggm Mg Continued Stout D328 anal MLlllr Bail Ramona WJEEttuslllCiwxey gt Iv an it HJ Jtlalitillc BlciiliallHl is will Lnl ill ooili lu 1129 lppa 14 FT 11 11111 lx=l Mow 35111 reinioi 3le IAXbs iii P1 of Crude X1 In 1il Lulu Harries if lde llt illuli limit Iwuh JUFF Jarpc Viki rlilkl ll lr Brett Jean 11111311 Do 21113 Supp 94 AW Webb 3F 1in Doris Choirin Vern 21m also cauipbcitchg ills r17 Frank 301V 1113 Li 11 ill it VIKFWIHM vaVefhit Vivi Scurd Clio iii 113s Bounc Lm plum Jan l11klElig Alg Hts he Jq T0 PWIW Den him lllt ttVt ill he talk or 15 Bdlbuld Crawfoid lllll1ic lotls Harry Schiller ill Van dc 1F wan Jeanine wgm Keith Yum llante GRADE T063303 x1 Pins cna llolmcy Bruce Lippi mmr In First Class Honors halhleen thidt LHWm him woilriivLlLti ev iiiwc Yin llls Sc Young tiloiiiilti lilackstockBever lltllh Sampson 12h Gmd li ROWLI IEllfiLXi Fine llcrlnr GRAIN TO GRADE DWHHW annucmgn 115 Mi MUle tEllt Chillltltni Iltl lllll First Class Honors Ellulll 1hl lcev iiivlh Ali lit Sc cliingsi Gwen Allan Duhch inner Ami Rmrmo Jilili Lahllig lung lllr llichnromli Janice MkClllllL Ailin swoon 11 llonois Arncita Rodgers Eleanor Allannon Louise MinML Y9de Hidme Lillian 13 mm Lat Wiilkelv mily Slillli Mllill lcrxuswn llll 11 title ilm 1t Arrest Julm rm 12 not Astritlgc rm 1111711 1m hnmml on limits illoiiuu Um 11 311 lt 111 1411 Lwm in Khflflilrn 11 liillll Aflillii 1111 lloliiw iurdocli liclJ MM MJViluilgthp Eng SL5 lt iiiinnitMills111 leiiiz1gilis Well Marion llalzh WV illisirllllLllSiill ll 11ti Snaily lllirt Helen SLntl Jordan Abcrcrolnblc 1H 11ll NI cmyhurwpnq HR Sic Puss Douglas Allen Robot Arm llriilltticd without S11 111111111 5g mm all 11111111 Jacdtictla Mill5111111115 six Ailnstronu Murray 11dvcll Kelly Ctiiliemli Eileen Clarke Marlon Dawson Walter Dcher lilac list ton Mary Kenny Donald l1llo11c Connie Laws Audrey Mclmun lat lppylvmg inn iron1i licia Mulligan lollu lcrrctt Put yummypipl31 Itlimdv Silillfy Willlitli Dilllilbllilzmitt incn Blown amllclvn Yorke Passed without French John tis lom Graham Norman llarlis limit Leave First Class lionol Norma Br 115 Patricia Calliithers Marion lil $11111 Lill linth Xi Dorothy Maison Eng AlLZ Hts Barbara Illcrrelthng Alg Sc Lat Anne Murphy ling His Sc l11 Doris NtflSUll Alg ills Sit l1t Muriel larl 1131111 Ills Sc Fix Inuit Mlirgilerite lartridgewlinlz Ills Boole Typewritng Bullci GRADE XI TO GRADE The follotvlml gtlllllilll have pas T11c st In Sign Iowa ed 111 lillizllhll Algebra History shiron PilltlllVEHKq l1t Fr sH htlcncc French 11t1n Nantes Inc Muriel Pearyillwnu Lat l11tC mm HUM 111 zilpliabtticzil order June lcrkins Hula Alg His son Margaret Handy llill Spanis Lois Allsopp Norlnc llnrrctt Sc 131 Stlond Jim Illinois los lolin Mmmy nmwul Wm Hlmwnl Huh Philpnnhngw msq Sn Dorothy zlsloli liItll lizinlltl 31 BI 01 your liarburn lleiU van ulnulingl Shirley RimenlL Ills 50 Lill cuffce Servo Inuxwvn licmictli Davidson Sitwait llcslcr llcg RoadsEng ills Sit Fr laulmc llobinson 131111 Ale His Sc Lat lFr of iradc Xi llarbargi lllntlll Marvin liislur lllltll lillcn llobert lluliymii Mary Annc lllmiiltou loun llood House This clioicelilcnd ofrllre orifices is roasted Ralph Knowles Kathleen lcunox an 30mph Emr Hi5 1114 AMI by the fmnous Radlmn lc111 lllllll1llll Robert Lucas Joan yup ScottWStz 99 Mtorllinduhn Donald Reid Win Phyllig Shankfulingu His Sc R011 Inn 589 Robertson lllltl Ross Austiu get extra nuvw frugrmw Sionclizim Roberta Tuxford Don SpawnEng Alp Ills Sc The following standing iii English Tyng and Vigorous body Slim StephensonEng His Sc George StorcyvE11g Ali Se Fr Helen StoreyeEng llis Six F11 Lat Joan TaylorEng 512 Fr Lat Maria VanderbeekEng Al His Sc Lat Shirley WilsonEng Bookkeeping John WiseiiiallwElig His Sc MIDDLE SCHOOL The following students of Grade Algebra History Science French Hist Se Xll have been granted Middle School standing ill the following subjects Certificates for these subjects will not be issued by the Department of Edueotion Toronto untilvAugust and for those who obtained their standing with Farm Leave of Ab sence no certificates will be issued until evidence has been submitted that the pupil has spent thirteen weeks at work on farm in cheese factory or at the FoTeTsTiy Station Ernest AlexanderHis Allen JoyceEng His Geom Helen AllsoppLLat Mary Bell BantingEng Alg Geonl Lat F11 Sc Norma BantingAll Geom His Phyllis BattldryAlg Chem Lat F11 His Frances BellEng His Alg Geom Lat Fr Sc Theres Boom in Babies Maternity Wards are busy places these days Everywhere proud fathers are hand ing out cigars and planning for the new expenses that must be met Gladys BobbetteEng Algu Lat Fr Joan Brennailellis Alg Fin Lat Sc Betty GastonEng Geom Chem Lat Fr Margaret ClarkeEng His Alg Geom Lat Fix Sc Frances CraigEng His Geom Lat FL Sc Patricia CrawfordEng Geom Lat Fr Evelyn CreedsHis Mary DavisEng His Alg Lat Fr Sc Helen DunsmoreEng His Alg Lat Fr Bruce FraserEng His Lat Mary FrechetteAlg Norman GrahamEng His Alg Geom Charm Lat Fr His Alg Ala His Thinking tooiof the new responsibilities that are theirs 5somethilig more than baby clothes bassinets prams and infant needs In each fathers hands is laced the sacred trust toplotect that new To and the mother against any eventuality An ImperialLife Plan known as Family Income is especiallydevised to we family protection until the yrmngest chi comes of age Ifanythingshouldha outlie Fr Ferne HampelHis Alg Geom William GrahamEng Alg Lot THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE osranlo ANAD PACE THREE Then URHJJA Allklt slior la litrm WW is Hounay 1112er an Eeter slant1422 Giw1 Miller Brake 511 EL ii and yiilng Rm up anlmwu Huerta regularly at in tA up and hlp Hornets Furniture Gu me build1rd roman to Mmrlmbmiukuth ul gzrzgfj if till AliL Mimi am bit Id tantennaWiretareucpkonetonm Vidik 1l31icj lil Al Mi flew height rain Enabltahxd River 11 ram 1mm Kiliade am mo norm Hum mm mun 1c new ant Exliil iLl umifltil liens rules re Classied Adm TEENWW PADS Linen Finish EXCkllCnl QUJlily Large Size Special 11c Envelopes to March for 1c PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE The Family Favorite Williams and Brightcns Dull Dingy Teeth Special billing and Healing For more Sunburn GILLETTE LATHER Shaving Cream Extract of Wild Strawberry The Final Touch For Shaving Comfort For Dyscntcry GilletterBluc Blades 25c Good News Good News Your copy of JULY GOOD NEWS is now in all Tamblyn stores with recipes for FRESH FRUITS Cramps Dlarrhoea and All Summer Demys ccrels law 00 Complaints DESSERTS COLD DRINKS MILK 0F MAGNESIA For Acid Indigestion Got your copy early Me How Pretty Your ZOox Sim Face Powder 25550 Lipstick 29c60c Rouge 60c Would Look if Colored TmctoLife with Kodak oat Colors Enlarged to Size 111 mulching slitiilts in Beautiful PATRICIA iiJizi MOUNT Ruzilgwn Condition gt Colored 25 Extra Special The Family Ointment nooos KIDNEY PILLS Backache Night Rismg Tir ed Feeling Head ache Leg Pains on Pains Kidney and Bladder Troubles Reg 50c 43 llf37fill Jr FACE POWDER LIPSTICK TAKE009037001 0F REERIGERATORSiwith 23c45lt79c BILE genius TLCUM Rosep breadrwinnerJncome is provi ed until the Cxgagqgherm Alg Gem youngest child becomes selsuorting Katarme Henry4Alg following which Marie THnlySEng His Alan becomes payable to the mother Geomhinto Fr Sc gt Jean TicklingHistory To all new mothers and fathers we sa Ross HicleHistoryi Warmest congratulations We cordia 1y Norma mittenEns His Alg SeeYom inviteryou to talk over yourfimllys future Giginut Fr sc Hutchinsan=Ehg Ale GeomChem Lat F127 Helen HutchiiisTE atquclw Wm LakingEhg His Geom Chem Fr Imelda LaPlanteEhgz Fr Se EleanprLEighHisf Alg umeoml with an Im erialLife representative without Representative cost ob igationto you Geom Chemi Eat Fit Joyce McCannEng His Geomu Chem Lat Fr nmmsLalJiL Alas William mulchEng Hrs Aig Alg Stella McCorduEng His Algz and lti sLMS All Three for 110 Removes Corns Qvernight BAYER 0t PTRTN SHE rro it Kills rues Moths pin HASETS VBalinTeetliingii Lei BABYS own TABLETS ubneinhivenhf mum1mm nhu Ih Well3 Ii at wwwm attired lad hmlhller0ilu unusualam me summoninglulu uremicmagnum Help Keep Your Baby Cool Rilhl Promptly Reliev Headaches aRheumatic Pains gt and Neuralgia 11892 leverage coams VITAMIN Geom Chem Lab Fr 0hnNiXGEG0merllem Er WW 111111 11m Muller Sick letired ill hiotlirmotjnhi py home if she iesiclesnd Worried by the never emng Maurice PoolbaEngl His Alg Chem Min of Grade XI Be PnvlFHimry Mafgart thninnthemq Lat household duties Stresses run down and Becomesamounand Gum Eavi7t$m gawk bwnlieartothanlt disco ignition Mil Audrayr naugnocrosingt his latitupim eimorninm new on somewhat this indhis ini Milliurnlsealthmtfmt Holden HampshireMg 1m anthemth 1r gemteirlenltmlludtuptcm MkrldSalmrEhgiyfisc Alg Msiemimimtthembwkrm Bllbhwpihuahsm momlia1i r1 cc masticationt 65 pull all all dl countem 14 trade mark smell out ontilin MT WiGOlWITmM gtnl1 Ruth Smith51131Chema Hi Tom OGonnonuEhg His Chem 1Tble Reetiwlhg His Alg 5W1 Q1 rwpenamiwsnglp Hisi Humane Eli WW 390 VMCDQMMlSv Lifts Fr 15 EV Butmm lwsFml gt Head 05KB TORONTO 1953 mt35gll3my His TOOTH SANTAX nhnmamiesln Greg in ngi ii POWDER EARKSPUR LOTION FAMBFYN it Witt35mm WWI illmiMaiiweAIE Geom Lat Acreanand FLOOR WAX Barrie Il 3001Rllls fluTERI Cleansing Etienne 01mm Wm dL lGEgnnggmgnhms Chem AllilSEpilC 321ng Mar Newmanhmhgqlhisq Mg Tami sIoujiIioURsMonrues in Frid 1053 my figV 830 pm Wednesday 830 automaton mic 1030pm Open every sunday 12 toSpmgjiogpm on monsoon GENCX Arlen HOURS PHONE 3871 BARBIE WPHONE if