Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1945, p. 9

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it your copy of The Examiner ftrils to reach Ull look on last ad dress label received Subscriptions payable in advance Help to mean Are Past Middle Age ExaminerClassifittls cost little hut giVe big results Examiner is $200 in advance amt worth more When men and women get past middle age their Kev and Mrs llepdelson Ac awniiwr it VHVILLSDA Miss Lillian Brandon Orilha visited her parents recently 111d son John spentscvertll days at Lucknow wood were weekend guestsof Mr l1llntlitt 11 the chutes neatly arranged in racks iiNSPlilTiON 11101111111 ton 34t limutns Air Cadcl 51 roll 1112 xl hinthlu en will lv lllvil trad VlilVlltd it 1t lupin1 Jame ll Haney CO 13 Ire Clnip Uhtdcl liCAl ifllnll klll be ilrt inspecting Ji 4l1cel 11 ms laxl uttnnxl lillllilllll V11 lifle Vlne llallle Air dtltZN 12rd by Flight Lieutenant Will in llldsiLil multit llltl Blend11y it null ltlAF Bliiltl 1111 Vitllllt ll0lCtt l11 11V Will play kldglnl the nzspmllun there 121 interemng flying 1l1s 1t tlflllt powered and glnlel gruodvL ultrall by Air Folce pH sternum lurltl anrp Burden lhis li 11lue altrattton for Bartn nd ell lll1 seeing lltr Lulu oi photos lo the leftE Sulllr oi the All ladm of the sulnme1 illktlllll hey put its on in No 11111 llllltwllt1l 01 Vlln ll 31 eltllilnl the 11l of llni itd Ll 111 mutts pets illr gun from in cw the ollner pilot below Ellm lulit oil on llltil llliil Jinn111mi flight N0 What lllzllli rivaleduni tlw lt1nt cockpit of llalvurd lln cadet Jet on unnnpedcd we be lVl lin tiller igllt Ie ulllrttll euckln the The pilot operri from the 113111 Nu it lhe cadet sergeant Willi lull utoulreltuull harness ll1el iand luul et climbs up the klllgil no litlu hr real in the lorwartll icockpn lie may appear nonchal Innl but be thrilled in the cultVi and l1 not Flying in the llCAl best kllll training pluntf topth itll Hint at the controls ntl the Vladcl himself part and parcclf Eula the whole business No The porlholwlike windowl of the Anson Mark makes lil lling frame for the happy cather inking his flip under expert llF lsupervrsmn gt VV No lnsile the aircraft the Cd ldels are as comfortable as riding l111 eulnoned limousine Look 2mg lo11l the pose the picture Fellows three of ithe Allhtlll while in flightat the lefl can be seen the radio trans 1n1tterrcceiver and to the right No Gwlheyre off h11ncl1l11fl Ihappy cadets peep from ll1epo1tV holes of training plane and ones VuTHRIE slitute Lunch lhe Guthrie Womens lnslilutel aretsponsoring social evening ol crokinole and cuclue Mrs Willisons on Friday June Proceeds for war work in the In at Mr and 4from the eopilots seal 11 they take off ftn flight No 7rArrayed in their harness and carrying thelr cl1ules live youngsters walk across the tllimac with their pilot towards the anal alolt on their first RCAF author izednfhght 1e cadets insideut tcraft which will soonV bear thetntV lrenton or Camp Uollllli 1moottl+4 Security with Your Vote on Junerllfhcun bring lasting security Security for your Here are some of the definite practical step taken by the liberahgmernnwul tu pivc sec 1rin to home and utility by assuring Wcllpdltl postwar jobs for everyone For Veterans ll1e most generous plan of any United Nation to gel returned men started in the type of wark each of then1clnmses The Liberal Government is determined that every man and woman coming home to Immda shall return to the land of greatest opportunity in the world f0 Workers About third of all Canadians depend on exports for their livelihood libero pluns provide for increasing our experts 60 in value over those of 1939 For formers Acting on the belief that all Canadians prosper when farmers do the Liberal vacrnmenl has arranged that they can im prove their farms and equipmentunder new loan plan and has arranged to put Hour under the prices of farm and fishery products To stimulate employment for all the Liberal Government has created specian Department of Reconstruction which is now in operation and which will taordinate private and public enterprise security for your The Liberalsbelieve thattho home is the hood of the notion They aim to give Canadians every possible facility to build and furnish better homes With Government assistance you can builda home in the country town or city This will make obs forlhe building trades undlhnse who make building supplies4nd those who manufacture househdld equipment and fur tlltllr1 New Home for Canadians The Liberal Governments new $400000000 National in our work Zpour home your Emily Housing Au now on the statute lmuks enables hundreds ulV illulisdds an nudisus to get money at low interest nnl n11 lung generous terms to build 1ruuvate or enlarge their utntl homes Now that Germany is defeated plans are already in operation for at 00 50056 dwellings lhcr practical worlwhle muslnes for the security of your home are the Liberal lnvclrr tnellls laws or Unemployment lmurume und liberal Old Age Pensions The liberals believe in doing what can by done as soon as it can be datiEWrLdJml to powur on June lltlt they nill curry on and expand the sound comlruuive umk already started Secprity for your Hitlin Allowuntes Starting in July parents who benet least from income 11x exemptions will receive Family Allowance cheques every month to help them get hemr food clothing shelter and education for their children sotheyV will grmv into healthy vigorous Canadian citizens lhese cheques will amount to between szonoooooo and $150000000 it your Ai direct spending power this will do much to help in achieving the Liberals objective of full employment Health National Health Plan will enspre llltll everybody shall be taken carc of while they gt31 sick and the host measures ritedical science can devise shall be employed to prevent disease Despite the efforts of Drew Bruce Bracken and other reactionaries the liberals areidele mined that human interests the needs of men shall be placed before business as usual The Liberalshave faith in Canada united countryVond inVV their ability to continue to build with your support more abundant life and greater opportunities for Canadians Help build this order ostchurity with freedom Prulcct lheVsuciul Mr and Mrs Tinney Culling ll1e Urn Federated Farmers met at Mr and Mrs Sluddarls vitl1 large attendante EveryOne c1joyed the slides shown by Field ZML+ than Leigh of Forest Home Al large representation of the farm c1 of Guthrie attended the Feder ation service at Midlllllsl Satur daylune it is the date of the an 1ual meeting of tho Simcoe Feller1 tution pl Agriculture al Midhurst See at vt for details The hostesm the next mulling Wm bulaftw benlg p11sono1 ofwar Madam 1Stddti AI Barf Word has been received that Bob tholomew Hastings Cameron lulmrh the dangerolmydll it will be held on June at Mr lllggmml hope he Wt 599 be we dis AV Mm Miss Shirley Crawford Toronto Ed Mam port spent the weekend withherypar Examiner subscriptions are pay WMIV and MrsfElneSI Craw able strictly in advance Your 211 lord and ML and MlS Bert CNN dress label shows dlleV1clale fmgkexgre b3Ck at home 01 The we and Mrs Porter Mr and Mrs lloss ltlclarlundt Vusey visited Mr and Mrs Grant Dunn during the weekend Mr and Mrs Brown and son gains already maderVote foryour Liberal candidate on june lplth gt Published by The National literal Committed Glad to report that Benj Peor sall is improving Miss Barbara Northwood To ronto spent the weekend with Mrs Norman Leigh All are glad to hear that Gordon Barnes has returned to England Poorcsm candidate for Simcoe East in an Dre Whit ball iUSl been elCCVt Ontario byelection in 1939 but ed Wormsi111 leader of the Lpn osnonrinnnmrswn NAMED pnr DIDNT QUALIFY It pays to read and ruserllxaminer Classifieds DUFFERINSlMCQEW FELLOW CITIZENS As writefthesVe Words to you am listening torpa solemn Service of remembrance fremgtOltawo1for our Canadian heroes Who Willjflfot Come backbecauseth that novso nova larristers Solicitors Notaries Pub Conveyancers etc Money to aim Vat lowest rates of interest lice 13 Owen St Masonic Temple Building Barrie Branch office Elmvale Boys Mom VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSEQ Barrie Branch Well Baby Clllllt from 230 to 430 oclock every Wed nesday Application of nurses SEI GLADSTONE musk vices may be made direct or througr cunultsdhgessohtiir NV ERO dt Talephme BARRISTER8LICI1ORETC 55 Owen St Barrie Telephone 3175 iMIJIQHiSS0NS MONEY TO LpAN in Jamiesons Hall on Wednesday June at 830 p111 in aid of the Hillsdale Red Cross Four carloadshof the local YPS were guests oTWyevaleYPS last Monday night The very interest mg program consisted of lantern slides shown by Rev Wm Shop 51an1 centlyfreturned fromChina JESSIER 8W 130 WNarGOWW meddwoemeatronal period Orianiilrnd Choir Director ABarrislrs Solicitors1Conveyancers 13 for 0f f0 dancmg illme CenlvaIUnlted Church Notaries Public etc VV 11mm Vas591V3l31 TEACHER 011 PIANO SINGING 11 ngn Street Barrie the close of the entertainment and MUSICAL THEORY allgrades BrancluOffice Stayner Thurs Atts No1via tlltgmltose wishing to help maintain their headband vigour lAIVlhmV Barric Visual Mr and 17 Mbkdur our tmdo11arlullcd lricurtontho packago Villrcchin ware guests of Mrs My mm MFSV failed 10 qualify by 01111le SPIVIV91gtV MochunoVll1erapy HToronto M11and Mrs Bert Thompson VV VVwriiuwfmWVV777 ME ll1E AG friends of the lol Mrs Thomas PPOINlMllNT energy and activity in many instances begin to de lt cline and their generltl vitality in on the 113110 littlehihnents and oicknesses seem harder to slmkeollthah formerly 1111tll11rcand there evidences should taken cotuno of Milburns Health and Nerve lills igunsg Jack Vvhev help luau up and invigorate the patient by their tonic action on item Toronto visited Mrs Math the system ie NEW weekend llml hlllburnCoIllniledlomnti 0m lVilCUllltll during the weekend Miss Bessie Rowul and Mrs gMacDonald left the first of the week to spend the summer at Elg nigh lndn who described liilnscllV as day it was recalled in Midland last CnunRUTORS ACCOUNTANTS at their home OsborneDempsler ol lo week The ivyelection was Voll MissBlanche Canton Toronto Vronto announced himself as by acclamation by LLCol George We crimehowever sautesouth icenSet rugess unapis Ilar erec ccoun ants ruslcesc Street jrlta 3194 and 3011 Barry of Orillia visited lYllilElnldh Mrs Ai Thompson It CORBETI 10 gt cum weecen CHIROHMCtBer Iltcsympnlhy of lhe commuity Dnnc11ssrnnnnelsr Eggigaggwh passed on Youg Perk St drews 1C urc mV to will 1e our freedom VSliVould remam Their VsupremetSacrifice rriustnot be in kawho arththnkiVngGod ledqylfor the victory they won in dying musiibUildioquetterCanadV and better world ms in this spirit of humble consecratiori to lhdthigldeiul of breakdown begin to appear lriteflcnhox05pillhs at all drug counters Mr and Mrs W111 Iiolniis lVW lib Electric lladio llyd1ound Urown Life Building SitYonge St IPslecuve parents is extended1lt1tlle relativesmand Phone 3070 15 Owen St Harrie sent their play Calm Yourself including ATCM Modern Methods Ross cowan Studio 27 Bradford 11y mus the Non eisiilgrniiz 38128651 ic mYEBRIDGEzy mun Taeheerwofihpiano Smgmg a997 Masonic Tmpl Bldg Barrie steal Them Organist Chm polars To LVOAN 11 Roy Eakley Toronto Visited over master oTStrnndrewrrresbytertanr Church Gold Medalist Toronto Con servatory abMusic and Unlversthl Vof Toronto 113 Worsley St Tel 2215 Buttery JOHNSQN Associate of Toronto Conservatory of Mttsn DUNCAN McCUAiG BA KC BARRISIERSOLICITORE TCFIJJuImeithiher Money to 103 RossBlock Barrte couldnt MacLAREN am the weekmfwith hisrparentsiri Pte DorreenrStacey Toronto 15 aparentseior at few days Dvr Carruthers Orillia spent the weekend with hiswile and MURDOCH spirit in whichyou all share this daylhqt IVVolm offTigjmy Ser vices to youVandthrouthyouto Canqdq This is the simple and only Vmctmng of my beingogcdndiddte in the approaching election Iask you not to thinkrof me inftermsol the traditional RAMS SOUCWOR ETC dam VV votestest Tots 11 15er MapletAvmue Masonic Temple Building BartlevBeijcth Monomenu ArcM 101mnsvoous it 53 sIVJ rss efmm an 3rganist St George Church BARRISTERMAND SOLICITOR ffmllyclgllnswmdt 51ti frlelnds Teacher otlfiano and Theory Bank of Toronto Bldg OweLnStr Iei 8131 313 RALBakr Tommo 115 Hayfield StBmllPlloneV2061 VMoney to Loan spam the wakend with Mr and JOH 1mm Mrs Angus Rawm 170 ml lBARRISTER somcrooar ETC dunmEhamr370Y0nt91Visit Dunlop St Rama0m ed over ttierweeken With her 11081 Wis uncle Wm Casselman la in 93Duhlopsh Phoney296l 733 unflrrnation serv1ce was th Anglican Church Sunday eyen Attendance 96 ing Bishop Beverley Toronto was DR ccFLEMNG the special speaker Ajtmmber of VETERINARIAN and SURGEON young candidates wewleconflrmed Independntminerals Candidate Dullelrinimcoe Riding politician sekingOfceond pOWerStemDutydaughler ofthe voice of God hnd Srvic before Self were the overwhelming Vi thoughts insmyVlmindin themgment of my decisionvio allow my nameon the sacred ballot soon to be placedvyourhqndvs l1 Andnow hovqu toknow something of Varid shopehumdn SOCielYIQItd of the great SOCidlploljw 1qvolificatiorys by training and experience toVVVrepresent leririsfocedbylhe common people lc1terl spent oVyearr you in the Canodian House ofVCommionsrl was bomcind in study at Edinburgh University Scotland Following251 lived OdWOFkVdbn farm to the otmbSphere of wood thisprporotion lhoyespeht twenty years in my Vocaa ILQfarrn holne taught for twopyeoEfilhe countryVschoolVV rich amoigood rural olk like yourselves always 111 cal homeVaThenlstudied0itDlh6osie University Hali 1L1 touch with theirprobll if lhavezoneVbios tit isin fax and otqulimeia University in New York City In favor or the common fOlk 0an againstcll whofwould the lolterVplcJceVVl took my Masterstegree in Sociology eXplQit them10nclenichthemselves Without decentVVrg1 andSociol Science the study ofgtheiforces thgitmould Vgard toithefneeclsrofvtheiordirtary peoplerVP By appointment and vigour as they defeated the tr ELEETEDTOPMILIAMSM innit Stovevolt virtlftlttttvttlttnv Midlandgarksldes 267 atthe 1b Midland allydiamond Practically V1 all of lastyearsttean istack but the is need more girls Thrrnobemiadvertlslng duunhtu Townsendt VvGSlncerelyyours 11llonnnr sonrn OPTOMETRST 56mm St Barrie Phonems play Sponsored by the Ladiea Aidr was held in the school Friday Hours 06 dad mm selnrb ttElmvale talent was wen DIRECTPRS actea ald mqu enjoyedv ne nonwm w1LsoNBsA n0 audience was in attendance LLGYD avsvmchEy ZSimcoeStreetK1nga lockBarll cWednesday night sawthoWyer FUNERAL DIRECTORS Telephone 2293 bridge girls1back1ln therrrsottbau kWh0 PM 2m ANDIEMKALMERS Motor ambulance to utnnopon Mhlm Vsm 011th nor AND 2o Mary St one gt63fDunlopStPl10ne 2586 1c1 ffoSTEOPATHY evemng The pay am out FUNERAL Vs AMBULANCE SERVICE noun 912 am125V pm uniforms andwtm plenty ofvim muumhed NEW limitation ONT WONE 25 Examlners Classtftedsa circulaj value in Canada than ThemBarrie limb 700 ataiientvawmd

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