unt 191 tmammIWmmommmcmam Ir=r 9m mm 75 77 7777 What Another Girl lHormony Grille Sweep Distinguished Career im Ab Owns there Tournament HOTEL McLaung as 15 MVV Worth my Nuuel in in mm mm General Motors Head pom Mr II II VI 777 777 7777 7777777 7757777 and 777 mt WNI 03 magma Mud AL AAW n1 3i Elle Jarr at 7777 7777 77777 7777777707 777777n7777g 473 71 Chilld 14 llmrw of Us lurk Rallg lb iiiu 1n lln his game Vv VVI VVVVVVVlVl VVV wed VIVVJVV SV Bi and forum Burner lull in Mining ill in the wiring11 ha ocen am1bldl UT 0C CYCle ctVntle in 11 atmml ready to lid umi in ttlv mil they tdu um 316 EL VVIIIIV III th BVum we san Sundries is V8 Kur up hulk llm ttlmll nrr lnrn 1li up Jlallll um llxtg ith Running Water lru dht Matimnl furl gtZS bf another hwkr mm AVVII gmhw Cum Ill fl v3 all com my mum 77 R7 Mtlilelsl=lls apmlrltnmm =m=muwan 7777777 77777 77777 77777 77777777 7777 Rules up ill 97 145 nukan 70 Im 111777 hung 71 7777 7l 7l7 tutors FRUM lltE bUHBAH FRONT bulllltlrln mi wt no may in mt l1 lqlV sat as Iut ltI Ant lrln in Lea mum In by Reumnt put ltlicillm us the luml tltllS lit lllt utillllzlgl gnlln tnslllvid tNlt rsl starting avg fun leHVIVIV II LIVMIQVVLV IV fISjIVVIlVV VVI and llll yon nutlcv llit tint illill third sack of tlttll learn Ht NH NJMIVV twp wt the PM ulmr whirl tls77ntlljr747ltgrrln7vv Pans fur Fmg 83 77 1gtil rliJ 72 37 lVlllltt Vtht 13 innit quuc Vilamhullhmh at tin mum All anti Mn Drnnlm rrt lIIFVIVIIJV iVIVVVIIIW Wm Jack 11W It which fllulxu in l88V VVV llet are in short supply fur the tulllmtlrln wuh ind litulllvl hall at tho tm Culntl lhc m8 Alum lullshl null Inc imund uguiltsll 7777777777 777777777 77 7777 77777777777777 lmww wmml nines min ulsuum the mm WWW CNR Station 32 $159 COM Guards Pr $130 Mllnllcu llmul the Same build in thi uNit iiist litcltulll hulll tiny sinkr for 111d mm ml HIM IR II IVINIIIVIIII IVIIVVVm V1 mintlat Mutt CLjti VtonleulVlIv CM Pedals pr III VV HI mm nary naun 111 mm we mu Wu Tm mom bmlc H71 daugmrn MW hm 51 17Ei177d 3918 314 CCM Cl MWMHIB WT 13 Mmy Hm 5m37 7777 777777777777777M 1W l7 117 7R 77 71 77mm VH7 lull L7 77 77 77 $17077 7C7M7 Rum Wharf 7957 llwk de Bud Erbium Mm shuttld kuuw Ill11m iv MIl Hf CH1 we ftlnl tum till tmll lll tlu llll tllll ltd umplw llulw ttl Llll l7nl 77777777 77777 7777777777 7177V7Wl 70717 7777177 777 1777 Mirrors 47 CC 074 F1 WW iii no nutennui trrnm lltl 7tt9ltllt1 Im luv ii 77777 777777 Dunng Next Moms Jill7llm7it717n Zllolfluxlalihtyd orig 77 0m 77 $3725 litrt lhunpslln tltilt7l77ltt hallin tu 7lli7c lli tc77I77l77 77 17 77al succesh opening 3otes Pfime MiniStef 777 737777 mm 77 7m ma 8777777777777 LOCKS 77 77 775v K7077 up Stands 50 mm 11 L74 Km Humny 1727137771 777777 McLaughlin lwmme plESldrltl wtl Hamill Bar 105 956 RPM RleCwlS 15 VVVV VV UVVIVV VNV tVUV its iVl int 43 VlVI as ea ure VIVVVVVVVVVVVIV MVVVVVVVVV VVVI IVVVVVVVVVVV IVVVVVVVVV 777 77777M77777 777 77 777 77777 777 77 7777777 7777 777 7777 on 77777777777 M777 7777 777777777777777 7777 P777 777777 7777777777777 777 77777777 E77777 777777 llIVl VNR HVleVI 1H stlllxt lll llrttthlu lllnl sound Nit llLtVtV range lZlr lltttt Htllt iv 1w ptemlt int liltlll inn up lulrlur lrv llttllllkli front lltlltltlt Juntnl mi 21 um Wzllnlnl Ittkel mummy 3115 It 07 ll lfillim 10 vkul illl illimt Ami 777777t7777 77 7777 77777717 777777 7777777777 Willi ll lhlill77ll Hflk M79 l177u77m7z7 76 warhl 73727 7777 DAY $77M 17777 P777 WEEK $3750 tso huw StlllV Atltlvlmlll on ztlltl7 who7 gm 777777 Wth ii 71 77 57 77 ll 11 7117 it lint lull firm on May 24 plu 11 lilillliitiiml inn lllt anilmiuztvei Mn Remus for Wmd dswulmwd 75 50 till it ilk lulu its 11 softhllll thus hut lint nml to the fllnl llll ttliwd tlltllltlttl ll qumiv WWW 1gt WWW WNW IIHIIIIIV III IVIIVI hm IVV LhVIIII VII IVIIVVVVVVV IVV VIM VVlIIVVVIk IVVVI FVVV 1V lulull 11100 tllrllutlt ful nnth the 1V ktld rilltt lSlli lie Jinned llll Mc IV VVV II VV gt Vlltlia It We llt IVHIIIIIII mm MW rllllt illlil tttllVlm tun Vlnnwll lndustelt Limited St ulltlltltl ARV Ullllltldtl h1 hm ll halting llit to date film local unnu ot thy cntlc Slum II VIM IIII7IM1 WWIIDu Lima trout lllrlw Mnuxhr Marital10 itn luvs and was elected ViceI DIAL 587 A7l7lkl9 hmmm Wk 57 my 777 maul hmmn lHgW Wi Wl ult in lllt ltrrnwll Km 777i 74 77717 1936 77m7 7077 WW mm um llllll although ill trousers 89 In luck gilltrrs gives the funsgzllnu CNR tltlllln lnlliul 1117 7i Ml lidr7 HfWW lullMth H7j57d7 71 Comp 311mm 77 Aw arun around the liliilt lots to hear With his mlurful tlllllltfl lhcv SitV till fllnllstugt 11M uut lIxlt llll 777 77777777 777 777 77777 77777 7777 two lltl guwmmem lulllluncl 71 1942 WWm 77 777 ti n7 7777U1m7 NW H7 we lV7177i77757d7 Gemml lllh lllllt in lltlh isn llllll eunhnl l5 uultnl lot it ltllllxvlJlll tlu humour llltlllllltllH llul gt Wm NHH lln ll ltatlluff IV lur lllt nntnll tnnt till the holiday 11 0t Jozlcrnl Motors of Canada vlhll lint lllllll lltll nut llltlt should be solnt rout annex lllUlt ttll mutant Allyn in lllt tlltlt tllllltllldl the tunnel II luulltl llvtontly he hr lillrlld illulll AM llllulilV lrflltVlullL Sh planning VIMnu liasollalll flip lured nauthim Ur lhu Mum wlhnm Rum Mm IN All Vul1llttr lhmll thall all Illl taut12d and lllllur tr prudml Vlouthc hotlml ll the hurdhzlll ninety in this district but Corps was lllt nlrlln unit ln lllt lltllA Hm mm In NI WW llUllllLtl tiring 52th lion in run tlllildlim GRIN Silttt the lllSl of lllt war ltptlll um that tho llon luh is mild ntttltk wll tivr mtt llllS nl in Muml will 43 ulch 17 bnllZW 11 5310 RCA Plums llllllllll tht llltJVt lhl pllln ISV purchusv suitable property Vllllll they l7l tunes to hot Klll llllll7tlllt7I7Il 0711I77Id My IVIIYII men $201 wim of tho lflliitlllllii VI Ill1W ls lt Vln Villilttl klltll tllVlVlt4 IliIn llllVlV5VllliVli VchiV hills VlVllquVlthhlt llllHltanVlllVllll lnn hut MIN My MWHHIV MIIIIIV 100000 VulnV tn VtthV lVthtll ml VVVVsVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVthV VVVJVVVVVVVVIVVVVvV VVlVVV root ldllltlllt tn UlllK not on lllvth to law Vl tlVlLll ll ltl Ullplt ut innings lionth to VIVY VIVIHIIVIIIHV UV SNWIH and lllitltlVlid the to tlquknlIv up tlw WV VV Vl ltllltltll llitxtllllll lltld hut lloollllgzllts as wcll in Burl to With the gtl contrtll of tho Guiltrs Gilly MI VIIImIVIII Ctlllmlm lultt inllllllw Apncmnu77ll Park mu 777m Hilda7 lseil7 no mppurmw mm ms mum Mal 71 WM MTWW Vil mmmm mun Bmmx ml 7l7l7t7l7uo77717l7 777777377 777777777777777 87777 i777 year buys the Owen Sound SunVttnlmsz lVth heft gutthju game with 51x enrol5 minimV in nu gym In IIVIIII imIHI PIVHVVIIS wim ni Itlllillllhllulltlll tlltl llitlllllll VI ever WillltSSl wus one ill which Ken thiltnylv tiiltTWTctlJR77llFillll7lit illg The official statistics llltlltult My sunk SDI rlmeimd 54 Staff in znllltln 19777777777777 7017077 7777777 77777 PRESENTlNG MEMBERS FROM tho Sounders hooked up in lltnlurs lJillllt llnrthus tops for uilli lllut there was only Ullt tnlllttl run VVVlIVVV 33 NV MHZ inguiml Hr ij l1VV 115 Wit fillmnnlel THEIROLLER REVUE OF 1945 muncmt hy n1 l91 fiillll Mr hunt 51nd lllCSSllllllltS tn of the it mum tunk in mum it wide use of air transport were lw Silillt lllt tnnlplllgtn lttllll for in illvmtlguud and that it rus lllont If we rmnonlllor rightly lllt score was l4 77th Illt not rvcn Ulll WlHlO UN Nle tttlllll lllllt llllWUUH Smith lull nine with huntst to untitlnlss hits and 37113 Inn illllllnlv Jle Cur TORONTO ROLLER SKATING 11m Sillt who won ll llll lwliovv ltllll tlitl it didnt nillttlr nnywuy The II II otlttunw MlHtl llhll so important lib the llllthllttltd liltnslllt or oil Jllclt llnnbull and Wm ltlly Imd 7V 1J1le 1m prim witnessing sottllull grunt where hit was novglty snlunth lust licld Turnhull lnld thi ttxlmt Well 11 Win my fttllIHl utter the pluy my 77Xqm77 1117IXiuhlh7757 7777777777 77777 77777777 7x7 unwed 777n7d7 Holler l0 in lht rule and lmVorrur something to cause amazement Softball is Vder control early blanking the Nll HHV Two mph mmlwwd 510 Xllzl mlmth llcV humc by July 31 Th llttspiitl lot of fun to play but we often wouderui what the spectators see inVil in the first tour frames llev in II IIIHHIWV Doll11w licudqunrton stlltc thins lAthyVNelson lnd Letitia wotw Floor Show whenmisplays and rims are both dimc dozen 8101111ch are some to him for trio in the fifth but delicious dumm was served to mm liHWW 7ll 57 himgm hack who like thoir bzlllthltlt way We will admit that the fact thlll the 111 he got through two llltllt itlllllt5 hum 30 multh and gmng by 1$1llill1V Hdtl llltll lllhlil iSliilluS nd ml 7111 mm7 Skahng to pm tilnate winntr is lltVll tcrtllin until the lilSl out of lll tailllll lmS iltltl Vim Olll llill51 Th ll tl al llltgt Mrs lrllz llii7 mml Human 71d7 777 hftmmn mgr Shlps 77 91 certnil ntttatlloll which the more rcdlctahlehastbull lttllr7tltll5lttlt blew oil in thv 8th llmtovol 77 7v VIKP me first Great War lllltl bruit FM 1701 HS hurlMFO ADMRSION Adm adc mm 7d 77 77 7777777 777 7777 7777777 77777777 5pm 777 hittlfp llll wort itll be I7l ll WOW lly canto toItlcVVmunnt It 11 Hem WINS WI during nu duyV V5 HlVlltLVlV lt repatriation pro lcnl aim in one stage Were behind by but This 351 the awning an 9d 10 lWHlSmllnM plltllllllrlutlvs lilllS for the movement 1t lggest the Season at kept Plugging Wily imd llilll Merrick nicn lllltl Mrs Currie WUEINHVI llll IOllfllliillillll mt lCllnlldn of about 30000 dependents the basis of long Imd ltld SOIVKtK of Canadian service men overhear Mr Kings announcement indi wwn rated it was planned in bring lltllllt Theres no better EldVerllSlnli during lllt next six nluuthsulmlltlvllluc till Cllnzldzi thzlilTho Barrie led by 98 into the lust of the 0th ludiosI Gllllels Elm UN 055 10 111 Ilnrlic Golf Club has nch of the count lllldItllc learns finisth up in mullst Humberships recurd 10 the darkness of the Shit all square mm this 3035 HEAVY DUTY Al Bowens running ltllll was mwm 365000 of the 400000 Clnuldilln sor lIxnminers Classifieds4 circulal gt 17 fkhgggerluf iffinufll317177 Emms Electric Entry lwu 77771777777 77 HH mi 17777000 com 0rd NEW DUNLOP TIRES twl will Club For lleV lCVd anL Vulnmthy plVlV1lVl Ves VV wa most awless bull lhe llnlioud cenfpensnncoe League MVV ALL SIZES New or Used Tires and Tubes TRY OUR 24Hour Service VULCANIZING AND RETREADING 7Work done by experts with latest equipment TRUCKBRSMWTW infield veterans of fast prewar hull Were jittery H7 mm dmlmml Jhc lull schedule for the Contrc IElllldlllke hot pommos and hemmg Sillunt Sulthull llezlgtlc will he ult Vegige Mum WIVS Harmony be llnuncotl ill The lixmniner next with the Willow7 havillr l7 llllllo evkv Uldlllg llSgcmlsly Wes Allmpp The delay has een oc rixsle and wan an mu cusillnoll hy the entry of fifth tmnn illfllc loop Elnnls Electric Snazzmgfsrigi JVEi2IIIV1IIIVdILI in the mcuntinlc the following alullc llo listed for the comin couple of new faces lit the nltleltl IVIIVIIIkI Rlwd mini gillSOILlceifvt $311318 gjVIIIIV5EI$ya3 VI ROVNCEVI OF ONTARIO Fr Ir lt while Marry Ilincsa former lriclll TUCSVV mm gummy 841de tlzt lbI lzle wzylnlllo n37 7s7l7arl7uel77a7l lilst and InfyfxnguV 4th For fast mad Serwce can Day NightI fielded without errorV Late in the game the veteran Charlie Min 100k in theVlmVue 5V0 fm Vlhfdlmm on weather ills ltiiey cur hi ac 77 VV V01 for mes 77 777$ til 50 that only three games have Our truck has its own air compressor FREE CHECK CNR AB been played Angus played and gm on the mad an time if we can be ice litmnsmallb II Vwoll home and home encounters IV fl 3b VV Wm BIWLWOOdV Harmony and Mednick VV CNR lllllisleilill 11113 Vgllsf mneVVut gt Kasme II Queens zlr ast rl ay um 1e 1V Mlarghall 11 10 tinnl resultwas 90 after nine ill VV III 5IIV iGuilfoyle ll lungs That game will be replayed VV BRymd The Angus at CVNR schmmledmm and Iggvljigggnlfrf oflltesdzly7May 29 at Shear PalVk VI 7V Allalldale was well washed out 3y Ma leeAve Barrie 777Phone 439 T4ng 1r the downpour It will be lscllecluh FIRE SH0F7WITHTHE NEON Cl 007K HARMONY 313 =H0 MImchamsonsII5 31 SVEL Alf muse afia I13 Clm IA gt VV MURRAY THOMPSON Proprietor Hines 3b ON COPS SPOT we amp Miles 21 I2 Borden has been appolnted um MEMBER BARBIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Dyte piiieincllief of the league Him5 1b VOTEIV AND VOTE AS YOU WIqH Mms lb V2 VV VV IV Norris lf 15 ll 170 Muc Beer Put nI VV VI BllVIrBVE VSUREVTO VOTVE iglooen rf Gaol itY VV Wilson of I5 Turnl hwyMum nTlleamemonomembe as IV II VVV V8 VVO 6V V0 men VppL F5 Navy Army and A1 Force and V7 II IIMV VI 17 77 if 77 heme Magi III JerfSVye VI 0t capersons who Mmygeglcngmemunderthg ons VV V7 VV VVI 1V VI VV ayaItemtmnoirll cheoflheft 01 aclesbf igffromth8 ICWACmmrteraTh twotormel fr4 Dmitri ilctive Skl voting Regulati 19457is dirttedtothe iitpttnwingzpfmsigigngg V1 d7 CN 395171 l15077me77Chl7geLw 7777777 77 1e Mammal Gauthlel willme Stmy 35 mm Wva 17 7377 iiiiiiiii VMIednlekI Miles VM VHlnes VS ConstableVpolanaV the cause othhe 77 AlveSEWIC Voters Itll homes dimesuNoms Dyle 2base 51 escapade was loomuchbm at 97 EigigeggtmfgIlle Mf7Hinhestl7 canteen N0serlotis7 damagexvas7 777 7777777 i7 777 Elsiillillgiriliecrii llsllllSaalfy mittSewVotersvwwelnlhelrPlaceofordmlrl 0y13V1inl ft cover II gases GlNVRVVhQ giaggny k8 lelllfiwrlbe on vqtc In the manner Prescribed theElemon AC 77 77 ases aIu ier lc If th 7777777777777777 777 77 llflnmilIfgnqsMfgsillsv 770 allgeonnxonthiogommeilti pr civilian vote Wm Muth name vagwuh Seli 27irrl7 iiiclmii on theseondv was EW JHM on takin adedaradoh ram JbfOjhede returnttl 255w 777gul70y17e 97771787 thggunlfa b27777 negnHvzgknzgg 573879777777V777 78 777777 Y7 777777777777 77 7777 77777 7707777 777 we 7777 W77 77 77 77 777 77 ublela Norl Dt these men allowed to drmk all the Suchlvot ma 54 VS eel they catho hey are is VVVYVV0e VrVVeVgtVllaVr polling placeror the young EAPTURE 37 uneEJmWjlrisdimm subdwmoalnmlch theY Sid giggfkwggg gt7 VVVVV VI IV l7 gt we have this ridiculous evidence Active5ervice Voters on leave orlFurlouglt vr if of drinking Nobody seemsto care II WV 777 and the public goes on as though W77 W473 VVVv 1VV II in the opemng games of the nqlhlnhathaEPed FWQSGIVICCV Ymets who abSethIfVV their unitsbut noun VV 3t$olri3elillglliui QUANTITY wanUMMW the Place 04 ordmulrssmenoe have mloughllnmmi Wod by scores of1615 and 171 News dealrs in Barrie sellon ml voters on farm leavoorlntllislriul Ieave7ma p011 rhlrwoter 77 liIf VV Angus on May 22 the home1 an average V1507 copies of The BarV IV VV rmlbminesnosm mum for 78331374137 intobme 7717 Tie Examine eve7ry777week 17 77 W7th7any 77597 0777777777 appointed to take the7mtes70f 77am re 77 777 77 77 =3 gem yam Pmmd pilherPawggdlgiltnlhg subscript this gives mam Sam WW 7Pi7877h mmissmedmm am VV VV garT5 mew 57353 ifffleia2Z1Zgi tilcntarprtoohhat they areaonleavem furlough ndpmilded that growthofowfeidemohlife amia goliilwmmg i739 Emmi 7SS 57 Pay theyzhavehot alrady votedinihelectibd 73 77 77 Qciohyhasfbea made Possible only Tmtt77hoinered 30r B7nentwobd fame Stirllftlyglln7advncea 07777777777 7t 77 77 77 through Idle Qd7wldencei EmilyReid providedjtheflieldin r785 ef ows 7777177 777 777 7777 77 if its POHICYOWBOISG featlureIs fol fhgslgUS Mumberson Chegsmanlb Coulsgn Bush 313 IVV SuCh VOters to the nearest Naval Military 01 7V ed forlhe797el5Wl1ll Troll ie Snider 55 ROS Cf 18913115 Am Txaaigvfgrlgmgfag VVV ceiniAlnguPaVlVVkVeVrrand CQHlSlOlf were lim 1f F0 hadqnamfs 917 9f 35 7toI the qcauon 70f theg7 II Vs ey IV 13Confederation Liyle There can he mi In thlsscond game on May 24 VVVV Comgssmned 059 Mg Present 7747 mater tribute V10 iutseice pitchei VftyFinnemQre fo AngVuVs IV 77 inclination 77 7771307717 finnnefrtheim 3317i 77 77 77777 77 77777 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 777 777 77 BEFORE YOUINSURE CONSULT4 rgigtlgflglftiiilgnifrelitsiii Cali 471 75 77 77 77 twirmcm 77 we aming mm 97 on emitow 0r as 37 gI Iv Harold Hill illssmitimtnimj 7Cavana 8a Watson Blochltlt Mmnliu 0f