mammal mm ONTARIOCANADA lmsDAY MAY 31 1945 msnlur PAGE wwez amonomouam 03W 7th 565 8ill=ihi MOB st 23231 Hoiml VV Emmowonowoaomouo=al on It in IV VI VVI NEW ELMVALE 5mm NEWS OF STAYNER Vll luessiay elellllrb Wm ouowuaomoucw lPViVxlallsllnl wnjllllm li ll ammo II lttlpsoll Ir Aluil at rumoi Paulall lamm motility lfulll itou ts tlc sldfulsman ls visit l1r moved sull lheir ntw hunk 9d Eulwilurk 22ft llv MClltnv Willi itll nd SlntiJSOll must tcrll in Lil513 to lu Maul St East Mrs Elijah Kay day VV IV VilVIIrVI JVIVIVVIVIIEVI 2nd Luna ecmreV ViIIVUVVIUd IVIQV Rpm med nVVVVI and Myrue VI Sunmdah VIVIVVI WV VIM MVI VI VV carom slider ginning 11 vii May lllmt newly built home VIIVIIIVV 113 319 IV VBCIL smVOf 51V ranngd V9 II me WAVW NC 5pm May IV VVVVVVIIKIUIVVIIVVVVS IVV Mr and MI lVI Flt5 II VVVWV VulVmfV gfMVfV ltrVlVr trunks whiff no il IVhlrsV Selle Andie Caniners ltle Beltm3 Vi wine in Er 013 erVVpMd mgr Van Hmle rumro as VVVWVV In were marnw IVIVV lhldl71 llmwe Lhnmn llm Plukettll Ave Baptist hurhi buthnlnx 51 ltlllllltl Malttlnvgmg till 11 gtpltc tit Iva1 that litll lam Sound isljll by ltcv 7R lcll77f 545 l1tlttltll thricd lllEsHe ilsktd tht tilt ptmllir to ll Sitiln 77 77 313 pk VVXV VVVVVVV IbVIIIIV my man pVVVHV VV IVV SmeVVVV Rial it titllll The lllellllg WLm illldtl lzut t1r in IIl gay UVlVid Murlllll helliVcd lluabfllil IVV lE Mb VlIV 1l 31 tlithlVinu Arohn gang 1cm ll nc Vlll7lv WA 11u ti ix 1y 1le urlaiir=VIVtl13V7 II gt harmony 31 ZelCznn yetton hill31 St lii Admr in en unaltl vi iVIIIVV IrVVV VV VVV IVVVVVVVVVVtV VVVVVV VVVlVVVt V1 EVVVrrV unli 4VIVVVUVIVK AVVVVV lV VV JV lllrlllmll lalrnlttm VII MIIIIdUV M3 21V IIIIIIIIIIIIII rim Ba 77 77 livwk ldl lPrfsbytc7l7n rrn 77ltlt7 75 lldrh5 rm lam made in Slzlyner cellulcrv mil if Tag Ellitil new the th xiv73777ii in Wednrduy um igniting VVVVVVVAV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVbVVMVHe VVVVVVVVed by VIVVV AVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV Vllxtx VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV dsthVl VI dlmed III burm WWI MotherI VIII VI it 2llul Migrant nl llle Th1 Late Rom irrrnllu Lwhqowll Tm 24 017 33 W33 gllnm 7777 li77 n777i7 ll1l vnlIllltl lllllllnlm Mrs Ruhr invilla in mi mi Bllnltrllmn and Dry tidy its unwi could hope it is null tun 2r and glwuy lllll morning Mm 2I illll tllrg Mu 531ch Gil end mlwt pvupc Vapctll in huh with Ml 177 11le v111ng her home in Emlyn an mi mks 77 any cntdoors straightening up llli my 15777lai1h liv Lulalllllzili lelngill b7lllC07DtCtIllljtl thant An MuirmyI any lililliltll mowing lawns etc Flags oul It iI 7Sl11ltia and ulhrlduc lu llcitli Wildlith Allll lct 7tl with lls parents M71 IM VED way SIM She was duuglzu Ut nil inti and lll Murphy 15W mm 595 blllllmESl in llVVV iii ttlltultl Archer ElrlquleLMr and Mrs llhn lleminlt llld Mr Leonard lltd Ntlrim ltlo Sympathy of the communityl VI VVVVVVVV MT 77 77 till imi Mr Ray Whethultrl was born Aug 28 1872 tlt 1lt 34 igtll05 With Mr and tXltiltlxd to Mr and Mrs Julml wl cl lllA attuned the ses ICun t3 Fins in tall hi tlttll illi lilnwl 1lI Czotlnordl llldrr whose eldest suit WillleVlan dIVIVdVVlHIVt VM 3V If mm mm Grandtnvbe uremia and HI Fungi upwind Jud Cliffnd Mimi lzi passed away in the Lt qwng tu Hill llilttllllul inst week lon Plug whore hllt ltlltkl llll 31nllcznnln attended graduation all Hospital VVBrlrrVch onf lhllrsdny lurid J1 llll Pthl an Mrs null 1934 when lthe tlmhtt tn lilzu St Mary llllgtllllltl Kiltinner lthy cl 2i cw ours trr an acci rhildll 777777777 1777 71 Garcia Wild She was mrmlwr nt lllv Ml Allan tlttllvy llelruit is dint ill llglckworthssawmill ul All llll riwIVIVI1IVI Mn 31le 3130Vlrehbterldfll tinnih de 111 Vlrllw win hm lnl Done whulltllV VV mm V11VUHV de mfgmum er llt zttllc uu tntl ulv llant lllS lthllllt lele and rs reel rs VV VV IIVIVVVVVVVVVVLVVVV VVVVVVVVI VVI WES Mr 5m mm RIpeVthr anmw am 19le VBIImIVl Commanding ulcer Stallon Clmp llmtlen lied 11 li ltlchonk SundayI Vblle leaves to llllllllll rm sun All similng mint tune With heriltcttdtd lllelntlrllll ssrlece fort exam7m vl iv WIWWK Vm MW NHZ Mt hurrah Mr and Mrs Rtler Shorlllgllcl Emwnv evangelist gold t777tl77 7hlt7 7th llullluhln wugner Mldhml Id M1 71 Hllkd mn7p Dad leed Chm ll 33 it 14 51M Vih iI lltltn Drysdillt Hlmuh and law tunoml ul 71 manthmther biz35011 Sunday llld vrlted also With III turn nl Min lllcltna llll mm VI bmiheh Andre and NV Ur VIKIIVIIHV VVVKHVMHIIPV In bump me Ms515 0mm Hemhy and Irn IVI ti lw Iltlllitv Mm lultl Wadt It hrth Vlhim llVllleV ltl VV IVVV VV Home mink Hex lithium pullllllnd My 91 BlistowI IVHthih lln ttl tlt 11Vl VVV VVV VVVVlV VVVlV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVlVVV Mr VJVuly IV 1933 Hm Kw gm been SJ one hundred and twenty thnus IV illl Irvin vyI7IIIIIII If glollert Ilmnnts who lltll tll an rimgrill my mail Quid tengmid dilly tiagSI filled Mm useful dinniunll earlVii tn ill IiV lVVl919 llltlimlll tn ilslnm lll Vllk illfllllb wtll be needed this hull dormant Dunk 7777777 73 llnllflv ltIHliln illldmfgfungalirvuluilf nhi SUVKVlblHyV VVV lltfIllan toVr our 5311th iltld Alllpd urn nnztvwl to nlcrclun 50111118 eusl retlllnl LV lVttiV illLVVVVVlnn xVVcVVthVVVVlVllV an VWHV wag uVmIndm mm IIILIV VVVVV SVVVVVIVVVV MVVVVV NV IVV MVVVlVVdVbVVV this when estimating your VVOVVJ Vllgtlf Am VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV nu VtV VVnVVVVVVVV dtVVVVhV and friend WIN Wham TIVSKIIII GmmV IV daugmggunul me and nancial budwi lung in 77131717777 F71 2717 2m Cd by Rev Thumth ll MIIII in ghls summer and fair rally VVijnfjmlxi5 Inteljnletlt was nlqut ill Ellulxllc ttl0s1lltl ltllrkhuldcr lS spend Rev lLCllrrle conducted setl w0441a14410144111111uI nunuuuuutuonuuucoum cemetery Pilllblulll UWI Mil llil filltidy llltlliilgh Willi his mg in Inaij presmhwmn VV3f p1llltlt Miwlrme Gamma To imlncn lusi Sunday Next Sunl rothtl tlilltl guest 91 mp congregmton will worship stun and Archie Csmith Allltltlt the beautiful tlurnl trlhutcs worth Eilmmu Tusc lltlllblltlOlt llllSLllll the Baptist Congregation lni BY MEMBERS OF THE chr FAllliliiitS WANTED pr llilFttl illzhl Siders farm on M3 morning and in the evening impWW PlfVhblltIlVlilllV IVVdlfS lVllt nd little Nottllwnsagtl and tho Baptist congregation will warll lAIld rind Wonlean Mhhltlldlt bu mm mm Mm HendrylsV SHIV In the preqbyfermn Churvh lety and tho neighbors The min mmds of WV JV AV Vin VRelatlves and llcnds from lsnac will be glad to learnthnl lle Baim Wesimimter MixMn leftVlanVre llVlIlelVltllllgV worel is gulll muklnl satisfactory pro Hospim LImenV duh Tuesday Clit777llll777t1Ai777137777777 77 Mir Fitmd Mm 22 1945 Neil Bell leg No 970 37nd 7Ji7n7 SiiriiiwIilzyinifmx mam IKQETSIILMI i043 Call Forestry Ball CEFln Mrs Carson Rollitnunlhnti ru Mn 77 777 Ilband me la ManyMCC019l 0543 Ill llMil MUL TIME AS it it rs it Tl Ir 7ln 3777 J7 777 Islmc 1mm and dear father of Sgt John lA ill 77d ll7 ml M7 77t7 79l 777777 777 70111 WOUd hospm Bell loverwls llld MN llar lllLll lilil Hllltllll Hill Ytllli lFF SHARON IR Ti an T5 11 Wm Mr and Mrs vill Beinllart Md mm cahcrneh Belmom Bay and Hewitt Crlligllurst Vt Muss interment was made in the intended tor inst Vttkl Mr and Mrs Jlls Lennnx lllnru tomwere guests at lrlt7 over the Weekend Xlteratls Plot St Johns Norway rmetery on Saturday morning of Rev LA Rogs WORK Inducth Bl Ras Mrs Ross attended 7lll 7mm Apply Direct to bi tlle7 special speaker at the elf7 77 MR allfltMflllllN Superintendent wllsfhenlst llli gfItf Wion Service 315 DALSTON 77 9108 for lie veckeilll77 By RG37 Egghogloggslg g1g Emung my It in in LIETESQSMlglliIIInylnEm It is cstnnatcd that less than Stewart Moderator of lltLl Peogle gillSeddlhgiiltplf lCfllnllvllllllllllV1730 It noun ma we or me seeding Wm Assemmy or me Presbv wile up me school or pltltd throughout the township trlan Church in Canada Rev MrV and Mm Fred Parulidge Miss Anne Burke packed ml MINI with hIIuIImV house at Kettleby Assisting the Rotcut visitors with Mr and Mrs lastwek VYoulg People in the evenings eu lnrllts Vlk7 SgtMajor and 1V Belaltd Congratulations Grcig COHingwond Modemmr were recentVlSltors in Toronto ONTARIO 7lllrs GVll Usllor Miss Vermin and Ray Usher VlSllttl Robert llsh Inmsllls rttmd the PHSllllh 331ijiglymegllbeli LAC NormaniIlmmnSOH Grand Baldwin Street Allcmdalg Phone 2458 III II III IIVIII II II at at NlllSkOde lltlnptVtill vluttn 01 MM 00 59 33 IVSOHV BameV and ReVV RV AV Bend spent lhe holiday ill JlilneVs mix5L on SimduvI men who made such outstanding IHIS ll lllllllelfl AllHORIlED BY NAI IONAI mieI Dumme mnk the ltcutds but 1150 till purchasers rV and VSV VI sap are VVV It lm the eriod will SlleCVlllltl 170 erceni of their I75UVlce SIEI7I7l I7 777 L7 777 77 QBFICL BU DING7 in Europe passelngers ol7l Cllltlllclllln Oblocllw Whg mm Shquld Im 73nd 83 In Eng ld Rimllfgmdgll $271137 831qu not pass unmentlonrd We finish Relatives and friends in otta 39 VNatlonlll dlanng dlS lite two and ed in SWIM place amongau the Isaga and Stayner will be glad Peacock and Mrs ClarenceRzmk dyutlaxter millionloaves of broad municipalities of the district to learn that Pie Joseph Russel IMlssesIMabgl and Stella Part and 735000 Rounds Iftitular Salesman Sumule was top Wilcox and Fl Richard Harold N126 Dtllellle and MrS Bum of the tsllln and second placeKerr have been liberated from Parlndgal Catharlnes VlSlled among tho district salesmen lie German prison camps and are now at ISllillff 13 Drurys Over the was followud by Hughes whd safe in England The former ix holiday WEEREHd ltnd more sales and sold more of Boy of Mrs Annie Wilcox 69 Wells The annualSunday School mn the builds but his objective being ill Toronto and the latellarry vention for Oro will be held at higher his average was three Vilcox and the latter isthe youn Cown Hill United Church on palms below that of Charlies An st son of the late Mr and Mrs nghursday May 31 The sessions itcltnillment were Marion MarV Mrs ltzltlrdy and son Ruy jorie and Margaret Cough ill ill7 llltlllll ttllwll Misxos Doris Mi strumentllls Dorothea Culdwoll chitill and urll Phillips Toronto was the evenings pianist and illSiU LAC Ilerl Forms Mount Hope gllve an instrumental and Mrs Our lotdim lfntlmsSt Johns luck 11nd Shirley Rix were solo Nll7klllllllillll uldlliss Eveline ists Filli illlL fohillloIrIJIljtruil 9trlltrttltlavw4mW ROWE AND CONSCRIPVTION BERT SillTHWOIlD Electrical Cpntractor Ellen Ph333l otlnlr Innisfil salesman who was Kerr and hils wife living at will be held at 280 and 715 pm rsglht near the top was TVJDawlg5 Perth AVE T07r0nto Rcv Mr Gallagher of Tomano wilt vWwm sun 11V new manbin the field lllVd 4IIIIIIIIIIII II IM lg 500 17755 TO mid 100l1l7ut Selling bonds 931293 fTIyImFrl 793 Enidligggfmgeilxeazsbfliigl iTlltV ltration in mmscrlptlng or drattlng yourisons toilghtrtheVJapanese ls we Ivesmm Vuro ml me mmIey issue ill this lttlltlll lllliulgll because it has been introducedizas such by Mr John truly be usedVVm the best acVinamge to folGe Calmd to complete7 he victory 3sales Emdwn 7777777 H7777 my 177777077 W779 ex7ehmjpart7ys Sign attacks the Lib h0 did Slighplindld l0 my boys to lg aps be bongmmmedi and 75 ellll Governments policy which illto send only those Who illVI Includesl SlewVaVrit and Suther go as VOLUNTEERS into the1PacVifictIheatre of war Igh gec3 lg ethaenddtglggjg lV Vt At the same tlme Mr Bracken ProgressleeCon 17237107 agaien qgfjpif nervalive Official organizer ViuMdntreal Mr Paul La snmewhat belated romaine announcedthattheEBrogrerslveonsertntlve 0M F089H0Wh ld rt ndents who were in 7vme as you VSh him be we 31W W011 supp CVB to vote VEvery citizen shouldtake geneml agreement mphressentlais 93 the par pm EASVVpaglVOanIClVIOVOSangi aIVIggveglnmliV grum Mr Latontaine also statedrthat in five consiit 111 We ewer tl should he get out himself but VVugnglcstnoI VPrqgrcgslveConseryatlvesw0uld not oppcse 102111 in his power toVgtVat his VfarnV certain candidate31ftlnd conttrill Forseveral weeks Evgoniiggglsogufrggs VV we aV aceiveddlegattohs fromalllcountiesand have It neednoi obligate the neighbor discovered that popularVVIpquVleVlonerisqur the election Vof ergoteinVIgCthefggs VV Gamillien Houde mammal St Mary tirely Irge to vote as iljey wtsll VI 7V If Hon PJA oardm Indirmllli SiVelma nguon Thanhactor Purchase IManyrratepayers of theltownsh Lacontbe InclLavalTnMeugltinS SilSseville Roy were SllIprlSEdtDlead adve Incl GaspelhlandEredllgROEthrldl ChalleVOIX sement in the recent per for SaguenaY Th7 beglSSl eeOPWSCFVtive Party Wlll tenders for the supplyili ofga tra fir 7i 7l l7 7d lll V777 770777777tl71 01 ofthe caterplllar ty forsno Vespec pom VVop Va VVVnVo opp SCVVVWEVVV97VVW VVVQWVHVVVVVVV the VOWHSVVVPVVVMOSVV gentlemen them had through thelgrapevine VV VVV VV VV VV method heardIIhat ms eqmpmgm an nightfall Eliiilliiltiliiigi film0 lgllhzzelmsome VV VV VVVVVViV VV VVVV VVV VV VViViVVVii VV VVV VV mSV the teVndeVVs are VV be VV VV VV VV VV NOW Who TU thelt0 gmlnleniEC9rva Wng not ODDESe in Que llignfslillglwlgg Enlargepfha beel They include lluyornoude of Montrealvlhovas intentsan fdrfdurresfrfhir vlmWWSrbrwlainedrf Vviolint and wigQLZIQVQDBQVSWionV300 gmadian war effquglianq othIthhittelI Qppdnllts iiyagislllgrgiimwymxl 77777 of Ganadaswnl otloll and of Canadas assistancem Britain MEmaekens party ls 118 901510 err7rdw 77 77 777 77 or VI WHQMWQTWRQTWQJW eggggglgmggggncggp VVVIVV HE AMENTVVAND ma tunategnlns arty LIfltlel sang different song in titre lectlon lm from the Song ditMeetinz Sniper 7777 NB hislparty is singing today Inhis election of 1940 Mr Rowesleader wasljon Marxian IVVVVIVSfVV gignrugggr II VVV VV VVV VV VV V8 ae VVVV VVVV VV VVV VI 777 almllfyollOOK 301 may piwspaper for 89W demo gvts What Campaign 3P0l1u0k supper at Stroud 3n MAD 713 FOR IIIEIPEACE you Wm fdeVVQne Mme udvtVV mm ML Rowe mature andVhestqe it thls quotatlon mVVV grde JuHe WllerthVVA Mac VV rI VVhe typeVVVVIAIIHERE WILL BE N0 VV 8ng RV JV MANIONVn And Vunrs dV 13658 gaVV Ve deitpeamwote OIIIROWQV the man you kman Thatwasthe VWVtGVeathin 19m CVVezacIVfoUngmngveVleV Eistgilugan VV wag VV it 635333 91mm ligtfillgr iAfterlS 91Ct7lm M1 ROWermke his promise andtlell9l1se9hiSleadel Wyol VVPVOVday ML RQWCYSVLeader Shouts 38V Qaascmiptmn JVaVDVsIIMr VV Vf Blactcen Sals his party WillllQt conscriptthose who have rvdm Europabut theyWILL II 90nlclmoiymu 7717 l0 fight theillls Eleotwmlluerianlmcue remember this THE HOUSE QFCOMMONS gtPREPARING FOR ouv EVoan VVVVV VV VV VVVVVVVVVNVVVVVV VV VV VVVVTVVV VVA VV VV IV VVVV VV VV 77 7f be7l7f7Biglpyllltgrlgglnigtggsdunnl US BETELECT vIf yQMee fitItneleclJm ais yourrepresentattves ill lmllatltrntvnnJunellllhiVI 777M7r7l757377a717n7d677l75le Silas begeFl ii HEMAY WORK meaggynux Willsulmmtlthe Present Government POM 997 1301118 90nSdllpting Joycerlrywlnd Roger atlnideti 3797 77 T7 VlnlffCanadlan for serviceIin the Japanese war IVVwViVll supportth of sending m7 EnergytrillCamerrat 51 9g members 0f pfesent taree bf vpmnteem Such volunteers are already forthcoming anatthls policy was agreed Storfgyto mar hutVA Han in =I II 77 77 lVVV at the notice conferencehetween Church tierid th lat V1 VV VI lVLIROQEEV ll VV VVEEVVfriEEIgViVVepg11692311 83 gt VVI IOHV VV JV VV VVI VV VVV VV VIV IVVV VV VV VVV iV It 171 Sign on only as the Federalmdepengem he but as one Who V01 Atlm77tgrhpgzs F505 La 77 gt 77 mmeredforacmve service in World war as Volunteer Vh RV on anIV glve their lives for Canaderltaln and lineman Mcgdaylsgiiigaiogriizeiglli govgmmgnt Int thlsllme when VV VVV VV VV VV VV eV rental ea VENSSV hey II vVV IV 131ailcgiilhqgimfllfnill nd Mlmtels gtI Sawmill times it lamina ushr=toftrtt 1h IV VWVI VV IIIVIVVIVIVVVVVIVV IIIIIVVVIIVV VII VIIIIIIIIglII lab in and mongrelv91 opeace MUBDOCH VV VV VVV Vthe writing is milieunonunion Mr gingham take van Th Enlhlners big 1000239sz