Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 May 1945, p. 4

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VVVV it Alwni ll mm tn it nihw lid tlilzi WVVi VI IIVV Ii=ii iiv li we on em tl lltht vIl llliulilc miniIIII lI la Hunt in ltill llliltl this urlk H43 Vellet tlni lu Ill tttlllllln llll llilrxtlir ltllltJl lJllltllt lrl irilttl at fi the floral plilllrlN ms mink tllilltlhllttlltl II tht in tltll ll llll tlt lull 131 iv Llllhl RObSLAND hm llrnlziut Iitl llunluis trllt riiro Vszmwru dFgsf2czzC2w VV bi Pams yrlvllflll wny to telltlF MOtttHli uIt t1 iv vn ti iial lt52 vim Milled tall lvlnl lilhf ii if Wt jjiVVyV IV unplug ii mull IlVlilliti Hi Ilt itll titiltl ti lnvllIl VI iI lli It 1i tl it In I4 iiiillli iw mu CsVWQUr 11111 WOHNI tll llil ilt ll cumin Nami mm yr 50 GRWENTB lid iv tiniivilliially designed Silencer ftiizilwlg rmml Itlll to hr in Barrie in Queen ltotct lt W111 and IHilH lf ll till lxol liliiiiiiitiicilt ll ti slim iiiilrrt Millii nt Itiilnu Hotel on illinc dates Lp mm mm if Bit fiat 355142927322 our RelililiNrs too ilmiIllW yi Could the trouble he VVotll snappy lis positiou Men halo nudging it Perhaps you are doing three womens work But maybe your cdgiiicssis llnc lcs to strain lllyIilolliy 77 than to cullein iiilcuiiiii ZPostuminstead iou ll love its rich llcartwzlluiing flavor 5110th tcailut llGC collceir ancllow lngoedness all itllliiliincl lostuln fien cailcin or any other drug that might affect nerves or heart or digestion Postum is made right in the clip by adding boiling water or hot milk Costsless than cent serving Try it VA Prcduct of General Food ileum 01 The Soup Sensation alV inflationi hand wing completely fished out quite earl number efIBarrichitizens Ever situate the Victorian Orderl 17 43 711 IS var lillldm tithing lllllt hurlics lt rm in Vlllv ltlll Iu tlt gth It ttltlVlll Ii Vi ll tvi li iiiilll lliV ii ltwili lit lltltill Ti li ltttt ltl1 ll tilJl lI lfi till ozl il lll 44 utllalu Mr lll ilizul Hill it hr ilirit lttilt tllll iiiliii tlieci up rt ii and il llttltll ill in ii lit llil Hiiv lui iiwl Vii it ll lllilie liirslni The iiiitiiilicg Ser liuilll lltiltllil wt iltllii lttll llltl lliilli ltltl ij iti IitillItti lt iiiI tliils Ii i1if iii ti llltlvi it rivatly llltvtil llll the ri it il triltid 71il tiiIn thi ltll lit Illitl llcd li 1i itriliill illeirwl rth re 1W Eltr up hwgqn all lltitlullil lt livr ii iii THE BARRlE rxA liven mm oursfuo CANADA Marys Soliolity Addy iiliil llvltltl Alr xiv3 it iiitio New til ll Cit it till livi tli ll ii til it Hm nimble lwlliil elitl lll hull ltNtVii iii tt iu lllrll ground ill lb lillli initially ii ii tlli liiil viill ltl til tlii iw trilt iii the lnril liiiiiiliwil lnll it till nnm nrrrtini held in Hill Viuwtuy iuiitl llttli ill iisntrlt wt tiic wliik tli ll IliittlV Til Ll titliii tillltllh wrii Inuit link llliu iii the ll iyil Vii pipliml lottou ll it thin lli 1x ll tl llit lllltill til lll llltillttV iil lreu MN in ltlll the lltt LttlIil tr Rimli lnngI Mr Marliaii iis tiilliitiir iii ii illlliV lici Mi llill lleririt iltf llrr tlix it ijp My limit livecntixe ltlrcr il the It chi lirtrnctllJlF Liili iiii llriltf three number on lliIC lhl lllfttiiIll oer the lit3 Slack it Mnhu solved Iij daintyl wili hijrer hr Rf it ill lllCl Ii ih will the evening It The pupils mil staff of Wooden ill were rry fortunate in har ii mama ham nitf Ill ill en lltltl int tilcnden First Films iif the tllitltl tllltllllto Ignml thliv lillltl ni Allies decorated the mu ilItIdr llulct All lniiirnii LN tilVi Dhiihlr llli loci and Mr oiui Willi it llliirllr Mi llowdcil liinvill the rcntile for their ltiiiii lliiiinlf the ltl anoint mill diltl llit ll llill llltill iin in ll oilln rcd llm lriiriil iii the tltlltt of tlui Illill ill LitVr enduin Jllttll lliil members iliit ill1 Kearils pic ItlttfttV fine rlijr for their tezi ilill minted mind tinsnicial statement the lilltilitl wild at the nicotine Vlmnm on 5llllthll lli It in aid may ltlnrlgucrite llolulltli HEW JET1J4llJXhttlrlitll rder of Nu mes loonto She delivered it fascin iiin lecture on five centuries of toinish music and hilzhlilxhted her lil ample tea was served to allVdhVS WV cine many of the fin Sooicof the delicious refreshments Sujmigh minis lll their native iltlll Sltllllllttl by the ladies of Bar lungunmx lfhe slings were explain rie interested in the VQN lluiie wis needlework donc chiefly hr the honor sewing class thl colourful woven shoppingbaus anf hells wovon on the Senttish iiihel looms stall of baby gari lOrillia led in liiiulish Shc was accomplma iedat the piano by Mary Shore it lcn members from the Womens Canadian lllb lrnnnfn were niiscut Vtti 9tllt4lttLt9it3 wordacef so have not read about it Th Vomit Lis himltlV wllurd4llll understood as we really should illCnls and socks etc made by the od with light refreshments served STnttlg ltd Stall 35 Very popular from attractively decorated tables is also the White Elephant stallijth Sprint flowers llvo vpast lwhich attracted rmany buyers bymesgdcnst Miss Lila McPhee and ills variety of objects for sale qus Montailu Leeds poured tea ilh EWSL Wore ClitortltlnCd dllrlllfjlhis was tlie final meeting until lilic tlittllltlill IVva songs sung by Itlle Seniors Come to the Fair by illusthopeMartin and selections by iGiibert Sullivan The percussion composed of the younger ones played folk tunes and Schui Eberts Waltz No Tile cooking class under the diie Eection of Miss Raikes made some hmncmade bread which formed lannther popular stall Ther vas fishing in the Victoryiond whicht Lasfadvety filopiilzlispolt orufhc vcrandah the bigger catches cost iinr 10c and the lesser 5cboth be lly in the afternoon The Funnel Show under the Idir ICllOll of Mrs lVl Chadls waswduite la newfeature and was put on by Form Four perturmances werei acted during the afternoon fhe story was Rumpelstiltskin charming fairy story puppetslwere allmade by the little girls themselves and the dialogue adapted by them also very pleasant and profitable afternoon was enjoyed by goodly Nurses workwas begun in Barrie Ouenden Collegehas taken an ac five interest in its work if next September 2059 chilrges were laid with 1468 The hand Since August 1013 when praise cationswere first lilideiItaken unlt 181 National Selective SQlVlCVLt civilian regulations in Canada prosecutions Mauritian work BUT Nessa slim VV tv livnltlllll Tlii il II mm tit JlllllYlTlSlll lit lit tltl TMm ii Munknizn the turmei home onl lllilt 11 from the lt coast moval of threats to peace and the eratiorrin the solution of interna humanitarianproblemsand To afford centre for harmon HRBlRNRUIHLR 3w lvlll of nude tllliithl lhtwl lair iitl iiiv= whiny 1lil ti is lttziiz littvltlle littiii ltlt fllclmn nim hichaiiJAlnllr um we iIlt ll lciii llollm Mr illit lit llritll Xllrrnlt Ashtml lll illlitl llrl fills lEin tli ll liiiiclullmi with IlVil ciiii ii Uni li pilwp ii ill rII lwiqet il Hit It MTV ill in will will lltitt The bride is the oiilj rlziuLitci ti Itllllll llsc UtlllKlll Illti niiiltvd thi allowe Ii MW llumharton Oak So much this been written about lhiinharton Oaks that shine of us may have been defeated by its Very It has been proposed to establish an international organization under the title of The IIUnitcd Nations Here are the purposes of the Or ganization to which every lightI minded person must agree al though there may be differences ofV opinion as to how these can hey carried out To maintain iiiteriialionalt peace and security nd to that end to take effectivecollective mea sures for the prevention and 118 suppression of acts of aggression oli other breaches of the peacefaud to bring about by peaceful means ad justment or settlement of interna breach of the peace To develop friendly relations aniongVnations and to take other appropriatemeasures to strengthen international peace To achieve international coop tionIal bonomic social and other izing the actions of nations in the achievements of these common endsg VI Escape into Disease Mrs Howden waseleeted fora second term of officias presv will Save yourlknees and your back Enlist Gllletts fix your ill rubbing andIscrubbmg letts cuts right through grease dirt Leaves oors clean enough to eat offin record time Clears the drains Deo dorizs the garblige path grand allaround cleaner Get Gilletts today ONever dissolve lye In hot water The cationic the ye itself heats thawatefu gI +pyschologists call it They maybe means of esCape When they are lto get up If you have any reason to suspect them do not niake bed properly handlrd as children nar oilliftand banish hard me in who escape into disease as the frightened about Something or llwish to escaperan unpleasantness and they promptly take tortheir if your children are sick without much apparent illness consider carefullytif they are using it as sick they are cared for tenderly and fuss is made overthemeater on in the day they may be wellenoligh toog pleasant afplace Make themI stay thereIduietlyVwithoutlanyt ing to read orthings to inlaywith ave soinethingintemsting for them to Ido as soon as they betterand it iissurpr how quicklythev will recover m7i1erlzlilllli sickI canalell should be well looked after butit mistakeIto make bed too plea stint We have all known adults who took refuge illIibed It becomes ai Ihalit aiidone that might never have leicloned if they hath been The Extra Mear Nutritional research vcrkers found that an extra meah taken hours licflandsafter from 221z the noon Illl made igddiffen ence in the energy and consequent output of industrial workers If it is true for emitfsliould be true for housewo diets and school childI ren Tamergs somethinng this idea of an appleiforrcessand an afterschool iltl liniillln amply substzllltlatell hat cnnled Siititl with the graham wateislei serve it few crumbs tn sprinkle 011V liip IA Hi tionahdisputee whichinay lead toTViw Therefore people in thisworld beds Even children will do this snack after VallV Moth anagram HT ANiiilizwis wars ill May meeting Annual Celebration if imx wms was lrIiPltkd by het ardent MTgt llawwil dilutisl Lus SUNdOy In icy llLt Rudynlll Kilil leiessziizilll fjlnzu Lest we ililgtl lest we llil 34 very applnoziite SclipttlrcI ic din was given by Mrs llllilnre Illfr iiltr iluzrrizn is paper in two paring hr Mes ltzlllltSlill Viz llie Wolkt iid llhliily Ill lli Bible Slllth lllisllered it ic lli till the Lords Player in unison er me more apt to see that theii children have it than in look after him tl ill11llth liltll Hugh themselves used in he thonth Zilu Tu lilllt lltl kttiIlliiillt$ltlltll funds gave you mil 11 LInsn ill lltt llt till ilmiiik energy They dilI but if thew itl lltl Maddie it re llltl by lluiliselrcF liii til ali en three lil iil itit extra snack the daily food is iiililll VI mi llt lice lilziiwvil ll ililttll lliLltttl lOsttlls are obtained III IV lgi gtln Mi lie llli it we tat0 ltiltl that till us lXlldi VI wt Ell lt lcnl mull llt tllllllh illtl ililxclnls Milk liins HH H1ilxil lltlll juices tulzlutil juice rllllllt of mum lllll lvleIiuire fruit and lltllfl1LllC are iiii ltiilldltilut zrlt iiltllilc funds When am lllllillt HI illi hilr illltlllltlll ii the spline ox imidI mild will isnt lllfsti Niall 9f humor blcntl fl lciit llltlthlll silt ichli have proved Vwitllont Zlhslxlrrenchis Mustard 311 the clan llltl Fillw lilitl illiiw of doubt that it take lli Him litmii the vrillliiizi mil1c wily or milk in the lllltltll tit lllfiV min tbsp cream of llciiiiiil itli Siliri til Low iiihtilllill cl more work done and ll ii iii liiuli tit mini lc tired llll nth fund of mill khu Nuns Filth um the lttllll iil Ii it er liliiltiiitiit liiVloiet ck1 dds deljghful inI IVVI II ttr lupinr tf ellvi lit in the liltl iIlll do try lit mice it It ynnV ii vi ltll imin where llialirs ti ht it in Its takethat extra incol Xl Olt 735lltg always Ill tin iml tllttlillttl ville iiialtiiriit and see if you are not less mVVkeVVhitwhhhumus iiiiriiisill1uLiter Lemon hponge lie Mg yolks run lliill juice if lemon tablespoon gelatlne lltli water 13 cal whites run itlllll lilfzlltlilttl kiiltl llltl v1 NW YUM SlimuyVVm will cup sugar and lemon juice Y4 UH Hm MM 1Htlilikoverslow heat lllilllvllllttltlll ttlllltfl steadily Soak thepelatlne Min the cold water and add to the 111 MiMJ tint mixture and stir over heat un til dissolved Bcat the cur white iiuntil mu Mrm 31 mt1 lclnrluatlv Stir the custard mixture mm ml 01VWM rili to the egg whites lour iii to 4Vth Ilthl failiilViw til thn lllltltl Viukedeie shell or in to EJElllltlll jm 1wafer shell and let stand li lllvl lli liiililiiii also if and Swedish Drops cup butter cup brown sue egg yolk slightly beaten cup flour walnuts treani the butter and suLar tn 2i ther until light add 1th egg yolk iiilix thoroughly add the flour Roll1 the dough into small balls and dip Ilil the egg white whicthas been Isliglllly beaten Roll in finely chop pcd walnutsPut on baking sheet imms down the centre of each hall Bake in slow oven of 300 degrees for minutes Remove frnin theV ov SUBARU cug en press down again and put ellyI cmmmwm Fuomimu ung Yin if In All in centre of each Return to the ov MW Syrup lawman rue mm ii minutes vanilla md bdkc no PM cm hurl uyrup and salt In mun 4IIlt llnilinl wattr llniLIbllit kgggms The needs of war are reflected in the pmduction of rope in Cali aoa which advanced from 8203000 pi linds ill 1929 to l8500000 pounds in11943 Mrs Illllli addi in set ransom units AVAILIELE the St Aill Quality Guaranteed Jacobs Led llli feature on Ell Prayer Mix gt words by quoting several Bible lVVI wages The meeting closed with WW II God Save the King and all itllle lEixuerhiul li szuzinl in up aw until This ix specially bake Delicious Colce Cllolollilc Gold like VVVVVV Ynle of V3 emit lips of our Hill of milk Baking Powder niltl edit ynllm tbs llllltrl cup sugar tsp llarorlne extinct up Maell illnllV will hilltrl ulll slut Vi whllii hulc liven tunten lllllll tllli and llalotln lcr add lter her tillII lltl liaklnA pout VI dleliikltll milk to hm lnlithlVirc lllszlll thlvVlViVeq greased luyetl like lillll at 375 ll fol gllZ In over dnumc hr lnlnullzzlRcJutillrm llly lilrnlllng well Alldyunill ADE IN CANADA rotary healer for full in coma ltnllllr and sprclld liver llkc IQPAES cIOVVdlay urgent holie frepairs because VV you lackV readyfunds may provecostly later 0111 gt When vouare faced with sue PrOblemse The ROWPaPk about PelSQllal 103 and gait 50b started ghtewax VI wf 108113SuchIVIalpurposewor for any reasonable Vfo VVVVVV tiersonal ii Ihtu 93gt dngVctordntsto fell 356 Quite at ally bIYIVQIICth rhe 051314 LS mice lt Lures to consolidate RoyalIBank of Canada They canbe repaid over lliltiiShilling 31201iihbmeltedga gpenod 0f SlXaItWEllIei 01 Even Eighteen months by inexpe ieso mt Juntageofbargainsand an smooth uiltell aor othel 1n Vmegserargggg VV VVIVV datumits t9 Slut 310111 01 mmrily convenience IV III VLV VI gt Whenyou needapersonalloan to meet seinesudden VV unexpected netjdpgojto The Iiiral DankVIof VI Th 11 anadaV managCl W1 Vicglalijoullggnss apart sonalloamwuh you IV VIV

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