THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7050 Copier EBA THURSDAY MAY Rev Arthur GReytntOlAdStL WULOUGHBYSkatihg In Barrie Add no OVERSEAS i313 Of war Him resses undre ti bill each Independent BY Nexioitwer 10131 HUSSllNS andidate Thisiding iiz IltlLiJi ll Iv ii it IFROM ACCIDENT 3h imi 2in LI COUNCIL Iiuxtl twnll In whmv VV VV DIWL of ltv i1 til girth inc VV titre Willnnehtiys ninth nut III ulmt hunt attilltfli Activities of Men md Women ititi In the NtvyArnfyAlr Force rm 11 in Iilhlit 15 rl Int iiir lhkti llllnmlrll 114 ll illL 11 37 7ilrt irti Izwnli will it itll ll that Inimiwi Kuhniii sluta Fm VVI ti tVu timlk lilt tmititilitt nf VVVVVflV nm in fwlllilliiiltiiltil ilni With wit it we winrrxull VV tho and it Hi NIH Illgti lili liiil in tho rth Hi tn tilllilv t1 iptii ii ln ltll lviiiml Hit 1il In iIiit VV lithilln sir MVVVV IV an Sim IiII mull amino rye ilt Ni ltlli iut iitllt tn pi tin an tlil Utlllilgt in incl ILI Ilmn our itiiiitnn nlnl limo ill Ii ri mt into inml llli will tili Ilvl of it gt HVV VV VVV VV unl nutHit liitllld ill mini Litl unitviral llit Il lit hi it ill Iii gum VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VV up iiimin til it Vu VVMsVV lIhtily out nl Illlillll itntg TwelveYearOld Girl 131 Iii111ililii lit JW iltilll might Ill illfhlli litlliilti rtih it Hi 111 itilVV nt lliitv nnn nwliit ulum unit 111 mi Iltiltllt Iml Inn liinI VV m2 ih nthcle nnplv lntuikinit lnin lhi gtcc swi Ii li hc yv Ijin in Ill It Ihntl Ii Iiiltli 11111 in Ill ttli Ii ll iI llilllil il hlnlti nthi th nth WillIi llliititllnt his point Willi DO gt it tilil the 11111 will thm 11 Vt it niho hard it Ill um ii iii 11 iilim itdvi Invci plint uni ha no iwnllti VV Int HII hi incss we cuut wt in any ntliIrr mm trild Linn Vle mm V+1V1Vtri Oh if1lllltlljiiinli no It Illlilll iiv no will fmm WHM lii it lenrncli ill Itnwii villlll It VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVV VVVVV VV VV VVVVVVVVVVVV VSGTV IVHWD WILLOUGHBY IVVf HVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV1 VV bVVVkHVV VVVV 1ng MY BILL MILNI innit hnn ihnnt if limiting in 1V milt ItlllViiLti Ilrtnil innitii wwi lILti mt llillil at Ivvwl iii iltii intri IV iiiliniit iihlMVVl LIntIIiI mil ll rows in irhm in lnmthiiu ll1gtl tIIIiiziv Illlli eini in thud lttiivil in in pain Ilhc Royal Vlttiiltd ii itril itlt fii Pintlnr in my tcleurgnn nf tlnilnu hm llIil tilllllli lw tip 11 lllih Instant rlccpiy HLJtl In lll muli liltlitt Ninth tuit ni nnnnu lltltlilllllL unnthci toxin youtth llllllllillllill now NV HIM limit it with We li HIvmi hVV hlc linin overu illlli til mt Illtilitll In illl Hl stlcaswl ftlli 51 ll ttnr ilit of fell Naillll in the han li Allin Iini IilllllllillliV M1 Ilil Ith Hwy Mr ltIVYlHltiH utiiil lll msl Hum llc illlJilll ilimtt Jill Jim lll Iiil Viqitq fl iwiilliiiinlliill In IInl Itililllittl gt ilitiiitiiiui Itll pm thi 141in HMIM no mldv VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVV VVVVV VV VV tiililli tho illllltli klllilitlijlIi niVIIi VIV lMllr than VI to Vl IVVVVVVVV VViVm1oilllmtiirlnilt init this VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV liniw Lt Qlw tlcc tilmitt li innit miiii taizin up with tillllV land thcn in little hwy MWHH 111 iii mm ilnnnwlnili is itnin 13h linittti iiiircti milde VMVVVVI VVVVV VVVVV VVVVV VV lInnlinn unifrnnt lnlll hr lHHlI iii irri VVVV lhnrnlnn Vi Viam gm on cvcnnu Ilflll vI Vim it iVkim mum IV VVIIV ViiiiVIi VsVVIIIVV thth VV Vhi Moll an In it quI Will lnnln VVVVHVVVV VVVVVVV rVVVVVV VVV VVIVV VVVVVVV VVV VVVVIVVWVVVVVV WV WHWL VHM AVA MM Pi litll itll hnn hntzt tii HJ lint tnktn Pllbllllltl AM MWHL 11 VV HVV VJ mp 1V 11 In Ytl pimpinth mninnlicc the aIiIl imvtiz iuIii ll ninI hi lttirit ihli llllll li rhcrl on the 1th 1qu of May 10 Iiiiltl gttliIii 1V filllltlliltiill uni nil ln il MW IVlil linv illi ll Lnttlvwlittnwly winl Iimi hi is inn4 ill hugnbl Whilt mnhh Vlill the lllllltlil of thc tllll Mint and iihnli itn VI llHliI Nil nu Vttl In tfit IHIH iimlil itl iiJl chief of 1m llttimL Inmlhluiutl ltdv ll lii Hf it illltrllllll11Ikturo nl thc loll tomur znul lmr im tlmim VVTl VTi MiV thy VVVVViTv tn hill hnlv in tin sltio Vii lit VVV VV VV 1VVViVVVVVViVVSVVhVVhVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV it nl it pm pm 1le luffqu Id 110 VV VV luran tho haw of skllii inf nhVV VVVVVVVVVVV skull and uninl minim iill Illi Ill 11 VV VV VVV VVVV VVVHV VI mm in tho coin rnnrn Iwnnlil hold the iiicl niiidrvlihctl It Ii Slippy on allot luv ii EIl lllll llllii iwl till lllti iii ill ll lillli llcnsc hc nssnrcil illlli should Vv sun WWI illii iii linl lit sutn Hi iti AW H1 51 IA iIHili no incur an LllJIH and mil in linz hm Mihhm HI zinv litrtiicr inlnrnialinn he rcrriv yr murc hips in litzilw In morphIv Vlllll WI lltlli in he mort tiillV VV 11 11 Mimi rniIlrn IctuIIictl ii htilt hnnr li ml you till he unincdmtcly will in WWW 11 iililillmi in IiiizijVi VVVVJ when he VVVVVVVVV Hm MVVVVIVV ll lliii lit1i iiln iiiw lilJl lint IIililt li tiillH ML Iitii iiiv liiliitfi his iwilt Milli mewl Iv iitl it Hill hi 111111011Iri MHVPTE In Ill In il iii1lll Vim VH ti VV VV ITurn to page 51x case BACK IN BRITAIN wish to Xliltlt in you HIV Kin i1fdili Hm lwwml my VVVVV VV VV VVV VV VVV inf the lllllt In iiltlll ml litl HV tvnut li llVIIItho lghtV plpdme nd hemon Sympumy for tho VVVVVVVV VVVVVVV Vim mg tantalum iiiii IV imwiwi llliti Iimllnn liIt iilmli lwhiw lniir only Niil imth wing pwmr irrcimruhlc lost you havc suffcrctl Lan the wk Vina mm MW muvilvmm tho mp hf HIPVVVVVV SVt Wllo ihnIlrs iicvinuslv Moll lmil lHIll iii iii ii 41 Htiiiilii ML and MIR mm In lllthw its illiill si that ln Iititi not up hi VV VV RI ViV Duncan whn milmt Wilti tvillViitti ltwl InHi LJ mm mm WHIIHP it it wt in ilit innit Mr lcilY NW Mi MW mwa taken in oncr if Hlllli Diea mnV 5an AV 4m ilhoituht that his lntnl mlCCiliollitCIKii import in Him 1VIulliVnll Innvc zitinn This IVl Im the win IliVIIll it liltltVii Ins lh 11m AVM is Mt when HVWV VH1 fqu in iin Vlniuht haw imp mumCy llShitme HVVI VV hm cnso oven full mg mp npomiVVVVV IntV iivViniVV it 30an 1i Britain Ilia wife the liiriiier lVVVVVlV HVV WV VVVV VVV VVVVJVVVVVVVV VVVVHVI Vlettcr Vol condolence tilanwuoa doctor Itllft hv ttllilti tn run but Vhwkinl Vit ji W3 VV VV VIMHVNVIVOV NVHFVVVVIV tlzillinn Hnworolt lives with her mp Am VVWVVVVHMV gm VVHHV received fchinV lion ALCol ll thinking hotter of Milo returned tn hm Him to mm VVV mwnn at 219 Bradford SV game WVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Wm Lulu mm VStewrVnQVV DistrictClmplaiiriof MiliIthc tlltttiit inl ixmm it down th As snnn as Mr Jgk1hpll gt9 iliVilViVIV slit and litw tiIV lva VV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV deVVVVVfVVVVV Rum VV JV lury District NI HP cxtcndctl itlw iilllllll llHill1 Ihi Ltruundghis home in Thornton he loci ritllu rum iim Hp Vtmfmhm in Ann has never seen her father deepest sVylnpall illld nltclcd VhisiwnsVinnch in Im oh for any ntheiitclcnhnnc call urging him to ictnin VVVfV lVVMHV nnnmn VV CM WIme SW lion lclic rm proriiiciat Wm my Domhie unrmw of vehicle fiundhistlau to the hospital llr ilHVP will in In VV VV Accnsm llimhdll Alli iii inesdiiy last week Pte Du cm Cpl Willnnn lninlwt lvlntiul lirmwr 0mm ed me iVVCVVCVVVVVVVdIcuncluded With th Better lemg hulplo in tho wit 93 1L Wllil lcncocl and nc VV blic Information Liiliim id ho was coin to weird lt1 gt Issined thIt the 111 cos lilt fl will his MW 411110 In bumw of Mt Malcninmni lltniictocluoutioiml grants to 10m mVVVVVVVi at it II Ullidlld he lifted hm nntn the lldtliil Vrunt icd in while hn VV VV VVVVV VV VV VV VV VVVVVHV 3mg Lgthng VVVHVVVV VhVVhdm Wm friends in Scoml 1d 311d VUlll lilVEd 1105 have Illildclwhcrcsln was hold nr his lap into the hospl It At the limit ho VV VV VVV VV tiwgt ifiiiilnildilris lrltiiiibltilillilllllJlliii Eiiirl hillhik HwV mane tletln Will Wt be ill vain for the rough hullian trip back tniwas told to an tn the second floor It HUM WHIMH thde 44le mm Tm PM Hum was born In Wmds 4ft il ml mm 10d 3in pm ithc home Iind there he WIs senl intn thviW my CL may in mm mm attended SChOOIS mar In Vi mm 111 at Progr crva IV rlred that the UP WUHii 11 11 mined the Esq Scomsh Regl imc cnhrhm livc meeting in the BCI iii ink in it1g mt W10 W21 rim0116 Him rm min Ln wt 115iigimmiim Vt menlat Windsor 111 July 1940 went work VVHVVVdIVm NM 11 VIVVSI grimy niuht IVUHH It Inn it the tune so IVnVan saw his on 11H VVVVV VVVVVVVVV IVIVViVm mp 1a med Vln VVV VVVVVV BVVVVVVVVVV VOVV VVVVVVVVVV He 10 ill iiililil iil Hnnhulztncc was Mimi and Mollvthc had not known shc hail lAl ow of xcoigc the szm ti wile llltllt rvmd Wiis removed In the no Ilitl ml Immn owcw deh t1m rnnto lollll ledcril candidate 19 md MM ovelseds the All umn of the same year While in Majol Woods Cl cnndillnte ti Ab riiwtnl WIs llml in It me nr Ytillfi VVVIVVVVortlIVVndgres 421th till iecnmin ccctions out 300 111120 gt Back in VV intended thoLrully Sgt Ross Mingay 25 havigatorl WW 1W IH tllrcc hnul September 24 1932 IN zllditL ium last Thurs Duman WOIked 0118 VbsgtArthIIr iiIhitvtii who was mm the value nf the new With RCAF younger son of Mr alidithe 99mg was Lake W110 Sh was Him thump the Rt REY ring 10 the Pitt wnuiniczl ncur tho German border ommm school grams to thc ding Mrs John Mingay Windsor form1V mnmrmmy iml bm Old the fillnii IIIOVCd MiIlCiiliil mm damn in Sh PH last February rivcrl hack in Cantot gimme ccnhCV MrV Frost stated erly of Barrie is now safe in BVri Her new 35 Siicti10d be and farmed there until removing in In hi3 mm mm he VVLVVV mm the public Information Assoc VRGSPONSIbIIItleS Of 12 15 W9 mi micvied theitrthe old grants totalled $55000 tain In June 1943 Sgt Minay was Emmi ma Chm farm mile 01 WWhint hv rumI 1mm members or viith Weaker 50 ITeochers Stressed readyagpietinma dglyVm tron whereas mi trictlreported missing and six months the IPICFSUIC Slimit Chord Vton March this your SlKVVl IVHVVV VVVV VVf VVVVWVVV WW WVVD violated the Elections Act bc VV marriedtho former Mnruznct will receive 400m eV later hexjwas officiallywreportedt imViIV lovely Fight healthy it nd 311 In AIKVIVKVRQF At Annual Meeting ninu oi Barrio in July 1943 ilttm mm Van increase mm $8347 inpresumcd dead The following ill gradeVIlNn IlliliFm 5h 9wa VHg and drag liehad smvrri over cverai 1913V to 375300 in 11945 month February 1944 he was re tended the United Church Vlc tlicn wont punu mi me oust Ofiffstimtingiported prisoner ofwar Surviving in addil in if Woods oration of Women Teachers Assw second inic Such momma he stated that the Born in Windsor Ross is sonV cuts are an 01ng brothel EVVVduVVHVmV pnmfm hlsmlismlemi Soc VVlSuiCIde and said it ciationVofVQntario District 16 took VQntari ants used to be aboutle JOlm Mingliyi former CNB 00 13 Older we Ribea 14 1w the had been employed at the Bank was beingh 59 om an 01035 Dle 11 Saturdayv May 19 ill 13 Hopes Commit 0an bonn eight 110 towards 52 milliohsiductpr here and Esther Rodgers Dam at Brpmwood Fndw Mav younger brothers Billy 10 and Wil VVf NOW 1le lCanada by Trestrall in VvViVola Liong jlub room Barrie FVollow Pipe Major Adam IMHCDOHIIld SpemVV This yearihe grams gin daughter ot the late Mr and Mrs 25 willuum orhstrng 21 Egg and baby terElcanm of thelaw because itdid not mg dinner Miss Norma Hacked with the Toronto VScottithVVVVchi total 27 01128 millionsV It has meaniiJ Rodgers Barrie Bindo cvdrv dav tilllt tin The luxifaliwa puried to mom the printers re Pi ital Secreiayy of the AS writingrom Germin under date an ViccaseVV0f 20 millions illmet I5 uion Half 585591VVV held from the United Church gt an elation gave an address ss Vof May 12 says Sii co the war is pmvmcial Vudget but theiDreWl ames 35 117le Thornton Frid afternoon May 23 speaker cha led that the1 Hackett very ably outlined the HOW Wm hiVeViiSJVgV1V3E 0vernmentwaHbleV lodoLthis inVi era Grentel Groin homemade information ASFVletth wmkbof Feaelmdubn Since in aVa in 21 HS Imem ersiip 13 con reaize EI oFhavc regul Lite lBVeVFVaIS baking sine rnd balm on the Mimic Stewart Clarifies oOCVety and dozing remarksV reminding the tea cirStLd Tr 13 Eccemd Fr spoke of the resultant Miilliuish Ha 21 Edunhonngor Not Changed of the respogslpimy the e1rpro 055011an Examiner and have enjoyed them vmg ploVholderdeag ayV unch COLVVVteVVV Midhurst llcrl Cl In lastrweekiscissnc 97L mh clared this part of the Ontario tillWanIWUWEa mwkpdmtgh rie Examiner the follawLV Vi ctr town pay111m to Bert Worth and was published in ie 0110 Vin iciiniitwl iii Ill 1111 Iiiiilll nix clock it won it ltitrl tIIt ml pm ii In ItstVlmIh Iltci tho insult nl ninpnunil fVVVVimmVVV VVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVi 2V0 WWW HM VIM Itivr the illll it uniilrl ln nmv trim in nrniililil pnmlylci in Inkgram received by his wife wad Milne was Ipimicnlly The annualgmeetmg of tire Fedi Scitdiii En epioiiotdheprotession and siltcgt Wins Iticer with king 111111 10 +Vtiss 62th encouragement to theibuilding Royal Battle Honors JLClll Webb nfMr and Mrs VAlvm VVchb Painswick tho ewesAVoLmdctLJJear the Seine River last August while serving with the Liiicnln and Welland Regt was in himital in France from Februnryto and return mmstwn on VVVV as writtenon May 13 lier133 Our trades In his own municipality of Lindsay he said it had resulted in reducing the tax rate eight millsi from 42 to34 The speaker pointed out thatthis wasonly one of the 22 measures introduced sincePremier Drew and his Governmeiit idolfofficesomei Another pouKslfed by MRI regiment is going to England to get Frost WBSV the reduction in mle theireroyal battlehonorc We stood in second place 11 nd thing Eve one went to churcl Turn to page eight please 0n invitation of the Barrie Clubrmembcrs of the local led with that bodyon Fridayevzqmngc It was an enjoyable getltogetlier hydroelectric rates by the samal ion 0f150 rural power disi VWe haveihumh inure til page three please HannahDlsc seesV Health Insure Hrei parkvm connectiou with theVbath ing beach EliHannah Speaker rVAitVAmo Young stsori Milne formerly of Ba feature will be model all mg by Camp OPER VJOE VM1LNE 0f M1 and M5 13 lmeeting Monday May 28 815 pm WWW JilLions Club rooms Speaker Mr rated and JSIRrornwich subject Gogsrosi AIl now in the United Kingdom Ito ROVka God 21b in Toronto has been Vlibe hisCKNX Ambassadors 18th Red Cross dance Craighurst Hall Thursday74VIagl24Qendin or chestia Port McNicoll Admission 35c Lunch counter 21b Danceevery Wednesday night Vespra V7th Line Hall oldtime and modern dancin Coles orches lRefreshments Air Cadet Inspection lVlond June 4Vat Queens Park lClub Slim County York ters Club show and Sale at the farm iof Charles Newton Barrie Wedne day June 13 at p111 For cal logues write LashleTy Aillo 2122bV siael World Federation The speakltcr for the evening 1001 palm theEarly days Of the =0ro Tm hit Snnilav Schoolt Dr Hannah mama ng director of inVaSimi wascaptured by the Ge ion at Crown Hill Uiiitcdl 100 p111 on briefs Trustee John Woods re to some legal work done cufslYbmisteeGrBrStcvvvacL future he said all legalJnatters tho Board of Education should be 1efiredt0dhgrBomds 41 Donald MacLaien JFhismatterwas brought up the last Board meeting when retaryA Felt read letteroni Stewart in which it was stat ed that theTanrd did not own any rOoerty at the EVastVEnd schooli but that it had been set out as at ublic square andbelonged to the vnML Stewathmand Mr Felt had been asked at the previous 3rd uniting to inyestigate the her Mr Stewart was not preseth atV ting when the matter wast mentioned and he has since drawnl this attentiOn of the above item 105 the reporter He pointe that he Was in the Registry Office oi legal businessand he call Felt to Show him the plan SGT FRED BARREL alter he ig 01 down in Januaiy lpoded the CCF or Woods said tlat he had been meniber of the iCCEV before he joined the army in The second Great War andihe found it did not interfere with hispro motions Heltold of his early days inWal ics when he saw the Welsh miners doput on strikeiin an effort to get more ers would Vclcse themines and go off to VVthe VsouthV of France Vor Italy and wait until the miners had been starved into submissionThen because urn to page eight please Milligan Culilijibllle the orogramme Membei and Miss Rhoda Young enjoyable numbers it were in attendance from MidlandPenetanguishene Calling wood Ori The do Ilia Stayner Canninglon liar Veliiine hedus fcashed in Athe 33 Bearing centres miCanada during 330 cent over 1943 and largtest 6770000005 an increaseo128jer aiiiount ver recorded Near HystericVWelwme Eld on of Mr and Mrs Robert Bar 17o Elizabeth St Barrie who wa apturedbv the Germans 1941 Viean Edmund He Therehasscome to ievExamihler war 15 Inonths Copy or letter in which isd scribed very interestingly the joy isjmo with 19le reception given by Hollanders ito the Canadian troops who liber inrboots week the Nholc me off for tlielfirst hole in uth cantbeef about that nfantry Vsometimes go nth We arernow billeted farm Vand are getting rested When the going winshard we VV aged about three hours elep 1r night but now am making up meeting of New Horse2ndcalldfadt Armored Reg or The rs three or fouridays Wth It was written on IAprII20 to his we fought against bitter and and irilleOutilessmake forniorcitheAssouaV vdical Services mails and lateriibeated by and hello communityServiceVDr Iwe Was introduced by Lion Ryssims 116 is COUSm of BIL Sgt lhursd May Speaker Rev Lauri president of the Lions Dr Seymour Iwhqsid that the Bill Milne also reported liberatedkalaai mug 1114 Staed ha ettel le i$ dCiuhVin Welemniug theKiwdll811 Acs MedicalvSrviccs fire in icolld 59 the plan paVm is BANDV JVGreene of the Lord Strat said he would like to see Closer Inc was organifzedseveiryea ago 31 4wn 0mm CellivSVtOVtith Registry Office cooperationbetween tlieitwo clubs or the purpose of providingpre 150 LEAVING JOBSV tiVoniLiy the pup of tho 11W mgwghimaitmid Vi so lug aniexumplethat is so much paid medical Vcare foerieVople at Seven mexippeaded in Magis Continuation Schools 011VIlowiii PM ltechd in the world today at nominal yearly lfee Dr Hannah lmon but was slmp epmi in moihfvrrdlhjsrngiM Gm SXLQDbDLnJL but when he Redmond Thomas court at shin undeVrVtlio direction of M15Vi the commiupt mm The grant was cut from 555001011951de the Mme of the late aimed it W515 611 3TB eserF Parsons reSIdent the said at the outset that he was not ebridge May and answered McKelveii Thornton Arena Wedi gaggirg nkl mm llilt Znid $300 was bud lJ 59 1381119 fol some time day morningnve advanced miles Kiwanis CubVinsIltV3p1 531d that trying to sell anything but would to chargeslaid by District En Inedayt June 13 1945 2023131 2d is vczn But there are land 1S 110W mini51m Long 313mm in 195miiiutes to take gt airsized kiwai ans Welcomed the cuss Health Insurance some forcement Officer ofthe Nationa1 TheW0n1ens Auxil of me Doro ho Ind they 81jed0111gfilllLCpl Greene was hmplgyed in tow 0nmt3 lireViOU daytim mom attend this mating and thing that we are going to have in Selective Servrica Smith Bar Canadian Armoured CorisisteV lwurk said Coun Spillette the RbyalVVBank SundlidSQWheD Sduodron alone capturedaseaport would do their par lrl Viurthermg some form hinthemextdad tie for ceasing to perform their senting its Annual Carnival at Bar SHOWER FORV BUNDLEb We budgeted for $6001astyear he enlistedthme3eafs 320$ the of some 10000 populdtxioih thc cooperative Spl It between the For some ye he had beencon dutis inwa designated establish rie Armour es Saturday June 16 gt FOR BRHAIN said VRceve Lundy fhut asthe 318 Of nineteen He i511 grandson The peeple are vryZsincere in tWO servicfi clubsV The bathing ducting anexpe mentl contraryto Section 202A coinlmcin 253015111 Preeds will Ovn MayBO under theauspices of baud functioned only helfa year Of the late C3110 Greene The their thanksto itsidsllhera gt bedCh P9l9t WaSmade 905511319 insurance involves somuch iii of the Natioual Selective rulcSube spcnt foVyIeltare cases and pro the Womans AUXiiialy of Frinity ihy received only half the grant letter is as fouows alohg the route eveii witbmachme by th UVthed Efforts of theV my community that it requires long and regulations The magistrate My IV Demo MomReallyV dorll gun rdhavy gun he Cltlbs Lion iGOSneY ands research The governmentihas in found the accused guilty as charg LerroyV United Church for Britain Shower Everyone isi year If they liiadifdone that wed knOW Where to it this one Mom $6 ix mile away the clvy waiiianN TVV MacDonald twer timated its lntenticmto introduce ed and fined them $25 and costs of sury Siinday May 27Scrvices l1 welcome and it is hoped thatall have hadthe $600 in gt mainly responsxble forthe pmgress 13 health insurance measure but $175 or 154days in gaol ram 730 pm Rev Dyahcastcr church members and others will madet To each oftth Was hand ithereVis no deV tlan asvto thatdt VV spi Cminister Music bysGilfordr rt donations for this vcry worn Total Can ncwar casualties at the most exciting ed certified copy ogthe regisa wlll corisist or how etficient Examiner subscriptions are pay choir in the morningpupils at Al my cause Afternoon tea will be the end of March 1945 numberedi To begin withWwere the spear 13 dozen eggs VVteredV deedVVfcr the land recently it wallhe Thecost milstjbe 59011 able strictly in advance Your ad landaleiVPnbllc Shoot evening un served by the hostess Mrs HRI 96292 VOf theseV35389 Weredead head of gnrmoured thrustwwherev 79ml mam V0 mijk my acquired 0111 Mercia 5V Turn to pageslVtpleasel dress labelshows due date der leadershipbfPilhciiaalBell211 Howden or presumeddead you camguess Yestetdayv 10011 tbtpaget vide cigarettes foLontEas 2115 Church there will4 be BlindIcSI asked that the same be dime this gwa