FAGE bilrllll LABORBOARD rev5 in THE BARRth lrx PHSIIHZ WHY lil lv IUI IHIXUIIS NI liltllllri itiliillloipi lnl Iliildglt daily serum airmen other lpneai biui Cruz Llil tll UHlild blood rved the II WLIS whcn flylnc control or llltl caster was lillilii an lltlllltjy there was serloail olierl quareru to its OUQHY tilHi ipv ZIP Lotte liarrle who ioxu effects readmom lmf Igt pair in 11 hwm love iebluaiy itlll was yitr III illi further investlzzgrtv Wiltll lllt lllllll liiillltiii iLlll llleeiie lml wa Staff Sgt nv tlV rllt marlc Ill search for In time was lost in my getting I=1 The crew erected Ir and where young lad tllitdllll the narrow confinesel ll1tll erioiisly been badly wounded right elbow rllltllltl wounds as well lie had llltlttl over the target three hours beiore loss of blood that was serious deep lethargy llis pulse was barely discernl ible As bent over the wouudr plrire continued the doctor notice that it was just two nornirg Fifteen minutes later he was in sick and lllllllilte transfusron was quarters lpfr quarters the lad red ccs of blood serum few minutes after His response was almost innnediaie At three oclockmjust an hour after had first seen the boy where he lay in the Lancaster it was possible to carry out the preliminary work that we are able to do in the crash ward of flying station Bylivct sufficient strength to enable us to remove him to hospital for necessary major surgery Today comments the doctor is convalescing and looking forward to re turning to operations and one the Nazis Citing this case as typical that are being repeated hundreds of times on the French invasion coast and Red Cross here yesterday explained that it is vitally important that shipments of powdered blood to thewfgrees overseas be maintained and increased Those willing to donate blood clinic should immediately advi Gameron phone 3395who is the register NAVY LEAGUE TAG The Navy League of Canada tag day in Barrie on Saturday September and we wish them every success in this patri otic effort on behalf of merchant seamen We live in peace in this community whilerour brothers fathers and sons bear the brunt of battle not only on the sea but also on land and in break audit iseur dutyt9slleeeiit every effort in order to strengthen their ture of morale so that the victory ma not Hitlers The Department of Naval Affairs have pro claimed time and again that the efforts of the Navy League have done much to keep our sea men on the sea in keeping the and their courage undaunted battle of the Atlantic and Pacific The taggers for the NavyvLeague in this community willfeelj that they ed noble and patriotic service if every citi zengives them the support which they need at this time We must not allow this oppor trinity to pass for it forms the ithatstretches from this nmenortheltseas car CANT FIX Dundalk businessmen after Board withrespect to the48 trying the following hoursas jgfora month Monday Tuesday and Wednes day am to pm Friday and Saturday pm Thursday closed all day NEW SORT OF TROUBLE am to 11 WE SPEND THE MONEY London FreoPress Years ago wellknown back bencher in Ottawa advised parlia ment that the way to win elections was to dash away and spend the money That is what we are do lug today We have become so accustomedto talking in billions that we have seemed to have for gotten that moneydoes not grow on trees Money is only the 13me trol of hard work and industry by somebody we have no objection to sacial Servicemwe are in favor of them Publhhrd Thursday Morning by THE BARR EXAMINER LDIIILD ll in his il boy in the as receiving five build thank you for the tremendous service they are rendering in protecting and serving us for if it werefnqtnfor these menthebattles of this war might well be fought on the sgggtggiklanesthighways and fields of our own STORE HOURS tion decided that they Would meet the Trek quirementsjof the Ontario Labor Relations unwavwvv XAMINER no ZIlIHill lazitr lllllll and llltllll lili n1ali zbwlld Iziillirella when ilililnii mltXtllLIliLH tli lilillllttl lol unnch lay In lie had initiator and lltltl licin whileg It was the lie was in llltfV lrllil=l the pro uIdObscrvcr happened to clock in the his arrival in loans hirty he had that Sergeant ther crack at candidate emergencres in Italy the at tomorrows se Mrs in charge of DAY is holding its be ours and ir morale high in the great have perform irst link in the community totals in 1939 rying zourcon much delibere hour week by an experiment But beforewe rush into all sorts of plans forhanding out money let us cautipusly gure out where the money is coming fromand can we afford it bankrupt country cannot long maintainErlavish ex penditures Astate is nothing apart It con sists of all the citizens of the coun try The citizens must contribute money for the services of the state Single copies of The Examiner At all newsdenlero or this centu office EDITORIAL NOTES Iron day itlie world owes lflllitlIs the truth that his duty the World Is just as great as is its duty to him observes the Sliclburne liree Press and lucoo liaIlIioopr ii ul llll Il tilrt who rieesnt try to put by aliyi itlilii Weill so bad he didnt expect other people to lllltlt the he rainy day coming says an Illul living my fire alladian people will not murmur atVure head leccivcd at oureelruo osed 750 million dollars for gratuitiesSelli 20 llllli towards our soldiers but an election will show that they take different view of this baby bonus business opines the Pembroke Stand Canadas Seventh Victory Loan is expected to open the week of October 23 The slogan for this drive will be Invest in Victory Slogans for these loans have all been timely and full of punch in fact the United Wes has been using most of them for its own War The StandardObscrver of Pembroke re ports that CCF candidates are not easy to obtain in thatpart of the province At con vention held for South Renfrew recently on ly 23 members put in an appearance and candidate was not chosen So it was decided to submit number of names to the 103 CCF members in the riding and the one getting the largest vote will be declared the official Distillers and brewers with the Liquor Con trol Board by no means disinterested seem to be making quite strong push to increase the number of outlets for their products vote on the question of opening liquor store and brewers warehouse is to be taken in Renfrew on Sept In Carleton Place another town in that section of OlltallO largely signed petition has asked the town council to submit vote Carleton Place has been under Local Option fer many years The new Commission of the NO Rail way is seeking to increase business by estab lishing connecting services and will study all methods of transportation with view to ac quisition of trucks busesboatsaiidplanes In the widestretches of that North Country there is little doubt that planes particularly will inafew years form very important fea till llllhifl xll Lilli be clanml Il ill U1nVoezlyll Ill rl Whitley IIIIp Illt ltsl llillcrlel icl Allan Kelsey Alla dale Heads Western Soles IUIIN Il WILLARD YEARS AGO from the It of run BAlllllE EXAMINEI With the Men In Khaki lliillJvtrtfllll tltllLlS iilc 52 Il Lowe oii of Al iyl lie bu llllll bIlde and bully ilzllllil illi he went owll ill Seth Ur transferred to lib llil aiul orl Ill sleeve lie wear onel iolri tiipe his wound being one in Sat Earle IJIIVls tson ol All and Airs ll llll tbrcn St Illllllt went over with li7illlin lll October 1916 lllilltl Ierrcd in France to 19th Bn Ic turned to England with appendicitis Wilfred Iolt son of Mrs Win hok Owen $1 llarrie formerly of Signals orps of 157m BIL trans ferred to lltli lleserve BIL went to France served as interpreter withl French Army Saunders ill filclieriian ll lVlcCorniaek rie tpl lowc Angus Slliaudlcn lirlliiilsl clcli Illlnvalc ll laud1efro Scliell McDonald New Lowell Strangways Beeton ll Iralick Minesing Curries ookstown ll Mat cliett Gillord Sgt Meltenme llclle ILyyart ll MCAItliur lrarlforll llcndersou Sliiy ncr ltc Lliris Burns and lte Wm llunter Jr were honoured by friends ofliolly district Ilc Sid ney Smith and bride returned home to Allandale Saturday night larcuee Mitchell and Clarence iiecu were welcomed home by To lriIldal friends Newsy Notes Fire of unknown origin did 850000 damage Monday afternoon in ice house of Lake Simcoe Ice Co near llelle Ewart the village was siivcd by efforts of the bucket brigade 23 BCI students were successful in Normal Entrance examinations in cludinc Kenneth Cameron Lolly Doris Robertson Victoria Strange Edith Isobel Walker Compton Jeffs Bond Head was nominated UFO candidate for South Simcoc at convention at Beeton other nominees in order of votes re ceived were Lennox Stroud John Scmple Tottenliam Wil cox Beeton James Slieelian Loret to Jeifs later resigned as nominee At largely attended conven tion of East Simcoe UFO in Orillia selection of candidate was deferred ransportation andthe Commission ers are showing good business judgment in looking ahead to be ready to meet the need The result of the provincial elections in New Brunswick on Monday was another sad blow to CCF hopes for success in the wider field of Federal affairs They put up 41 candi dates out of possible 48 and elected not one Their leader was defeated and many oftheir candidates will lose their deposits Appealing to the electors on its record the Liberal Gov ernment was returned with an increased majority its soorecbeinggadto 12 for Pro gressive Conservatives ascompared with 29 ogt ThenTof October 1944 has been ap pointed Thanksgiving Day by Proclamation in theCanada zette In quaintiords the Pro clamation ads Wetherefore considering thatthese blessings vouchsafed to thepeople FourfDominiQWTOfCanadadoeall freera solemn and public acknowledgment have thought fit byand Vwiththe advice of Our PrivyCounci1 for Canada to appoint and We do appoint Mondayithe ninth day of0ctober nextas day of general thanksgiving to Al mighty Gonxfor theiblessings with Whichthe people of Our Dominion of Canada havebeen favoured during this year andWe do hereby invite all Our people of Canada to observe the said day as day of general thanksgiving The Letter Rlview Wartime housing promises show the Government new sort illustrates how pro vided with government housing are beginning to demand that when they are out of work they have their rent remitted or re of trouble and Socialism works WOrkers duced Mother our daughter has mind Dad Yes and suspect theres troop train on it Do you really think onetrack and Veterans Barrie has 4126 names on the referendum list The cruising yacht Wanderer of Mont real was in port last week it was most pretentious vessel lieresince Trent Canal was opened Record Quantity Eggs for Britain In the first seven months of this year the Special PitoductsiBoard bought the record quantity of near ly 212 million cases of surplus shell eggs for export to Britain in the form of dried egg powder ture has announced rms by the Board in the to the Board from Dec 29 1943 lion cases cases annuallyu MUST op owN THINKING Pembroke StandardObserver the intelligence and are sound conclusions The time he gins and to would plunge Canada which might mean bankruptcy obtain it intelligence and show it what they are doing THE BARRIE EXAAHNER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA by gTHE NEW DRUGV LIFESAVER cflrrl 12pm ne year Iyelliite further illitl fr lrllillllill Iolld llll fh III water and 1hr lltl sulfa lalid half to four hours following tohold taint conventionwvith Labor the Dominion Department ofAgricul is double the quantity of eggs bought first seven to July 931 1944 totalled 248 mil compared with 110 millioninane39nesperdingnee iod of 1943 and with 123miiiiori in the first seven months of 1942 Prewar Canadian egg shipments to Britain Were about 03 million The Canadian electors must do their own thinking Theyihave quite capable of reaching logical and passed to believe that Wisdombe ends gtwith either the Liberals the Progressive Conser vatives or the CCF All Want office andHeaven knows that they into debt The common people not the politicians will have to pay the bills and its time for the common people toexercise their We repeat that Mforeexgo to the polls to vote th sh uld know Read and use Examiner Classifieds MCILIIT pcllilgaitli lie ltl fitllr ll Iilt ittc In ll It Llllll ll It lunarn lillklrvlll llLILI tlltilt Iiilllii little in In lllllti lo 5r Unfold llnieIitj be harder iviltrn was truly oluloll roilill villllillbllltll parenterally Il main in very Illiill dosage with 21 Ifll treatment for 1l yoruuls lezil cllIIi value was establidiell boil the problem of production was no that could not be quickly or only wlijcrl VIIltV elaboraiiori of lenl cillin by mold is ll process or ex trenie delicacy it is livinv or tilllllnlll unstable III the culture nltli hence difficult of recovery Ill illl3 the United States riielil placed its unlimited financial resources behind the programme of immediate and large scale produc tion of Penicillin Up to the lltgtV ent practically the whole output goes to the armed forces Icneillin has demonstrated its effectiveness in infection of the throat in pneumonia blood poison boils skin diseases gas gangrene and all diseases resultant to the drugs It is very CIILII in the cure and control of goo orrliea and early stages of syphilis Its use in ruptured up pendix is questionable and as yet typhoid nialeria or cancer do not respond Iencillin cannot be taken through the mouth but by intra muscular injection intravenous lll Jection intraspinal injection or topical application it must bu given often as traces of Penicillin remain III the bloorl only from one injection As yet the cost of lenieilliii treatment wouldbe expensive For one day the drug alone would cost bout $500 and added to that mold be the doctors charge and hospital expense Dr Graham quoted figures show ing the high percentage of re coveries through the use of Peni cillin which would not respond to ally other treatment The speaker was introduced by Smith and thanked on be half of the club by Ed Wilson 50 YEARS Aoo from the tile or manna nmmgn AUGUST 30 1894 Local News Notes koka Governt Every train from the north brings its contingent of tourists from MusJ Henry Sewrey proprietor of Barrie Foundry has obtained Un Still Need Individual SellReliance drills lilillll rill It IH III Iniznl rut Ir wlllnelp Id of vs Inf1c Liar Illl DIE AND SCHOOL To the lIdilor lililic lrlxaplrrcl lieu Sh llill ull permit Inc to take exception lo the openingi staiclnent in your most excellent editorialohllonlc and School In Aun li llxalnineri lloys and girls have been taught lll cliool to be careful of public and private tire liejtznniug of property fllllt lime and children have followed the example set by their parents lftllc parents tool onehalf the interest in children llllllltiltlltld It and aiiovc all wt the example that teachers rlo public and private property would not Ineil the tin ploynicnt of police for protection write this because think Itcucliers do lllll receive the sup port they should in the training of children AII appeal for as sistance from the teacher to the father or mother ls usually rescui ed and results in the child think inr lie has their support lll lnak iI the tcucla iasl Iliorr lilIli cull llie litter on IllL sllttls of our lbcautiful town is not all put llltll Iby elrildrelit Adults both lllilli and female throw empty cigarette and candy containers on the street or on private lawns so why blame school children and accuse teach ersof being lax doubt very much if anyone in Barrie ever saw teacher do such thing or heard one use lllcprofanity one hears constantly on our streets Instead of asking teachers to do more Mr Editor why not aslrourl citizens to at least set better ex ample for the cliildren male employee within belt of his own invention Organ Alargebushifiieburnedat low Creek between 4th and 5th con Egans picnic ip Ardaghs Grov Bicycle Clubs juvenile race Keinpenfeldt Hillandback resulte cost of $300 to $400 SimcoeCounty Briefs able with both ladies and genti men Theeountryside isnfulh smoke from bush fires led and fell while climbing ov nearest place McRae ge assignment Bush fires are bad ited States patent for metal driving ized only one week Barrie Quoit ing Club already has commenced The railwaymen had moonlight excursion to Big Bay Point Public schools and BCI reopened Monday morningAug 27 cessions of Vespra Rev Dean was very successful Barrie Gen eral Hespital is rendering exfellent months of any previousiizik 3763fsordidmhomdnity Barrie Ingpeetion of eggs for delivery as followsFred5Hughes llthins handicap can Earley mVth tendicar harriMortori lsrtchi Hugh Dickinson mins handicap SLKennedy scratch Anunuual number of trampshave been around VV town lately TrinityChurch or gun is beingrcntirely renovated at Campers atBig BaerOint have nearly alldlsaplieared and the park presents very solitary appearance Threshing is the order of the day in the rural sections Cellu loid bows are getting quite fashion While picking berries Vespra woman was fatally injured when she stumb some logs the pail striking log and inflicting internal injuries she died at the home of Charles Wattle the oral dealer Stayner has made an the northeastern part of Simcoe Colinty The residence of Thomas Rawson Goldwater was destroyed by fire from chimney spark show that lie is in good practice and plans rfournament in September Military Cullup Mobilization Division ments as refererd to nding Check is doubt that standing of or in Humanity MITCHELL taller litilllll be such as yill lend to the llaiia uu ill tr ia iv MIlllltllli ta oflcz out huinble llcalt rloi Iliwiu Illl NOTICE To EMPLOYERS AND THEIR VIVIALE EMPLoYEES By an order sigan on August 15th 1944 by the under signed Minister of Labour underfriitbority of National Commencing August 22nd 1944 every employer is required to check the doeumcntsybeld by each newly engaged employees engagement to determine if such employee possess documents to National Selective Service Mobilization Regulations Villa is in relation to the Every employer musj report on Sclicdld9 to the Registrar for his employee found not to possess docunj By an earlier order employerswere requiped to checkiiber dopumenfsbeld by their male employeeaand to report by Mily lot 1944 on doubtful cases as well do hoes where employees did notposess documentsrfheprticeduifoiflbdprscntcomI9 do Employersand theirMall Elli Infect1 Moh is now being mailed is idgcali that Sell Vowhieb covered the check made before MayVlvt V1944 Employers marked 10 remember thatth do no report on men who do possess the necessary documenlsjlonly on those who fail to present document for examination or where there Minister of Labon THURSDAY AUGUST 31 1944 Demand Remains Active For Barrie Homes ill READY Hill IllS IWII Il IIISIS illnif if 3141 31 ll Ir liei ill Ill lln liul lol la chawd Illa Itllt Iril ll it If ls liplA Hm lIlYllll RATHER Jlllllllt$ Miran Sr and Still llaiesi THAN Instead inrakmg out Ill illLlIllllHI llllllt collit 11 Illlfrl llltri and czl nexuspapez editions il1e ll etid our lcclinz leil Ill iul will Im llli has sublime faith in Ilullllylsv lmhrI lo gillalrl him from iIIicluIIIIr No man would illiuglv lirzlray sulzli trust liven Iieer father is subject to the contingency of IIoIlrIch IIIc IVllIIllll to provide against it may let his loved ones down into sea of tilIIl The way to avoid this disaster is to own enough Lilo IIIsuraIue lo gnar IIIIlce monthly income to his family TIN his prolectiie power will live on even if he is taken away If you are not ltIhIIllItIi sure that your family would have enough money to live on month by month ill in and mail the coupon below It will bring advice as to how best In armupe FIl III iIIeoIIu iiIIiII the rutam at your lisposaI THE MANUFACTURERS Litre INSURANCE COMPANY TORONTO CANADA ind ll lIllliilll lrfxi HEAD OFFICE Branch Office 70A Dinilop Street WENSIJEY Barrie District Manager rullIIlh1 Mail this unpun to local dillrel given llImn want to Imam how but In provide mum1I income for my dependents rollJill the Iran my xiiimull II ii mnlnlluml that your whore does no plum me under my obligaliuv AgeNIme Address Selective Service Mobilization Regulations Every employer is required simi larly 10 check the documents held by each maleV employee newly engaged between May lot 1944 and August 22nd 1944 and to report to the Regis trar for his Mobilization Division by August 29th 1944 on any such em ployee found not to possess documents as referred to days of the standing under Any mule employee here referred to iswrequired by the Regulatmwliigr present his documents to his employer for purposes of inspection 5V Penalties are provided for any em ployer orrmale employee who failbg comply with these Regulations concerning any although beinglknolifiedltdemployers in Notice 0111 in Employersl Guine the document prevented actually proves good The employer of Canada cooperated very satisfactorily on the first check made up to May Isl lost This cooperalion was decidedly helpfyl and is very much appreciated Further co operation il nowearneslly requested Schedule and details as to documents which prove good standing are available through the Employment and Service Officer NATIONAL Selective ELECTIVE SERVICE gt AMacNAMARA Director Natlorlal Selective Service Iultrtl