9413 5251511 Wwlk 53 nomomomoJ 94 11 IJ 111 1111 1111111 101 FREEIHJM r=1a v1 if1 allow crxiiig I11 liitliinl liiliiiul i1 ll V1 111 lfuhltwIl ii 331 Mi I1 11 l1 11 ii iii 11 mm in 111111 fl lilvl1 liulmzii Viscil Six 11 I1 28 llglfililliiE 11 111 111 111gt 11 111171117lzhu 71I1111I Juli l11 11mm 1111 111 11 11111l 111111l 111111I1 lfllit 31111111111111 111nm 1111111 311151111111h1ilt P15 TOEI 1i111t1 111 11111 Iliuvcrl Wmnm 112111 111 11smlhcrqlpy i1111111v1lt 1111111511l 111111 tho sor 1l 11 Mid1 111 11111111 Ts 112 11 211111 1111111 111 111111 1111v1l 1111 assign 1211 lIli 1111111 AN HUM 11 rflltfll lliitlliltfltd her to 11111 11111d12111 port 1I11cu1 lLliilllid dirty j11i11s 1123 brother in 111vicc of their country Sho 11s sistiii of Iilol Officcr Johii refall ICCLICDIS have l11111gtf RCAI NOISCHS who waicicv Crumliii ncar 1111111 111111 O11t1b11ut your ago 111lt11 OVERSEAS ORDER FORMS 111t11ts of L1Llt 1111 3111111 oflc01 II11111 The 121111 Mr 11nd Mrs John I11111h1t quiCifnid 37 PCICilioro Thcir Use DALYS dailyif you lik reallylgood lea For generations Canadas most particular lea drinkers have insisted on this perfect blend Now you cungel Dalys from your grater Ask him for it You can get DALYS TEA at BRENNAN DODSON DOMINION STORES LIMITED DUICIIISR II MCCULLOIIUII MERRICKS 11101 Allandale Dunlop Street 62 Elizabeth Street 68 Elizabeth Street 72 Owen Street Ila flappiticcs 111 1111 Home What blather lsickw The tircil worn oul1motlicrcuuuot make 1111111111 home if she is pick and worried by the never ending household 1luti1s She got run down and becomes nervous and irritablo downhourtcd and discouraged cant rest at night and gets up in tho morning feeling as tired as when she went to bed omen culioring in this way may nd in Milburus Health and Nerve tPillt orcmcdy with which to 11pr recuperate their health build up the run down system and assist them back to healthhappineas again Price 50 3110111113 pills at all drug counters gt S1111j1111ll liciiidulc who voiindcd Ill 11 in Italy July 31 Sgt St Clair ship has boon advised that his son ltions on August FLJackson has been in the Far East theatre of war Dunlop Street1 by the Director of Records Ottawa r1111c 13131111115 Loses His Lilo In Ireland 11 i1 i1 11 IH 11 11 11 ll gt1 I1 11 131 1t 131 LI l11 11 1li 11 11 111 ti111 11 111 11 112 li 33111121113 11 i1t1l1l 11 I1 linrivc IIIIIIIIIINNIIHI llltl Ill itl 111111i 31 31 11 W11 111I 1I1111 1211 11 11llll1 illlil 1Ii 1111 11 Iiuln lu r1hic Jiunvs N11wi111 51111 of Mi 11111 llrs icoruc NIHllll 111111 111I1111c1luly111 1111lti1gt11 ivilli Siuilt Sic Mario and Sudnui icy1 11110111 at Ioionto 111 July 1911 1111 rcccivcd all his training in lillllhll Columbia mid was with tho Aincri1 can forch 1111Kisk1 Island for i5 months In May 1941 he wont overl sons and wont to Ir11111cvi1h thol invasion forces on June Prior to cnlisting ho was cmploycd in thc minor at Iiminiiis Ile received hisl education 11 Aveniiiu 21nd lived 1lilll his sister Mrs llulph McLeod RRi IlllICIllt bcloic joininu 1111 Assisted in Supervising Catering for the Kim occully noticed in Wclhuidi paper by member of the familyi was an item stating the fact that Sgt II St Club had the piivii logo of assisting in supervising the catering arrangmncnts for the King on his visit to the Canadian Corps Bari1c boy whose Wife and child 101 side at 1113 DunlopSL went overseas in November 1911 and has been in Italy since October last year While in England cooking for MajGcnl Sansom he once before had the pri vilege of serving tea to Their Maj cstics FL Grant Jackson Reported Missing John Jackson Adjala Town Flight Lieutenant Grant Jackson serving with fighter squadron in India is missing after air opera for year or longer It is probable that he has been in the Burma cam paign against the Japanese He served in Africa before going to In Idia His younger brother Flight Sgt Ross Banting Jackson was re ported missing on October 25 1943 Killetl inNormandy On October 14 1939 Bradfords first military wedding of this war took place at Trinity Anglican Church when Rev Channen officiated at the marriage service of Dorothy CamobellBradford and John Albert Collis of Milton mem ber of the Lorne Scots Last week thc bride of that daynotified that her husband Sergeant John 1111tl11ls 11111 11111 11 11 SGT 11111111 1111111111111 118 311111111 31111 112 11111 11 AI 11 3111111 11111111113131 111 1111101 1311113111111 11111111111l 11121 b1114 on 21 11 111 l11111111111 l1 1l1111l 111 Iloynl 3111 11 vllti I11 11111111 1111 1111 112 I115 Iiilllr 1111I lllllll inl 111 11 11111111x Iliiv llilll Silliti 111111 11111 111 111 11 11ir111111 1tl gt011 IL 1111 1111111111 INF M1 15 111111 1111 1111 ll Kip pm MT 11 11 hr 111111I 1vl1111 it 11 111 1111 1111 1111 lllml llr Uill il Ilix 11p Hp 111 111 11 11511111 111 11111111111 il 11 11 11111 11111111111111 ll tl11 It llrnl IO 11i11 111 t11 F0 diff 11 wpmw 51 11 11 11111111111ll11111111111zil men and women Hm 314111113 lig 111 111 tho stuff 111 I1 11 mu lmd Im MTV Ymrs 1I1 111111l 111 11111111111 11 111111li11p11 until his cnlistuici ll llll IltNVll 111 August 1912 1111111 lll York CilillWiill I15 111111 11 Il11111l111 ho 1111 t111gtlt111l 111 llzllifux 111 111141112 1l111 1111111 1111 August HI MIMI Ill 111111 l1v shillings i11 liiwl111 said he llfillfl th1 1111p Ill 111111111 of incrchuut ship in diffi itiit in tho World Incws lu v11lt hoping his 51111 Would Ihc navy xoon turn up sufcly in England 11311 Ilc111v 1II tiu way I11 f1tl11 111l proudly We rouldl novcr 11111111 from 111111 What Vvllgtl 1411111 1111 but we did fiiulouti 1111111 11111 gt111111ws 11111 11111 R01 giuu 1l 11111 I11 invasion dutyl 111111 spool 11 1111111111 11f May in preliminary 1rxciciscs The only thinc 111111 I11lltl us about the ship was that it had got 21 couple of subs bcfoic he joined the crow Puicnts of boys rcporlcd miss in look 1101111 from tho infornun 1117 that tho 1111211 had some time gtbcfmt ILL worn 11111111 111 aban don lhcir sinking 5111p 1111 Isyy Collis who was with the Irish Ilegt joined No 1i CIRU in order to gel overseas 21 few months ago few days before lie was killed he trans towed to the Royal Hamilton Light InfantryBrudford Witness Serving on French Front Mrs Louise BIIIIIIWCII 49 Bay ficld St has received word that her son Sgt John Allan Brum well tB4442 is serving with RCEMC Company in France He culistcd Oct 10 1939 in original Canadian Armoured Fighting Ve hicles Training Centre Camp 801 den as cook and was stationed there until he went overseas in March 1943 In civilian life be fore the war he was employed at Uiiderhills Limite Grill Repatriated Home Flight Licut Hugh Grant former rccve of Orillia and former traffic officcr at Barrio has been repatriated to Canada on sick leave after case of malariacontracted in India He is now waiting passage rived recently While stationed in the Far East he was RCAF legal officer for India and Ceylon Be sides official legal work FL Grant mg with their civil legal problems and also acted as liaison officer with Albert Collis 1851531 was offi cially reported killed iiiaction As 111cu as his wife Sgt Collis is surlt vivedrbv his 3yearoldson1 Neil of Bradford his father and dough ter bv former marriage in Mil Inokfor our Iriidc mark IRcd Heart on the prickage The Milburn C0 Limited TorontoL Ont Have youreceived your from and revised copy of tho North American Lifc llujlggi Booklet It gives you examples of budgets for niarcd and unmarried persons pages for per sonal iiicuiosucrYour local ollicclwill send you one Write today DISTRICT OFFICE Slrleet 10111011121110 twoibrothers one of Whom isoVerseas and sister Sgt planes when attacking valuable convoy in the Atlantic Wilson one shooting down one of two Nazi fair treatment wherever court prb ccedings were taken against them M11 and Mrs John Wilson Orillia are proud andhappycouple fdr their son Lieuti Harry Wilsoniis home on twomonth Icave after bcing bn active service for nearly four yearswiththe Fleet Air Arm of the Re lal1Navy He has been mentioned freduently iri despatches for diStin uished service Most pro minent these despatchcs was the successful interception of enemy of three volunteers took off from the escort alrcraft carrier HMS Pursuer and was credited with planes destroyed Wounded in Action Mr and Mrs Sam Gentile Orillia have been informed that their son Gnr Sam Gentilehas been wound ed in action in France He enlisted at OriIIia in January 1943and re ton and advanced training at Peta wawa Later he took special course in signalling at Kingston finally going to Debert NS before em He went to Errancevth weekof July 1944 AdditionaLTight for Freedom in Second Section and Pryso 11s home from England where he ar helped aIIRCAF personnel in deal the RAF to assure all air forcc men Orillia Hero Home ceivcd his basic training at Bramp barking for overseas in December n11 1111 llf1ll1 gt1 11 11111111l1112 =11 lii11111 251 131 ile I31 HUI 751 311111111 11111115 111 Ili1i11 23c filltlltl ililllto if Ii gll Spclivr Oruiim 1i 31 2011 Iillhl liuzili OI Coldll 30C Nifzv Cuillrc Bookkcroing 7111 lmdci in 1111111111111 tivzrx 2111 ONTARIO READERS 1i11y John 11111 P111111 1111 itlllll oi Sfoiivs 1111111 2111 ioldcn 111111111 ililt 3111 Ci1Itlln to Bookkind 31111111 2111 licashi Rcudci Gin111 f1 231 11111 and Lilcriiturc Grade 3111 Trcasuiy Rcadcr 1111111 11 251 I1i1 111111 Liltltlillli iilll1 3111 COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE IlllSI YICAllillAllli IX lhcso books arc 1111 1111511111111111 111 this grach 111111101111111111111111111y 5511 Modciu Litciiilurc 1111 Schools 1551 Living 111111411511 75c icncizil I11I1111111111111 1111111 451 ltusic Fronth 931 Ilritzun 11nd Ilic limpiic 7111 11111111111 Sciencc Book 51111 Istciiliulx of Illisiiico 1111111111 6111 biography 7311 AIllllltllllllllill Drawing H111 1131 Largc Loosc Lctil Notc Ilool 50c and 751 SECOND YIIAILlllADIl Littlc 0XItilflilligmIly Living 31111111511 11115111111111011 History of Canadian Icoplc 11311111111 Afathciiintics Book II 1111101111 Sclcncc took II Latin for Sccondaiy Schools Ncw 011111511 in Bookkccping 7111 Keep This List for Your Convenience in Shopping at WEAYMOUTHS OOK STORE 30 Elizabeth Street go undcr ill 1111L 11nd from 1111 cullics i11 invasion valcis ILIUZIFC 111c1cly 5111 lcgiiiui was Iaiiuigcd without 11155 of the 1191511111 with two Llll 19 Hillier SIN US llWllf iictid 11nd 1213 missing was 1111111U11c Fllilllw Will ll illl Cd by Navy Minister Mucdhmpp tciiipl 11 benching but the illllli Of Ihc 61 survivors cigli arc in Shit Null llllll I11 DC RIVCH Wmmpbcforc she made shoic cd two Seriously voundcd lellll Ilcuinu is the 17th worship and thc ILIllilllldffl not sorious the seventh corvette lost bywthc Mp Miwdmm 31 fun lumb 13le Canadian Navy in this llll of the sinking which occurrcdl when chiiiu wont to 1111 1ltsigtlill0il and use Examiner Classifieds hos ilzilwonc duiigcrouslv 11 Buses are serving inlh lraiiks for theduration Theyre on lhe go transporting groups of sailors soldiersgancl airmen from centre to centre and serving mencind womenon leave Youllagree thatlliislis one of the most important iobs right noweven if it does mean that your bus service Byrne BARBIE BUS in Sudbury last week have rcluiiicd homo liiiving spent 21 month 111 Barrio rctuincd lionic 111Ici few weeks 111 Toronto 73 Collier Street SCHOOL SUPPLIES There will definitely be shortage of Text Books We advise earlybuying PUBLIC SCHOOL 111Il1111gtGlowsIi It lllllll Ylilliilmlill XI 11121 UMUIX 111611111115 T1111 1111111 Purl 11111111 11111 311111 11d lililmy NW Al1l11 111 Illlll Siliuld llttilsll trainuvliy 1111 Illllll Slllllxil 1121111111113 11 Physics 1112111 1111 Srrnndai Schools IUIIIIII YEAR 111311111 XII 11111111111i1111111 Sillllitl Ilil1 5111111 Storms 111d ILll Uitls 31113111 dc 191111111115 P1111 Now Ij1ll 1111 1111111 51111111 World Civilization Iuit II vlodrin iionutiy Tliiviiiistiy 191151 1111111 11111 111 Srcondzuy 8141111115 Latin Rink IIIIlll SIIIIlllAII XIII tilltllitl P1111115 Short S1111i15 Iii1113 Undii 2111 ilttlthltltl Iron IIII llhllli Book of 1111111 Iocliy 1115521 13 Advunccd 11111 Ill lllillllll ch Analytic iconictry IIltllltlllllly Iiigoiioiuutiy hcmirtiy Cornish Nitclianics Modern Iliiropi 111d 1111 World Sciihlilcis IIVcrcisc Docks Icncils Ilulcrs 7711 511111 1311 SLUII 51111 531 3111 511111 $1110 H011 101 Mr SI IIII 7151 SLIIII Stir filli SI 00 351 101 11c Illlc litlc 30c $11 5113 $1111 5113 3151 Slit 5225 Draw r2 Iciis Ink and ill School Ilcquiicmciiis lziiliid in Stock 811110111111 blll low lilynl Miss Carole McLean Toronto is Mrs loo Ilaclzctt and cliilciicn Mr and Mrs Gco Kilfickhuvc spcnduig Miss Nina Cookc Olllllli 211111 and delay HoWever the future does 106k bright for bus iravellers Alrec1dy Gray Coach Lines is planning eet of smart new buses for peacetime Then once again youll enjoy the thrill of carefree highway icunls TERMINAL lhoii Robcrlson IIc11111d Sunday Ildguu Unitcd Church 1111 Sept Spoakcr IS Ilcv Mr Ificuch To llllllll v1ckciid All lol l11111ds Church 11111 1311111115 lids been curtoilecl 111111111111 you may have to put up with some inconvenience Phone 3162 Barrie Ont Simcoc spout 11111111 is visiting School at 1511le he Wm BtIl0id and use IlxuinincrClzissificds $145 per 110 1b BARRIE FLOUR MILLI