THURSDAY Ww 111 11 ii AYGUST Ell 1941 wquW wH Ill alft3ltil1lr 11 13 llilllillf Al r1 11 til 11 11 iwiiit il 11111111111i 11 1111 11 11 li ls 111111 51 l1 1l1 1i1 111i 111111 1111 111 11111111 l5 11 311111 111 11 11 iiivvrii 1fli 11111 it If It tl law of cal Till izful ii llq ll 11 11 ll11 1c 11lzl itlll111licl yl 1l hi in 1tll i113 iolllllt 1V 111 111 1111 311 111111 1i magi1 1111 1111 1111111 1111 i1ltiiilxii Tlli 1t1il hi 111 11151 alii 1lvii 11i cvl 1l1c Emrlt ili1 111 11l uii t1 11l lilr 1111112 111i 1111 they 111 Ll filo ll 311 11 l1 ii iklli11 ll 12 ioiic 1111t iplilo 11 11 11111 tl 111111111iii ll1113l11lc 111111111111 1111l 11l1 li1i li11 xl11=gth11 111 Mi Mu llasfoid and II 11Iw foot lhoiiitwi i11l I111 l1to Mg 11111111 lib111111 1i11l Ilr li111 It Ill11i11tt VOUR FAMlLV FED WITH THAT WHAT GENERATIONS of Canadian Homemakers soy Olior over 70 years lilciscliinaniis fresh Yeast 1i has been furorc with Canadian housewives bcCause it can always be countedon to give bread thats just rightcvcntcxturcd light delicioustastiiig 81 dont take Clianccs Dont 111 risk bread thats doughy and indigcsiiblc lfyou gt bake at home use 111 cut11121lilcisclnnannsfresh east and shine on baking day At your grace GET MORE VITAMINS MORE PIPI Eat calms of ELEISCHMANNS fraxli Yeast every day This yeast Is on excellentnotuml source of the Complex group of vftumfnll 11mm in mouth it Help to Those Who Mddl re as ge When meannd women get past middle age their energy and actiVity in many instances begin to de cline and their general Vitality is on the wane ladleailments and sickiiesscs sccm harder to of breakdown begin to up should take course of fin atem of Ca ducmg mrnes They help tone up and invig In such emg shake off than formerly and here and there evidences pear Now is the time those w1slim nadajs greatest goldand Turning his has been the origin of some Price 501 box 65 pills at all drug counters Look for our trade mark Red Heart on the package The Milbum Co Limited Toronto Ont mineral pro back on the 31 living the to help maintain their health and vigour ivlilbiiriis Health and Nerve Pills orate the patient by their tonic action on ltl11p11111111 munl i111 111111 11111111ii 1111 l11tlli illi jiil1t 11t1111 11111 tho 111i1=11 111111 t11iiiz1l 111 will Ml lli xl tillli lttlllt1l 1111 l11111111l 11I1i hull twinnt 111 111411111t 11151t 1211111 lio to1117tiw 111111 t1 11111 tii1 ct 111111 1111l running 1l1111iml 111i1o111111111111411 which Int Wiilt iliil hour if lfo lllltlti 11111113111l Hlll lilt gt311 1lizii PW EXMAINER Till BAR tliftczciitf ll 11 111 11 tin 11 1111111 11 Mr 111 1111 l1it111l1c 111111ii llicliag 1l ln Flv1llitvi1i1l1c1111li s11 11111 I1lllll llil l111 girl 11 it ill 14 l1zi1l11l llill iliior11t1il 111rlf 11 11 I1iio rl 11111l1t1l silci tiara 11 gt 1in 111111 llom 11 ll 1111 111111gt1H liacl 111 tho cciw mat the liappvi 111iiiih loll tor l11111 1l1111111 lot to l111111111 In flu11 Itllilll llw v1ll ltltl 111 tc lil111 l1ii1 1t l11i1tI SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 15y llrv lhos 11 While ffflTRIlTSTIN THE LIFE OF ISRAEL 111l1h11 lcxt loi ivory iiii priest litklll lltiillltilltilli 11111 11 11iiiaiiicil tor iiicii iii Hours in lLiniiis to God llltl ili ll111ll lcxl 811111 21257730 AirlZlll INIRUDUUIION In tho 11ct tow ltrniib wc arc in lttlly about the lilit1l tho pioplut and thc llt1111 iii lhc lifo of lrtLIvl ll1oc otficos clt usually fillcd by thru dittciciit llllll but in liii alli offices coiiibinc and lie is 11111 faithful Irophct lricst and Kim llo illtillt stands botwccii but and man and all authority and power 1111 vcstctl in llllli As lioplict llt dcclaicd the Word of loll speaking with authority 11 l11nl says in llcb God hath in these last days spoken unto us by llis Son and their in Hub he asks flow shall we csczipc if rc iicglect so great salvation the salvation which hrist dcclaictl As Priest llc offcrcd the sacrifich oflIiinself for our sins and now appears in the presence of God for Us Hot 4zl4lti 91214 2th As King Ilc will yci reign over all things and the statement of Isa 26 will yet be fulfilled so according to vcrse 12 it would be well to put your trust in lliiii while it is yet possible Melchizedck is the first pricrt iillltlllllitlttl in the Bible and there he is spokcii of as tho kinupricst of Salem 101111 141820 and he is the great type of the eternal priesthood 11f Jesus Christ for there is no record of his parentage or 11f his death Heb 561 GODS PROPHET SPEAKS ll IlB Sam 22730 The Aaronic priest hood bcing priesthood of men was of necessity lillltlletltl many ways and in the hostory of Eli and his sons we see how weak it was because of the weakness of men Eli was the spiritual leader of Israel at that time and while he seems to have desired to honour God and to serve Him faithfully he seems to have lacked the moral and spiritual power to do so llis sons who were priests in the temple disregarded even the command of God regardingr the sacrifices and were guilty of the worst sins until 1111 NEW LOWELL fl 111 311 li Ion llutt ill 1111l11l fl 11l1111i11111111 1111 1le 111 111l1 ltilil 111 Uc11 1ll1311li ll1111ll1111 iv llwl lll 1l11 il li lultlltiili Siliiita lll 111l ii 2111 l11c11lc Alliltill 11 111 1111 loiiiici iiiolhcr 1111 1l1 Lls 1lili1c l1lI11 o1l Margauxt liiinipcv pcil 1cm 111111 llci11 Malia1 1111l lil1111ol1 1li1 l1s 1111 1l111111tc1 lo 11111111 1111 i1l 11 1lll1 Mi uiil li 111111211 llr 11111l lt111ill iiiil Alix 1111l 1li 11 11 tti11111 11111 lltlll iiiii1l 11 Mr and 311s l11 loiilosi ltcc niivl 1l lltloaril Ntllll 1ii1l 11111111 torozilo 1ic lhfltllllt sonic limc 11 1111 1111111111 111111licr 1111l 1ii Marion Muinlnivoii 111111111111 ltilllt ultcr two vth iii Talc iloiiisi l11111 Wilwii 1tiliiiii with hci to 11 holiday Mr and 1li llugtlics Mr and Mrs loliii lli1211111 1111l 1l1111l1 11 t111liinc1oli 311 Wood Staiyiici Mr and Mi ico lad disoii and II liall Vtltllllt 13111111 spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs lftl laihlimii chluiitl flinti Mr 11ml Mr Mapos 1111l f1111l lun1l1 ith l1 and hlis liltv Halt loo lllllltl loioiito at his honic lctc Mylo loroiihi tritlr his inotlicr 111111 liroilu ili and Mrs frank llowc and llobbic loioiito llll iilillllt iligt vilii lici tinny l11slc1 Rowe icinaniiiu for some timc lliurinaii loioiilo lill his 11tc and family MillJiilll llouc llciilah llonicly loronto llll thc 1111111 1111 part1115 1111C 1111111111 11111111 overtaxing themselves A11 exercise is good one to dispel that licnton with his mother Itch tlaua with his parents Bruce Thomas Wounded in France Sorry to report that word has been received that Bruce lhoinas should be able to stand alone and WNW to walk alone 1W15 hm Symlmml llhimself butwill spill little when is seriously wounded in the entire community Single copies of The Examiner 51 the whole of Israel rang with their cents At all ncvsdealcrs or this faithful riest one whom He would rey upon There is direct reference to Samuel In Samuel iT the battlefield with the bad news of his chief donccrn was not for his evil doings Gods house was reproach He had reproved them and warned them but had not removed them from the priesthood God sent His man to warn him and announce Gods judgment and no doubt this could have been averted if they had repented even then but there was no sign of repentance SAMUEL SPEAKS 235 chapter God stated through his prophet that He would raise up and the worship of office In at STACK 0F DISHES and ER WONTRUNOUI WAT prophecyof verse 35vvas fulfilled and upon Samuel devolved the task merit to be executed SOLDIER SPEAKS Sam 32118 Elihad been reluctant to let the Ark of God leave Shiloh and be taken into the battle and as he is seated old weary and blind on the wall by the gate messenger comes to him from the Israels defeat Failure in many Ways as he was we cannot help but note that in verses 13 and 18 sons but forthe Ark of God If only Eli his sons and the behaviour of the priests there would have been no need for concern about the Ark The loss of the Ark was directly failure ofthe time seen in the cor ipption in the House of God The priesthood of man is always moreor less of failure and we oughtto thank God for provid ing us the One who is the High Priest forever and the one Med iator between God and man Let us avail ourselves of our glbrious privilege and approach the throne of Grace directl through Him Weekend visitorsincluded Mr and Mrs Goldsmith and boys Midland Misses Ina and Gladys Goldsmith Toronto at Halls Gerald Archer rPort Mc Nicoll at Go Act61 are reported Parnell Tiiio Shirley Brock jean Hall Toronto at Wm Halls Good Crop Reported The binders are busy now Good of being the messenger of Gods second reproof to Eli with the assurance of judg due to the moral and spiritual who was High Priest had been more cocernedabout WHEN THE GREASY MESS that clogs your drain pipe meets up withGilletts Lye its goncrl Fast lnno time waters run ning freely again And rememv ber drainsstay clear wlienyou pour in Gllletts full strength once week Use Gilletts insOIiitions to get oors spotless without hard scrubbing to lighten tlielload Mot all your heavy cleaning Grandcst way yet to have clean sweetsmelling house without break tag your back Ask for Gilletts today ONeven dissolvev Iya in hot water The1actimi lye itself heat the water Aims mum 111111hcr To best times for this one but it can mm ii All he done through the da1V too This SHEET ONIARH CANADA 1llzil withthe lemon juice salt and may ring Cook until syriipand allthef day weekend at her home here latti scents Mrs Watt 1111 1111 lemon 1111 ciijoyinciit of 1111 two lictivccii jobs through the mos Youl enjoy our Orange Pekoe Blend 11 gt1 out liaiiiinx In 11111 call 11 1111c Apialfi 311 it i151 ll thuntdwil T112 114 11r1i lrcsb lcrilii 11315 11313 1111 11 11 Willi i1 ozn UH devotion 1111 111p i111 111 li H1 11111111 out ii flat it thili lillJ tr 111 11 c1111 plj ti1t 11 1i 1111141111 11 pp 11 1111111511 lvllll ill 11114111 mun11m 111 my 511111 ll1r 111ii11l1 lli ivlltlili 111 111111 11i l1o1ll 11111 lit wt lulltl liUlIl if 11 S111 il111 ll1gt In 11 11 121mm BARBIE 111 who 1111l1in1Illiil iiil 11 not Mimi H1 liciirsvlhw is pmrl lin Hv 8111111 in 11 l111llt 11 1l 15 Ho food lild iiiiiincrrliiiic 1111lo11wl 1111clil1cllct 1111l1 1111111 111 tii iiiiiitiliilfisiv 21111 41 111t1 111111 iiiirl i1v tlllliitl ti11i111ohi 111111 1111111I11l 1111icl1 has llll3 111 li1111l1l1n llzil oil r11 111151 li1 tho 111ml l1lmli ti1 l1llt it tlicir llltilit 11 111lil1 ilt11ii and o1 ii 1111 Lil llifll lilrl iliil filli 11 11111l1 11111111 of 10 Ioodiw 11 lritltl lows lililril of its 11 tail in tlu Mllllftitl 2w ticsliti if 1111hicl1y wt it 111 ht from thr garden o1tiii 11111111l 11 SSH McMlan 1111 1l il liti 1111l froth lltllitfi to know thcy or and for us so lot 111 Hwy Nor 1lliliilliHi iilaidhitithmilli lintmi 1111 111l 111lt illl tfliill l1 iil ltil IS when ML um Ml IN r1111 for 1H tlicii tot lliiilll 1111l tlllltlllh M1111 on Zxlrm Alltsluli All II 111 ll liililvi at 11 1l 11111 11 llil llllt of Mi Smm 1111111 Illtlt anvill lioigt yolu lllltVC Mlmlmdgt Mb WM 1311 on 11 ii i1mi ti illlillllltltllllllllt lll inilto diijlhifizl mla 111111i11111111111111111111111 1110mmhplruntampaqMuhammad 11 1111 114111 lhlllf and give you more it lltll Wtbbu Mom 11 rim or lhcy arc liottcr tloiic vitli flllilv vilifilli Ill 1111 novafit of llltllt but aic butter All 111 Wicc 111111111 111 11 11h lh1 clothes on than not 1le Fwd lm MPWS 1tl inc voiiian who says sho My ophmacm 1111111 51111111s to find lllllt to do s111c of exercises taltcs minute HINDS BEVERAGES Orillia Ontario Uniu iriuial woodcuts day and docs inc exercise Before lln day is ovor she has managed to 1lo wvcral She says it relaxes her and she gets more benefit from tioim than by doing them all at 1111ific1t llllll Here is simple halal rollilcor hands over head then touch the right trit with the lclt fingers keeping the knees stiff lio llllti tcii times then touch the loft tocs with the riizlitufinucrs If it tho bondingr and twisting that loos tho trick More is buster ciciso for reducing and firming hands over head thcn swing the arms back and clap the hands to cthcr behind your back Do this twenty times Morningr and night before and after undressing are the one lttELEPH0NE series of exercises is mild enough for the middleaucd to use without The last dowagcrs hump The liild at Eighteen Months At eighteen months the child He will try to feed using the spoon He will try to put on his own shoes and bowel con trol should be established He will understand simple questions and can say hello and thank you and at least five words He likes to scribblcon paper and will build with blocks when shown how boy will weigh 24 leI and girl 23 boys height willbe 31 inches and girls 31 All these things of course are not absolute they are just average Some chil dren will be able to do all these things and more others little less Weiglreariddieighrtaaiejuseaverages Both weight and height de consi erably on the weight and height of the child when born If baby gains in weight and grows in height the average amount that is all that is required of it Babies should not be compared with other children in this respect Just so long as they improve their own records that isall that is required Scandinavian Sandwiches tin sardines 132 tablespoons 1e mon juice tablespoon mayonnaise dash of salt 13 cup sliced radishes Drain the sardines mash and mix arson Here in Canada where the telephone idea was hern more telephone calls pcr capita are made than in almost any other country in theiworld onnaise Spread on bread and cov er with the nradishJinces Caramel Sauce cupsugar lzfcup boiling water lcppsersgetthe greatest pOSSillefitiliie itliatthey$187 VReaspnable frates iand speedy llflllttlil courteous selvicefall these encourage telephoneydcvelopnieiitflhcyaeconnt for Canadas leader1 Ishipiinltheuseof thetelephone Usage issurely the final test tablespoons cream Put the sugar in atheavy pan and heat slowlyiuntil melted and brown ed stirring Very frequently Add boiling water slowly while stir 11 sugaris melted Remove from the heat and add cream Serve hot or cold onicecream If little thick when cold add morecream BONDHEAD m1 Mrs Marshall Welland is visit ins her uncle Lyons Mrs Broderick spent the holi 1Of course waittime scarcity of vital materials has sharply restrictedgrowlinbuttelephone service has litoiimaintaincd at Residents of Canada and the United States make many more telephone calls per capita than any European country high standarvh It has made an outstanding contribution to the VictOry to tunic In Europe Sweden leads Latet official figures available 1941 give Sweden 1965 annqu calls per capita as compared with 262 for Canada Miss Fairy Watt Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs IL Dixon and faith ily spent Sunday and Monday with friends ll Park II and Durham away widows 17175 later TandVidalflltlriltlflg135 WWW MmewwwmifWilla mg on are goes ormers War SW 35m SMITH parents Mr and Mrs CWest Mr and Mrs Jack Hughes of weal R9y Churchill spent Sunday with the