Tilt BARREL llNER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA AU 131011 Liberal Leaders 25111 Anniversary AUGUST SHOWING nus JAMLS xiiA11 OF THE 1945 31311105 if At1 and in 111 kin10111 Btrrrt 1511 15d11 311421 iJH Sim run COAT scans 511111101131 co 1001 1121411111111 1111 110 11 111111 Buisi li111 Mi 1111511 11111lt1 111110 1115 lit1l 11112 1111111111111 11 110 1110 111111 1111 1111 it111111 111 to 1110 111210 of 7111 1111011 1111 111 11101111 1i1 111 1111111110 11 1111 11111 111 11 1111 lii1ii 1111 110 111 111111 11113 1111 111 11111 pairr11 11 1n111 leCF 18 1111111nv Uhmh 11111 11 itth 110 11011 1111 111 11111111 gt110 11 111111111=s11 01111 f1 1110 11 111 1111111 1110 Hui 1101 min1110 Jlltt 111 511111 111 Llililxli twin Ah Attack on 11111111 1111 11115 11111111 Ami 1111 511 1r 111 is 21111 110111111111 11 t111tt1 11V this My 11101111101 1111 11 1121111 I111ililly M1 11 11 11 11111111 Spruce Budworm 51111 111111 211 11111 111115 111011 11 1115 11011n11l 1111 1111 1111 5111 1U my hi HM 1M MW mum ml dunk 00011111 111101 M011 1111111 111 11v ovum1 1111111111111 11 11 F111 rln 1101 iilcfsitv 11111110 11 111111111111WL txi1im 15 111 1111111 3M1m 1111 11 11 11m 11111 111111 1111111t111111 1111 111111 t111 111 11 11 111 51111100 7t 1111 1111 211 1110 111111 111121110 111111 111111111 of 11111111 11 1111111 11 11 11 211111 51111111 113131111111 11111111 11 1111111 11ttln 1111 11111111 1iv111 111111 1111 11 11 Rip 21110 12 111111 1115111111110 11 111111501 A11 1111111011 Malt llIM An ll1111u 1111021111 nill siihscrip km Whhm 31111111 K1MW 11W 11 11 011131111 11111111119 112 211111311 1111 1111 Hlihiuiilvtl twilJiHl 1111 1111111w 1111Jlltll 1111 trv 11 11 111110111 11101111 gtllls=ll ri1 NJ1 W111 up 111h OOVVOOOCIOINlIllllllIlllltllc i1 11114 111 1111 151 11 gt11 1111011110111 11111111 111 51 11111 Hull HM 11 i11 Huh AWL luwr 11111111 hump mm 11 11111 15111 11Hh 1111151 11111 11 311111 =31 ivmri liq111 01110 Scythori ll 1111111110m illiliftwl 111 UNIV 1112 31 lv111VV Mrtarx 11111 111111 12 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1151111 111 111r 1111111 hf 111111 1111 11 hh1 VflllilhjlI 113111V1 hull fl 11 1111111111 11111111 lit1l3 11 151 lhoiii may 11v111hl1 11 11111 11111110 111 hlr iiijhblfmhil Bl1ilA1lI1ii 1g MARSHMALLOW and Mrs 11 1111111 11 111111 1111110 Ministrr Marlon10 K1111 was 1511031 01 101M 11 lt1 lll 1T itl 111j1111 111111111 1011 111 Mi 111111 Mrs llaiiy Wit1111111 11111 111 1111110 l1ll11111 lltltl lll 011111111 hltllltlily lil1f111 1111 illitllfl HIVISLQKI Rabin vkllnmm fwrii 1111 11101111111 tmrt 111111101111 111011 tam sons 11101121111 211111 1111111 1111 UV 111111 Than11111 11 1151111 1111111v111311111v 11 11111151 110M 1h Hm 1119 lhhhwh mm hr hm INHHMI NM Yum MW 50 1mm PUW Mtlwuvwg If mwummudnk WW 1111111pyrimihhjhm1 1132111 111110111 311 11111 Mr= Wilson 11151111111 mph hhwhu 11115 11 hm hank Wiwmml and hm mm 00111011 1110111 linnc MllllSLOl jlilllclllllhlltSltlthL li11ttV011 111 15 11 115 1111 MI and MW mmum Jhcobh and Mrs 111111 and Mrs lustiii 31111011101 ML King succeedvd Wllnld Launer leimm lMil 11111 1v hm ghht 23 11311 vahhs 1101101 hm Mr and 11115 Mun111 1111111111 of In 1111 allow 111011110 1110 lrinir Minister is seen showing his mmm Ghmohlmlhe hnhhnd E101111111111 111111 11 11111 rclaiirvs 111 WWW 13111115 Mid1 v110 1m sistcr Mrs ll Lay of Barriv 11v01 1110 parliziinmit buildings W1 hved hi5 111111Hw unml iouiirstowii Nlltzllllii Falls and 110011 Vitiltilli 101 two Wtvlis with wumh WWwwwmw4 h0 mm Canada Sh whmhl UNCH AT mlmlll MN whhniS WWII hh and MW an he had resided in Toth Whhhhhl 1111 111de 1111 new Is season 00 1v Mi 11 111 11111110 1111 Mis 110 Win 51111111 11111111 11111111 11 mmmhwhh 11mlnhm 111 Mm 11 111011111 111 St taihnrincs 11011110 5mm rhuhhm 110 32 1mm harhuhhu VII 110 in 1011111111121101110 yea5 To 11 11 Bx 11011 Knapp 11111 51510153 Mrs 11 W1 hi W110 Tea and Candy Shop mm1 11 51 125 mmm 11111111 1111110 Mrt ll 1111111 Ahce Ruth Mhmh 101111311 1111 LOOK 10 THI SIGN My mi Mm mdwnod Mincsinp 111111 h1rrl Carson A1111 110 111110 Bairi0 111111 11011 laughl 22 52111311911151 101194562 v1 011mm 11 51m 11 110Yitblt 11110 101s Mrs 11 111111111011 Toronto his Mrhllxik 10121 1111 MV 11 11115 11 Mtl0ll111 and Mrs Uirv Little 11110 51 15 11101111 11111 finnly 111mm to the number now me mmmmitv to 1mm from mu 11 WWW 00 mm 13951911 11100 Wilhelm 111 You CiilirSdVC many tunes the On Tuesday The Examihm had WVmt IN 10 WW 11 rm g3 from Bulk Old 1111 1191 OUHWII hillliidziv iiidlit to 111v1i0IlLct 11111 write 11 lugturv of L110 pint yo Sllbscuptmn dy 10 the vertise 11111111011 S1111 11 111 21 115a9p or 1111011 1111 Mary StBirr10 11111111IMTMWH ht hm Ulnhirhl pml 181 to 10p1 1871 111 fathcr was 1111 lemmwhip of my 11 gt11 10 013011011 Wm to 11 them that 11 brewer oiiiployed 111121110 Simpson bmlm plmlbm hm off Mr 11 51 131051111114 1103101 rough or smooth the people who b19110 31 11m 1091 Mary 51 Kim md ll mver Vt 511 00111111 on 111 111111011 hon have stood by 1110 for the 11151 111 811100 leavan Barrie he has 111ed 51111 1015111 111 when 00111vc hcfow us an oppor years will have tlicopportunity to 1111101011101 110 1th 20 yearsago upkwlhphh1mm gtHI 11111111111 11111111 lVlHlht 11116 01 stand by inc 3131111 Vlll 1a con given is only 011 1115 killed in the 111 Minhm yhmm 1mm 1110 Which an my mm wsuld WWJamwmoWo WT BAPTIQT CT VDRTWA 31 1mm 11111511 Foam3110 in mm 11 me 111 nu Mr aim MKSWM Mayor are m1 111 31131111011 Ml Killt 1191 111 111111511 3111in min 1911011 CENTRAL AND COLLIER ST thdWW the Cftiatve T111111 sumny 151110 gt UNITED 1101 Bay Beach Their son Byng and bow 1111 11 111 10 1611111110111 of my ll AllMorning Worship 11 his chum Bill Banting son of the mMy1E$1311 101101 WII 1711531 Baptist Chmch SUNDAY AUGUST 13 1911 1110 Sir Frederick Banting both illlil1111711311iiillf1 8111 11010 10 11110111111 31 18851 11 51 11 PMEvenmg Service at A1MCmm31 Sunday 50110011 of 1111 HS 2155111113019 spent Thing SCHmm him no Hmlllv Wyn lYlGIlllt1lt3 111 110111 010011011 do SI Andrews Presbyterian Sound Religious pictures day and Fridaywwnhthem They md With My 1111 11 not helirvc We 1111151 think 01 any 31311 GCIC 31W 511101311 0f F1151 1331R1 11 AM COLDLIFR THEFT also had as ne gueStS M1 and hit dt ffl 11 1am UUngloVoml12111311111lrov1dence 1111110 ehmch win pmth 111 service MlSr Joe Plllford 0f 7951011 and guy 71M hulm 111V Sittingth W1 D111 1110 01 for 25C naming Auglm Lahd will seek PMTCENTRAL Mrs Ed Tozcr and daughter Mrs rnfiiipseiliufnl 1311 IFliplgim 111351 111111 is 1111110 111111 1110 next Jinninistier to the pastoral needs of Mmsmrin Ciimgti Lettws pr Watson 0f Toronto 1111512 11111112 10 campaign VJhEanUTnWhau moth Congreganons Oiganistllnam Bail Ma1or and Mrs Angus Spencer Him 199119 because Phenom me isitors nd 5n er in town will have remmed t0 their home 31 31 fmsts at the 1119mm mum 111101131199 0f the 509131 programme heumad r20 Gewmne mas2 Kimhank Blvd Toronto atter liv W111 910V be it lellliillihllle Which WE must 10 OUI utmost to mg Camp Borden and 13311119 tribute 10 or 1112111 who 1112 1111011 further There is an opportunity Collier St Baptist Church for the hm four years They ask head 01211131111115govcrnnicnt1111111 today believe to 1101p bringinto REV MITCHELL Minister The Emmmer he thank the pgoplq e1 11112111 any other llVlng person being that lleWVmler of which we WW of Ban for hmdhess and mend ovci owed the beautiful ballroomihavelicorilsoimnch and in no part SUNDAY AUGUST 13 1944 liness Shown during theirhstay 11n of 1110 Chateau Lfalll1er 11110 M1101 0f the worldistherc 21 greater op at 37 Mary 5119911 Barrie 945 AMBIBLF SCHOOL your very attractive town Their 111g rooms Visitors crowded the portunity than in this Dominion of OZ 602 59C 11 AM AND PM 30 George recently promoted t0 giuws few 15 Canada SUNDAY AUGUST 13 19111 The pastor the rank of LieutenantColonel has Slam 1311 Mikm Kmth EYZEIMI Nothing has been left Undone Sunday School at 945 MIL 825 pm0pen Air Service 1151 arrived in India ionde zifitcibealI 1311 19119 win 011011111 1311 we as government felt could Believm Breaking of Brad Ba 11 V10 111 1181 110 one to make Canadas war effort yview Paik at 11 am Acts 207 Wednesdaym8yer and Praise THESE DAYS 252551151133130dl 011V01111011 lii 1111 1hcubst oslffoitithagt could be put Gospel ServiCat 7pni if fir pm Gritts thegrocer pulled his 2113 161014110 most out what you have 11311138181 lfoidllgnilllsllildaliile 1111 Cake 15C $171181 13 the 51 agmSt 1119 Holy ron straight and put on an ex been haenind to 11m evening phice have we as far as am able ghost This question Wm be an pansivg smile as the woman with record of ya own peonmf to we it med to Sup art the me swered by 111911110111 of and Ar the lacinmhum in 131 0rd 9v 11011n1ne 531d M1 K1111 N0 ill lilL flOlll t0 the utmost 0f the 5011119le and 11511qu invited er air entered the shop She want as rlnl ng 1C 1113 ever been 15 fortunate as ability of the administration tome REV 11 HOWDEN BARector imemigi smirked have been in my colleagues 11 Many Congratulations ABY FOOD 51 Mes WRIGHTv organ have some delightful Derbys mad 0f Willy talk of fidelity 19 Co gent Egrisogittgfig 1191113 am quanty of choice Cheddam operationWhere is there in history rurc en er and also prime Cheshires case Wheiie government ms dollgedell F121 MmShn OS1De ernoc 300 AWLHOLY COMMUNION been In 0111138 for OVGI 17 years or Ray All Madam would like to taste some prton US amh if 201Vulcaster street 11 AMFMORNING PRAYER if She could With scarcely disagreement in tlie the 9d5310193mongmany Barries Rev1va1 Centre preacher The Rector Grms ouri hed himkmfwbgovernment IS m1 11111117312 conglat ev Thomas Latto BA Minister mi believe honestly there will 101 lam Wiles had been recelwd and 700 PMEVENING PRAYER thlscheese and 111111 Madam nib 18 f0 11 they were 5111 rolling in Preacher The Rector bled at 11 different samples Not VJV 15 anydcm we The text Mr Chmohmis cOm 280 55C bu 107AMSunday School wrhe Kingdom 01 God on Earth one of them was quite what she 01 Im W0m937071791f 11 AMThe Voice of God 12 How Can We Enter the wanted qualities tEIIgenlce and moretar muiulca ion wan reachin vision than in the ear you are BY CEIEblat gt 230 erwShan We Know Our Kingdom Of couihse madam sa1d Gritts servicegof Canada W11 mg 11195111 jubilee of your a3 KEE COOL WHlLE YOU 9Row lQYELiER Loved Ones in Heaven Midweek Scrviee on Wednesday atclengthv 1f you leqm Stllton Mr King said he would welcome sumptlon to the leadership of your WM 7110 30 AM HOI COMMUNION and he handed her generous help HM sermon of great mteiest toxall mg par the whole history of free to parliamentary institutions few if airyCap claim to have led party of State so long and proeminently Throughout these 25 years yduaand we have watched Canada advance along the road of liberty and pro vgress with admiration and pride Yet Vnever perhaps has the world wService of War intercession lyAhnoddedt the woman that willdo nicely Now Ill beygetting home onlygwmted to bait 11 monstrapl COMMUNITY CHURCH FLYvcoILS 21059 imossm Niieserdays Conie and hear 1115 PM rmon 11 Visitors and st12igers heal11131 1nvie ote SeiviceatMinesing Station SOlVOiIOll Army Lat 3F1im COLLIER STREET essehnALS Oicomse youve chosen 1he2ESSENTIAtsdesigned fory YOURskin of course yoi have beauty routine AyncWlshipment of cups onicers 111 Charge MAJORLAURA COLLINS am saucers ust received 1111 11 1111 momRUTH METZGER WASAGA BEACH 55 ifltihgiimligfiniiiaghan eSteimbiha unldmwim m557b 9V9 Free Methodisf Mission SUNlDAY AUGUST 13 1944 Come in and 166k them 111111511111 alum whiiiars icex hOWWUChmom WWW in1lwealher OW5 soap SUNDAY AUGUST 13 1944 AT ll OCLOCK Vdg er yo goong1 hoWdelighthif yousimply putyour In ClappertonStreet 11 AM ANDev PM Come early please over 1nspirmg Eur mice as prime min lt Lax BENN Holland Landmgl ister she has played so splendida ESSENTIAts pnviceellop them into the icebox now Pastorm 21130 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL OneHourot sermon and Song vr 93 in the ow imminent We see for ourslf how refreshin therasults how up 1Tuesday8pmRSWomen3kux GUEST PREACHER thrown the powers offevil It is 01 25C SUNDAYI AUGUST 13 1944 Wed 8pm Youth Group meeting REV ALLAN WALLACE ipartlculsr pleasure therefore to you look forward to this cpolsolace 01111616111131 SUNDAY SCHOOL230 PM Thursday Pm Wallace Supemmem GIFTS irlaths me my warm 3911 reneries IIEVENING SERVICE73o PM Fiday pm Childrens Meeting FAITH iviIss1foii1 em CANADA 2111322223 to add if Thursiay pm PubucMeEtmglsatumay pm MAN with message for THESE FOR YOUR HOSTESS perousfuture Ia pros 519mm 35 71 Pismlvy W1 awful days of VWAR SORROW The presidents message was Ard5km mm 125 and nde thFARTACHE NEW AND DIFFERENT If Ardenu Velvu Cruz 125and350 an shn you 1be 10m egreetlngs on Nd mme Wncenanlgs and 3115 BURTON AVENUE UNnED CHURCH Everybody welcome at this the AT Eofllzrgr 11111611111311 Occaswn ArdcnnlltiyCleanslno CIGGM125IId 350 Emples Chumh ge one Of REVT GREEN MAnIThDrDLDi Mmlsmr Special vocal musical numbers Your many friendsiin an walks of gt life at home and abroad whovare rosinMissing VWEAYMtlllIHS REV DR GREEN IN CHARGE Church OShaWB on Win mm in Prince Albert Mr Kingbluntly denied the rum BOOKSTORE There Will beno evningsetvicedming August ChWhClamon SUCGEBSOES minanams DRUG STORE 0115 that he Mouldavoid running iiii1i liked Ch VServicei at Bfllm iaoEiizabethSt lmingpresentkconsiiimencyat was Beachici lmnhyctmch Phone 4015 Bharrle Ont fiten ghtslfshamg gaging 92 VBARRIE DriGreenzincharge mowo 044 Mon