Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Aug 1944, p. 1

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THE BARRIE EXAMINE lilfa AUDI JIUU C1 CiRCULAHOM 8lst YeorwNo 6N pa mnml Veterans and Bugle Band 2nd Bn Grey Simcoe Foresters if IN 1111 FIGHTCPLD0MINC Aut Rlli oumzio CANADA Triumph AUCUSl in 1011 seal11sesi55 Ct 1y AMBROng sVIra isTATFD Kll era Activities those scrv 111 11911 lilr11li 21 In their Country It sea Gmwn St An uwrwl lwl In le er lulluulzig it llillJ lll 11111 llvmirl 01 Contribution chm fiwl JLhWl 27 he 311 which an m1 me ifltiljt A111tgti1111 Ll LT Ii succeeded in or co Minister nl National be 111 and caus D11 fence deeply regrets to in VVV VVVMVV ooh pthe form muVlVliil Vll7limV or Craighursl v0 ommhd phi3 hmmh AmhrmsmV hh phi Cm VC mi been ofcially reported killed 153119 VV JV VV VVVVVVVVVV VVV Vhhme of recnhhnh hV hm VHNV in action Juh 31V 1m slop VVV VVVV lV VVlVVVV1VtVV1V VlVl vaer of th hVWth rived in Barer HVdVVyV am hm VVVVHVHHUH VV VV VV VVVVVVVVUVCdV Shh la older 01 dihmguhhcd ND magma divingth It in VVsV IVVVVVVV hrd in me VVVVVV way when he CVVVVV huhmam as what VV hVVVVVVVhVV tUrcd thc coveted Victuna C11039V1 lliv youri 111111 hml lweiz gtlV mdyV 27V my 1f211iv 11 lll of 13 apt 1011 111010 rcwntl had hem la cvupo in ScrghdmhhAnhs Vt the Chhudhh VVV ml VVVVVVh hVVVVV VthV VVV le11ii11V131 tittw VVanih or huge 01 Chthle muwi CuhL July lVi lib litV lcttci donut VVV ViQVV11VV uni lllS left ear Gm wcceeds Lieut Richard web Julv if 1131 1n1ith 91111 Jul1 V1 HVV VlVLLV VVVVVV UHV and er uter who lcll Saturday to lSEtlllll24 VVVVV VV lVVVw ll to his whip and dutie at Headquarters of MI No AW mm liming their snondWWR Maw 3mm 1nd 1R 1114 mm hm m5 ugh hm 11 foihmhu VVV VVVV VVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVlV tl 111111l1ir1 l1lltrl skull Al Toronto in town since May l5 11 Alllll ll Id0 Him Slinroc Foresters put on thc rcrcvnoiiial iltllllt of llctrczit Ell Head llilni rawpl Win Limhrit Lilpl Art ltiihiidsuih gtgt AntliVVlV +1 VVV1VVVV his hhhihhuh DR JV gt VV Llcm Chum hdd plow imp Uf di 11 Amp Alli lututpr mum Ills Sewn mt updating $01 nun FL Bgdm mpdh fwm HUI 11i 311 1ii hum hf condition lar softball player and official lluVVEI1V XV Vlnghil mm TINA veterans of the First lrmt ir mrt lid 111 tilllaldlllllllg job dill onipmyz Owen Sound 1111 Fitl llronn ulriu itcr Major Berri VVV VVVVV hVVVV VVVVVi VVVVVVVVVVVVhV no 11 itll 0030le Mid managed Gill WV Vd Frcd Brown was in command and ROM ll H11 was ucrgunl The Legato pavmaster Owen Sound llhM lvil lwis lililri lmrlu in HVVVV VVVVVV thwi TV hedl COUPE 13 Com ner team in the local softball league Vly hm lm AIfmlm VHj11lq119t was drilled by RS la Tulxs Sgt lk Molloy lle Harry Hodges llr liccs Jones VVVVVVV VVV VV VVj RV BVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVE11 holirc stzitc Provin iii VIIHVIinglVVtV ILVMVHdVVl Pictured above is the irer Simcoc lorctvr Bugle Build from Fourth rowvSgt Harry Wharton ltr Jillllll Cituiir Hi lltl VVVV VVVVVVVVlfVAVVhVVVVh VVVVVIV VQVVV llL l3 BYICS Barrie ShrapanVWounds in Neck VV VV If VVVWVHV hi VEJV Voriiim in the llrst two rows llityiliril or 111 wtemiis 111i quct llakrr onkstown 51 1mm 311111111 lpl 1m pl Itlnier UAW1 15 WU 1310miufcdmenwcre Word has been received thnt illle VWVV lVlVNVI IV VVJVVV VfVVuVV In the back row are members of the llllllllll mtl sonic senior officers McDonald Sgt Eph McFadden Pic llcnry mum Cpl ll hm 11 111fnhio lmdw 13 hi Gm Hon Capt Bcilis had 10v of the null ilsn vetemns Missing from the plrturc iri ltol Sheppard VV 31 in llll St liiV Ill the liiurlii 11 Illlllltl lull ClVed llCCk Womlds by Shrapnel 10 13511 kniln enlillonild Mu livl commanding oftlctr Major Nlatlyllren T0 TOW40315 mlrl WW1 mrm mlcV lli M1 111 l1V1111 11113 luteii troi1i11I lmppened and is now in military hospital VAVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVt VVVNVVVVVVVVVV hVV VVVJVVVVVanHQ oyV Major Andrew 111111101thour 1111 i1ViiV Hawkins Lambert Sgt Siundcrs lte lid ullmunV lto Ayms Vpd mVVVVVVfVV rththV hchhfh umtzililc llylrxs stated the coupe in England llpl llilgzir Fries ii 11 1135 proceed llm Highway 11 11 11301111 lll lli1iii 111111111 lfv PllNl in in VV VVWV VV VVV Jl 1t L10 r1l1ist lucl crossing tmins ltwviitlv tltl1lil3 hr l11zl 11 11 lM ll VhV NCVi hp hmth car from Ilsfgfggghnp33thV VVVlllelIl playing vllllll lil Vim LION Mml Ullwtlynm Pauline I111111 lll freight train Fruit with the clcsV wconiinu Fl fVSL Millg WV lam VVlVllliVV VhlVVlVVVhCVVVVV mvchmIrl megwmmydhw lt llllt luiii mr was lnfonndnon Cceivgd by VVV VV VV VVV iVVmVVVH PVVVVVVI 1le VV IVVVV VVVllOIi llll lill as 08 then NIrSV Sanford SLViilVlVVV VVlVIVlltVVVtIVVVVV ltiilJ VCQULDN VVVVVVVVVV eri l1 VVVVVVVVV hthhl VVVVVVVV dQVVVViledV thn zinz Heh 01eg Yum tiledBeulchd Thc illlll 111111 lllll itlsiiiiitid 1VV VVV Vh DV VVV VV hi Uh hV VVVV VV VVV VV VV 1101 iler v21 inaiiicri laiziw LVVVIVVVPVVYWEVEVUWM the tan 23h Slugggy xix1 11850 tit lllllil illl llllil SWVltT ill 11 VVlllf Vigilhih hTVZVCVVVIRIVVXV VV 1VVl IVVHl lilll to 11113011 lnvon lotc UfV VVVV 18 ed 19 IVl 1V MVVVVCh V9 VVlViVVitVtVVillihVVVtV211ViVVVVthiVVVVIIhV1 VVlVVViViV VthV Whhhhh when mgr pVVVVVhVVh VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VV VVVV VV VVV Vitn VV VV VVVVVVVVV VVthVVVVVh hVV hm hohcc what Vmvr gitL late of Fisk $15er lg drouglhl 1VtV it 111 gmll 11 VAth ghhd hthpnng and the train con ci ill hut in Serving in England VlVleVSVhVVJUV VVCVVVVV Vihdhih pd thVVVVV V1 VVVVV VVVVhVVVV Former Egrestcy pad hhhhd VVhVVVV 200 CCVV me mhk cm 12 inc 1i tn t3 l1 11 hirsV VWynes 144 i1 Rd ieV VVVthmV VVIHVVVVVgh th bmhmh OVV1 the only iVinchos of th V11 VVlVVi VV 1VlV1VIViViVIiiiV V1 Vt ViVV Is Now Repormd as 1011113 1V11V11 1Vf1ot bVi11lV in WW Cable 0m he 5011 DVl 11th Wm wowed at the SVVVVVVVicnt Jdn Ross button l2 5c11 ii in lt1 11 1m the mmnnmc thicc othei cais lll Nonnan Wiles CASC illill he 15 ma Dominic thereuplm jmuhd Olq AbVml 730 he went Elwin VV 1mm 41 11 mm Tm Hui mm dp ed Nornandy flvllltil empty 3an cm und two now in England He trained at V1 4V Viiiini Willi the deceased Wllllf Visiilll lu lllli oi nij ciy ltirtzr nuum box 1111 loaded th nickelleft lllL 211d lliCClVH Billltllloii of tilt 695 15 ea to 00 hith 1111nd of 11001110 along VVV Reterboro and Red Deer Alto for Foresters Vmuldnt nllll hen liloD sawV Hm VVVVVVPVVhVOhV MVVVVVVVVV VVfVeVVhVVVVVV lIVVIV 1114 lior cl 1111 WM 1thc 1111 lt VVVVVV VV VV VV VVVV 9119 and half yeiirs befme going hnahy DOVVthV hVVhV VVCCCVMVI lllla Lonipinioii in Vlllollf hc Llll OVV th VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV hf th VthVVVVVVV VVV VV VVVll VV V1 V1V iii 11111 llon hltiiV 1hr taiil 111 11V it llpld move mums for mtivc twice in Quevns York ed Wm Admr WV 13 hm mm l1 lLvllv BM hi ltvu MM nmvn ruined oft inc full length of ing for the cows down thc hill VV Dr l1lllllL rlllEi lfoiinunviy iLLLillllll to Word the l1tion pitfrrin about 40 feet Removal Red 01 Shrapnel From Etaggljmlflhxiyb11 guildxldlghg toward lllt pond Ariziir lllll lo 15h VilellVVVlVleVfVlV AlVVlVlllllf VFlVVVVI tlt fol fired ii 111 limints Mr and ltczirinc it into shreds Nkarlfcllol Dump Wllh Pincers Njaurmolhtheihhhh 5hrth 10 Doml lid Well lllt lelfilSCd VIVIVhThdlgVVVVilVhVGLhVVVhlVVV PVVVIVV lliilllwlf lVFTil ii 311 1111 Blown Olllliti lliiil large frog svfitch was smashed ordinarily headquartererquud 110131942 he was tninslcrrcd ovcr Sink sent sum ka the glittaloniniittcc of Burric thzimhrt llHm llRIPJllzgllilp Pm 831mm tin SwimPmt lm mwlmn hm it was pomhle to get through ton seldom has to worry about 311 seas to Royal Reghnom of can liouchfoi helpV Allan Brown and of VOVVVVVVVVVVVVVV hv which th VVHVVVV mnch mViVl VluVoui font IV l1ldci 111111 il1izV Vltdy lltlitll traffic pzist the wreckV by slow emy Shenmg bl Cpl Alex cam eida whose iiuiiilicrs had been icr BC bugleV Wkly respmdm and pl Olod 11 Ti 18 lzmhll AMWMP mm 5151 will 31mm MIH lovplwll le Sdmg eron Barrie 0111 knows it is dif iouly dpleted Ih mid on birth Who Could SWim ll Vlillle 110 bltl lt31llVVVYl llliFltW lltlIVCl oily 111p1mrd had 1he hi An jiuxilifiiy crew came up from mlth on the Italian front He can Dihppe hV VAVVhVVhVV 1912 tried to rescue the hVVVVV Without Ktth enfhhh BVVVVthVVVVV VV VVVVVCV VVVVVCHifVVilihyh MMHVV thdVVthhi RVVVV VZV VVVV GVVVVVVV VVVVVV Shhhhh FVVVVV Toronto and about 100 men were rVecah high When enemy artillery CpVV Dhmbmshih was married 511cm VVOVih VVVde thrVrVVVehCVVVVVVV VVthll1111i 3er with CVVVVVVVhVVVV AVVVVVVVV TVVVVVV on thp jObV ihe Situation being re he dropped hh too close and he AV 11 WVVIV1 Meanwhile pmvhwm huhCe hm VVl Ailmlirilllf lllllff 571 cash Regthth 119 6an worm lieved by midnight Tuesday in une iss 51 aa1yb5keee b10wmg VI VVV along With Trooper Joe Premont been notifed and alier dra yin L1 15 in NW lmllt With them in Juiic 1913 and wrist tenbiiiy Mldldlld whose brothel gt proved excellent 01 the 3alhhq he VV Sutton Que andLCpl Robert MCpi0t 0m Japk Waiiehbmy for 21 short time they recovered 12 Emi ilRHSmILd to anolhfl tank imit Hi 99 me NJ lo Ptlddlson vllltlFUl second Neil Richmond PEI removed releCAFV Mldiath was hlesumed DI the body some 45 minutes after but not to good for canoe VVVVdV hVVVhV thVV hhth AV VV ha 01111 pachei and Tunes red VJ 11 13 VHV gallilthigiltllelplflllggiS Hound pet galle 11 ovetsedbthm It Slsargllfaredd SWlmmmg events However malls mird night Hm Appleiol ll Mjil Mtcctliem3 inCED ItMI 19 survrveg oge er an iay ariic lZl gtateof the water did not Seriously minor ic in ian lap ainV with one daughwh Dianne paVbeeVV sent for and artificial mph interfere whh VVVVC ShemSS of VVVVVVBquVthn 1thAlhiViVilViVlV VV VVVVVVVV BhVVVVVVVVVV body by me dehdeV Oh in 69mm 315 03m tricizi aged two years his parlotion was kept up for one hour afternoons Show idVVVVVV VPVVVhVVd VVVVVVVVVVV July 10 by staff officers who hfoofltiugiguhggflggh1sfOBagzz ExitsM1VVVaxig Mrs $116811th 031V owing successV DIVV EVV Sn Tum Highlights of the Regatta were 1175 V11111 K05th WM 1011 YVif Place Ii iiilV Normafnh Brilch ghvonhas rossw owan an de in zirrie use en the Saihna Race the Sm 7in VV very llllltl 111 10 ncwx presum 1V son 113m hm orman received letter from her husband and seven brothers and sisters The dehmged hwd WUde fm Cutter megs the hm digphv of hijwllmkhifliltfullll Wraith ably Cami This was long dis Thomas Toronto formerly of Sun VV 38 RulslslguGDuncan Egzlzilx trim FlVdnk Allfmddle dsnm Ollando Watson for Vthree WECkS coming swimming and diving by the Visilv hgikuVth lfm Um ill beadl 11010 Mail Judith T0115llll7l lleal New Lowell cai ernhgiiyh so VDAmeFOSSIU B49213 10W SCIVV to him from wallwins iii Mid mg swimming 11le from Mpg sliCCleary had plcwously written was wounded V111 action in France sneps ta dy dn With Grenadier lfllds llurst He was of Polish descent YorkV Toronto RCAF Camp 80 ml Captain Bmwn had me lak JUIY 2L according to telegram TC Vadian boys They are working on France GeOrge DAmbmssmV Bar and 17 years of age den and Angus the SCVVhVVV In TV on 1311501191 and it was velvVgehyed from the Directh RecordsV 350 acre farm rie c011 goaltendi private in Vth MINISTER RIM aVVdVmwihg Chmpemihm h1ng month am 11115 occurred VOhaan receivethv his parents Fri 2nd Bn Grey and Simcoc June ti DDav This has beel 011 day vht at Receives Wing Commission ForestersV at home Mary DOMINION MIGRATORY W110 C810blat9d Cullllllelivll airtime AlrgoralltRownflcyllb an firmed by big brother Lieuthen wduni51w55 Still 11111333 OfHeb Pilot Oicer Wilbert HV lhrleheyV JosephiheV Margaret and JthV a111811 LAW COPY NOW HLRE twentyth years as Leader of the en0VVilsTliVlyOSlJelgders regrslseghaenl heth Enjan and by wounded men VVVVVVVOSDVVQV son of Mr andVMrs Himh Fedehh LVbeml Party at dhh VVVV VV at home Ban19V Owen SoundV Collin woodV 11 dudV 10 had seen Caplaln Ptc Thomas enlisted in Canadian My 77 Blake Sty Barrie left laSl ll was just 26years agom Aug t2 Her Ollawat Monday is 515 Huntsville and WestonVCmpsg Ll Brown prisonm Vhat happened VArmy Active in October 194 and night for Calgary Alta where he ust 1918that DAmbrossios 3a 1911 MW Liyv Balle l0 Canal Brown in 16 interval Went district has been supplied by the Salter general chairman of 5985 JUNE 1943 H15 wm take an advanced trammg when Who had been presumed Dept of Mines and Resources 01 ms gum me occaSOI the Regatta Committee stated tint Mrs Alice Willouvhby Thorn is mVSL Wm not likely Pams itlmedmarNew Lowell tdurse after spending leave at dead while serving with the to be cleared tll th be was reatl deli hted With the 1m 19le When they moved to ms homeV hereVV He reported to Italian Army on the Slde of the 211101351 ngeE2egfly see subunit VheYVRegagha in VVS rst giggihlmlflriflVflnllEhlngV over and the men who were Vakeh Toronto to engage in war VworhV RCAVFJn February 1943 and train Allies turned up prisoner VofV year of operation and added his 101 0536051 0111 prisoner with him are released ed Vat NOV Manning DepotV Toronto wan The news camet0 his er thanks to those who had helped VVV VVRWEV VVVVhVVh Vou VhVVV Major MCCVBVVVVVV advises that VV RESULTS ARE THE PROOF Branlfrd Trm and Si Calm Just heme the 53 0f Chm TEyDERS FOR NEW WATER AND SCALP any way to make the affair such rs14322 vie wiimm WitimmeivmnelalVim athrho Ammrthe commmmues hns ighere Vhe sufferer aV brgiin merohol sherviceh in the lttle town SYSTEM AT CAMP BORDEN success Further results on page VQVVVVVVhVV VVVVShEVVVV VVhVCVVVVVV DVVVVVS of war was held at DenyV of CahadaV there is no better adV nee one Cl en 61 in all ere 16y Ive Local merchants whose contrie 5UPMT 011 JUIV 11 Vertisin medium than he walds Spending some time inl Tenders arel81ng recewed byt the Sam Howard Charles BOYd Mm butions were of great assistance in palileatietoailflwcgiiigl of death Jail Examinin Big rmlgim Balflrgllel Christie St Hospital Toan He You can Save many times the Dept of Munitions and Supply Ot er VLJVIOQVV 26V younger son of MR hhancing the Regatta were as Oh Vat Vt Vh VHave you xengwed your subscrip maderjmrest and effective his la went to Nov Bombing and Gun price of your subscription by 311 tsWav up to Aug 171 for we and Mrs Erwin Miller RR lows 11l11i0fi 41i3111il lion combine to give best results nery School Paulson Man in Feb ing and acting upon the advertise Slon l0 the water System at Cami AngusV is Ofcially reported wound Queens Hotel Riviera Tea ROOVVVV th he hrhjhdeh affghh ruary 1944 and then trained as merits in The Barrie Examiner Borden ed action July 27V according to JV MV Parkeh GV RobeitSOVVV BOVVS hassiblen gt RiaVigaipr tN0h AQS annipeg V77 telegram IECElVEd fromdlheimrelctor BOYS Arcade Storei Olympia Pier W111 Illfwd Willougllbvv anu ecelymg IS Wing ere on of Records Ottawa We nes ay ast 11 Robiw es auran 1y aVe sOi Jose deaihi though to have VA July 27 and hlscommlssmn the ngxt telegram from the Director of Hardware Brennan Cus occuired in France was son of 33 Records received Tuesday night of den Weyinouth Roxy Theatre Mrs Alice Willoughbv of Thorn this week stated that nature of Dds Wellin ton Hotel on and tie late Georve W11 Wounded JulyV28 Vwoundshow reported compound Clark Clarke Brown Co longhby of Brentumodf natch Mr and MW George NQWlenv yh fracture of left femur thigh and Jacobi Graham Smith of Richmond H111 ommemora IngligigrW as 1115 agree gvlggtgf QSSIng whlch be 31126 Femdalei Vacewld Word Monday By Stewart Page shell fragment wounds to scalp Barre Ineson Simcoe Ho 26th year He attended school at VV 3g lance km the Dream Of Recordsvot Kllled in Action With harvest well under way He is now in hospital tel American Hotel BarrieVCream Hollv and Brentwood Prior to his an elemuauy resumed an tawa that their Soni Pte Amhie HdgrewEhJLachnops well above ng11 Miller was born in Barriecry Byrne enlistment be 1113 employed bv AHIEd Ctory three months later James NowlenV hadVbeen wounded average Vin ah parts of the CouVVVWVAPhVLthVVng VVWV VVVVHWVVVVVMVVVVVVV VFDeHaVVVahd Arhcrhh COV He veteransVof the lastV war and other in actionin France July 28 excepting those areas affected SchooL He enlisted in June 1940 Motor SaksV Wright CleanerSV enlisted in JVVVhCV 1943 and went units wiltake part inalarge drum by the hail storms it seems time with lst Battalion Regina Rifles at Hengs CafeVCrossland Drug StoreV ohersehmrebmaryV hm and head service in Queens Park Bar SL Bryson in Big 1111 cillas Fruit State Brennan Tom has been on picesofBaririeBminqhNo147Can ZOObomber raid on an enemy active service ly to draw to your attcntion the Prince Albert Sash andtrained Sunrise Cafe Stransmans France on July with the Boyd IVlhiihsgndylhaemoon The The camfdlanhomber 311 various projects competitions and there and atDebert NS He arriv mer Brewers REtall Storey C3D Regiment of Canada His brother under the aus leashed all Its squadrons Friday last Clubs as organized by the crop ed safely overseas in October 1941V Improvement Association Depart An older brother Maurice Miner McKenzie Chas Lowe whee years and went overseas and adieu Legion and willbe Zone upp al ams an ments of Agriculture and other or umesVof Smoke iArriongCanadins Barrie received telegram Satur Gladys Utopia Rene Jane3r1d Thse tests Which are under the Marie Mickey athcriine am taking Pa in thema on the raidwas Vsqudaneader thection of theVEVeldV Husbandry dag laghfiomhtlh VIVJVirectorPonRec Wm Include the fDHOVVVVmgV Bahd 94V V1 Elmer MailriceBryson son of Mr DpartmemV Ontario AgriculturaiV 0r$w aWi IS 80111 le ROY A33 CACIE Camp Borden tie1 and Mis Ed Brysonfzz Elizabeth St Barrie whoreported tofRCAF in August 1940 and went goVersas Martin Stranaghan B112666Hhis been officially reported injured in action the nature of the injuries beinglacerationof the left leg It rsides at Angus SfWalt H111 Til1551 LOblaW Gm to France with tho73rdCanadian event aleaii fighters flying from French ambitions drBominion Store Divi the b1 th The Servlce the Park Win 01 airlds were Voledited with haw VVVRodROW Variety Tests 13de Atlantic Pacic Ltd 26 withSlfge RCIXDF Ciapegorggals low parade which ionsny Jicmrles iILWJJhHv 330 ineqvarigfie rr IeriSEH lmltdVBarfiT hmg C5 ighi SiSJVEVS alSVOVVE to Market Square at 145 plth aha attack by this grqup in two days ietiesofoats and nine varieties 01 iIN panyV Delaney Boat Linea Sim mourn MESSEVOheSV Alice movVes off at pm proceeding Via and was made thrgughheavy anti barley are being test1 on the farm mons Co United Cigar Store Maple Mrs EV JV Hilkens Mary Collier St Charlotte St to Blake aircraft opposition but no fighters of Walter Cairns Orillia RR Tamblyn Ltd Eaton Co Ltd ToledO Ohio llIIS Bobbette St Louisa 3an St Emmet aupt0tcgagneghe ganadtlanffi several varieties of soybeans are Frances Tbionto Orr gzhfndPalikSIdEVVDUVeAiOQlleean in we ore euom se test the farm ofStanle Nelli Th nt gt under on or on IS 21 Jorge explosions followedby vVol HawkeV poldwateh RVRV Robert Stranaghan140Blake Sta Units Taking Part College Guelph give us an AeVchr cellent picture ofwhat the newer lvarieties will ciao iii Vourown local tachment of 2th from Canadian Ar moured Corpsy RCAF Band de tachments from RCAFiaiid RCAF COMING Eursi mocuber 1943 th th Dnce nga Hall rrday st Wm sea CAdEtSOiBame ECSCC so beanVariet Tests 15 av Vur er ui prma ionV 4V Kempenfe1dtf war veterans weVaer Took Care of tlie Newsnieu Foul virietis of sogbemsV Mah wouldbe forwarded aVsVVreceIVed V11 S004 IVWVJSIC 32D ingberets armband and medals nV connectian whh the Kings damh Kaboth page1 and CaqugaV PteVStranaghan enlistedVin theV Dance at New Lowell Hall Fri FO HAROLD MV pATTERSON The parade will he in chargeofjr visit to the Canadian troops in LIEUTHAROLVDVAVMILLS Varebemgvtsied1noneg1macre CanadianArmY Active 111 May dayrAugzrli good music 321 TM Vh Burton president Barrle Legion Italy the Canadian Afmy public Who 15 oiciy reportd kmed pmg 0n the folkme rms Hun V19421Vil2dwentV verseasintDem Flower ShDWV Innisl Horticuh FJ gagmm gainer Vito WT Zone Vblanchesof we Canadian Relations Office supplied war Corr in action in France June 11 ac ter Russell Midhurst Ra Sring 391 as rem orcemen Ssex tural Society Innisl Park Wed erlion PaltiCiPatlng in the Parade re orted missm after an air 81 respondents wrthV41 pages of sten cording to telegram received by EimvaieVKAV M21va Mmesmg EV DCOttlSh Early this year his unit Vnsday August 16 3213 lled matter COmpiled by Czipt jloWatd nd Lielih Norman Phil lips both ofV Toio logiving every and service will be fromCoiling 12lrlClerical Midland commission at NOV A08 St Waubaushene Goldwater Orillia his Wife Mrs Mabel Sugg Mills Cuppage Goldwater No 265 Elizabeth SL Barrie Sunday Potato VarietyTests IaSt Previously sherhad received Seven varieties of potatoesWar Word June 19 that he was missing ba Irish Cobbler Chippewa Ka was inspected ill England by the King AVV VVVheVV bVotheVVVspVV home AV Soldiers Memorial Service for Om Township Sunday AugustVIS at OClOCk at TOW Hall 3bth Quebec and went over Gravenhurst yMidhurSt Thorntgn dpiil reporterS could want Stranghanhas been Serving over Alliston and Barrie April 1943 He was pro 11 R0 511 Canadian Engineers cooksmwnpance Pa 111 be Seas The salute Will be taken at Tor in action tahdin Sebago Green Mountair Pas Wlt VV Fania mldVVYtVegaiththVSee and Netted Gem are being tested nee Apr 1943 V1 lggiedsegosghe $21 f3 t3 SE31 Sgtegg FlymSthcer Janu onto arid ElizabetthSts by Majo rilVndson Get HV ngs lmv It CUMMING PREACHVED on four farms in the County as GeneragF Wort hatch General Joseph Bruce Carrington Lang IN HOME CHURCH SUNDAY follows 105 Marchildon Penetang ROTHWELL IN nusmnss mm 32 BIRTHDAY TVY Officer Commanding Camp Borden son 01 Alfred Lang and grandson RR Corbett Waverley FORMERLY AT mom HILLS Utopia War Workers Dance Ivy on AND of Josepha Lang Grove St Barrie Vwillrecetve hiswings as pilot vatNogl SETS Biantiord on Thursdey VAugV 10 He wasVVpom Vlri Barrie His grandfather who On arrival at Queens Parkway ing will beVdone from the North Bandstand the main spegkensched uled being Col SidneyLambett chaplain 92 Christie St Hospifl Ordained last week in Toronto Cuppage Goldwater N0 Rev Ross Cumming preachedln Lloyd Thompson Barrie RR Walter Rothwell who was for six Collier St UnitedCthrch on Sun Fertilizer Placement years with Harold Hills Garage and Lumh Counter 329 day morningthe church he attend This experiment located on the foreman there for the past three JOSEPH SPICH See and hear John Sterling im eVli since childhood HisTmeSSage farm of Hunter Russell Midhurst years has opened up business for Vetran Sunhinale Township mun pressivegtechnicolor film first of its Orange Hall Friday Aug 18 DAUGHTER AT MIDHURST Camp orchestra Admission 35c Mr and Mrs Richard Berry of Orillia gave birthday party for their sevenyearold granddaughter Dorothy Decrose of Toronto at TOronto Alnudspeakr symle VWillliltd lhei cermonyv l5 V0119 was timely forceful and appealing is conducted in tieoperation with himself in the east part of Wm icipal legislator actiVe between icind produced in CanadaV Shown Springwater Park Midhurst on be in use VVV onVVVthe fewl surviving Barrie re ManyfriendsVandneighbors his the Chemistry Department Ontario Valleys garage on Mary Street Noland 1938 who passed away in United Church Churchill Tues Sunday About 28 sat down to The local committee urgeda presentatlves who served the faiilywerpresenttochow digit Agricultural College Guelph rat his home Sunnidale Corners day August 15 830 Admissron 25c tasty supper and all thoroughly enVV business men put cut their II 1111 Trimlo page six please interst in his fine achievement Turn to page three please Read and use Examiner Classiiiedqi THFSday and 150 32b 10 themsves iront of their plaes asa

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