PAGE FOUR till AVU lllt nillt llllll Mew In CT Till Cit IL Dial 301 Womans Viewpoint on This and That linlti lli land lluth lliunimiinii lllll iitoss ll Ina ltlll tllktllttl hi ll il lvtv llc 3m iv aiming tiioii lltl Elliiulhlt llltllll Finniih group Hlll louiins lv llltliill llll Wm ll llltll if Illiii lli ii Silimil tlllli huiih noun lulu lllltt wliercvir Iltll to tlll oai nationalitin all llltllJllligtll ililltli lllllllltl llllllllllx RESIIIIS AlliT IIlli llltltll Among llll Hillllll IIE ot hlmlfillltlt vertising medium Examiner in Two tlzlltlalmt reader interest and criticim lll play combine to 5ll lHl lt lll OOIOCOIJOIOIIIIIIII ollttoco THE CORNER CUPBOARD FULL COIRSIIS OR LUNCIHIONS Slll Jllll llllll lilltl llH iiit iit llappcn fttl tilt llzoul riliitiia of new l1iiniicl Tilt livcluc liliisl novil CATERERS for BANQUETS iil llllvll litioiil ohllir is pop ui lriiiin in the pint lwon comulciiili 1i as an outi POST orrtcu souauu HOLMES Proprietorl iiliu lilt ialisl mmlIlNlIIIDI III quol Ill burs DOCT APPROVES 2500 Canadian doctors have shown their appreciation for Libbys exclusive lloniogeniz ation process which is boon These doctors know that the years of research behind Libbys ation process hnyc ude it possible to feed even sixweeks old infants fruits and vegetables to all babies lloniogeniz other baby foods be digested in 30 minutes rdiuarystrained foods take lluild Babys stamina the scientific and the erdin waywwith Libbys Vrite t0 7dayforfree Booklet giving detailed explanation hours FIRST siRAINED THEN HBBYS EVAPORATID MILK IS HOMOGENIIED TOO BABY FOOD LIIBYMcNElll IBBY CANADA lIMITED CHATNAM ONTARIO ll lzi it vi Mi Kyla cit it ll ll Slltl lil ll lily it Lu Vltlll lii lli ln lllllilllltlll unit an Item lun il li ti hurt llt li ul ll til ii gt tllldrlt lltll own lied do their owi lil ll thtin LHHMMUM Lt As It would Mummy yr 5i tq leiewiiinlimwvi Md in lilitmi and ll of vliil at Il xlir lliutl lhc Actuniplislnncnts of Year tllil Baby lilii ac he will be able to stand llll rtlttlltrli and try to walk with help He will hold his cup for Kdriukiiig and use spoon very un llitll tidily ilc tries to cooperate while lttllzll tlllSSttl and will put up his unis illill ilillcn his legs to assist tour or more words and talnlrz filllllllt spoken couig lllil minis lllc is learning to useliis hands and will scrihhli ith pencil when gtllllll can placean object in lle will hold one cup on command small llllltlilll each hand and will take third without dropping any llc will reach for his picture in mirror llc will weigh Zl pounds and be 29 inches tall whereas 12 iiionths girl will be 201 pounds and be Liilg inthes in height The Daily Dozen Women and men loo for that matter seem to be more figure conscious in summer Maybe swim ming suits or the thinner materials THE BARRTE EXAMINER BAR tCAY MOORE TELLS How HOLLYWOOD WOMEN DRESS iltWif vfU wm amt lit lurZlcld ltll ll il lll Satin Llhl ii Lil lllr ir ii to null iii l1li llinJll llllltl ili it loriiim li irrilmr ii cu liati 511 1itllt lit till ttkJllltlti it lt lalwl p13 tlliludt ll l7 tli Mreb ll of icuilrtii if llivg Cit vein luduitrd iiidil lltVitii plutll Morn iiuicri luv Hill1 lllinl til loot like lzuuitm WWW liulad unliw tlici ilt tlillllll4 prioto4punt laiilx itinlIli yill lltlli irn jun dinii tli Brown or If ilt Law maid Movie ipiiiazs Him tltilillllll More olltn lllllt and sweep thi tznt ltltltl tlu wt ii luv lllkllilYt Tbls lim lllt mltn ligttlllw ill llol lywooil it has in lotunto and tilt fact that the woman Mich Bolton tii him week tron lother women who lilltlll her makc li iluuolir tramp scamsplit Utl llollyvoou lilo llllkltlltt llllllllllll slacks curlers crc smart and we dont ltallLc itf Miss Moore said latlligcrcntly Wc ouch to lil intro confidcnco in ourselves It was terrible lis appointment for one we llolly wood attcr looitiiii tit Illthlt iiiauaiiics and the movies aliiorviia women wear mink coats llllllll thc blarinul afternoon slacks over short and oHr bathiuv gets unite evenings so guess they fieuire out beingI prepared arinucd the lor onto girl lo Shopping in Shorts ltsnotliing to see women shop pinr in Shorts aiul lialtcr through the swankcst downtown shops equally inatler of no consequence shoppingl breakfast victuals in their pyjamas and uegligees lhcres character known as thi wears longr dresses with parasols and hats to match They must be the ones she wore in Paris it years ago swear Youd think shed attract quite bit of at tention wouldnt you reasonably liveryoncs xl um lat chic tliroueh lo one thine sun wear them over and roses suits cool witness people and can wave and say comb 5nyc lly this time he shows prefl Ecrence for one hand when reaching Countess who Miss Moore does oddity asked She thouah there Willi the prevailing prices of ev erything its no wonder everyone greatarandmotheis Cay saw sweet waf fle pique dressfor $39 Cool wool gabardine suits which are trcnicu dously popular down there retail wears their trousseau for clothing show up the bulges in the wrong places Consepientlyi more inquiries come in for exer cises Few people have the energy or the persistence required for strenuous or difficult exercises but here are some that are not hardto do and they certainly are effective Just had letter from young wo man who writes she has taken of an inch around her hips and half inch Off the thighs in month The Ed 501d at $31 follbwing exercise is specially good one for hips and stomach as itI both exercises and massages Lie any different l0 the Sm you can on the floor with arms outstretched gel in Toronto were me blm play then keeping the shoulders on the WinesH Cay recalled They were floor toTich the right fingers with really Stunning and Wonderfully the left toes Do this ten timesif practical for people who like to you can Then reverse and touch really play in their play Glow the left fingers with the right toes One gorgeous outfit was of black IlCTEifanUtlTElrgdtlStbtffafat Mafbmlophoma13 tener that is not as strenuous as the first exercise Hands overhead then touchthekneswith the fing ers bending frorh the diaphragm and not from the waist That ex ZEDlcrcise certainly flattens the stomach and hardens the muscles Next week will givelyou couple more exercises It is better tOrdQ just few and do them regularitythan to have whole galaxy and tbenn01 991091 in molestatch utdlmgktnfamdavol PerotCola Company olpauzda mined 3011130 BY HINDS BEVERAGES Outta Ontario Under amid 4mmme at notsocool $150 jersey balli ing suit was priced at $1750 The latest thing in the way of purses is antenormous thing made out of lizard in pastel shades They sold like hotcakeslor $25 to 840 One afternoon Cay saw Phyllis Brookes wearing black skirt bandcl with Mexican stripes and white cotton The outfit she later learn cotton dirndl bright blouse Play Clothes Different The only things saw that were sarong skirt trimmed with white ruffle The rage for black hasnt reached New York as yet Miss Moore noted eipeTt Toronto will have it by next summer and the clothes will be better niade of better material And cheaper Speaking of materials remembered in the with the linen States mounting Cay indignation dresses in Hollywood shop They Less Rheumatlcs Many people with rheumatism are greatly helpedby increased vitamin It is no trick atalI to get plenty of vitamin in the summer with all these good fresh fruits andyeg etables conseqpently there are few er stiffened jomts andjrheumatic tWInges gSunshine anddry weather play their parties but agood part of the credit must go to the diet Medley Egg Sandwiches hard cooked legalelm green peppers tablespoons salad dressing salt pepper pepper Blueberry Muffins cup sugar 1A cup fat egg beaten 4teaspoons baking powder 12 teaspoon salt cups sifted flour llcup milk cup blueberries Cream the sugar with the fat and stir in the beaten egg Sift the dry ingredients sifting little over the berries to flour them and prevent tins and bake in hot Oven Of 400 from falling to the bottom Add the dearees for twentyfive minutes dry ingredients and the milk 31 ternutely to the creamed mixture addthe berries mixing as little as cunts At all newsdcalors or this possible1 Pour into buttered muffin Oicq were made of that same stuff cheap tea tawels come in All starched up to look like soiething And they cost $29 gt Wear No Stockings California women wear no stock ings and wont compromise by wearing leg paint eithertan or no They wear thick pancake makeup not oply on their faces but on their shoulders and chests as well Their cheap jewelry is aw ful oursis hundred times better Anklestrap sandals which TOronto girlsgwear by the thousands the most popular shoe in California too tan Put the eggs cheese and peppers through the chopper using the Kiithr thi coarsest knife Mix with the salad dressing and seasdn With salt and fig Hotlywotid girl ear either no hat at all or an im mense thingthey call the coolie hat It sells forW$25 andup sawjthe same thing here in better straw It sold at $15 Cay Moore grinned impishly and added saw onereally smartly dressed girl down there Just one Just one She was Eleanor OMeara from Toronto Mm Singtemples of The Examiner lll YNUlJHNlllttl l1 llt thslK lci ll ltlti livr ll tool eil llLl ltlwi mi of lir storm and lltlif 1H ict Ellalilllll lmpx ltlllelllll3ll$gtN lipl lc lltblllllytll illllltdllxvtllkkllitlltl with vlictz ol sunnner flowers for the lilc lll cctcmouy on Monday It litll il pin milled in marriage 1i iiit llllilllliwilll rillia younc liter of Mr and Mrs Vlm13 54 liiiitiipwu lllllfllJlt and lillts Ifi ulil laizittr Ioitaazc lr lialln xl mantra only Son of Mr and Mrs lrccr Owen Sound llc bride in white taffeta llooz ltl szlr with sweetheart iziil tulllcugth vcil luxlziti Bible with cascade of rose iuuls entered the church with her tathcr to the strains of lailicnizrins Wedding March played by Mayniic Cunningham Orillia lhey urro preceded by Miss Jctuuicttc lohci tsou ollingwood niece of the llillllt in sky blue Swiss organdy wili matchim hat and noscilay of fltl peas and babys breath and li Lorna Icith rillia brich iiuiiil in blue taffeta lllll hat and llllll of sweet pias Miss Eileen Lancer wl cu Sound sister of the groom sang during the signing of the register rillia hint man and the ushers Were Mr rlvr Copeland llillsltluleunl Mr icrl lhompson Orillia llic bridal party received on the lawn of the brides home and were assisted by Mrs Thompson in floral slicer dress with white accessories and corsage of Joanna llill roses and Mrs Lagccr in Queens blue sheer dress white accessories and corsagc of Sweetheart roses The bride is graduate of Toronto Bible Collch and the groom grad le of Universits of Toronto For their wedding trip to North ern points the bride travelled in flowered silk jersey with brown ac cessories and corsage of Sweetheart Mr Donald llarvic 0505 horse with him but situation Finally he suggested if one of us should get down there would be more room for me Read and use Examiner Classifieds nonnatsnsmuaun multicultural cleaner wttl save the many ways Gillettu will help you take it easyGetsomO today New dlualvc in hot water no action qftha lie all Incas errata RTE ONIARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUST 3944 can ylik Dill it aka DR MARION ROSS NOW MAJOR Quahty You Enjoy SALAllA EA Ili AND KS THOMAS HAYS MARRIED IUKTYllllill YEARS H135 ill Lill lllcit Torlit It ll llillc Ni lieua lllll BHUNS lthlNltN llw lilllnittr Ftllliil liklll lb Al icuiizon on Sunday July the home of Mr Tlic xvii ld vlw lllilltll tintine rm In ij llaiiic ancdiiiuJ atiiiiciry in July 233 ller lot lln occaxozl Mtc tizlil children with ltlllllllt Cable of congratulations tlr ll ltlVCl lion the two boys oversea iiid lt illgt were the ll iplclilV of many lovely and iltltll ttlljUjllJlt tune cvnw Fat to lltlultci tilltllxllx tlll Mrs Vttln was idial for such an rhlilii itlllll all ptesclal lljUll lcal ro lciaolc and lllllnll tune itlljuycltl the dcliclouzi lllllltl pre laliis inii wrvcd on Yllllll tables outdoors liayuis were offered by llcv Fa tlui llolau for tolir dcccawd llitlll guti lllll the lll gathering runner 51 Mrs liim lliorpc Frank OCon ii ziniiiicll Min llllvn Gibbons and Mrs Mr JaS Nerlly very devoted friend of the libbons lot was alro reincuLbered llltltll Sixlyonc ol llitll ten llltl lllaltd the drain ll xllttniitl by To llltziyt la 3m lltlll il tlzc lltlllt ii3 tic5 paiiida lil Mothy Ave tii it Mn llivnolds ii lni travellniy tt ml lvtlllt rllll of llllllllltltl lllt Iuziiiivi wi Ull ll iiilxui ltlllr glib vii had by all Why has The Barrie Examiner tlic llll2tl lassificd section of guiy ui Laiiadzi lnr ltllfl this nch pathr had total oftl18l tlassrfimts bi llli it lml woeklv lltilllr tloln it town havi up lllllltl Grand Lodge Officers Attend Birthday Party Of Alliston LOBA lllli iiitlii All llllllll llilaito few suitable words Jcrc spoil Lcn bv llvv Father llolzln Mrs lalcr gt James Neilly Norman lWalker James Nolan and lhos lib liotls The prize for tlu cldcgtl lady prey cn was awarded lltll las Mills and lo the cldcst gentleman James youngest llrulotlu and Penny on held the lucky number for the attcutlancc draw The election of officch for the ltSLlllttl liblious XONJNOOOooIOOOOIIOJOOOOIOIIOII Greeting Cards BIRTHDAYS Anniversaries Congratulations FRIENDSHIP SYMPATHY CONVALESCENT BELATED NEW AND EXCLUSIVE wuiriiuurs BOOKSTORE All Mlllm hurch ll ll in ldiii oi Jul Shltl iliillll ilivlt vlNl lltll hell or imp Ncrlly The child NllS llttiiitt Jillllllvll iraud Juyvniii ot Ontario llid tlltFf iil 1m il Ehll iii ln of VitVI lilH CUlllllll llicsidcnt lresitlcnt Dolph lliorpe Secretary lrcastncr Ullllllllltl Lou liblions Charlie illiitliiiis linan Walker ll was agree honor Allislin Anelux llall on tilliciliy July Jli lildllllll litill folli I3 Vice ycar laitlgi lndinond lllltl lvlul Iaiisli notk line carrying Marion ONeill Sports tables laai with in it ll lt lltil proximately TI liltlit and gentle nnn sat down to the gtpicad At the head table crowned lllli the birthday Worthy Mrsliws Sldtl Agnew llic iilttli itulltl MIS triss rorkatl and irand luvcnilel llazniltoull last AlllltSw Swill Sawdon Worl llllSlltlt charter member Sister Skilion allr of tire Allistoii lodc pirsiin when Leonard Gibbons Nor it to hold the reunion the same place next year on thet cond Sunday of July Iloth young and old enjoyed the games which followed Members were present lcsvick llovdtown lctroy Uptergrovc Miss zillc lttlllllltl followup were from Ior Bradford lil Van liicctor Sister llluilci lhrm At herlt orctta onto Shitl Alanw and ford coichl with tulle also purestl ill the YtttlwtmrttVewlltltnjcwfifties the price of your subscription hvaegt int and llLllllltUtll the advertise ments in The Barrie Examiner SOWEllililMitllMS Barrie Ont OOMWNIIllnnwlillOINIOM norm 3min tlt latexja so visitors Phone 4055 from the tollowiui ladth lodgc Allandalc Mansfield Guests llltlltlllli from the monk Allaudalc llzLlUll toukstown priscnt US Bcctoll Churchill and were lovcrhill Everett Mansfield and Alliston ttcr and ludivS repaired to their ditlcr ctil balls or their lodge meetings Al the ladies meeting nine candl dates were advincod to the Scar lct Degree Interesting addresses were given th1gtlllllll Mistrcss Sislcr lodges Thurcliill meal llttlll llllli Right Clotknll Right Worshipful Grand Jllvcnilc Director and other members present scuted to Mrs Crockatt Mrs Ilun ter of Hamilton and to Mrs lak Allandalc very capany at the piano After the lodge was closed llici birthday cake Grand Mistress and passed around by the Alliston members Sister lland lluutr Gifts were pre mg of who presided DIPLOMATIC Tommy heeding the injunction of his mother to share histoys with his friends had of his pals to mount was invited txvo his hobby was finding the rseat uncomfortably Crowded Hc cast about in his mind for some diplomatic means of relieving the Mr MrsJ caper Celebrate Their Silver Wedding Mr and Mrs John Capel of Owen tformerly Edna Gilchristtm celebrated their silver wedding at their cottage Sunnycrest Saublel Beiihon Sunday July 23 with dinner All their family were pres ent with the exception of their eld est son Donald who is serving with thehrmed Forces in Italy Mr and Mrs Capel were married 25 years ago at the home of thei latters parents the late Mr Henry and Mrs Gilchrist at Shanty Bay by Rev PueGilchrist now arl Owen Sound afternoon spreading branchesmhetallpliie trees Mr and Mrs Capel and Mrs Gilchrist the latters mother receiv ed about twentyfive friends from Peterborough Milton Sound who were campers at the Beach Mrs Capelwas wearing her gown of white georgette think Sound under and Owen wedding Tea was poured by Mrs George Cookman of Milton from table prettin decorated with garden flow ers and centred with the anniversv ary wedding cakeu Mrs Charles Gagan and Miss Laura Gagan of Owen Sound and Miss Marlon Cap el daughter of the homeserved re freshments to the guSts who sat around thewoutdom fireplace Mr and Mrs Capl were there cipients of numerous gifts and cards of good wishes from their rela and friends Messrs and Medicines Folster OBrien and TV Alexander representing the Bridge Clubrof which Mr and Mrs Cape are members motored from OWen Sound and presented themwith of silver candlesticks SuccsSOrs to Douglas Drug Store 14 Brigabeihfsi BARBIE Phone 3710 NO reason to get excited George when drains clog if on have Gilletts Lye handy ust pour in and bingo Ilhe mess clears right out runs freely again Thlstlptop powerful you endless drudgery Whisks away dirt arid grease wlthout hard setub 111113080410111 garbagerpallaii Destroys contents of outside closets Gets everything it touches clean and sweet In jly Dont war to learn easy ater iigiimeimimg AAlterSevereIlium All my aim tumor serious ration the patient is very often left luau extrem mitt acidied on com ascents go of tonic to stimulate and build up the nihililii we would recommend Mllburna Health And Nan P111 to assist to assist the conqu AND Hut OAKL Miss Edith McLean June Scott weekend at the formers home here Mr and Mrs Arthur Spurrier Marilyn and SandrayToronto are spending two weeks Spurriers farther Milton Hickling Sunday visitors at Milton Hick Axford CN Toronto Mr and Mrs Oscar dison and Norma Alliston Cecil Paddison and Bobble dbury Mr and Mrs J08 Bew man Staynor and Miss spent the Toronto rwech nervous with Mrs am back to ligdlthha Ill1 lick be cbcx pigless again ements nee mouth and vigodwy pills at alldrug counter to our astound undo mark Red Heart on the WM Whirl 3M Texan Ont Writer lines were The lung nacho