Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1944, p. 7

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THURSDAY 33 NH Happy at the Kamivol THE BARRYE EXAhUNER BARE Flif LOdges Paraded lr ONTARIO CANADA 301 Twelfth in Sfayncr VJ gbig CrOwd in Attendance QMMuowwvwrv lltilllllwJ lilo iiitliiioso lg 32 Lz Lzr lit in ltjf QVV it still sr Hi Sm lililj 31 lillliali llltll ii place by Jul ll tiliillt il 1iil9l illrialii lll izii xioie ll orl rl lllei iiul iiiiieil ilrr ll tlhllltf ltw Mimi llIliillul MM ml mil iv llig lol il pinion aiii llltl lllatli llilizllJ ti Mllt 11M Jl Alp ii ttlrtlhUH it lymph Hlli ll illntill llt illlllL liilirll 3h Hui pug Tum Eiillornie the it HillLY 1i twee1h Elm iiiiiiiiiI ll Ll ll lllltl ill ll llllll Whrhl pl purl ll ttlillli lll lmhv hid wt liv loi ill Mrs lllt llll lll lll ii d1 bruit yum lyl pa in icinn lltlll fair and itlrsv iiiioi lll ou c1 11 lllll lli mt Mini 10 llil iiiiiliil lwl Lillll liv is Anne ll it itilitllmilli li Haiti pl ll ii the ill tile mile twopiece HUH im ye ltll llll iiialcliiin lial iiieizcaii llolil illllli the lrlill WHQMWH ml WWW to mph ll will ml lni isiwilii ll ii llllllmllllll ll IV gt ml ink blll HHHH lhJh 11 lug lll llrltH iii fit iilllzilllzt dressiiiakei uit litllliltl eiitiioif eril iint picture li iizil llt litesltiiiie llllt lllt or no 1fllnfilfhml 41 Put FOWIVV saucepan mm mm XIII llllun Mlbb llaltKliNh pllllllllg bouquet on Cover well with water ml Milt mm VHiUlonp Hun MW zm hm Awhmmwn MNQMNI lbtllfllll liom aiiip Borden Bolliipptir to Bay Leaves made iccetrories lilvlfl iioiii lil latter on Mom be llloylllg the situation Miss June was one Mace closely WW Mr 1th Mitt 17 Ill1 lHlll ll riaziiis llLlLEl daughter or of the 45 attractive girls who sold flowers at When boned Skim care lfl liril lillutiiil liitml Millil nli ir ilu li ivil llll lllf Willlld ll rw ie hmanis Karnlval for the Barrie Biaiieli Add Salt Pc IA Milli lltill ii me Ql ol or the Red ross and realized over $28000 sImmer uniii meat is ten rum 101 tlzc lwncwwwn to lai lflTllIilll iiziiiiilzoii tltltWZl iron or Kmart link MM mm mm Mm Em Rpmhms er Remove Fowl and twopiece liowdei blue ilk lics Kllil The church was dccoril hm millength my bin on low HOS With sweetheart Wk me meat rem bones make SmL 11m l1id Wm dud$ hm Hf held lll plati with iiiiiii tap oi lllll lililltllll tll lllilClilliQllfUn Put bones again in liquid lllVll accessories iiialchiiii lllill Madonna llllllt tlailioli uiil babys range blwsmmj She mrrwd mg IlllllllSv ld lllg V13 and boil until wafer cadc bouquet of red roses and ba pearls which were the grooms gift reduced to half St lI ra straw and blue lace half hat iiulllirmlh cocoa brown iiiihardine lop cont Gwen in iiizirliiitte by her uncle On their ltllllll they lll ltfltlt it Mr Alliell Lisetiiiil the bride was Middleton Nova Hvoligi council in lil eiiibossetl sheer bys breath the bride as maid of honour win WY blue mm with nmtchm lilies and babys breath Miss Betty Reynolds sister of lli taffeta with mivhmg headdress jun Cup and gloves and Carried and carried yellow roses blue del 11 semicascade of vellow roses BUNLILES 0l5v if Preferred Let plnniuin tllKl baby bimtli Mi Mi lied Liowe Rome was the it b0 set astde to simmer Allmld UlllISH Hamlin VilS izioomsinan and the ushers were 31490le for 15 min then str groomsmnn and Mr BrucciReyn Mr Jack lluglisou Alliston and CHOICE CROSS COAlllhlC mp mold Id olds Oshawa and Mr Forrest Hogv Mr Fletcher Toronto Miss El lb Pourl co water erg Windspr were USlifLlS vira Pettit played the wedding of larycr Of l0 urinU ll sinin to regis an inc music and Miss Genigiiia Barton COMMERCIALBums ONLY deep bet on ter Mrs Lenore Crowle Oshaw Ts so EXTRA GOOD Sided at the organ reception for the immedia Hall Westdale the brides moth receiving and the grooms iiioth assisting ensemble with brown acc sori and corsage of cream riiscs and Mrs Reynolds will reside Hamilton 410 bake bread iusl right use Fleischmanns FRESH Yeast good source of Vitamin Ba good streIcJer for other foods llyou bake at home be sure your bread is made with Fleischmanns fresh YeastCanadas favorite for over 70 years because it bakes bread just ium and white hydrangea was oclock Saturday afternoon July 7igbt Ask your grocer for FleischmannsjresJ Yeastf Breedon daughter of Mn Gam with the familiar yellow labeltoday Tottenham and Mr Garvin son of Mr and Mrs GarvinBairie The bride given in marriage her fatherwore white crop SUPPLEMENT YOUR DIET by eating 10km of FLEISCHMANNS fresh Yeast every day lhls Irolh Yeast is an excellent natural tonne of the Important Complex Viiumlnks Its Quotedinthe Queerestms MADE JN CANADA 74T1rbsrtreof full enjoyment in every cup you must useireally good coffeei Tliis advice is smimportant to true collce lovers that they are apt to quote it in the most unexpected places lts the lesson they learned during the acute colledsltortage Heres what to do to be absolutely sure of really good cofleeanywhcre or at any time insist on Maxwell ilozise Youll always nd this superb blend temptingly delicious fragrant and fullbodied Make Maxwell Houseyour regiilcir colleelfor these reasons Ilts blended from rare extra flavor co fully selected for its par ticular quality of nvOr body or fragrance Roastlid bya special process that captures all the Extragoodness of this ne blend Maxwell House is packed in aWarlime Bag in an All Purpose Grind and at less cost to you JJIFJOD 35770 TTJMXW Maxwelliouse Toffee Product ofOonoral Food Miss Audrey lfscuinb sister of powder blue lofted Swiss 0i1lllly headdress and carried pink roses groom as bridesmaid voic yellow dotted Swiss organdy over yellow aunt of the groom sang Because Mr Murray Fallis Hamilton pre families was held at Abbottsford Fora wedding trip to Mtiskoka the bride wore twopiece green Mr More than ever now youll nd bread important It GARVlNBREEDON i111 hi 41911 10wcdm food VTOllQllhlilll United Church taste ls 10d mo 8w 5y fully decorated with blue dolphin scene of pretty wedding at three 1944 when Rev George Purchase united in marriage Miss Doris Irene Breedon and the late Mrs Breedon John Baker by She carried cascade bouquet of red roses The brides two attend aiils were Mrs Jack lfiighson of Alliston cousin of the bride and Mrs llud lliiuldry Newton Robin son Mrs lliighson was in turquoise chiffon with matching jtiliet Cap and gloves and semiscascade of oiiik roses while Mrs Bauldry wore dusty rose chiffon with llllllClillili and set awayto cool Next morning skim of all fat Turn jelly into sauce pan and to each pint of jelly add tablet of Gelatine which has been soaked in little of the cold stock Add Celery Mace Corns 31 RISKET 18 BOILING POWI MW AWAW COMMERCIAL AND SPECIAL QUALITY BEEP Boneless PLATE CHOICE Meaty BLADE ROAST 25 Bomcm ii 23 DuichSlyle Loaf 26 SMOKED SKINlilISS lh WlllNllllS Macfllieeseloaf ib 25 SLlCED LUNCHEON ROLL 02 37 MOCK CHICKEN LOAF lb 35 Spiced 10le LOAF 21 ice to harden Then put in layer of sliced Chicken Covet with jelly which should be cool but not hard Put on iceto set When ready to serve dip mold in hot water turn lellv out quickly on to platter and garnish CALIFORNlA VALENCIA ORANGES 4L sang Because The grooms gifts were to the groomsman smoking stand and to the ushers tic clips and pins Following the ceremony at recepi tion was held at the home of the brides aunt Mrs Hammond Toltcnliam The house wasdecor alcd in the same colour effect as the church The brides table was cen red with the brides cake and small vases of flowers Assisting the brid al couple inrccciving the guests were the brides stepmother in navy and white crepe with matching accessories and the grooms mother in mauve and white printed crepe te er of iii Geo Lake Langstaff Mr and Mrs Ray Adams Toronto Misses Alice Crooinbs RiibyLeslie Wilma Briggs and Mrs Fred Crowe all of Barrie On the honeymoon t0 the United States the bride wore twopiece British tan suit with matching ao cessories On their return they will reside iii Barrie with matching accessories Guests Size from distance were Mr and Mrs CALIFORNIA SANTA ROSA Size he Fletcher Toronto Mr and Mrs 250 15 tint PLUMS ll Large Stalks ett ONTARIO CELEBY STALKS GROWN ONTARIO GROWN SOLID GREEN HEADS each ONTARIO GROVN NEW POTATOES 10 lb 33 glllwBEETS bunches BURRIDGEMQIR The marriage of Mrs Bernice Moir and Mr Stuart Burridge took place atrthc Simcoe Hotel at 1230 July 1944 with Rev Bewell conducting the ceremony Mr and Mrs Charles Lafrenier were the attendants The bride wore Copenhagen blue dress biggiatind white ac cessories and Mrs Lafrenier was in silk velvetflOWred dress wliblack accessories Both wore corsages of ONTARIO GROWN HEAD LE1 ucz ARRIVIING FRESH DAILYONTARIO GROWN Large Solid Headsca sweetpeas After weddlng dinner BLUEBERRIES RED CUR ANTS OPERA for eight at the hotel reception GoosEBEnmiis RASPBERRIES SOUR antlbMlxlul tinnitus was held at Mrs Lafreniers home it tartar ELEMENle tended at1 Dierce andMrs Laurence Cam cereal oanaifdsliriiaililfdge res YONNMSE Manhattan DesSertsi Assimilation 41Pkg9 Gmayee8nojvning 3791 19 Green or Yellow VPeagonpiPtneeg fitAn pig 15 4801 Jar 2lor 19 WOLFENDENSTRAcnAN Hamilton Spectator quiet wedding took place at Hart Hernes Puddin 291 Pkg oclock June 281944 in the Church DOMESTIG of St Thomas Hamilton when Rev Dr RIC Glagravevunitedin shirt Beauty Soap Jolly Good Brand Prepared marriage Mrs AMuriel Strachan daughter of Mr HoraCe Heapandl the late Mrs Heap and Gnr Ern est WolafendenvSon ofMr Arthur Wolfendenand the late Mrs Wol fehden of Barrie Ont PALMOLIVE 5230 MUSTARD 2J15g TakeQar ofFine Thingswith Mung Jemima limpim iioiii snow fr23llmm MARMALiltii 24 Flozrlar DiCoupond suoiiiiaiiiiiii timing 19 bjll in marriage lib Ilmmsoukld T0ilvetVsoap Quaker 80rjk p0 pdng guitar is QllllljILlllllls plazas luring 13332251 Hilliitolfd ML 30 BHEESE NariGloss Laundryw Bluevlllzhlald dusting 1201Tln 12 164 Tkg 19 pkgs 23 rewuhmk Cooking 31 IPariSaniTiiooFt Roll Heinz White or Malt gt The Womens Institutel meet at Agilllllll 24c Mrs MQAllisters on July 27 at Pure 30 Iveoz Bottle 8xiii piiil It ht um anacondatraits 333 29c 49 all 31 HADDIE tr 250 Jam 23 urn 23 treadmill GRAPE NUTS FLARE8 its 259 Recent visitors were Mr and Mrs Brown Carol and Anne and Mr and Mrs Knowlton at Mrs Bartleys Miss Eleanor Atkinson and MissJerry Poulton with Mrs Emms Eleanor entertained her ung friends to Wiener roast on ursday night All had an en jogable time Mr andM Hunt andiJeanwlth Miss McKay 10315st BREADZ 159 White Whole Wheat lucked When Ration Coupons Valli Event Nos 1H BUTTER Nit0849 ruminants Nosmsu run AND COFFEE Non 29 E14 Mm TANNING snow pinn landll For Qualitylong Remembered PRIDEHOE ARABIA Va fluent illb me him nd Bag mammograms co gonzo 244 Loavea rllsff

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