Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1944, p. 6

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PAGE FOUR Wm THE BAARIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JULY 20 l9 Lka WV iiooii llll Tl titstanc mg ooc friil to Mr Vliiiixi lithiulir Uilii In good llllllls It on dyaresl in milk lldll ltlL lil line Hands that hold lilt mum am and the the blur Alur tiii km in lrur lJlllL if it this llnllf doubt or riiexi iiiiist lllhl in His Heal iiicu litl not fur lliil lill lltllil must 1irn lot lltlllt iiul IllHlle i4 mx int NW gt ifthllll ioi Ullll oi lul Jox for lriuiiipli or Jlllllll lIJlli ll lion in Line the lllllll llll lll IV lllil lllt ilJih llll Hold the licsl ll lliiliqs iie in oil li oil illill Lootl Hands lllll iii llll lltr it Eli IVl 63 iiii lulgl ill lljl tit iii in io uli li MW li itllin fv ll ill Lil will rpmivhmll HWJ mi few weelti Hq iit ill iilll Mb llil le fixieiil iiii tlill llllls ll fiiiiillt lv it iii in lo ll All lll ll ll in rl ll 2lll M15 llJ tool to Yv ill SHUNT Miltl lrll lllllfl the lltlnfil iil Eb w= ll the iw iv lll lile lloaiil alltlvtl Hwh HI hula in will in li II ii rlil li Vit mm dun AMMUHmV 1w 1i Uri Ullltll gt 1i 1H in ftl lmmlm is ll roll til ll iii ai lliliil lltillt iimrivw vm MN Lulu llllldlt lit ll 1mm tillllilnll Wt lil llzil SiliLllM Elli All ituir slim whim unmmmyi it iaiss lllIARl lfilIVl is stAi ndm ll iittcli itured Vlis Ross Undeiliill Mrs Leiuh my v45 mg lrli Miccit lgt llilul MH gt1 llie lai illtlllllill iii ti tatsisi $1 pt eon to tho my iv lllymv 11 mullhim ll llll lulli5 Will llurpoll or the Barrie 10 Liana MIS Jon 005 lb lt 111 MN lo airline it Mel1 13ml Branch has many thllYlllOn that combine to SftllllllRljtllll101 and Misln luobi AHWH Rum mum Hm Hi 5mm llllV llllVl ivory year NIrS Donald Maularcnv who was Dom 3ilt married in Weston by Rev milk 11 mm loriies iioiitiisoii iiiiy iii iiiitl Here are shown group bllllll it and tin little loriii tli daughter of Mr and llw llllllii llltlfit til lthltll the itngiosl li ltllk kliltli itii liit TIZ Games and races ere iitioyed by iitli lace ilo1li ttl tl lllt oi llll mi bnde flrmlrly mp Chitdrmfunrmoa an lllobil McMastei was the second 2i llim titl My mi liiti 111m tl the counter before this was taken is PresidenL of the or iii our resided iiiri since of the booth they conducted at the Kiwanis Kurnival lltlll left to right the membersl Ph0to by Cpl Bob LilliOil Camp Borden ganization lory home from the llV llosiiital in mp Nummni Anthem llltl ol ll and Mrs llolierti very enjoyable picnic Illllll llllll li Lintit on MLMN AlldlKlllc 110 dubbed 33 York Seventh MHJ lltl the rooin who had served ov im tlllllll NW with the Machine lun Corps 1iln no M1 gttlllill the lafc Mr and Mrs McGuire Midhurst it close SUNDAYAVSEllOOL LESSON 13 Rev lhos White lle 1llllllllll ill so accustomed to seeingr Ulil takiii mans place that lllll seems to be iiiilliiiifi unusual about it btit ill the days Hill llenry Cole concession l3 Ves ire iiieiea izzly teminitie sliniineil than ever ili tendency iowariliirn She is enjoying reasonably batl hustle bony illll the lllilii tuul lieallh Among callers wcrcl Flllllillt lher only brother James Lewis Bar uiie by ii mans place was in her home viill l4 Sim llil from om iiilllll rm rie and son William Cole tiller Slk llmt Wl 5191de 11 land 1w ll essinolaigr type with ltrlii lLiarric Ulth lllllll know and Utility ll my mm 01 money and Lenoiul iiilc to tit min and in Av Hm UH Tuwddvl women as leaders especially ill things spiritual but in times of sunnldale corners lulllcMCQUPen ullmls dccleiision because of the failure vNmWwr imtly wedding was Suleimnz of mm 1mm mm and ill R0 ISlllC Sill won great victories with lliciii asi MN Mmml Smllvz Iimm Wk bth home 01 Silllll llis instruments and leaders liil l1lil the tlllltl Eill oer ziiltl day July 1944 when Emma Jane the history of the Cliiistiziiil Mrs John Biiie Itlclxliicen laughter of Mrs MC Church the names of lllllllCliilll Mrs Stephen leirjr shrill Hie Queen and the late Gilbert Mctwonien shine lllll lustre eiiual Queen Nottawasaga was united in to that of the uteri lllfl has tisedz iweekendwftli her sins tlltl tlier fzunilics in Slayite Mrs Robl McMii her son Alex who palieiil iii and the record of modern missions is record which bears the names of thousands of women who cul marriage to George Malcolm Ellie youngest son of Mr and Mrs Jas Buic Sunnidale IIlill iCliiistie St llo il loronio Given to marriage by hey bro dured as seeing lliiii who is lliVlSI Mrs andrM Geo DuvetValid titer Richard the bride looked 319 lVlllMlIHllL lllULc Mill GilI iFranccs Sttdoiiry were rccntl charming in floorlength gown durdnce 01 ll151 41W CWT litlls with 311 Had MIN 13 of white sheer with embroidered been exccuuil WAT There are men who citiphastle bodice Her embroidered floor length veil of silk net was caught llll headdress of orange blos soms and pearls She wore gold necklace and bracelet the gift of the groom and carried bouqueti of red roses and blue delphinium The bride was attended by her sister Christina in floorlength gown of blue sheer and carrying bouquet of Talisman roses Attending his brother as grooms man was Mr Buie Miss Jean Buie sister of the groom played the wedding music and during the signing of the reg ister Miss Betty McQueen niece of the bride sang Love Truly llml Thrbridesmolher was dressed in turquoise blue crepe gown with corsrage of red roses The agroofrTmotheTWoreanavyblue sheer gown and corsage of red such as many re roses The wedding lunch was Euromele edjn lbedinir1groom beauticondition of the people There is fully decorated with profustOnl no menon of cut flowers and pink and white ceived aspeCial call to leadership streamers Buie proposed but the challenge of her day was the toast to the bride to which sufficient for llllSdeOllllel of faith the groom responded and because oLthe failure of the The grooms gifts were to the menv and the lack 0f I31 bridesmaid beautiful pearl neck Israel She rose to become the lace to thepianjst and Soloist leader thitherdeliverance 367 gigt and to the groomsman there were few prno weapons left For the wedding trip South in Israel 38 and Jabin had 900 cm Ontario apdthc United States 3310th 0f lmn btssdes le the bride dohned blue crepe OS wamors 50 lme frock with white accessories The newlywed couple will make their home in Toronto EXCELLENT REASON Stranger flm conducting sur vey on farm production in this area ICan you tell merwhy on Mrs Ilare Mr and Mrs Ci lllarc Mr and Mrs Harold Zli iKnight and daughters of Mezifird lspcnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs lEveielt Louglieiid Presentation to Mr and Mrs Bil Biiie Mr and Mrs Ed Biiie were guests of honour at the hall on Friday when friends from Bethcl joined with the Stiniiidale Corners icnmmunity to spend socialpvcn ling with them on the occasion of ltheir recent marriage Magic for dancing was supplied by the Hey nolds orchestra from Waverley At the lunch hour Giflen iii vitcd Ed and his bride to seats on the platform when Harold Crosier read an address and Carson Schell and Bill Pattersin on behalf of the friends prc ed them with ltvOOccaSiOrlclia TEdandBar barn Voiced their thanks and apv preciation for the lovely gifts Ed gar Carruthersaumrescnmd in money and billfold to be sent to his son Arnott who was sect overseas rather unexpectedly N011 man Martin home on fiveday furlough from Pelawawa was llad Another Baiiiiigiiii CouldntllouletAnyllesl To thos who toss night after night on sleepless Ms To those who sleep in tr kind pf way but when will iiibroken by bad dream and nightmare olbose who wake up inthe morning as tired as when gigygweutWo bed we offer in Milbtims liedthzund erve let your women keep silence in the church and sometimes won der if some of these dear fellows have wives who have all the say at home and whose tongues can only be restrained when in the church The lesson shows us again that the harvest of sin is sorrow and suffering and these were the lot of Israel under the hand of Jabin king of Canaan until God in His mercy raised tip Deborah and Burakto deliverthcin DEBORAHS CALL From 43 we learn that for 20 years Jabin had mightily oppressed lsiael Israel having lost faith in God youlost courage also for we learn from chapter five that the people were afraid to ventuie abroad the highways and the villages were deserted and the inhabitants were DONI WORRY Drain will clear and clothes will be done and out on the line in good time just shake in quickworking Gilletts Lye Gilletts chases the mess in the pipes right laway Cuts right through all grease and dirtlllakcsallheavyclean ing easier Sweetcns and loo dorizcs everything it touches Destroys contents of outside closets backsaving vork saving timesaving allround cleaner youll bless dozen times Week Get Gilletts today suffering in Never dissolve lye in hot water The action of the Ire itself heats the water MADE IN CANADA Barak and commissioned him to call together 10000 men assuring himfof victory by the hand of God God had spoken He had said whatHe would do and De borah believed the Lord andnsought to inspirethese Pills tonicremedy to help soothe and strengthen the nerves When thiJBdOIle there should be no moreprestlesa nights due to bad idehmnnd nightmares Price 5003le 55 Pillsyt alljdmg counters D1Qfr l0 false h0g5 lathe if would cause them to venture their 1ka for 0111 registered trade mark Rd Heart 01141116 package corn beans and potatoes all on the Wordrof the Lord How Jasper That 1can suli Hogs often this has happened When TluTnblllbnxn CoIimludToionto0nt dont need no hoeinf men have become faithlessh and spineless and yielded to theinj roads of modernismfGod has rai up Woman modern Deborah full of faith to save the day DEBORAHS VICTORY 1316 od neverd disappoints those who trust inAHrimrandialthoughnalur allyspeakingjtlie cause was hope less faith received its reward and the enemy was hopelessly over thrown iFrom chapterfive we learn that God sent deluge tipon Sisera andthe river Kishon over flowed making it impossible for the chariots to move ahead 2021 22 We too are living times spiritually when great eVils are abroad and faith is needed to not only stand true and not coin promise with the enemy but to op pose him All of us have part to play in this great amoral and iritual conflict and God grant at He will give us Deborahs faith so that we shall not failin this crucial hour not be like Meroz 523 Single coplesvof The Examiner cents At allvnewsdealers or this oice ii wk DEBORAHS FAITH Apparently Word of the +7 ltlllilllllll New l3 my hllivisiled her sister Mrs Bob Handy iiomc here in hiding Bondage wandiriisciy was their faith that she sent for weaklings that like faith which in perilous Misses livelyii Forbes and Dor lethy Moore have taken posuioiii in Cali Miss DitLSfON ltiiit Maltoli lcpslColtl8 the registered trade mark in Cunads PepsiCola Company of Canada Limited gt mm 1m hr llllllllill cf the weekend HlNDS BEVERAGES Orillia Ontario lieyic ll lu emu an ltA lovtII mumin l11lgtlltl son pl li1llll ileluirot MN Verna Osborn is liillllilllt lt 1i WW Wivmg nun Plllllx Tmeu ll 1mg mm mm ilsulwllnlinill5mg Mllnlplflnfull tram AM mm Golden ltxt Who knouiib till lllislplLllll llairiel IYvonne Murray and Myrna lirowiil LDWN pa Loimeil 91 ll liiii1 Lllllld old lady Mrs Henrywimp HM RM mm oh vtu11mi to you Mrs Lorne spent Sunday at Wasasza lleaeh Mjm 51 1MNmidmsmng mm scape There iuvmy iiouriof Siiiicoe County celebrated llti lieffon Ti 12 Judges llEl illIii about the new izill clothes kllltllllliilll birthday ill the home of her lNlRODUUlONi ItllC cl moo cooked spaghetti is back ITS BEEN king long time since Libbys delicious Cooked Spaghettihas been on your grocers shelves about years but this old favourite is back there now tastetempting nourishing dish you can prepare in less than ten minutes at cost of only about 5c per generous serving Libbys Cooked Spaghetti melts in your mouth Tender creamy strands that are made from the nest Canadian wheat then drenchedin appeteasing sauce This sauce alOne is tastc7thrill tangy Zestfl blend of luscious wholemcrtbmatdjnicg matured Canadian cheese piquLng spices and artful seasonings v8crumptiousL win Heres the ideal dish for avourful changefrommeat Perfect too When youre in hurry yetwant somethingmourishing Just right for the childrcnslunch when they come in hungry from play Noptrodblc No fuss Just heatand serVe Easytow prepareandieasy on your budgeti Next time you shop bplsure to get Libbys Cobkd Spaghetti Tomato Sauce andVClieesel Double your mle if you dont agre that its thebest youve cvertastedl AND IT cosrs ONLY 3c sanvmoi CAN SERVE IT EASILY IN 10 MINUTES iiiiiiv McNiiii or cANAnA twill GHATHAM ammo MY CHILDREN LOVE THIS MoumsniNG FOOD

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