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lhuiltuirl llu 111111111L 111111111 111 1111111111 111 1111111111 M111 R1 KHLkiWHLLk nmw il111iil 3111111115I 11 111 lu l1li1ifLy1111 vcw in 1111 illLlfiK lulililc 11 1111 A11 1111111111111 Lmi 11111111111 1L91 LHL 5511 sung Through 11111 111111 111111V 11 11151111 111 11111 l11111o1111 11mm MVIVVVVVVVV TVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV111mmde AR V1V1LV Hf ML 1111Wi111 11111111111111411 1111111111 11111111c1 11 11111 V111111111111111 Huh Thm 151 1VV1mL1Lm UniV 1L111VML1VG iVlllLtlLmd Sltnllry 11111 was 111111 11 11111 11111111134 11161111111114 1pm WM VhVVlm Wk Wm iiwn V111 nmrrmuv illVhtl lelv VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV AVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV IVVVVVVVV1 Am HVV VVVVVIVVVVV VVVAVVVVVVVVVVV VV VVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVMI 1VV 1111lHrV 11111 111N111 1111 11 11111111111511 1111111111111111111 couplc in 11111111111111 tlic 1111111x 11 104111111111 Win illii 11 mo 111111111 id 1111 halos 11111111111 1111 shouldtr Lth LLVLVLLL LLVLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLV the 114111va 1111 11 1111 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11qu 1VIVVUI1111 BRFX were MrV and VIV NVIhV1VVV VVVVVVVIVV HVVV mm mm VV gm Mm HIV WHMVHVV mum de hum of 1M lows uul suut 11111 brook 11111111111 Min l1111 Lyons 51111 with 1111111 1V1s411111lt 11 111111111111 111 tho 1111111511111 played Mr mm ILHLv SWHHHLY plml WICGI CCTV 1V1H1111V11111 1111 Miss Aiiiuiuln lifmllm LlL1uI1lIli1l lhcir 111111111 they will rosirlc on 1111 1111111 You Truly LLLZL LLLLLVgLLLLLLLLLSLLLLLLLL V1 KREA II l111V2111l Mrs ll livnwcll lIlm grooms 11111111 iicur Coiikslowu 1911111111411 11111 11111111111111 11111111 1LLL1 Lmm5 Lup iii3 11 lion wzis hold 11 thc 11111111 11 Mr H111 ILc mlc mrl Miss N1111111 thus 111111 luld 11 111i 11 1111 1111 11 I1 11 111 lhc bridiLs 11111111111 101111 blown 1111 1110 l11111113111111111 111 VMuskoM 01gt11 of pink roses the was 111 11411111 liluc shcci Hlil VVVV VV the ilii 1l111c 11 judc 111111 suit rcsiilc in Tlurric white zircossiirics 111111 zchursuge 1111 md 1le LLLLUVLLVL LLLL1LL LL LVLLLLLH VVV 111 Joanna llill mscs lhc 141111111 iiiiViVVthe1 VVl1s lVllldhiL 1n 111011rlV 111 19 11103111101111 11 Russcau the bride wornirtwriiiecc 11111111 with 111111111 accossorics 21nd vnlt 111111111111 11111111 LlLlu brides 111111l1c1 ILLmLImL WLLLtm LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLVV IV 11111111114 11111IA11111Ngt IMlximu 11HIA ii Pimento Olives 111281 llllhldllllll Libbys Mustard 11111131 Brunswick $1317 ISAiESE I111 35 llllllllllllllttitllll hcigc and rod cnscinblc with 1111111 111111 accessories Among the many and beautiful 111th5 rchcircd by tho bride was Champ 1mm 1m mm ther in Italy NEEDOYLE Grape Juice 23 Liver lincon SAUSAGE V111 35 VV VV VV VVV VVVVVVVVVV IV VVVVVVVVVV VV VV VPVVIZVrViiilViVVVVVLEdCEVVEVVdVghiiVVrtthi VlViVlVV VVVVVVZVVVVVVVV 8V VVV the marriac 111 June 80 l94t 111 1111115 1111In 1530 oclock oi Dorcttu Ellcn MW daughter of Mr and Mrs Doylc 1L1Llt1 undLFdwin Gilmour RCAI son 111 Ml and Mm Wilmn Knapp RV 11 rie Rev Auld officiated and Ingersoll Cheese iii 15 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LL M1 Leslie Hearts W35 10 LYORK 111111111 111111511 1111111 gdghe bride WVS given in marriauo by her 1311 and wore an 101 5L LL LL tin wnLLwith aswectheirtncclc 18 g0 GVm MILKFE liililillhh an WIC 63 lfllggrfedgthtseilligtgvmmjtheg HEMWW 1V Shaped halOV Her only piece of mVWWW jewellery was motherotpeml rnrsu 1111 cross Tiife bride carried Cascade LrllT Hilli VL HMITIIS 1ILAT lllllllilIlillllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllll Hit II II lllllt ltlt CLARKS ASSORTED tlllllltll llll VV ofSupremacy Supreme roses The maot VV bridesmald was Mrs James Yei VVVVVVVVN fth Brookiield Cheese 40 gt 311111111ch 11 bluenet and can in nose 1H1111V red 11111115111311 1105 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111A llllIlllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllIllllillllllillllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllll Elwood Ncy Barrie cousin of PRACTICAL BOX GIFTS the groom was groomsman until ONTARIO GROWN ROSS Hubbaldv Balli91 3150 Wu iFNDl IN THE PRITISH 151 ES FOR YOURWFR Sm of the groom and WdltEl Doyle brother of the bride were ushers VV Box NOL 20X NOL BOX NOL After the ceremony reception VV ARRH1ING41RESH hAILY $2 3931 LE ou can have real VV gtL 35 hfldVIfVt VVVe30e OfVVihe bleQL WK inu 111111111111 Iniiiru Lil11111111 in 111 Loblnw Stores Daren 16 11 95 mo 81 was Nicw snxsous FLORIDA 1451 smile urilEss your teeth gums Ur sawhwymgwmfmrwmm1 WWW VV VV 4QltED QVVPSQVVVIVBEVOVV accessories and wore corsagc of jam eyes and complexion are VaVli qu to par NE PV MVUVVVVVVVVVVVS and CVVVVVVV ATERMELONS VSWVIFVT VVVVVVVVV because this kind of smilewlndlcates roses while the grooms mother Allracliwly priced according was in dusty pinto sheer with to size of 1111 perfect health Vitamins are essentia white accessories and corsage VV rmum Tn 17 Hit It It Plus 56 drposil on vclmmrivlg bottlrjs 1111111111111 tifiiiiiiiir 11131111111331 25611111 9s picKVLEV 24 xruiun1us EATING CHERRIES ViciiV$nxnn 2111111111me VALENLiA 111 to uamong themvitamins ands 1111111 De 23 B1h the and valuable mm ispiisrirrrisiidz 4512 wnm mun111113 Press Tomato JmceVn green hat and 1111111th c1111 RN 2113 111 146V join him later gt wvwiUmmummm You can taste the sOoELSin HlAD UALLLLLLICLLLLFFLLDLLLLAT L1 VV 4V VVV fprr4r VJV VV V3 arge likVIEV Tinsr SuPerioiL avour Ofthose Pedgried 1C Gen CRAIGHURST LETTUCE Heads 135 gt LL Lbrimful OfwhOICSLome gqodness You KnOx Ch 730 LL 1L gums pm realize zmmedmtely Libeysis St Johns 730 Special Special 53 are Present 13 lebYLS dd Gentle wearing light wool suit or deep VV The groom is stationed on the DOVZV QUAKER VVVV 111111111LSOM VVVV SIPVtths gardenfreshlu1ce slowly East Coast and Mrs Knapp w1ll SELELULJ UALHX Imported 1V Cake VV qmyxvxcmg 11111marsrscmr ma esbi red luscrous leby tO pVVaVV 1e From QuccnutonTlie Famous Duchrton V1111 1119111 or the pound or basket oNiMiio s111111r11 1CLARKSLVongiciiscd LL 110111110UsnCUCUMBEns LE5 CrcamVoLf Tomato illlltilllllllllllIllllllllillltlllllllllll 111111131113 MidlandLVLLLwnsLhomLe VV favourite tomatoJuice throughoutVV forthe weekend Mr1landVLVIMrs Jas LRLeariman spent ast ondav inGiaveiihUISl1 cunt10 ROWNNEWTROI i1 Mrs Hodginsx Toronto is pen 1a magma SisterVVMmVV CELLRE HEARIIb Bunches ing sdmeLtimeL TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL Oades ONTAROL SOLIDLHEAD G004 CABBAGE LL Size Heads f0 TEXAS UL1ti COMMENCIALL Grade Va labiegpoon chopped onion hngham 11 11 Mablespoori chopped celery COHEFatulaLlons to Teddy Slack CVV0VKING ONVIONb nabiespoonchppped Parsley 31226133153513 the Entrance on Lentils stand incl cool place for hour then add Mm VMcMaStel Leand MYSV RV lCli fancv Graves and Sadie spent last Fri 7mem 111st11311ng113313331133331335 dav 011111 CANTALOUILS PLUMS 111111 LIMES ice cold Delicioud Mr and Mrs WallieL Graves VQf EilliiiillllllliilillilllililllllilliiiliililiillititIlllilliimlilllllllllliliiilillllliiiilllllliliiiliiiiliiiil Midland have come to live With Yama 5mm an we 11 10141110 $111113 Mrs Wm Coward 01 AltllU dM woL 1M UBBY McNEILN UBBY 0F CANADAI MTED sha agaveandmegamwf CHMHAM VONMRIO ognu visited Ken in aAoronto hospital lt1 SundaY 13111 Coward1 Toonto is 11 me liIil uxu uuLn MAPLE LEAF my CAKE Vii27c 15mm 111112001 1FLOUR 1nVnunvli 11Siil7cllljlrdWELL HEINZ STRAlNED 18111111111113 11 25 111318111 31111111 ii 251 ALL PURPOSIE GRIND rrr1s ruRr ORANGE ed Rose Butternnii lisiiimiudie iii271 lt lllllllllllliilliiill Camila rV1cgqJ 111111111111111111n111111111mm111111mnum LV Lcups Libbys Tomato Juice LL wigiieiiimxiiiiiisiiifiiiii ill To Forlholiolirlay weekend we have line selection of 177712111111111110 warriors 111111111111111111 1111 11 mu 1111 1111 1mm 11 11111 1111111111111 Lonrsws mm Loblaws OrangeLPekoe BREAB TREAT YOUR HOLIDAY FRIENDSLTO VV VVGOTTAGEV Red Label Tea 131111151 gullc lliLlnl 22 40 1100ng 000M ab 139 11 111 1111111111111111111111111111 3an ogETEmAsoVV Ml55111111111111 111111111111111111 1111111 111111 ltlllllllllmull 11 gogha fVeew days ori zeoliuntVthhiS er 54 nitai witiLiLLga LiigXiLt cgndiiiciif 3111 LL LLL III IllllllIllilllillillllillllllllll aver LI11