SDA ll VVVVVV TV WAI PAGF FORE ill 4cm tffrymmmxf ouowonomouomonoq NEWS or ALLANDALE BORN ransommoons Vt parrrr lliiil BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA nf wnmmmm3V i==ao=ol==a==ouo===oau====aouo DADS VTHE WEEK COOKSTOWN ovmonomoumm l5 ii but it built ul tirurgrVlhoa lVuks Sunday lune l8 REMEMBER HIM WITH CARD OR mYwWftff Leww we IV gt VV autumn trio tinnitus 17 119 +tmtiiiseoirirr211iii14 Highway lli Viv Ni 311 111 1d iizti frirC urll 1i nlir din lied ioxs Wnikrooin li oli Wlil EJ lurid i=1 i2lki vi tl1litllV ltli ll liiliiil ldfi mi lrt if ili VVV iiliHir iiiuiiilr than learn lut in litilt irn lltit 7egedsitu iioiiu cut scuoosr EARLY =i iltifll litl erwd in Siiricor ilillizllti their Improving lltVlldii rem Sittlt lltlltitllitlltl ltlllltllt rm riirir the Always t1itlllli filled it NElLl till Siltlli AllillilldNlS SlNili 111133 mriz 1tiiiii ill lTthuuitol lioiniltoii ALLANDALE lrlllllllpylrlllIllillllllllll 11 i3 lll in liinlulh linil Ill l1i lioirl tip Luidii Low wv it INMEMORIAM LMVWVVVWV Pull 11 hit 11 The Ilinli iriileii i1 iititii iiILI 1V VVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVV Watson ilu VVL iii ll ll lild iii lion lll tiliiltil warrior llllfllllii of tiini wvwr itll kiwAsrs tltl1 lllvlllts msii Pill125 roii iiicsr iniie Giuliani itit Mr and Ali Ha All uho iiiiivis illlll lwitl Mrs illiitr ill October iiil3 Late llrlll V0 Vr in 51111 QuartEu JEARS lo after lwirri if dd VV VV VVV 1V IVV VVV iner ml HWVLM Vwm iii ri ll lls lit ililt iltrilrlzi Mm meted lqv VV llH rn optldtliil taro 111Ver pie Yhu MVP mu timmthc ptitt of your litlilii0l1 by read ing and acting upon the liflVLlilL llitlli in liii ilzrrrie Examiner irl liniiiiiii lilt 1111 llirii lat idli years 211 iivrxl Ill lit was ill li1iii ri1iike liil his illtl itu itiil later they were tome furniture denier nid 11 itligt iii Vilttiisiilwlll ilIlll 111 it went to Sudbury ii three years il viiVi iii used it Welland litill Nilli ihiiir lllllllttiiillL itilrilt ills wife lflilllitl llita 311 iilliiliti of llioriiionl two iziiiuii iilllt lifl Viliidll Alberta =id JoyceNia rd lilii his 131 linries Watson and rt1V in 1Al1gtliUVl lilllliltni Cool Lori 112111 111 VV lt How you renewed your subscrip ii riti do not ii ll tint tip tiiiiiiiw tli tluii wish VVVVIVMHVVVFVV mum riiiiii izri made iiliirl on lill hiritirin lV iiiiiili litl 11 lit iim iriil memory ii lex ii tii 1lll litl Mill llvt iii rctio tliii VV ul mil lll iint iiiidiii til iii iui iiii rm our iii limbo tioiiV Hi Vniii Ill iilliiiii Iitor prilpil rti llllHl ltlll BRENNAN iito In illl Harrie tV loni gtihtl lllilllttl Vlltll Sedan Vi llillVV Harlin1 lllli Lands in rock 211 ll rl irl VirVi1 iily VVV llill the iViii tin you in Ctililitilltrll Vltivil larder tziozind pitpiiiotl by Kim oiiiiiiillre kilo iwill hr ftll loi iilt illhl izepi 21riiiiii Sill itil the ttttllti llthl iiid for iili third illtlllt wall ills Espott ihi tliirigt periodicalle llllilli iiit summer and make the award iVlho tllti of the cnsoii laws Air ItllIIIOIJClOlllllflIN has coast ilitlibtiiij son ll0ImNIIONIIONW Merricks Grocery DALTONS lllHHNG POWDERS WIIll SUGAR Five Pkgs for 25 iiiodour ultimo loaves 150 till in ll ll gt1 Hit 111 is int 7V 11ltd iill INO mu NWOINMI WHEN YOU NEED TOW TRUCK CALL rri ii field VVVV vneith EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MAN Mill V1 lji lull iiui DIED 11 Iii iii ll VIlIll dtir liit um 41ti itiJiIl ill Tit men rVt loVil VrIVVVltdV Wk NV Willi frozii thie more of ill fziilur iim mm tvmiislown to liioiiilon eiiiele llr Sinclair of Alliiiidalt fore the lliiniiiloii Illfibivll iiiiiii IlzriiirI Kiri ml ot ll The funeral it gl rmwl iito officiating clergyman and grailheurers were Chas lynn ll2lS mli vlltlt URL Russ olloppci it VVVVVVV VVV Moiikiiiini Ilezziniild Reed iv WH ill rl 19 will VV lly Itoss There were many 1V lltitllti lt1 HM huml iV liltl iBY rtilrliliillh Mos lune Watson of Vulcan Va iirl attended the funeral is well Car riiirht ho ilatilll For Successful Sale Vw spirit mm or llliziibclli liiiwi lltVii iit iii iiit izil Siili who dopziiicti liii ltiiilirii tT illllti LEiintii iuisvinyliiioll Inter 2e illllitl cinder gratefully titiillltti LLIHLbllltiiUUCU Vt UURKlC 7A1 Si Alitiinti iiisii ioiolilir tlil Wwiiiesii May ill lllll JointuORourkeV IllIONOINIINWmOOOOm VV lo1nt impt 11 write Me al or at nght CRAIGVAIE of vV flmflhuhlfi 10 Filthl Meran Grocery PHONE STRUU 21 3111 mil Vhlillld but no VQthCVllHl VV 72 OWEN STV lslii bchombcm and owl he lit 1111 lianuVVrifVaics oti VVVVVVVVV coutnounnuoonoom yVVVVVV lill llpil ttiliiii fit VV VV rm WM fumemp byoxvedsmnl 9MP Lift any lttlil iiultr iirltl siriti hue lg it fully protected gtttlt sioiii broke over oolisl VV iV VV LVV VVV For ALL your insurance we limr ll Wtimiil CVLHlHLi Mill 1115 imp dear ioroloer of Mix lilioldw tioned VV rVrVli iViViVi iillllltVitVlV VnirdVVVanciiV VVVVVVVV VVVVVV DVVVVVVVV VRVVVVVVVVV VVVV VlViliVVVVt iiVVVinitViiVVllViVl lViVonpVyV VsVaninVrV Th ml lVmV NV up llVHlV VVVVVVVVVVVVV Viltit limb llltitt iiitiirs 15 111 girlprnpniiied by wind that Vim 3V shrill lltti to part no mom 5i liillltp Si Phone 37 ioniiodViie fury of cyclone Trees Sillllll Al tryiii VVwatill lit CARDS OF THANKS cents word VIIVIVXVELIVHTWH lllnvll Minimum Charge 506 Wlirl Slinify Ili on Sdldlr day Juno Il 1911 Mary Cgriiipiuil Wall eldest daughter of the illit Mr and Mrs Alexander Watt sister of Mrs ll Plirdy Ti room Willi lllill Worth il liiirii on iilll loii Smith Irol his son of Ali iiiitl iiiitii lliiiiroli on lllSl1li of hundred VVVVV VV Vilt uprooted mill lht streets lit tiered iiil illlllllilts lllltl siiiiiplcs iiitllll roofs of Vlnrildiiies County llonil No it was toiiiplctely blocked by trees and branches for several iVilHlllS until cleared by liond Fore Viiiun liaroirl Hell and his men Home brooch fell on Walter Wilkin iVsnns car in Mrs McKnights driveway 1111ith with it the Hydrrr and telephone wires large tree lllTVlTTTTYi l4 llCSlip Mun iirti ani 91h iii VvlV 15mme mm of the mot if lciiiieiil Guthrie Ceiiieiery luViie her house thiiiincy on Lorne rinolds house was demolished by WEBB itlili VVItioiIzi llopriil vVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV AVVVVVVVCVV VVVOCV fen Barrie iil riiiVVSitiiithriV VlimVeV 1944 Andrew Webb lll his rtilr Von the roof of Bert Fishers house VocalV nicmmnl Midmmr rnusine considerable damage The June iente on the west side of the Fair Elliouiitls was completely demolish Bmk Summit dud eltl Many llydro and telephone Shullldm Bruce Vlines were broken and ii was noon Qualied Fitters Vilio followingt day before llydro ser vice was resumed 4195131 You Wollnrry Complete Stock of Surgical Appliances STORE HOURS Monoiv TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY To 11 WEDNESDAY 91230 noon SATURDAY ii To Cirliicleigv lltltllii illllt lloolli and sot llerlyl and Miss Minnie llond wisi to express their appreciation for iilt inniin nets of kindness and sym pnliiy extended by relatives friend illli neighbors during the illness itid death of Mrs James Booth oi Slroud 231 lllltNSllie wife and daughter of the late Dr George ii Burn wish to thank their friends aiir patients for their many kind ex picssioiisV of sympathy Wand condo 47 COLOURBRIGHT and WHITE INDBAGS Abdominal llells Knee Supports Ankle Supports Elastic Slorzkinps Featherweight Bracers Ladies Surgical Supports In the Accessories Section looking When Hots 11954 Pretty They do pretty wonderful things to Suni mer costunie Youll want one for date occasion Vs Morbid iillilli1il3lirNldiltillilli do if your constipation due L0 for tonsiipzrliruiV SilltLViVliilltti mo up iuiV in MIMV Simman You svc lIl horn dlt iii riiysiif for year with runny kiiiil7tprirgziti2m which helped only lnicilyllut LVan AVVLVV Working hulk and prepare wastes mum kqm me for easy elimination So to 5on CCVVVWVVWNW ileum cutALLtsRANV daiiyasi real Vor inscvcral AiitiiiAiriiuf roarirxars Amman rczulariynuul AV 41 real his mug some cereal helps to produce smooth of their loving iiioihCI 23b Milltnery Section The Carnival Committee of the Canadian Armoured Corps Auxi vliaivvotild like to take this op portuiiity to Vlillillk the iiicrchonts and citizens ofVBarrieWiio so ably supported itharnivai JOSEPHINE KOVlCH 23x Convener if rsPriiit Bught Flpwe CREAMOlflllEtlCQVCOANtJT CROP VA completely beguilirigV liii regular as gclock add 60110YCOIICCUOH 01 summel Hmqbdgs 19m bow of colours and right With everything horse vns killed lcncc chums their icccnl belcuvc OVV VVVC VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVV mom 231V 05 Wm Zen mm puceclV lt gt LYNNer and Mrs Robert liisbliclstotli the idlli was uii IVYVVVV VVVVd VVVVVHV wish VVV VVVVVk mm tlieir inniv friends ior linilnem Tiler 15 41 Vililolll ill3 and svnipzithv during thcil rceehi 0de the 11320 pm of we CNlt Hamilton line between bereavement 23 imrTwaiwnUifEBcrt Shellswells CookitmyHndquii winch hem MQQREAMP 14 MHnilindfilm SHMWJEX AG mm md rmyhpm Md his up the morning trainscvcnil hours Nikki Hijmi iV 1V1dVd VVVVVVV VVVVVWVV VVVVVV VVVVriiV VVltVVVVVVVVV1 Churchill me lemmmm WVVS VlitllllililtilsVVftilV iiViVCVlIidiilVV VthV Bright stripes on new VV CH If mu put out of commission number Tl13nlbfwiifm 93 tral background WllIll lUCliUIV Vii ICi1VHVVVV Vibe Nth Ur mm plums were Cm 1mm LEEIEIEWXQiigimiVVVVd MV WVILV VDERARM BAGf Ker umit ll mi hmw the bv lllli fred Slewiii Mil lllti liielecn umi Room and 300d Himi imdmwrmg 5011 who llll1iviislm 1165 inches of mm toll wish to ekpress their sincere lipl iiillgmcliiitiltl ihCAiiirlilcc$iuitw between and 11 in DICCiliiun to the kind neighbor isr 111 150 05111 or lt VVVVVVLVVVCVVVV Al Leiroy there was severe iiVVild33dHVVViVVVillagbgily332 VV HI DVVVVVVVCVVVV VVVVVVV WVVSV SVVVVVCVV storm of thunder and lightning with pwssiong gyxmmlhv durum Vlem 53 Allilmm lmpnnp 11 it 51 hetvy Vzii some damage WM 110 recent illness and death of their STRIPED sTRAWTEX VV VV VVVVVVVVV VVV VVV Si or sc nt Vacant VVVSVVVUVVUVVDS but one bchwcd SVVVVVVVVVd braan 23p VV VV VV gt was injured SMllllrJIhe Vfaniily of the late DBAWbFR1NC BAC up re 99 VV Mrs John SliillliV Wish to VlVliank In bold brilliant colours rwmmwnqgrlilellluu1xr ieliitivesVVzrricl friends to accent your pastels as VV and VriningnboiVs VfoVi kindness ano rV Tillingcgmdigit VVVVglbVVVVyDUVVi Rev 11 Ilmvden and Rev lei Lllstlll during the illness and death VV 19Vsz Plymouth De Luxe VV Sella VV 19 Luke liiisvacmenchcr ALLBRAN is VVlich ALILriitiiN Vtt lot Heres all you Ingram Arsenal KiLLSTBUGs AND capo citrm SPRAY COOP jV FreshSupplies swear DISTRICT toORESERVICES Phone 4220 4V Barrie RUSSELL PATTERSON Mgr cciealriot medicine Get it at your groccrs handy sizes Made by Kelloggs in LondonCaiiada ClVfVMO Mercury Sedan 193V StudebztlicisetlaiiV 1937 llutlsouffScdan 11937 Ver Sane Sedan 1935 studemirwcmmrr WANTED For Harold Hill hiss E112 s1 Phone 4615 FEEDS Always on Hand May expicssuiy thanks to Mrs llowdon andthe ladies ofTrinitjy Chllltlll for collecting pVaeking bales of clothing for Greece Also todhe Barrie Red Cioss for for warding same to Montreal and to the Stroud Community War Fund for$10000 cheque for Greek War RelicfVGeo Bakogeorge Up In Arms 21 sparkling leehnicoloi production Stars the sensational Broadway comedian Danny Kaye in Iiotious musical comedy of an eccentric draftee who turns the Army upside down Dinah ShoreV Dana Andrews and the glamorous Goldwyn girls provide an eyefilling ensemble Held over atthe Imperial Thur Fri Sat this week Dont miss it 23 BATH MIDLAND PlumbingHeating and IrOn Fireman Stokers Phone office 117 Mldland Residence for night calls 588 MIDLAND niodel in natural or Vooco shade 23b Treat yourself to flowerpriiit Cabanna VYoull wear it with your pretty little blouses in town with haltertops 3m the country Cool and comfortable and easy to launder Sizes 12 i018 $1988 ZELLERS VLTDV trastin ribbon soft bow CocoaiititStraw of fashioinfavourji DISTINGUISHED FASHION LarchbiiiuinedV hat of white Tuscan with mesh crown and conV knotted into urnunnu $1298 nIICnIIIlllunltllvan