Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1944, p. 9

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Si Your 22 fleOIIININIIIOIOOIIfl0llII4940000INIOOOIOIVIIOOIJIIIflOJ Roxvi HOUSE OF HITS COOL cmd COMFORTABLE WITH FRESH WATERWASHED AIR ONllNlUUS SHOW SATURDAY 21310 ll Their love Story begun as the Paris clocks struck midnight Together they mode life radiant glowipg ex periencegrealcrlhon porn 3914 pm eluded as or in the promise of Immonol VVVV nd fabulous ltt Lt Sullivan will lmltht 1o 7o rm me IV VVVVV VVVVV VV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV aribriuslicnc 13 IcIlrcsideiltr rVVV Fortuncl Vivlr Adams llarric 2nd Vice3 111llltl of Ia II rtllllrrll prIrI VV II VV lllllltl Ellis aIIV bolts1 ecuInp As well and in IIl lull VV hi VJI um Icwl resident Mrs Irroimnp to llltl lllfllltltlirfl 35 41 Bishop Binno rroporulnrg Seci tclwd in his parents Ilr and Mr 11 ll Willis Mrs mddard BraceI lilth litl fllllth llillllitl VVVVM VVP RPV VV VV til tl iwllo were Irltirl Mr and Mrs VVV VmIV if Hil lllgllcst tcrrlptrlatinc of 1911 to 1r Allen 10 Toronto sr sinuluy mi mViim 5mm Warm 2QOCZW9 PLUSCARTOON AND NEWS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MAllNEl WEDNESDAY 2110 la One of the greatlist stories ever produced by WARNER 8803 NANBlCUlEMAN MARY BBLtill 110100 FRANEENrNAZIMUVA EXTRA SAnEuOouM C0101 Cartoon omoaomomoamomog ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 PM EchShowsr pm tllllllllUMA IDIIII MARTHA 011 THURSDAY TRIDIAY SATURDAY cvcll ind vplutoon which for Incd part of Major illstlniuuslicd tlntll In the tuition IYuD IIIDIIDR TRADE mm Is CRITICISDII FOR SERVICE TO THEIR KING Sexton liiili blank IlfVo enllstcd march IIIlttil May would Murray Sykes Hit of Mr lo irid Mi ll Vlllilltrlitil Sykes Ivy Ont VV O=O0====ouo== IN THE FIGHT FOR TREEDDII In if Llcut Seagram in News lIcut Charles Seaqrnrn son of Mr and Mrs 11 Serigrrun Ross St Barrie was in command Vot larucs oirrlsclls company of the 118111 lliizlllauders in ltaly which in Italy during the plot two weeks Major Bert Wcrrlp llC lo roIIlo Evening Telegram war cor rcspondcui referring to lieui Sea VV ton spent Sunday at ialoll 11 10311 and May 1010 Whole he Mk 5C itgli LEW In it hltlly 11 MUNHYS lllt Bushs pwdmco by USS slumped that the place of Masonry in the World uriunV said He and his men pill Miss MiVirparet Shibboll snout hm Vldvmwd mum to Ml Hip today on magnificent show and went 1th Vtvcclicnd villl Hamilton VV Hm mm WI V2 MH in ll 11 Graham 32 the rreut gt through hellish fire as the regi ment went through the lure Three Narrowa Escape Serious Injury When Two Cars Collide Mr and Mrs has llcuccr and Vdiitrghtcr loan aged of RR Barrie narrowly escaped serious 11 jury ohdTiday afternoon in motor car accident on the Surlnidalc Road where COIISZ Vcspra joins it They were drivinifmto Barrie and their car and one drivVen by Camp bell of Craigvzrldrerrclretl the ill tersection at the same time llrovincial Officer Rob insonV who investigator stated that the Campbell car struck the rear bumper and wheel of the other auto with such force as to cause it to swerve and turn completely over landing upright on its four wheels Vwith all three occupants in the rear part of the car Victor Howard who drove up at the time took Mrs Degecr and Joan to the office of Dr Little where it was found that they had no broken bones nor were they cut which was surprising as all the windows ill the car were brok Ven However they suffered severe bruises There was clear view of the road at the place of accident and Officer Robinson stated that the brakes of the Campbell car were in good shape The Degeer car was badly damaged but the other auto was little the worse Campbell has been summoned to appear before Magistrate Jeffs on Friday morning to an5wer to charge of careless driving McVitfie KlWOanLlOUliGOV Visits Oshawa Club In welcoming LicutGovernor Roy McVittie on his Official visit the Oshawa club staged averyun ique Ladies Night on Tuesday last The diningroom cf the Genosha Ho tel was filledto capacity and the under the direction of the Agriculture Committeeuemphit sized the agricultural theme throughout Members of the Com mittee spared no effort to provide farm settingthe decorations in cluding hoes rakes pitchforks wheelbarrows harness lanterns committee members themselves were arrayedjiiibvralls led chiekt Vered shirts bandana handkerchiefs and straw hats Every feature of the wellplanned programme brought rounds laughter and applause the break dOWn being reaVched in an im pressive cergrnonylduring which the LieutV overnorr was lhductedvas qnorary Chairman of theClubs Swine andDChicken Committees in Ivestted with huge straw hat and It UN 1H SAMEcasual vNNI ifROOGIEWOOGTEMANV CARTOON 15 MATINEE WEDNESDRVY2DDpn GREAT STARS IN TwOOT THE sOREENsrRLLTIME HITS Tyrone POWER Barbara ISTANWYVCVK Alice EAYEZVVDOYLAMECHE Joei McOrtEAI mun DONLEVYH Walter BRENNAN ii tinttruism llllNlOban Dru Auso OTHER swVELII TREATS II WlYlESBUTU imiles home MM TUESDAY WEDNESDAY bandana and presented with real Vlive Plymouth 7Rock rooster which the was obligedto EGeorge Bpothe staff cartoOnist of the Globe Mail as guest speaker lprovided firstclass entertainment iwith his caricatures of current in lteTnational notables and Of leading =members of the Oshawa Club theevening was the presentathn of Iabirthday cake to Johnny Graves lmember of the Oshawa Club the Ioccasion of his 75th birthdayfand Va beautiful Vbouquetto Mrs Gravesl Mr Graves responded with cor net number assistedby his young grandson ulho was escorted into the room astride an allKiwanis horse Accompanying thel LleutGovern or were Mrs McVVittie who was presented with gorgeous bouquet of spring owers Mrs Chris tie Mr and Mrs McCarroll theyflatter winning one otthe clal attendance prizes Advertise inThc Examiner ZlVlci St lhntcd luncll School llounr idin evening and continuing all day ilicxl peel11 lZxanzillcr Mrs loaoll llaiiic reported missing overseas of transport the 80 She1 lILP llIIdnl traffic cattle In itIlI lltiny Llllltistil from the lip Rev llr the Worlxll llrisilun lernpclancc Union for the minty of Sllftt and the Diallltlr Shirlark Anti Parry Sound ltlts Iy evcnirlg lirr iillttritioir 13 held in Col ud auditorium Illllllltllttllil Mon tltwtlily filltlicr report of illui onvcniicu will be published Iii2 Officers lllcctcil Sec etaer Mrs IldwardsV Coiling vontl further report will be publish 111 next weeks 1gttlL Mr ou Visited the Show week Mr and Mrs Art lllClln Wes aud illrs las Shaw llainil family lust Miss Bernice lllcillackon parents Major and Mrs Warulca lo 1V Davidson Mr and Mrs Norman Ialdillc and son Crccmore spent Sunday wrth loo Latiincr and Mrs Jessie OConnor Rev Lewis CookstOwn will conduct the service In the United Church at 730 pm Sun day June 41 number from here attended thcrecdals given in Barrie by Reginald Goddcrr and pupils of Miss Bryson Mr and Mrs have arrived home from John Woods house Mrs Norman Smith Montreall and Mrs Roy Willsou Bclleville are visiting their parcntsV Mr and Mrs Middlcbrook Congratulations to Miss lmotcnc Paddlson of New Lowell and but ford Plaxton who were married on Saturday May 20 at the Pros byterian mansc Allandalc The first game of the South Simcoe Softball League was play ed iii the Angus Community Park Monday night Brcntwood vs An gus with fair attendance An gus won Weekend visitors at GordOu Bushs were Mr and Mrs Gor don Sheratt Mr and Mrs Stev Aldcorrr and children Corbetton Miss Leda McCann Minesing and Viola and Ken Bush Toronto Little Boys Foot Broken Little David Coulson had one of his feet broken last week having got in the way of the car as his mother Mrs ErnestCoulson was backing it out Of the driveway Pte Lynn Killed Mr and Mrs Robt Lynn rc ccived word last week that their only son Pte Robt James Lynn had been killed on active service in Italy May 17 138 Royal SmithMissing FltSgt Royal Smith has been lie is the only son of Sgt and Mrs Smith RCAF Vancouver BC Sgt and Mrs Smith were residents of Angus for rainumber ofiyears and Royalattended the Angus public school as did also his sis ter Pte Barbara Smith CWAC who is stationed at Newmarket Angus United WA The regular meeting of the WA were entertaineckatMrsdmceys on May 23 with 11 members and Mind Leaves Delaney Boat Lines Govt Dock and SundaysEvery Vto 945 pm for licSlrllc Toronto Mi mm 43 llflitit the closers scnmn of the 53rd mil 51 MT 3018 York TorE annual touvcrtn 11m lti iuuc Tani1 l$iili hot 11 inict in wt iiti lririay ins tliii high lUi iiay Irx your and III ltl Ire it follows lllll iWomianiSerit rift3 Trial on Charge of Forging $7000 Nofc iii prcliriiitlary lltitllllii iwforc lidaizistratc ornpton lcffs llcrc ycs tcrduy Mrs Marjorie llill Cooks tozvn was committed for trial at lughcr court on charge of forging pronnssory note drawn upon ltorr lerulnscth between July lien 11 1030 for $500 also she could not find it given by her him froill liability Sept 1039 On April 1040 the plaintiff wasl notified by Toronto leILal of payment due on note for $7000 Clifford ppan purporting to be signed by himself their llc dcnicd giving any such note honeymoon and will live ill Mrs Mrs llill through her counsel swore that she had rc Kcyfcitz ccived permission by from Glass to change the former note from $500 to $7000 and had this done by clerk in Barrie The raised cheque was pro bank duced in court Glass denied that she had tele phoned at all THE SEVEN DWARFS The sevensterlirrg dwarfs in Walt Disneys featurelength Snow White not anyorrc represents type of human being in this fascinating duction Seven Dwarfs personalities to them Each arc production The Seven Dwarfs will make rancc here on Fri Watch for them personal appesi day June you CAN SAVE You can save many times the price of yOur subscription by read ing and acting Upon the advertise ments in The Barrie Examiner two visitors prsent tronul period worth reading Duckworth solo tiou Was expressed for the work of the men who so kindlyrdiddhe caretaking of the church for the winter months Plans made fora sale of sewing on June to beat Mrs Wilk Mrs Lacey was assisted by hedautherin serving de afternoon tea meeting insons licious lunch VSTRRTIDIG TODAY JUNE DAILY BOAT SERVICE to Another very pleasing feature ofI Pointg 130 11111 530 pm iv8l5 pm SaturdaysAdditional trlp to Point pm nan hour to Point starting at 130pm up BARRIW CANADA THURSDAY JUNE I944 iHeat As in MidSummer And Very Little Rain Feature Late May nearly as hot ioi it11 warmer and tlllil7 VillLl weather has been cIt at civrripalctl iltgtiitil1lll litmi ly lllly Ht ti vvw liilu ed at The spenkcr tllltil of The VV in IllmViiw ll MC Hamilton AprilHypmwxdnw VV1VVVVVLV pumbmtd by 1th JVL Li LL 1ilri Eltll114 of tii gt Hub gtv gt 20 Next of kin lft vil liljLAltLIOIAMILI lviupclarICc Federation He 1U Itrt ttptt biotltl 11 The great need cc1inltlVf p1 to bc rcasonably heavy rainfall to bIIicfit the growing crop Icnipcraturc of thcin p111 mick $11543 on Monday llrllitllllt iird rnIIIirnunl temper during the past eight in lliith lo lllill 1yQ Bap lposc of buying house from leorge 9V spent m0 WCCkad Mm hm lcacoclt of Midland III addition in had also given the note latcd Aug The accused Tonto spent the weckzwith Mistold him that lcacvick would not accept the note and he Glass had instead made out cheque for the mmmL Tm note was he mVibout hundred registered orl this turrer to him but she statch tlrat receipt was however This was dated was conducted by Mrs Dean with Mrs CW Duck from Vthe book After the business Miss LaceVV rendered delightful iii strumcntal number and Mrs ANNOUNCEMENT Having sold out ourhusiuesIs hlQlLJQSEECHUML North Bay who will be Associated with his father TOny Caruso we taketliis opportuhlty of extending our sin cere thanks to the citizensof Barricand district for the patronage accorded us iu years past We bespeak on behalf of oursucccssOrsa continuance of that patronage of which We know theyVivid be worthy5V VDELANEYTBOAT LINES FOOT or DAYFIELD STREET Ill cu Allle Illqu SCOTTISH BITE REUNIDNBIIST IN YTARg FortySix Toke Lodge Of Perfection Degrees and ThirtyOne Spry Chop ter Rose Croix Degrees the with tllllt of Barrie and lurrday In the Miltwillt leinpie Ila bet attended and Hunt lltttgtfll1 ltcuiilon held In iI lijfSlx rlltllilnlt cc tf Perfection lcjiec ll itlrVltiilIe torilt tilt lion wix llccmcx Li 18 Mirna when tzlc 101110 of DIAIVV 1011i til lzrfcrlmn tlllilltd Ibrilt 11 ill Tit 15w trl llttl registcicd hunk till 33 iriur IIIIIH Iiilzl Toronto lliii lift 41 llazrirla kid other LtillfL outside 00 Inf tltc Valliy rif Barrie 17 The tittiftt were exemplified b3 dtfIHf teams from Vfflillll Collrrigyr mild Slilyrler rlid Barrie At 6130 111 banquet was pro Vdcil 121 Trinity Parish Hall neari 200 hi for the or on Was illustrious Bro lt ll filnriinizliarn 33 CommandV cinrnLhmf Moore Sovereign Cou Itorj llaiullton lie gave luotV enlightening and interesting ad 41055 on tho iiistorv of Scottish Rite lilaroiiry Illustrious Bro James Silupion Bit of llulnilton Deputy for Ontario of the Supreme Colin1 til also spoke briollyVaIIl later in the cvcnrng was received and vcl corned on his official visit and 111001 prcsltlcd at all SCgt51t1115f the Lodge of Perfection Sprv Sovereign Rose Croix met on lucsday with llllltlrllli 32 the WS presiding The de urcos 13 to 10 were exemplified by Orillia and Barrie dcgrcc Icarus occasion visitors being present from Toronto and other centres Allltllli the candidates wcrc several wearini the service uniforms Among visitors present was Ma Vior Conover of Brampton Third Grand Principal of the Grand Chapl tor of Canada He spoke briefly commending the real and splendid work of the Brethren ill the Valley of Barrie releasing firrn Daylight Burglary In Toronto SfResidencc telephone The residence of Harold Hill 1521 Toronto 81 was burglarized 1er broad daylight Tuesday afternoonI and two gold watches and some money were stolen in the ransack ing of the house it is supposed th0lt lburglars gained entrance via thel coal chute The cash secured cori sistcd of the contents of two mOney boxes belonging to the children DiI anne and David BefOre she left to go down town with her son David Mrs Hill had seen couple onyouths about 15 or 16 years old lounging about the street They were in position to see when she locked the doga good watchdogin the garage and left the house pro and the strange viewing TODAYS PRICES HOGS CATTLE EGGS pOULTRY As quoted by FirstCooperative Packers of Ontario Ltd Barrie The devo study Apprecia BACONV 1663 Grade plus federal and provinl cial bonus Today One week ago Two weeks ago Threveeeks ago Dl are bequ and Next $1740 $1740 $1740 $174D of SOWS No Grade $1200 No Grade $1200 Not wzipted CATTLE TBlcher CatflTStgers up tu Butcher Cantoeifers up to $1125VV Bologna Bulls up $700 Veal Calves up $1450 Good Ewe Sheep up to 140 lbs not wanted Lambs off truck $1500 Bucks mgrket value EGGBV Unchanged from last week large 105 medium Pullets Vt RI 31V 29 22 Old rOosters TheV above are dressed poultry prices and aresubject to killing icharge offiiVe cents per bird on Vchickens and lowland 15c on tut keys for birds delivered alive to the plant Ducks and geese are only purchased dresscdrhead oft Aln finished pdultry nOt being adeepted atprVesentthme VVV Tu imperial Prairie Chicken Raymond Hutton Marjorie WVoOdwoith weeks at the Imperial Torontos big VCOMINGSNOW WHITE AND THE 1IIcIunuuuunuunnguuUOIUM NEW MEMBERS INSTRUCIED 1N KlWANlS IDEALS At VlVlondays Kiwanis rnectin three new members were Officially 13 10 lhell fIFSt HDTBSSXOHS 0f Dressed hot weightonirail rlireceived into thVeVCIu presented to them the ideals ofKi wanis He streSsed the importance an investment and the more servicciing and acting upon the advertise he puts into Kiwanis the more IWILF TODD VrARM cquKVAEIqfl Grade Farm Implementsf LiveStock Grade mm MALCVOMSONsTNsuRRNCE AGENCY lbs and overnigggd 30 41 Dunlllst Phone3735 56 lbs 29 V45Vlbs 34 lbs Under lbs 21 PhotOgrcrphs deme and District Broilers 27 Grade Grade FOWL THE BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is desirous Dissenting gt suitable pictures that will help to set forth the attractivenesscndVI Grade Grade advantages of Barrie and surroundingdistrict us holidayV and Over WM 23 industrial centre the object being to use them inn descriptive folder advertising the tovim Some scenes around thebay will b9 ciuuuvim Section ZWPOQOS to 16 sconceHM Thur Fri Sat AIRCONDITIONED for your comfort HELD OVER MARYE oh who gets all tangled up in red tape and rosy romance zldiygj lam 950 f1llnl ll HIJ I1 IUD ARTII SHIRLEY IEss DiRIIIR lllS 00101 01 510001 10051100118100 lilRRlDlVlllPlllDltl 012030103 2N1 FEAIU R15 STARTS SUNDAY AFTER MIDNITE first run theatre SEMUH 32 VV liltIIIIDiI ttlllllll IIIIIIA ADDED COMEDY AND CARTOON In SEVEN DWARFS will get out of it The three new members Rev James Ferguson Frank Spry and gV Jerry Boynton spoke briefly refer LieutVGOVV Kiwanis and assuring the Club Of RVMcVitIieVin their full support the address You can save many times the service Every Kiwanian makes price of your subscription by read mnts in The Barrie Examiner TIME FOR STRAMHATS SMART SHAPES ALL SIZES $125 $200 $300 $350 SLOR 1lllt it V1 TWORT COATS Size 35to 40 Priced at $1295 WE HAVE WORK CLOTHES FOR SUMMER WEAR VMENS ANDBOYS WEAR SSEUNLOP ST 13an 1fuiisrverAT THE FABMER NEEDS MPLEMENT AND LIVE STQCKLeFLOATEVR VERY FULL COVER ON especially welcome Size immaterial if thepubjcct ispuitahle the print is clear In forwarding pleaseVmake sure that completefudd as ea closed together With youripgrmissioniofr the Chamber Ctmv=i mrcVe to use them K11vaictbreswhcthcrjuSEd returnable Address The sectgutsy partials CHAMBER OF

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