Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1944, p. 15

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THURSDAYLJURE 1944 THE BARBIE magnum BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA 60 rmooonuo 410 ltroMlN 3v 4oolwoooarowonlvwz BICYCLBS wm For RENT 23c plr Ilr 51 dd ltlltNlNGS It llll to pm litlc AllllltNOUNS pm to pnl TSc Wcrk 5350 lnldnn lllltltr ll yrs rc tluilt rolmnl of parrots URRY BROS 3t llayticld St thonc 3571 EACHIEVEMENT fAWARDSGlVEN in STUDENTS iJocObi Graham Prescntf Trophy for Girls Basketg ball Honour Crests 301 to School NlnllCIS pulping lll llt llllli lilltlilir Itll ltl llLti llrklilfll 11 is Slc ItitZltl HEM yllltll own Uri tltl tznt lnwllay llull tr ttntczl Itlvt tor tllit lot 1t tllil Lulu llli xliral Dulllllltl f2llc tlllllz lsalllllllll pola llmll llm frv HrlA In VUIWIH Ink dllllIllll rt tlc Incl Lflou lli gtltlulllil All llj lllm implle film who film of Jnclltl Gcnerol Worthington non now tutti II dumb ml WIN llllllrlIllzl collipctlllon tilllnlll tllc OfflCIGIIy Opens ltll1l il ltlniltltualtt WWI Bordon Ball L00p MI on lllltl pith ll NOec IrttathtollmloNwo CROWN HILL if Use Your Tire Rationing Certificate Wisely Save Safely With CTC SYNTHETIC TIRES BUILT TO GOVERNMENT WARTIME STANDARDS 4m Iwltfl twnlrv lrr Slllt ll Ill ll Ilr il you In rnnnutl 5v lit ll $illl hull ll 1luillt of on 5i luv lrrlslt on IUl mm plttlcd tu to law it iflcholtl pl tlllll of tilt illlx Atti lttlatllel ll in 11 Md tlvtlc rwllrtltlllllll Aftcr low wry ktlltllUSttl word Ill rcpt inll LIL llt bc lESlll tart 11M 80 lgucvntco tllc trophy to lidllmlil Dy JH in lllltttl captain of ll CIIA Itd NY Ilm lwr lwllo arc lltt vnnmts lllc ltllilvtl lILIllltf llll lll llll thr rlS Hun wt tzn lllum It Ilid llllit rm 11 hottcr known will lllrll Ila uch to till ils Wm fpl fmll lack Wm well known lict lrltl llltl orc dwindluiv Jig Lilm mh IUnhllml ll Bum Mid Wm HIV km Hi llllrtlldlll liltitlllltl tlllllAU hmth pllvcr of luv tcunl with licat lioltl lltn Ilc llc lllnol lcntlc lll lllllll Iulono llttllil lltll Itr Moral ttl and nullify lemmmH hmKltllllclall wiltlltrl til and grmutwn of IL 111 71 tlilgtltal in Juno 151113 rm Vth wit Wilminu rlrlillionc aulp llllll In hh Wmuw ml Ililujkl lm Sh lnc tllllll Hlll thc lcltcn lll Th days and to gllttdl llliltllllt 2112 IN tho incl lt lol tunt uzitinl unclc FIJIh 12 lllosv rcccivinl pin wcrc llarllalat Ilylucnt Joan hlcllrldc Maljollcl loftlls at Aplo III for thlcc wovlb Jinlnly Loftus ll dicll Ill lorrcll trace Whiting Johann York last Saturday Ilc was vicv Ilawson lat Iuxford and Jcanl lliclllingz prcstdcnt of Ncw York ltuf Writ 124 Association and lllllllltl till cctor fll Earthu Siatt Itatc link wt pal lllilttc llllti Isti V4 lll ril illHJilltlikld ll yll fldl it Lx3 ll lllll Ilrtl llnl Ilnl ltrd loin lithrt crll donut llk In runMI lulr lllru ml lulyrt Lrd lu r1 lint lul litJ llel int llith warp Ilv ilk li ltJ 77 25L turn on TRUCK SIZES rt on Itt Wu gt Lolllln ol Apto 11 In lhll Int1 sflfll 31 like alon tin Show opt llill lllt Inch ttltl 211 illtl bk ppyd Im llotnni It tlltctl In lHi tllt lzj for AIU dcl oi as GREASE Stiffifitiiiliiidifffilial itfijif75ifffiiij to Mmmmh mum mmmmm foriiltlhityH031 in II 32 all Itllh tht lll basketball no llvl prmailml which mm IO MASTER gal $114 legals PlantsvlVANlrcTcal 4c Chltc SPECIAL gal 59c Ml CK fll Slvcnwll mom tllc Ill HllS wc know thalile 11334 441 lililhti YOUR OWN IONIAINICILI QM ml Aftcr an call lll llll Illlllll cvcn Icltcr cflortximm lmmr PRESSURE GUN GREASE lb 75c lll llh ntt Itllllt on lln At ACTIVE SlIllVltli in My 1nndlld llc lad ix Inontila Ill lililldx Juno ti lollcd Ill During tilc win camp l1c It2 litl InfillRV Mill with lilo Miami Ilclaltl lllltllll 111l1 Il JUL WIHWY his career in my FEW 515 of both lilo Ontario and Canadian ill arlolts tilllcs to publlcity dirccv 5lllill1 Wit lllttl INHUKI Flor for Arlington llialczlil and llcl lMINI Ullltml SWHNIIHHR Inont tracks llorn in lorouto llt WWII ill Vtilllllh in HI VI attended McGill UllltlllV and Hill lgt Wiltmlt Whlll All Mitt was rgoalktwpcr on that mnogc Bordon took most of thc honors hockey team lalcl playing ploftlg llc olt tllc swimming titlc at tho and Sutton Ix llllmll lt azld lv 14 III lltll ILA on lztclwll militpulcl will hc Inadc to improve tlIc playE mm Iolzlv llll and to win the ncw trophy Hummu ml 15 lllc second part of the prourannncl for ll lcd tlsc llilll laud ml mm MW war lllt plcrlcntation of honour Scorc ll llll imam um ml Hm Hm lll to lllt illllc1of tllc prccntIAll ll ll lwmmw $1M Hi school your lllcsc crests art llinc liatkol and Sillattl WM wardcd annually by the Sltltltlltsflll It 779 Council to those who have held Day Vcnncr and Normoylo was anl Krznp DIVILS ALI lll lll ltlll ltlI liailfric lIoop tSt llalwxl Altlm Illlltlll llarlu lmop Il nlorv In vcrol lllllttl by Scotltulastcr lllpalr assistcd by tho four latlol Lcadcrs lllc ncwly invcstcd Qlllllj arc llld of tflt llll lllltlt IIIOIOIIOOIIIIOMOOOIOM Fltllltll Bcforc going to tho Statcs he was rcportcr on thc Mall anle llcuncd lilllpllt in Toronto annual Iucct of No SFTS and al up at scvcral Army cvcnts connotation cum WIN SOPTBAlilllhEllS CNR Vl 8Copocos CNR poundcd out an Ill4 win qvcr Copacos in the opening game if the Centre Simcoc Softball League at Shear lalk Allandulo on Monday evening With ancx pcricnced lincup mostly composcd of cxcounty loop vctcrans tllc railrontlcrs gained 12 runs with no reply from packers in the first three frames After that it scttlcd down as more even COlllCSIl Each tcam had southpaw on the mound Ivan Graccy for the winners Everett Elnms cxHolly pitcher for Copacos lllc luttcrs support was notlncarly so good as that given GIaccy although Chuck St Clair at second and lCcn Emms at third came up with some nice plays Loading the attack for CNR werc Graccy and Bill Bruce of the Air Force each with three safeties Bruce former No SFTS player resides in Allandalc Jimmy John ston Tommy Hare and Bill Bcll arms up with two hits Ken Emms us the only packer to collect pair of blows CNR had six runs in the opening stanza three more in the second and another trioin the third In the next four frames they were held to only one run but broke loose again for five in the 8th C0 pacosinever did crosswthe plate tln til the 6th but got two runs then andsingle tallies in the 7th and 91h Scor by innings 7Copacos 02 1H4 CNR 63310005xl8 CopacosJGOId Dyer ss Alf Dy er Everett Emms Frank Ter signi 2b Chuck St Clair 2b Ken Emms 3b NeilKennedy cf Larry Lougheed If Cliff Foster lf Bruce Gapp rf Russ Hipds 1b CNRILen Chappel 2b Morry Stransman Zb VBill Bell rfblvan Gracey Tom Hare ss Bill Bruce cf Bruce Reynolds 1b Percy Thompson cf Earl Marshall 3b Graydon Campbell 1f Frank Rup ertlf Jimmy Johnston ic Umpirs Archie Thompson plate Jack Strachfariszrscsf Grillers 9Garners Harmony Grill defending chain pious of the Centre Simcoc Soft hall League llad thcir hands full tp bcat thc youthful Garners Sports 94 ill tlIc opening game for both tcanlsat Barrio Agricultural Park on Monday cvliliug was nip and tuclt struggle all the way and thc issth was in doubt right to the finish Gamers came up with CplRudy Slcski VllcstcllicI from the Army Provost Corps at Barrie Armourics hcr of school cam or for any spc cial scrvicc rcndcrcd liftccn points arc ncccssary for CTlSl lhc Incnlbcrs oftllc Bill band won tcrl pointer for having won the colllpctition ill Toronto during the winter There was no otlIcr cham pion team so very few acquircd sufficient points Leighton Clarke prcscntcd lllc crcsts to the following students Jo hann Rawson llcad Girl Exccu tivc Work Athletics and Scholar ccutivc Work Marjorie Gorlcll Patricia Tuxford Barbara Dymcnt Athletics and Music Patricia Mc Cord Athletics Music and Execu tivc nk Leighton Clark Execu tivc ll usic Vernon Scadon Head Boy Robert Chittick Music Ath letics Ivan Cumming Athletics and he pitched nice game for atoll Also at third base manager llob Cllittick trotted out Lt Dick Webster nfthc local Rccruitlng bluff former Toronto senior playor Stcsltl and chstcr gave Garners that extra touch of older cxpcricricc which put them in the game from the start Rest of the team zlrerpollcgiale students most ly local hockey players Jack Stanwka had most of his stars from last season and trotted out some new faces alsowatcher Jack Dyte and outfielder Freddy Norris of note Ab Bowen also showed up in 21 Harmony uniform and the team is strong is every pos ition and has good reserves also Grillers started with three in their first time at bat With two out George Miles walked and hits for trio ortallles Again he lst 0f the 3rd they collectEdJltrce on Dytes single triple by Hayes followed by Norris and Turnbulls lIits Garners came to bat in the third down 610 but proceeded to collect four runs WesVPclry got bit wild and walked Richardson and Cook He fanned Chittick for the second out but Webster and Nixon pound ed out long blows and Steski was when an error Gbrge Storey poled buta homer to the centre field fence in the 4th and Gamers were only one down Grillers gottwo mre inhcnth but Webster slammed out home for Garners In the 6th each team purifiedoncerGoing into the 8th Why has The Barrie Examiner the largest Classified section ofany town weekly in Canada Results Ilets led bywjdvo but Gamersr cOuId only get onetot thgse back and finished up short Thegamewas goodshow with Rog Roach Music and Athletics flack Nixon Music and Athletics Bob TleBllSll AtlIlctics and Execu tive Congratulations winners Two very fine photosof the King and Queen were presented by Leighton Clark to the school Mr Girdwood received these on behalf of the school and in replying said what fine gesture this was for the Sttldcnts Council to leave per manent rcmindcrmf them with the lscbool These pictures will be hung in the front hallnl either side of the clock The whole school joinedin sini ing Hark to the Talcof the BCl It may be our imagination butit seemed to some of usthat the stud ents sane it with just little more feeling than usual byByle Hayes anddvorrisilollowedr 10m ever popular 7BCI7$and play 115 very lovely selection fowbiolllie ntilschool listened with keen interest The meeting was brought to close vvith in singing of Canada They look like the class of the league inthis group anyway Score by innings Grillers 2100 09 Gamers 0041110108 GrillersWes Perry Steve Hines 3b Geo Miles 2black Dyft cGeoHayesss Fred Norris If Jack Tumbull lb Ab Bowen rf Herb Thompson cf Clarence Win grove cf GamersMurray Richardson lb Cecil Cook ZbIBob Chittick ss Dick Webster 3b Jack Nixon cf Rudy Clark Geo Storey rf UmpiresPaddy Miles plate Chorlle Mills bases have done it In 1943 this news many nice fielding plays and somef Bill Albert anthGeoIge Chin plctiired above left to right are triotr home In Newma rketwltere their first six sons were born Then the Lucknow juverdlesflhcy Vale sons of Mr ondrMmhaitlo Ghinrand duringstheregularhockoy thc eldestsonls 21 mils wittytuggmgmvgm overseaskuatm 20 is also overseas Bill 16 Albert 15 and George 14 form the hockey members or the allChinese llne of ConadionLChinese Boys Sign with DetroitRod Wing season the three boys ran up totalof 155 scoring polmts and helper their teamwmthexgroup championship trophy wJhelr piirents flmthame toCanadaVoveIVzotyenrsago and mute they moved to Lucknow There scoring line it Wills amiolmcm this Week that they had stirred at to trio for tryout with Detroit Red Wings of the Ndn sponsiblc cxccntivcpositions ill lllCl organizations of tho school llavc cxi ccllcd ill scholarship bccn mom sllip Joan McBridt Atlllctics Exl MrmCunningham 1ka aIBomsonrlf Eelgfdi liziv done It Ullltlllls Slllllll and Mllcllcll DIXIE SMOKE SHOP SMOKIIRS SUPPLIES PAPERS MAGAZINES BI LLIARDS lAmcndments Mode to iGomc and Fisheries Act Among lcccut amcndnlcnts to the Ontario Game and Ilslltllt Act are two sections which may llc of in terckt to llllllltll and fitlllillllcn oll this district Section 17 It shall bc unlawful lfor ally person to buy scll or be lin possession of gill nets lloopmcts ipound ncts or scinc ncts witllotlt ttllc authority of liccnsc or pcrmit It might be advisablc for In one wllo is in posscssion of any olytllc Dhe corbelt rmprlemr above mentioned ncts to turn them WWmm over to their district tramp ovclsccr Section 11 subsection at No person or persons having ill his or their possession any dcvicc capablc of throwing or casting rays of light upon an object shall havc in his or their possession during the period between onehall hour after sunset and uoncllalf hour before sunrise any rifle or other firctnnlrcapable of killing deer or moose unless such rifle or other firearm is unloaded and encased or dismantled After May Isl all game and fish eries ovcrsccrs must wear tllcir po lice uniforms Up to this time nearly all the game wardens were in possessionof full uniforms but they were seldom worn PHONE 9057 23 Cpl Crawford Leigh has IcV turned to Borden after furlough at home Mr and Mrs Len Leigh To ronto are spending their vacation witlrMrlerIdanles Lciglrii On the afternoon of May 24 pleasant event in the form of christening took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Ernest Berry when Lorraine Whjtcside of Allis ton Jean Palmer of Midland and Patricia Berry were baptized by Rev Millen of the United Church Hawkestcne Recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Ernest Belfry were Mr and Mrs Rankin Mr and Mrs Chas Palmer and SallyLi MN Jacaleenv and Jean and sister Eleanor Mrs Whitesiderand Betty and Lorraine Alllslon RESULTSWIS THE kNSWER Why has The Barrie Examiner the largest Classified section of any town weekly in Canada Results In 1943 this news paper had total of 8184 Classifieds Tell it Barrie and district the telling is best ell and it wlIIsll For paper had 013 t18gt gaissifiiggsgppwerful batting by both ninesRead and use Examiner Classifieds done through The Barrie Examiner WmmnwwOON Canadian lrunk Lovay Dan lolund lctor ll Pluntc Wm Scxton and John lc vay lllc followian will bo lllltll lll tlIc cry Ilcal Ilttllrc litt St vats loc lladi1an llod licast and AlnIanll Marion ll llllllll was 11mlqu lilsl wccl ill tllc lllIllll of Raymond lltViri hopc to rcccivc lllltlt now llllllltl$ lwforc cllool dost5 llan arc also ltlll Illudc to incrcasc tllc llltllllltlolllll of tilt lroup onnnittcc lhc Boy Scouts took part in tho beautiful ccrcnlony in honour of tllt hintllcr of lllll which war lltltl lawt Sunday cvcninz at Marys Church ll group of thc lloys torm cd Guard of Honour at tho cn tlancc to lllt Church willlc othcrk of Midland are 14 children in the family Jim flreeIlaiici ltVVMusic by thoRandloftho BYfKIND PERMISSION or col ll McCAMUS MCED OFFICER COMMANDING A33 CACTE CAMP BORDEN ADMISSION 1woAi and lllt ho ablc to tlln tlzcll ofllccls of the SlSltlllCt Sodallty Corner Mary and lltlmocth Sta FRAIICK Prop EVERYTHING rot YOUR CAR RESII Why has lhc Barrio llllltl lrcpanicr lot llu xcrvicc olvtvlwn wcckly ill Canndu AT llllllE ll Irv KIND PERMISSION 0173139061 Memoir MM 131 lcll ll cll and it will xcll lall lc and llnl lict tllc tclline is lli MW scrvcd as ushers lllcy ll happy don 1llliltll lllc llalln lxalnincrtiou llarc lonc it In Him this For Woaoio Ill IIIIINIIMWNNNNWvlilW NINIIOIOMINNMI OIOMOOWJIIOIIDII 00 ASSOCIATE STORE IS THE ANSWER Examiner nccd llllll applcciation to Scllutltllc lltltZOSl Classliicd scclion of any Results ncws lpapcr had total of tlltlt Classifieds llavc you rcncwcd your subscrip 230mi 1200 Midnig 5mwwmww moumlCQlllt omensAuxiliary to Overseczs Pristonetjs one launching undian Armoured corps item nee 230 to EvenlyAdults 25 Children ltttiI than

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