Onliii fit BANANA with BUTTERSCOTCH SUNDAE 20 nunun LUNCH AT BRYSONS Tea and Candy Shop LOOK FOR TIII SIGN 22 Elizabeth St lliiliilll1llttlilttl at llii lIiclc Si has rctiirncd to Tilaiic Voice fulfill rig with fiil tlii IILIIl lzinii iii liiiliiiil Cali ailjiiiaiit at NH 13 Atllt has hei ll fioiii amp Iltiriliti li of Ste Phone 4562 It First Baptist Church Clapperton at Worsley Rev Sinclair Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley Directress of Music vvrU The Salvation Army COLLIER STREET Officers in Charge MAJOR LAURA COLLINS LIEUT MABEL FALCONER SUNDAY JUNE if 1944 AM MORNING With Clllisl iii Galilee PMCIIURCII SCHOOL PillGOSPEL SERVICE The Hardest Joli Monday 7pmSimimcr meeting 3ilU at Queens Park Wednesday pmlraycr Service cordial welcome can ChurCh Centrol United Church REV BEWELL BA Minister Phone 4159 WMiss Jessie Bryson Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY JUNE lllll 11 AM AND PM 230 PALSUNDAY SCHOOL Iuesday pm RS Womens Aux Wed pm Youth Gro Thursday Friday pm Cliildrc is Meeting Public Meeting Saturday In 12 Trinity Angli REV 11 HOWDEN BA Rector II WRIGHT Organist WORSHIP Sermon meeting It Trinity Sunday AMHOLY COMMUNION 10 AidBIBLE CLASSES 11 AMIIOLY COMMUNION Preacher The Rector PMSUNDAY SCHOOL PALEVENING PRAYER Service of War Intercession Preacher The Rector SUNDAY JUNE 1914 ll AlliThe Church anti Life 230 RiffSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 PinEVENING WORSHIP Come to Gods House on His Day 5m Collier Stgyniled Church REV LEWIS MA BD Minister HIRAMQBALL Prof of Music and English Gold Medalist Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY JUNE 1944 10 AHMSUNDAY SCHOOLewrfollowing stroke 11 AMThe Joy of Salvation he First Days of the Church What the Apostles Pentecost SUNDAY JUNE 1944 10 Arrfan CHURCH SCHOOL 730 PMT Intermediate and Senior Depts 11 AMRev Dr John Coburn Toronto representing Theontario Temperance Federation EVENING WORSHIP 645Organ Recital Qrgir1 Concerto in major known Saturday 8307pm2Street meeting as the Cuckoo ConcertolHandel PM SERVICEThe Minister taught after Jesusprayed for Chris tian unity Why are there so many divisions Lin the Church Hear this sermon uOrchestra will lead the song service opposite Post Office Everybody welcome to pur services The Reugion Of Cup Com lzzzd Water and Widows Farthing pm GroceGospel Hall ill iIiiili if the examinations of litlliitl llic Public Utilities Commission ran into difficulties on Tuesday ofl last icck when one phase of 43 conductor undcrgroinid thc Allandale circuit blew The llllthllillllldmysllll was in stalled twenty years ago and this is the first cable failure It is pretty nearly useless to attempt cribe any reason for failures of this ind The department was able to ii to other units until the source of trouble could be definitely located and re pairs made It was necessary to borrow cable splicers from the To ranto Hydro to repair the cableand tlie Oiillia Watcr Light and Pow er Commission very kindly loaned their equipment for pulling cable Further interruptions were neces sary to restore the different cir cuits but this work was deferred until Sunday when done with the least amount of iii convenience to consumers system is now operating under normal Conditions Full Gospel Tabernacle 20 Mulcaster St Barries Revivalfentre Rev Thomas Lotto BA Minister Cll llS COllSlllllLlS lege St Torontd Mrs Livingston livci Iltill ltxAl ij the AILsicl iriil lil INl lihcj iccoiiipariLcil to Hamilton fig Siiiicc of Miilhzitst District uriiii Niagara lite into Mr and EIIlJll out it Alidadale is sgiciiillt iliplc lf lt ii iii the Wel lliitel white he is purchaslt am II this district ltiii iihoiiicr Iii rcll it llilll on thol thc Illill men who passeill Medical Council of Canada were the follow ll from this district Ross ll Ilcll Siziyiiei Gilbert Ii Bradford iobcrt Delaney Bat IEe lliinaal ll Dtiiiii Coiikstowii flush Ii Gallic soil of Dr Gallic Toronto Robert Midland and Fraser Iarrotln mantra11 King First Cable Failitrc In Barrie Underground During Twenty Years cable on up cir PATTERNS Ili hu anulilul PC SETTINGS AEnchonlresl Dessert sixt Prelude Dessert size Pine Tree Dessert size LOUIS BllltlllIOIJmR iSiIIiiiitlalt Cor Correspondence loilowiiigz brief illness diie it iiiart condition highly esteem ilciice lot it Con ing to Suniiidalc in 1882 he settled on lot Con 10 now part of the Edcnvalc Airport and helped to clear the homestead In 1898 he married Mary Isabelle Biiie who predeceased him May 1943 Thirtyone years ago they moved to their present home at Clearview Of kind and cheerful disposition lovcf of home and good neigh bour he made host of friends lie served for number of years on the school board Surviving are two daughters and three sons Mrs Arthur Arbour May Capac Micli Mrs Lacliie McMillan Cassie Rockwood Ont llarry Plymouth Archie on the homestead and Norman Col liiigwoour One son Naaman died in 10210 There are also two sisters and four brothers Mrs Elliott Cassie Detroit Mich Mrs Gus Bredingsberg Ida Harrow Ont Mike and Harry Detroit Mich Will and Cliff Quecnsville Out also ten grandchildren and on greatgrandson her Cemetery it could be The OBllUllll MRS LLOYD LIVINGSTON After an illness of but few days of paralysis Mrs Etta Livingston widow ofthe late Lloyd Livingston sing passed away on Friday May 26 1944 at her 1esidenc of Mine 677 Col whose maiden name was Elizabeth Etta Gibson was the eldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Thbstibson Born in Essa Tp near Egbert she went as child with her parents to Minesing In 1905 she married Lloyd Livingston He died in 1935 Since that time she had lived in Barrie and Toronto member of the Baptist Church When in Minesingshe was inter She was Tl Mary Street Bare Andrews Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGHSON BA Ministerflhone280lvi Edmund Hardy Bac FTCM Organist and Chofirmaster si We lt SUNDAYJJUNE 1944 You are ivited to send your children tothe Sunday School imat pm Sunday AlsdPlan to attendthe Gospel Service yourself at pm iBelievers Meeting 11 AM of lier St Baptist Church THE FRIENDLY CHURCH SUNDAY JUNE4 19451 MMdrniiigsW6rship and it KSunday School gt7PMMr JackBA Commotion Service Su June 11 FreeMethiSdist Mission it QClapprtonStreet REVMSBENNHolland Landing Sud Pastor VETSUND 1944 SUNDAY SCHOOL230 pm NING SERVICE730 PM Thursday pain 11 AI nday 94AMTesunday School 11 AM AND 711M Rev Mitchellon Toronto Jewish Missidni Illustrated SermonetteN ay 820 rimsSong Eda Wed pm Prayer and Bible Stud Friday pmJuniors pmFBXBA ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ONFERENCEISUNDAY SERvIcnsi11AMANII7 PM rBurwelljBA of Toronto atme services MraBurwellfsa returned missionarylfrom China nitedchurchiss rats pmchurch Serifice at 3pm Rev iBurwell BA ofToronto Invited to these Services office the the public are ested in the work of theWomens Institute Left to mourn the loss of lov ing mother are four daughters Reta Ruth and Mrs Jardine Ottie Toronto and Mrs Beverley Scott Ella Midland twogrand children Lloydand Heather Scott Midland one brother Frank Gib son Lefroy RR and Ifour sis ters Mrs Harry Thurlow Olive of Elmvale Robert Rodgers Laura of Thornton RRL Mrs Wilfredslcunningham setter and Miss Jean Gibson bath of Bar IIe ings CIS Neustadt and others from Toronto Elmvale Midland Cookstown Bar rie and the surrounding country Single copies or The Examiner cents At altv nucleationor this All your job printing mediacan bc efficiently filled by The Examiner The funeral took place on Sun day After service althe furieral home in Toronto at 13OI7pmnthe funeral preceeded by motor to Min esing cemetery where service was conducted by Rev Clements in the presence of large number old friends who gathered to pay spect to her memory There were anyeautiful floral offer ix nepheWsc carried Mrs Livingston body to its last rest ing place ese were Donald GibstinnEwart urlow LAC Mur ray Thurlowi Donald Rodgers Meldrine Rodgers and Albprt Rodg Friendsfrom distance ing were Mr and Mrs Har Church Risebrough holder Collingwood MRS JAMES DORAN had not been bedfast Clitirchiliarrisbykvi Dean tended Buffalo NY position Barrie also survives rm BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE onramo CANADA IlTNEIHI or GEORGE ii Brass 9r IieiiguiiNAilIoIiIg gym Kli title and DH litilluiil$ of Uiitiio iliI Clili 1511 Knit VILIVIEJI iii it lilafitli llaiiiw him Canadas finest and you may gel up to 14 pieces in 1110an been patterns illustrated 1Il icf iIvt amt iilxliillti llii szitltil ci4 and Mi lici l3llll ili itllll llcubili lo liiiui VIitn all of Ifllilllll liIic laylin azitf and finial3 and hits Swan Mix ili Ll Irtigm wants ItlLl It 1I Eco Swan olliiizg Stroud Couple Return From California Trip 3900 Miles and Return Mr iliil Ali iioiiil have lil itiuiitii for llllrllll intw church clmirnaui of the liiiartl lof FifXfilldS and Sunday School achci for many years trustee if the liiiiiineoiIzc =tilvei Jubilee Cancer iii period of chn yo ms lawn lmli AIIctlcs illl lliilltiiiii Bitcilv lllll 5il lIfi well in gailll 111 ilVtil Fund For illllllllillg was chairman of the ozniiiiitce Insurance Officers As ixr wtwt the Pacific Ocean iiiliiiiil point was interested to grapefruit lllllil lliililii iiilliill Lift ociatioii lie is survived by one zistcr and 11p Wifp pmgmmlllic liip liark lliiitlv by Williams died iiil 35 liidt MI Lowry was EDMOND MACIARLANE After an illness of scicral years Edmond Scales Macfiiilaiiii form erly assistant general maiiitccr and excciuivc secretary of the MutiiifacJthlw lI llztlii hilx The fish down llFllli will llill alitl tool fi llltillll iII iioic that illilliit1lllll llice1 llilkl two crops ycLIi filsl liIIl liillig fllll Iiiltid liiIIIIi the next is ready llc lIlllllf that interested as they wcrc in thy the courtesy and LiIIIlIlClIlltt lvf Ping BMW 135 hood to 1ct the news from home of ipproxiin llliltll by ti iiiilj BITUW llflltl llii 3llllt lllllr iipicssi iircrs Life Insurance Co 1ch on Wt D1 Saturday May 27 1944 at his home 1937 in Toronto in his 68th year was born in Dalston Siiiicoe Coim the son of Rev James iliiicfarlanc ll MUM UL iiid uroline Maria Macfarlzinc IlislpN llmw Mi Mimi my Fridiy fitlicr was pastor of the MethodistICVmCl Sf Dorrie on Friday Milli 26 filll in licrflllrd year For some ltliirtecn years she had been in pom Bum vol431m Township Apr umcmwm Life in 1901 mtircmhcalth and hail been confirmed 1570 tilIllflf the late llciiiy Iliirk June 30 1912 illoldvl illlll Mi MCFidgtni llt liglinton United Church uiilil illness SIM hid bvtvlle all 1011 Com forced his retirement from active participation in its affairs Mr Mac fiirlaiie had been on the trustee board during the building of the Iiiticli lthc bus drivers liaslei Currie MISS MARGARET CURRIE 5mm are ii IIt Miss Strain my 19 lim his cliiirtzc at Dalston in 1873376 Mr Macfarlanc joined the Man Iiivaliil for the past five years Miss Currie was born in ilasi cow Scotland in 1852 Canada in 1854 when her parentsI Edward and Sarah Currie came to this country and look npthcir home in Toronto The greater part of her life was spent in that city and thel last twenty years in Barrie Currie possessed finckmind trav elled widely and was thoughtfulg reader consequently she was wong dcrfiilly well informed Iler fricndi ship was deeply appreciated She is survived by one brother Edward Currie Barrie now in his 88th year and two sisters Mrs Ilill and Mrs Watson both of Toronto The funeral loolc place on Mon day May 29 Rev II llowden held short service at Lloyd dz ISteckleys funeral home and another at the chapel in St James Ceme tery Toronto where interment was made The chapel was old friends who attended to pay their last tribute of re member She came to Miss IO When you think about tiiiiiiiii CAMERONS corn WAVE $10 MACIIINELESS so feitEAiILWAVE $5 OIL WAVE $350 Clapperton Phone 2781 THE COAT glued with STORE specL The funeral which was largely attended washeld May 22 from his lzitenesidencc to the Presbyter ian Church Stayner where ser vice was conducted by his pastor Rev Isaac The choir sang the anthem The Lord Is My Shepherd Interment was in Stay Among the beautiful floral tri buteswhich bore silent testimony of respect were those from the Dearborn Tabernacle Mich School Section No and the Lad ies Aid of Slayner Presbyterian Buoy ack or tan Pallbearers were John Fields Arthur GibsonJas Paddison Jos Pottage Burrows and John Friends who attended the fun eral from distance were Mike Burkholder Detroit Will and Cliff Burkholder Queensville Mr and Mrs Harry Burkholder Plymouth Mich Mrs Arbour Capac Michi Mr and Mrs Lachie Mc Ivhlhin Jim and Cameron Rock w00d Mr and Mrs Norman Burk $195 POTS $139 $149 to $239 WATER PAILST WASH BASINS 30c DOUBLE BQILERS $175 ERCOLATORS cup size DISH FANS $110 $125 $150$l69 ENAMELLED MUGS for 39c Tea Kettles Pudding Pans White and red Garden Wheelbarrow Pqintedsredr moirable sides WWw $175 5c 40c 45c nmomm SANDWICHVPL BOWLS for25c 15 WATER SETS 69c $100 $1 TUMBLERS and 625L each 5C ATED TUMBLERSQIOc PARCEL BUGGIES special $150 Can be Operated with one hand When empty carry vunder yourarm trite Kins oteigwiie taMIXINGBOWL Sets of $100 CGVEREDCAssaaoLEs Following sudden heart attack Margaret Louise Barrettwife of James Doran Midhurst former Reeve of VespraTownship passed away at her home Wednesday ev ening May 24 in her 68th year She had not been feeling well but 20c 25c 35c The funeral took place Monday morning requiem mass beingcele brated in St Marys Roman Catholic $239 Clair followed by interment in St Marys Cemetery PallbearersWere six sons Dalton Leo Carl Fred Harold and Harry Miss Annie Doran Buffalo NY and Vespra Township Council and officials in body were among those whoaati LDECOR hiteond black Floral tributes included offerings from Vespra TownshipvCouncilr Third Line Neighbors Maher Shoe StoreToronto John Inglis Em ployees Toronto Small Arms Em ployees Toronto Sisters Hospital Eisner50 Ute DALYS dollyr If you like really good lea For generations Canadas mm particular tea drinker have insisted onlhis perfect blend Now you on gel Dolys from your grocer Ask him for if You can get llAIIS IIIIA at BRENNAN IllIllili llOltSON DOMINION SIOlllZS llIlllCI MILKRIIKS GROCERY II Mcllllill tl lluiilop Strcct lIlilabcfh Street Allantlalc Iliiiilop Street 72 Owen Street IIK llllzabcth Street Hi My liiviv attended the ir Siiviic uiIIIieh Mountain and subsequently ill full Iii FINAL CLEARANCE of Spring Coats TWICEI COATS AI BIG REDUCIIONS POLO AMEL IIAIR and W001 COATS nnnssr toiirs smitIIir sizes WOMENS COATS blacks and large sizes ALL COATS cit FINAL CLEARING PRICES COATS from $1295 up If you need Coal forpresentwearing or for early Fall BUY NOW SIMIionsaoo Tim nnAIt The Green ront Stores HARDWARE and CHINA WHERE YOUQBUY MORE FOR Lassi OBoy Safety Cushions BuoyOBoy Safety Floats Leather School Bags bl BNAMEILBD mar SAUCEPANS 60c 65c to 950 POTATO POTS family size COVERED $125 $250 $200 523 SAVE ON GLASSWRIIHIC FRUIT SETS pieces 50c 69c $100 RELISH DISHES ed 100 11c MIXING BOWLS set of 500 CREAMondiMlLKf JUGS 10c 20c 25c to 696 ATES 2507 50c menu THURSDAY JUNE 1944 and navys medium Deceased was born in Vespra Townshipdaughter of William Bari rett and Bridget OConnor onsMarch I877 She resided there all her life In Februiyltlllt she was married to James Dotan dehurst Mrs Doran was faithfulmember of St Marys Church Barrie and was well regarded by all who knew her She was of homeloving dis edkfastSets 32 pieces $0295$750 38 Piece Sets $825 $8 $895 $1095 LL400 sprites Dinner seriiice accuses $2195 $2295 $2695 to $4500 97 pieceSets $2695$2995 $3250 PLYSPRAY15 25cdnd $100 rLY SPRAYERS 45c 50c up Plow Shares memiuiiit Surviving are he IuIsband and twelve children Clarence Toronto Leo RR Barrie Bernard Dee trait Mich Dalton TorontoCar1 BarrieFred Celgary Alta Cpl John Canadian Dental Corps Simlt coeMargaret nurse in Buffalo NY Harold at home LACHarry RCAF Newfoundland Mrs Dodd Wernert and Mr and Mrs Lenlz of Catherine Toronto Edward at heme Asister Miss MaryBarrett to $67295 BE Addltloltal ennuiterminate 12 FRUIT NAPPIEs 10C and Izizc COVERED CASSEROLES i55c75c95p PIE PLATES ea 20c25c 33 SOFTBALL BATS25 SOFT BAI c45ctti $175 and SOFTBALL MITTS RUBBER KN to 11 LING PADS35 KITCHEN AIDS 15c most plows at