Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1944, p. 5

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THURSDAY MAY 7194 lYBranchesRepresented at 42nd Annual of the South Simcoc Institute Splendid Work Shown byl Reports 510210 Ra ed for Vvor Funds Held Gl Churchill and grownups who love Neilsons Jersey Milk Chocolate will love Neilsons famous Chocolate Cocoa tool Scctltei Milled siizi lot at the the South coc Women liirti lute itld trii limitii hiiiclij huivlnlk utdiicstlay May 17 1944 with tile lresidcni fairs Allan prc idiiig bully baby blue in are es 311 hangar who Wu 1hr i1 Iii baby gunk lll tiiijc of pill on Sgt Niitz lloidcn The gun bride bi ltlgtlliilll red it it ie lI ill Neils 39A JERSEY lb 29c Ib 19c lahd Carnaiii Robinson ul Jls lhc btfflclllgtlltl uiei dis ll Iciie look piacc on Sat da al Flonkniaa Cookstovan Icpoittng lterllowll Slay 20 1944 the pur on the ycn work ciniplinicntcd suizagcif St Pauls Unith Church the lliltil on me pman rcy JVVEOrillla Rev ll Ilugdcn ofIcI niittancc all fccs V2he zitlilitela llll and the gaoinxiian illufii report showed illt lllilliw my llllfiiltf and my 03 it favourable balance it llalltl this year which tlic sciretary hopcdg ire ml Alter lunch for the aridal all ll would be added to as inucl as HMi siblc to iid III postwar prov vy 3132 iliilli25 lllli grammes the ity Tate tlzc bride and gm worded IIiltl left for limewi Mrs frank Hairball Ciiliaulg Witt mg It was with regret that the Mums Tl lcx ici mg lcarncd that Mrs Moiinriian hill fitlilltlll porno the elI mac Icigc cincmble and carried resigning sccietaiytrcasure Ullgtl of wrung Zltilll my it 11 vIfm 11lllvflgi lScxwiheart 0503 Captain II Ottawa brother of the which liosl she has rllllll filled lloi couiiii at Iaiic lfx difiiclilwI ii ij for the past fivc ll On behalf MM Iltobiioon lthltlt at Angus giooni was best man of the District Lvlrs liridfcllciw lli hum Utilllllalili butter and ki Icciption was held the hump llAlJrMtlltltflll Eoi the gioom harm which Stroud presented lis iloiikiiiiii any brim bring silly with leather bag as llllll tokcn Iiini it are Yoko Ic glinlilmllldll cm EMPIRE YOUTH SUNDAY NOTED imam ililrll worc siicctlcngtli phvdcr blue crcpc Will kCgttllA and carried lalis to tho grown iucstr frIIII Iiisp and bll lIIi lkv Mr and MI if alalhnwn 5i Stanley lliilrovei Walter McCracp Kirkficld Hal Mn ll2lt1 and Mrs Tanning Belle lilll ll Mr and III Lirnezoik Mrs Alvin lImnis and illlSn lauliiie and nuns llaiile dr aiai Mrs ieoigi Uncles and MI and Mis lliiutl Moriis liltii Mcliiail oth fc Il il fIir Admis iv lizf and Coltl Mrs in ficiitlc way to strip nu Buy tI Ulll llUl IJrhlv couple Ich on wcilding ll iium ii rm yl uh mm they Wm However fililzlltllll has If pH wedding oiloin hal Mmummm ccnc of at llll lai llic biidc iiothcr who assisted the bridal eoiiplc in ltLel giicsts was lfl navy blue crepe After IUlllu takc up residence in Barrie SIIERWI CUPBOARD ULL COURSES 0R LUNCHEONS CATERERS for BANQUETS POST OFFICE SQUARE II HOLMES Proprietor the lliilil bizdc inday afternoon when Itcv Dr Yll marriage daughter of ac oaii MI and To ill flip it Sltiiiitil May Ilim Miss lvadil and lit Mrs Hall lroviist Alberta in mum gm WHNMO blunc1ga lcrMarsch only dough llier father wore lovcly gown of satin veil and carried boiiouct of red of honour Missl Mary Vcccliiola Toronto was in yellow polkadol voile and carrch Iiosegay iwlntc brocadcd roses llic maid ycllow iznaid Iltc Evelyn lof the bride was gandic and gay son Barrie Ilic grooms carried wltli like her usuiiiii causation tacit SHEBWIWILLIAMS DEALER FORM NEARLYhdlf century the Slicrwin Williams Company has maintained re search department consisting of chemists andcxperts who arccontinually testing and trying various products including new discoveries and developments keeping pace with theadvancc ofcience with view to providingbetter and better puinl products for llie public it is natural therefore that Sherwin Williauis Paints stand at the head of the list For east of application for covering qualitiesL for resistance to wear and bridcs hinHltiW sistcr CWAC lliiiiforiii vliilc Miss Ann YlorrowHth umgmlhcl Belle Tim lanothcr sistcr of the bride who lwas the flower girl wore white or pink hi Mil Green lllllttl Marrow 1llly Bum ml 115 anliirilit was tlic gtCll of prctty Tllaiold llall gt7 of Mr and Mrs Tam 10 Rm Ion lltISC The croouisiiian was Duncan Ma brotlicrindaw lbiide and Mrs ll larke play icd the wedding music gifts were niaid of honour Compact to the of tlic tlic mt NWmIAMs PAINT Somewhere near you is deal plays the famous cover the earth sign He is our represcntative iniyouLdisuiut He has stock of various kinds of paints rivaldish and enamels for various uscsrc knows the rigbtrproducrtfor the right pur pose He will lend you tlie famous Ster Guidea book of large colourilbistntions lled with colour schemes and suggestions for painting and decoratinginside and out And hewvill furnish you with the proper uiatcriials to do your job lastineg and Well at moderate prices Play safe when Ht BlilllIllI ll MA RSC ll Zion Lutlicran Church Icni llalllcrlCI officiating when Miss for of Mr and Mrs ll lcr Marsch lciiibroke bccaiiic the bride of Spi Ronald ll Bobbcttc son of Mrs It Bobbctlc and the tlate Mr Bobbcttc Barrie The bride and Iicr altcndaiits wcrc attractive in floorlength gowns of SllCCl with Slllllttl bodices llic bridc carried bou roses groom bouvardia and was supported bridcs brothcr Calvin lcr Marsch the wedding music was played by Miss Erva chlcwortli and during the signing of the reg islcr Because was bcautifully rcndcrcd Following tlic ccrcmony wed ding dinner was scrvcd at the Loiiox Cafe to approximately 73 gquts The brides mother in flowcrcd jcrscy and corszigc of American Beauty roses bouvardia and fcrii and Mrs Bobbctte in white and navy shccr vitlr cor sagc of American Beauty roses rc ccivcd with the young couple The grooms gift to his bride was beautiful Sweetheartgold bracelet and the gifts of bride and groom to the bridesmaid and mold of honour were silvcr identification bracelets and to the groomsman leather wallet reception was held in Rankin Hall in the evening aftciavliich Spr and Mrs Bobbcttc left on wedding trip to Barrie They will reside in Pembroke llic tIic fern by WEATHERHEATED We ran across lad who is going to get along all right in this world Tauntcd by someone because of an inordinate number of freckles on his face he replied goodnaturedlyi They aint freckles Yscc we been goin swimmin most every day and them spots is just my iron constitution rustin on me of appreciation for her lhc reports of coiieiiei1of stand mg eommittccs rcvealed splendid work done by diffcrciit branches and hold some practical suggestions such as the study of old storagc locker scrvicc hot beds for earlier vcgctablcs Iicnis in the lloinc Country studicd by member and reportcd at meeting and six moml bcrs to study National Health book and put on discussion on same The war viirk report showcd coiisidcr ablc done in tho way of knitting and sewing with total of $302760 raised for various war funds As the ounty President Mis llcwson was unable to be prescnl but greetings wcrc brought from the County by Mrs loo Johnston Miiicsiiig She explained about new coiiveiicrsliip that had been sci up to take care of inquiries about the making of jam for llri lain All wishing information this subject should got in touch with the convcncr Mrs It ll King RR Ti Barrio Mrs Johnson also report cd that two members from each district were to be appointed to the Board Of Directors of the County Federation of Agriculture The two nominated were Mrs likluiid Thornton and Mrs Rogers yPainswick To add variety and entertainment to the morning session quiz con test was introduced by Mrs Henry Thornton and Mrs willing work T5 tin It they have plenty of lllilt il tlIcIi killlllv but lioit So oii never can tell liJ iillIlIl lljltllttS lifter One 11 l1ll hikl dealt mi lift of an article winruns aindlicr Nd section has littlc or none lIveiiztill llic same place 1iipplicri differ lror llllIllt woman has jtlllillillll for ice Lltllll and ltl recipes uIIi iiiaistiiiiallows Now lzavc IIII ll cycs marshmallow since la spinning but lie is around in the oic quite bit and Iiiaii age to gel an occasional package of tlicnz The recipes are slanted III use iipplics availablc for everyone ltll itllllllllll they must be fol those who get llllll of the scarce articles llclp the Iiildrcn Ilic liisltli of the school year llIligt examinations In its wake Brains and Iicrves iiccd feeding and an alert brain and steady Iicrves arc most apt to bc found in healthy alcrt body If child is lislls and dull It is only reasonable to ixpttt the brain to be lulled too The carcfiil mother will pay extra atten tion to her childs diet and see that he gets plcnty of milk eggs cheese butter porridgc or picparcd ccrcals Iiiadc from the entirc grain vliczit gcrm mcats and fruits and vcgc Iablcs cxi ii=ii lillIl cliuih hatl rcpc the of ltii pai of the country ma Elli llieic Ill linful cqc ILiIIIl ate lli ill tc and iii pak by which lie the Inisiry He and the nine apostles were ily iffll aid iibjcclsd and set tintibz but llic endured gtIitain id ti lStllxl of eternal ll ill Thris llstlgt and the glory that awaited tlieiii II llli ncx alll lzic bchcwr is not cxciiip from ruftcriiig but bc Ins llUl Silurci of slrciigtli and paticnt Il llllll unlau to ilic man of the world He sure of the amt world He is sttl of fbc joy and blessaig which awaits him up there for resting on thc ctcrnal word of the lOllLill God liq knows that to be absent from the body Is to bc picscnt with ihc Lord and Ill llis prescncc ils fllllllt5 of joy IIlli TRIALS 01 Till IllllSv liNl Cor 45 Ill1t laul glad ly endured far more trials and testing than falls to most men bc causc he knew that at the coin in of the Lord he would liavc great compain of souls lLthClll cd by the Blood and in glory llll the Lord bccaiisc Iic cndiircd llc vciglicd things up In the light of eternity and in that light things which prcsscd till llucolulc Syrup cup cocoa cup sugar cups water dash of salt Kennedy Painswick Churchill also favoured the audi cncc withan enjoyable solo Mrs Jardinc Collingwood who conducted the election of officers congratulath the nominating com mittee on their efficient work The election resulted as follows Hon Presidents Mrs Kcll Gilford Mrs Sutherland Slroud Pres Mrs Allan Churchill is Viccr Pres Mrs ll Goodfellow Stroud 2nd Vice Pres Mrs Root West Thornton SccyTrcas Mrs Harvey Hughes Stroud Convcncrs of StandingCommittees Agricul ture and Canadian Industries Mrs John Bbll Alliston Hodecoiiow ics Mrs Kcll Gilford Solrial Welfare Mrs Eklund Thornton Citizenship Mrs Stewart Chur chill Historical Rcsearch Miss Or chard Stroud War Work Mrs MacCauley Tottenham Publici ty Mrs Geo Young RR5 Borne The potluck luncheon which fol lowed was very successful and much enjoyed Assembly singiilg led by Roy McVittle started off the afternoon session in lively manner and was followed by two choruses by Lefroy Continuation school acconipanicd by Mrs Smcthurst solo by Mrs Lorne Johnston Painswick also aid dd to the afternoons enjoyment Mrs Orville Todd on behalf of the Churchill Institute welcomed the ladies This was responde to by Mrs Small Stroud minutes silencetwas also observed in memory cf rzicmbers who passed away dur inr the year R1Lcyntic spoketo the niecu ing explaining Township School Area its Origin and growth in this county As this seems to be wag vveatbcr and for permanence 30f colouh ydu paintgot products of solid reputation unem zzaennnlopxsta ElrwiiWilliqms paints standsuprcmc that will give you coinplctesatisfacon Mum ol Canola mild IleadOlce Iva1mm to provide better educational op poctunities for our childrcn Mr Viltie appealed to all Institute men brs to gobbchindtis scllobl movcmenl in the discussion which followed the speaker answered questions on subjects pertaining to rural education The cooperatlve programme 01 slum courses and lecture demonstia lions was cxplained by Miss Gray WI Branch Dept of Agil cdltuic The subject chosei by the diStrict was lecture demor litllinl The Family Cooperatesfor Good Nuiriiibiif The Eederated repycscnlzttivc Mrs Jardine Collingwood re ported on the FWI rdmeeting $91119 Ofthsuggs she gabg haVe sugg stio were stead of question box and keep suggestions impersonal applications for life membership should be made Well in dvance pictures of the founder of the W1 Mrs Hoodless may rom rs eat 101 Mrs Wicks 27Buele Street Co bourg has been appointedtrcasurcr for the Central Fund oflhe Feder ated Wl allth money should go tohetrinstead of to MrsLcather dale all branches are asked tovspon sor Halloween shellout parties the proceeds to be used for the Milk for Britain Fund conventions should give an hours time for girls workf term of office for conveners of standing committees is limited to six years all Institute money should be kept in the bank demonstration of garments from reclaimed materials with models to Jdisplaytlieclothing was in charge of M33511 Kell Mrs Marquis Ir Mr Jacksonl GK Mix the cocoa and sugar and add liitlc of the water put over heat and stir until the cocoa is rubde smooth Add the remaining water and the salt bring to boil and boil for thrcc niinutcs Bottle and keep lfnzi cool place To scrvc add about THE BLESSINGS 0F wo tablespoons of the chocolate FUTURE C01 318 CK lelUlC 10 11 11155 llk This few definite statcmciits regard Sllllll5 DICUY SWCCl 50 it mu be ing the future This old tent of made with less sugar if necessary Our body gets wcatlicr beaten and More boys have asked for this rc film Id Will SWIG lily b0 illv cipc to take home to their mothers down bul 15 annihilation Iior soul slccp mithm em hale over something far far better than that it will be an entrance into the presence of the Lord at home with Christ and with the spirits of the redeemed the resurrection of tlicb0dy at His glorious return THE CHRISTIAN INCENTIVE Cor 51448 Why did Paul cn durc things which would have been unbearable Be cause Christ died for all and en 753331le love for the Saviour of sinners he was de tcrmincd at any cost to himself to let all men know in order that measure wcic but little afflic tions and all the real weight was up tlicrc not crusliinzg a1 wcrght of glory afflictions were only tcmporaktlic glory would be eternal THE Chocolate Ice Cream 20 marshmallows cup milk tablespoons cocoa tablespoons su gar cup cream whipped dash of salt teaspoon vanilla Heat the marshmallows in the milk until melted Mix the cocoa and sugar together add loathe hot mixture and stir until blended Cool Add the vanilla and salt to the whipped cream and fold in the chilled marshmallow mixturc FrEezc until firm For Fine Job Printing Promptly Supplied patronize The Barrie Examiner 45th To gain this hc ignored allavorld ly standards and preached to all men alike This ministry had been committed to hint of God THE CHRISTIAN MESSAGE 19 Christ was God manifest in the flesh and in Christ wrought the great work of rccOnciIiation All incnnon are excluded for all have sinncdan come short 15 womIIMusr WORK BUT NOT so of the glory of Goa from God by sin and unbelicf Christ came and made full atone ment for sin so much so that God is reconciled and is waiting for men to iconic and be recon ciled to Him through faith in that wonderful sacrifice offered on the Crossof Calvary This is the mes sage of the gospel and all who are saved all who believe in Je Christ must proclaim that full sul vationpardon peace justification redemption clcansmg etcarc or all who believe in Him My friend Would you be saved Cllllsl Jesus came inth world to save sinners Believe undbe saved 7W LOOK FOR THE LABELS The Standards Wartime Prices and Trade Board is now able to trace aninfcrior garment directly to thc manu facturcrn Consumch are asked lo coopcr ate by keeping their price tags from the garments in safe place together withthc lcccipted bills tithe garment proves unsatisfac lory consumch should write to thc Consumer Branch Wartimc Pu and TrudeWBoardQttaWa giving the following information Description of article Manu facturers name license number or registered trade mark Lines or style and size of garment Name bcyond Sgt weight of afflictions but an ctcrn thrcas the RFC constipation IIII 11 mm Vlirii ed number the New World kiwi llipIt liist llaptlst Youth Scnni Sin lay tVtllIlIJ wan II BX ll lIIIiIIIii itll Michael llayholn anp Borden Mrs laulaic flii3iIl lctiiynii it it lotn the call to lllll avc Izitioiziri Iiiiislzpatzi Ii is merits and Ulllllt pinyez IEielflm liltilv of gallicrinu sang Ilclalcr lnitei milk in lilvlilll liyniii liayci was led by pl lIil 31 inn Siylnaloskl Iicnni auip=1 My lloidcii Miss Margaiet his Icid liliezihl the Scripturo itgt in Ilvenzii Illa 1pr ljgglh er was rendered by Mirs li Mitch1me ell Miss Violet lczincy IIII p14 Milo An iiilercsliiig iddiess wi yunp my ichvercd by pl loliii litlllIt1llxyp RCAMC ainp Borden ciiiiilcd1 IIIt nuw lIIIl innpm have Gods Way vocal duct ioda Ill ilitill lti lirliiichllogg5 Way is the first Way war sunjt by in Ulltilill Irila Hat lamps gillaz viiilli Norlvisiia no IiI Iv llllll pia llil liras all li If II it till ii cical helps Iii iozl II liiillInl ia elimination cf so much lira tasty his lovely bread so Smooth and so white will not be but tlicrc to await otherwise they might believe and be saved arc alienat3d lo bake bread just right use Fleischmanns FRESH Yeast Bread plays 2i big part in todays mcal planning It is your familys most dcpcndablc lowcost energy foodsupplying Vitamin ll And it is ultra useful new as stretcher for other foods If you bake at home Fleischmunns fresh Yeast will give you good bread every timelight swcct just right tasting loaves Ask your grocer today for Fleisch mannsfresb Yeast with the familiar yellow label Canadtis favorite for Over deforms SUPPLEMENT YOUR DIET by eating take of HEISCHMANNS fresh Yeast every day This fresh You In an excellent natural source of the important Complex Vitamins MADE IN CANADA Section of the THAT modem Acomer serves you and grocryystore that just happen xx our neighbours didnt ii frovnthc days of store to todays modern the courngc gmoney andrlior ml banking facilities rdretaflllll other essco over hundred art In the buildinrs paid attach bill ifzrpossible Date of purchase Your coin plaint on the article minim store where purchased Save your knees and your back Enlist Gilletts in your we on dirt and banish hard rubbing and scrubbingiGil letts cuts right through grease and dirt Leaves oors clean enough to eat oin record time Clears the drains Deo dotlzes the garbage pail grand allaround cleaner Get Gllletts today gt 0M dissolve lye in hot water The ldtimal tin lye itself heat the Watch MADE IN CANADA been washed dry cleaned or press ed describe fully the treatment given 10 Your name and addieSs aig NIGERIAN SCOUTS RAISE FOOD Boy Scout Troops in Nigeria West Africa are operating ground nut farms In addition they are assisting in the school scheme The money raised from the salonof produce is mostly in vested lu war bonds garden Price giving as much detail4sipossiblcBJow long has it bccnin use Has it

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