=mumam mm01mtocmtm Mimis 5mm Morer ii VV II II IIIIIIIIIIIIIVII IIII III VV VVI xWI7w IIIIIIIII IIUA IV IIVI III 13 V1 315w JIe VI tr Urcnfxtl mus 0730 JOINS liLl li Built omit Roe 11V VMViui 1K tztii the Vl Ill tClllll eh ll001 LARENL ILNNLIM ngam but Filncl 5152 Ll if =i five mus on ar Clio and lurtwrw iii it Viaix in1 Mits MVQWHV 57m lliillltl $ti nunl owi went Jtclbtnlh ViVi EmSH innit utVn IltlllAlt Jilzziliuii hi WV VV ll rat gt Limes Va iVVVViL 513 rm II IVIIVII Comm 31 Dunno Vlitlnl it ioio iv ii lllnlllnlit Mmzr 31 Jun iigt Since gum in VV i3 Illltl ii 114 Iidhll ll inliidi ttlvml ll IIIII i1 1y yI lli lJIlu return VVilizy if IIII ih MIl MI If Nil the itiiit till uterus ltSphttliv5 li mm at Slit lilJithtl iwd him ltiV MU mm 0C llllilrilllj illll Niltiltji tligtllilil on MT is tVin HV II IlXLiiI li VI II II II 35 VI II ii VH Em lrti lizinreif lax 5133 ilti an lftnllxli liltl li til Illf tiltlttcil MAJt lllltt ItlIk tiil IIQ July IV Lo iiiziitml uh iiiiiVun tltillgl 1i ton lit tli1iii iii llt liiud ledllf and HIV United liititdiiin VWV II 12 it Hlgttlt lmrinti Here in pit it viiviitmd lVizinuu ttii iIiil in was the two llitli Wl iwiirdvxil ilii lli lll mil in Illlltltllr by the li Vii WH if VV VVV VV VVVV VVV Am Past Mldde Age ALLISTON BOY VCCF Would Like to Get STROUD When men and tvoiiirii got past middle age their nance Millons Energy ultl attitit in liiu lIV ll5llllltt5 iegiu to do Mi HIMSELF OVERSEAS md eliiic and their geneinl Vitality is on the mine little uiltnrtita and airlilirsms hutm hard tu Mr and aliulte utltlitinforiiiirlyuiul lltlCllllll then vidcnpps Ivmhlti Will xiV lltgiillttl ii of breakdown begin to appear II hm null 5mm ttlt in llllTSthrZ Now is the lime lllUSU Halillig it hid mum mg hwm hm Km ml mm Luncllrl daylwgfSHI Witt CUM lllUllld tnlcatuurbuul Milliiiriis lltzlllllulltl Nam 15in llnbtr Wlllth Hills 01qu ug won in lllt litlp tone up und iiivigoriito llll pullout by their toiiii tum on From uid who WV on in iv the iiidiiii Litit we alleWm tilld Bliitl nnl titfixivi Viittlltill tin inn box tiFinillx zit till drug rounters prize by Billy llnizzam hiltsells tiiiipwi rwi iViJ iiiV 14 frllt it llttl llturt on tliepiirlmge VIIIIIVI IlIIIIIII1iIIIIII was enioIHd to it in it 1V Hm WWI unitwan ll IlnlrI II III tll VVV SJ VV rVv tliltLl ltllll in ii traiiiutii llltl gt Recent visit in llllt iV gtttiii ovitzwtu n5 HIlllillttl liy ltieI DIWHI anan IVII 01d the hi thlllHlttl the itnlwtulii lMx Morley Weiio tuned llltlttt 14 ll tiix iViil lilt ttlllllul if tlir lin IltHlll diiiiiifitic message friends Mr and Mr twat ir from the liliiclt lJiiinlitr to the Royal MR id THLWt it 3W3 IIHHIVVX 3er Mitllllmil PM mm id my wanna lhmmm 11 JUN Hllm Mi enml Mil laces Mr and llgt ll WIIV IIIIIIHIIIIIV WNW WWW 11 19 lme iind lillr lllt iii litI iiititiistvzx its triuin tllilllttl iii Nelvonq of itiltit xii that the runny plumx lllllllllttl down on the Womens Institute Elects iffitIru tllii it iiiitol til the vast fiiiidrl iVViiiV moiety tlltltiltitlllll5 toi dih ilii hoopla5 toiifidvlitv iiiI illt wt lliltllilllltilllil lllKllllllltm Need iiiihiiliiin iiiultingt forced tiniviiliglitwl lllli pursued by llll All mttlltl tiit lllll ii tlit oriipniiiia AI are making this mam IImbumm which Wk the mens Institute kilx ltlltl in Ii nip their policyholders are UUIV all Olllpltell With 10 iiijiiitd iiar glilllltl to hospital ha Thursday len ii iV thew laiiidvaie safelv inl IUSUOUS bar bu naturally lesser quantities Thats why it seems so Illll1ry Iliunnxlr 5511 AIG Milllul SIXllidn Iil ii lltilll itiiitnl bonds and IM mm Olml Ulll Churchill on May li ltlll1 iiimtlt 1W Ml tllltl llimo SCOICO 500 we hape warlime By an Order Biqlted under authority of the National Selectivo mlh lIIlIWH itllllitll fllllul Several lottors frihn llti tittiltltlit liii Would ppm re lrcllo ierviou Mobilization Ilcgulnliom will lerilliillul tire that IFUIId will Ii ISIiHHItiitV Ii mt llitll tttl to political over Eye npluycruf mnlmmpluyees must make Hmninmhm tliiealened to destroy the iiitiuft discussniii ii llitlllt Wm ihlrtll ilii in ttiiiillll$lllll and employ II Ide ammum bunde Chm that all articles knitted from iiiVol III or llmunllms or lulmlmwoyusand mmun mhlwun iivvtzen llll utifleiin from If paid for by the War Fund oni mm llmll those to to to prodiulVrocuments showing good standing HM II II II yr cold reniiiiied on diitv mittee Ltd on lViHll llil on Va 430 II own boys and sent to thorn from 11th xnmiunttou mqu be completed by May lat19VH the Air Ministry 52nd that the the War Committee only ItlY HEMHIOYERincludeindwtriulandmmmciulemphyer Lancaster for Peter with three hearty vote of ipproeiiition ins andalm famoperalom IW II nihidhms in the ycwI was at terIidegeiIl toIMrsI SmullI for Ilnr II II kai by II MIIKVLIIChmm sp en ant Inn iiiiii iidtiiip MALI LMI LUYM includes all male persons working for III xII IIII IerSI RI AI SIIIIIOHIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII you mu mumm 1m the elecion of officer lrix It AWklltEMPLOYHS VUlnEilqMhte mmduumd Hlht FifiI Hui initili 01I WI small Isl Vmml and commercial employers return post curd lulu gum to 11m ImI DVm Shwul Mlllllmlnd V1CiPWw MW fanuoporumra II UI II19910 dive during BiIlllllIngSQCyJIGZSMMWIllliilltfi lf you employ any male person and have not licennolitied of llImeI mm Ld mm 1th PISHIKB piliwum 113 V1 Ml iie to the enemy plane bec 4003 XIOCIrS is LIHV tlieaurvcy Ioo or post tar con out icmurtst inpoy II III II MII III Lawn MIq Lumpva men and Selective Service Ofce and ask for the booklet 1m lmmlm MulhnHVWI Ammm MIQC II VI iI Workers in agriculturoof military ugewho lmvonm been re IJ Johnston Mrs llrx lilllltll jccted by the Army and who have not Postponement Order liliiicaster was AItltimc Mrs Wallace Mrs lmonzird tlLC muddy Mrs Fred Mulliollnnd Mrs uhould apply for such order to the nearest Registrar iiinnvili Bll18r0 Um may had set the Lunenstei unannounc Black The Programme HIthllYlS Obligmhuw make wgwmimuion at end and hiiid the bulkhead doors ammuni were eekmtd tioii exploded and the port eleva employer of male persons and employers must not tor tabric burned Fumes filled Penalties are provided for failure to carry out this exaJunn mule emphym mug 55 by mm the mm pf the bhlp llCh was ciuuht fire He ltlllittl when hilt pruduce documemm all but out of control Wilson ur oxygen mask was partially iiieliV tiered the crew to don IlltiCliulC THE NATlDMl SELEGTWE SERVIcE MONUZMWN REGULATIONS men the IIIIQICIIIIIIIIUIIIgumm ed by the heat and lit stilftiedl Item ImedI faCizil burns OFA The lionibziimer FO JIII TheEIchliSh II Wilder IlmlI ac ore unue siiiou ElllleL lIlllS Mlmmr of Labour Dirutar National SelerliveSnwu In and supplied him with nyngI Iw V4 Mamet pm hi ow humus Wm lievwingV Manticl insisttd on 1min hing gun turret fireextiriguisher llllllifi llll his ClOlllCS gloves and parachute 4m II liie navigator WIO Knowles of Fort William set course which enabled the plane VV II VIII jinn tho lllfllllIbtiIIlllMIllII stiLIIIIiIii oIII remm 391mm 19 tm 59 semml ghter and gm dlremlons 71150 The ter was noseheavy and inclined II to dive to the left but Wilson car ried out an effective evasive at it II liaikinlgchgt the llllthOlil Ilil Wth ht tl in 51g ri am to AlliI Caster WhiCh had Come 5000 feet went into violent llVi whichthe pilot checked just 400 nsconos UIK feet from the gt gioiind llie lltllllll II erI was vibrating so violently that REINFORCEMENT TI the English flight engineer rushed UNIT 11x 3555 to the aid of the nilut holdmx REINFORCjMENT II the stick NORTHAVRICA InspecIon of the bomber Inner DEPOY IV REINIOIREIIIIENI an almost perfectlnnding revealed ION gt rt rt no M5 MAIIVIo REINFORCEMENT UNITS elzlpvsas llilisltesred1 zth chenilreeil Zillil gt the bomb doors fuselage port AWILiL mainplane flap and gasoline tziiil extensively damaged Sh Id HIIS IS war of movement Never before armes Make Their Needs have troops been moved such incredible dis AD ANCED II II k1 77 FINFORCEMENT tancesm SO many eattes war SO 1111C For Help Known Tu aATiAiioN CMF Night and day thousands of men are 111 motion The ontam Farm sew My by sea transport motof flckand air Qiedging II II plans Ito havemore llIElpItlYilzilgI II for thefarmgrs than in any pi erlti mm enemy teltow shlftmg to keep the element ious years declares Alex MarL LarenDirector 9f the Fingo 0V surprise Did you ever stop toI in at It But he addskIIsIbefofe we can hel the farmers thevmustlet us knoilv means under these ymg cqndllolsr toInd IV their requirements for such helii your friend it relative andput your letter into as We can DIOVldIQ II II lgvreVVIttuegearsiIJVIg $9316 lafds 35810118 0V 1e icu iegt werhave faced hasbeen the unwill Yet in SPltIeIOf thetremendous task IlVOIYICd lg53and 510W mm mung uteri whdare moving from reinforceZ rV make application for iieip In Ill ZEDWM dilEUIigV WM yf mar 1m pmldngel mightiumtsm Englandmigroupzdepotsrm Italy by wartimeshorlages inil or and osmof machinesIbeyond their normal teasbut demand for III II IIIor ffombldcadonto anotherIog thfhugh niachlnerY anudlanfcirmrscarried life pridand by reconditioning and vices lalthough at the samge time 13 lizminbr whil 6h leave idthe face VV Vv on with the equipment that Mid Wall rebuildingthey have put bdck into VI II thejarmers were complaining of ms Igt VV qble and iii tribute to theirenergy servicemachtrtesmucli needed to com help Shortagest gt 0f New30 Of War hazard 31500009leer5 and enyerpmemnhey have engined 130thme manage of new oneIsII avggglgeegroarigthIEChgilt53 ddlth1 to parcels and other ItemsI cached thetremendous increases naeded to ganheVimiying of borough dents farm commander brigades iii our men in 1943 gt agnethe nledsoftheUnited Nations comm wim the 56mpunyMmey towns and cities farm holiday bii II ades and throu hf dut lea es To assist them in their greater pro Harrisand llS dealers have during these 5nd cbmpgssiogte rm wives Vim VdUEtlciii programmes MasseyHarris difcult days ofshortage rendered members of the armed forces and its dealers setnew dif higher such an outstanding service as to earn EIamCTS are TEN to estimate their needs for help at once and sIItaiIicquIrdsof genie to farmersitnthe the reputation of beIingI The BeIsIl make their requests to agricultural maintenance of quutpment in the hands Farm Machinery ISerVIcIe in CaInadq VV representative or the OnllilOIFulfm EaIrty ordorihgof parts help youIalId helps your deoIler ngilgsafggg $31312 IhgpznfiIIIEI IL c4nl9 Smith year application slio be made to the nearest office at and by authoritonf IV NatifnaW 0ij MUiocKVKc ronuasru GENERIAII II Htw you renewed yoursubscrtp unit II