THURSDAY APRIL 20 1944 wnbmncs thAUHANHBIIISTOI liie ilsge =1 ll Stltllt aghan and film ii pail lirrs find Li cf tiltLimiter =ttilll vIwjmid 33 13 LU eizmizcd il Unit Siltl lilillfbliev lclieiier undid in ii Re rigc Margin ller daughter of Lewis mummy Aiml 3n mi Ml Stevens cutti in LUllmvl inhaler in llcibert Jaine II of Sgi not Evil lllsblvl N0lll31 5mm pl the lug jig l=lltl0 qudn Lair lariics ll Baird Bay aldl the ghUSH 13 lbs to Hit pl Jim in thsuLh cdltCAl stationed No SETS dr and Mist liebi Silaziaghan 140 mm dcmmmi mm mm 7an Of Mr dud Bldkc ll93 Bmw gpu willows and spring fluive Mills SulmlCl Build Wllilllllll The bride wore it becoming green2130ddnm mum pineal llylt Lieui Rev ll Vance Streetdcngth dress tll brown HrlrhrlArgyic 3pm iciniplziin at Brandon officiated it re red roses and fern For short iip East the bride more brown iaiiorrtl weed suit with brown llal atccxbd to match For the new they will 5652310 in Clill it hum ochreDame bllITlISI LVEN vm III lM AIIII ill Shuts Angiirun Judith lini us the ettilig for marli rge of wide interest April l9 when Mir lflyllr Petite Loizaiiie fifuiiliem daughter of Mr and Mi it vltllillfth Barrie immune the LtMl Ling cessories and iosobiid Ulbdg Mrl MW Myriam by hm Nahum an Wm ng my 51 nebb TWuilmQNm willlf bride looked lovelv ill flnoi Orb and ferns Mr Norman Elwici BTW3 30 Hem Wm waslltlililli gown or white silk raiiic mihumdcd at the crow amt illulwl also droseil Ill c1160 Wilil browlacc in Queen Anne style with liieiliftly during the ceremony Hezirm luiclr cap She carried an IVUI inch in marriage by hcrfitheil prayer book with white iireaiiier ihe bride wore gown of Queens and gaidcnias and rosebilds fillilsllillf crepe vitli small navy blue WOIII Patch In me wore gold necklace gift of tirclstiav hat trimmed ivlth veiling Tm my Mi hm Hum yh lien nub groom lurid curried colonial bouquet rifkgt Mm ME gum honour 201 Pu Attending the bride was her lintes and bouvardia Miss lilsicium Lu if grfmmmn dim ltl Miss Mary Stevens veariiu Build the grooms sister was her mum my pm hmww mp mummy md streetlength dress of powder blue attendant in dawn roe crepe trim gum 3M My M13 mmmm in mm or umlllblllllllfi like the brides with blueinicd ivitli velvet bows and small huh dud 3M mm NU Ml liiilfdll Ltlllil tlltn iiicpllillillum mud mp She worried hm hm or Humming lumen summed whim ML mad HM It quet of piiil ropes and rnatdenliarriwith flowers and veiling Sire car COMtAEkClAL OUAUTY BEEF lleiih was the groom lil Hi iiiiiz BONELESS PLATE was held for the forty guests The groomsmother refpivod iii Illiicklm irwd DOWN mr we we DOM mummm MTVNM Mi TAU 5m dress mm 50 wmgti Mr Tipping Coldwatcr actrand bouviudiii Flt Limit Herbert cumugt NM mm An mo HIREmu Nmm ed as best man The ushers werelliiidle Dauphin was the grooms llriy the bride and drum Wm kpihir llieasriiit oldwatcrx and man their llttllllll their iilliilllllClll ohm Hd Smml Barrie mum of nrldfmd SmN Dunn lllt groom larry Hotel the brides mother rc up wsnmmho MM lmlmhd1ml WWW ICltlllitlll ill the home oflceived wearing grey crepe dress mmm hm Hm Mckprm RESULTS PM the brides parents the brides liloland purple liat trilrinied 1Ill piiiis 41 Ill who hm hm WNW PFHM Alumni llH ltllllmlllllll lllliitlier wore it violet crepe stilt vitlilies llie iuoohis mother alsmre Hm Thor ml Boneless SHOULDER Roast 27 Ill XJIVI Hilll iiti nf Canada there is 110 lltlltr ld pale blue accessories and corriiize oileeiving was in if rcdingote dress gm numb ii Mi purl My lcr lllthl ltll rc 52min vertisim Illidlllm lllim lllO 131in cream rose and few The groomsi1f empire blue and wore hut in Wm Amp BUMP PRIME RIB mg gull hi winii one til it llxiillllllffl llil tilklllfiliilll llllill mother assisting was in Nassaulold rose shade trimmed with navy Mi ijviiri1Tril Til mii M5 iii Eiii li iiiieii lli ill tie llllit llnllil Llitillll 31 My lllnililmvld iii xiiirahi hum an lllllt ll itll The licii ll Sm Inlet MI 11 Im 12 with bugle lurid Hullts Ann l1lll Jr Svl it itiltict led by ill liiid io tile Slilztiili lll BLADE ROAST 21c ktlCE Slltlhl ill lw tlli SHORT iiiii Boast 29 BRENTWOOD white lire riiiither in black iilti with ttllgti1t of roses 1mm last tllgt For the brief liiineyiirntm to Till reader interest and effective display blue suit with navy blue but andlblue For Hit wedding trip the mm and Nmmwn Wm hm give best results accessories to match and corsageibride donned light blue Shetland immcd by WNW wk iWWl llll hill lilllhv lid ingora wool coat rind tan irccssoi camel hair etlat After short lion 105 leymoon tho bridal couple will live mun in Brandon Amour the nucsbgaircncnt were Liglitliall mic sir ll Sawle Al of Brandon lliziiiiinl llliilillllltlltlllts received was cable from the brides only brother who has been overseas fill four years with the aiiadiiin Ariny it tilsill with us iv li SKINLESS WIENERS SLICED BUNG BOLOGNA tllll2l lb 23 es 357m START wifr ms BETTER BREAKFAST Nabisco Shredded Wlieut served with milk or cream is tasty energy breakfast Gels your fomily off to grand start its better breakfast because its mode from l00 natural Canadian whole wheat pro vidos proteins carbohydrates and the minerals iron and phos phorus Use the tested practical recipesfound in every package 1H5 CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY llD Niagara Falls Canada ESTABLISKED 1399 just Treatment Your Reason for Condence For over 44 years the Just Treatment of the nnrincntal Life has won the complete trust and condence of policyholders and beneciaries IlllE tithllllElilIlIllE IllSllllIlitlE BilllPIlll HEAD OFFlCE rouomo GRANT MAYOR 150 Dunlop Street Barrie DISlKle MANAGER Purely Canadian Wm WHEN neighbours discuss police they agree on this fact its one tlieyllearrzied through having to make little coffee go long way =Srl lfowtleii FL ll ll Norris land Wickliam of Dauph in and Mrs Edgar Mr iand Mrs 81 Baird Mr and Mrs it Baird Vaughan Baird Mrs ll Armstrong Mrs Dorothy Mc Lintoek Mr and Mrsl Ander isoii Mr and Mrs if Cove and iMrs ll Harrison all of Winni peg PAIIKElbWILLOUGIIBY Pickering United Church prcttily decoratcd with Easter lilies arid lsiiapdragon was the scene of ii prctty wedding at oclock Satur lday evening April 1944 when Rev Jprikinson united in marri age Miss Dorian Willoughby Pick ering only daughter of Mr and Mrs llowrird Willougliby Barrie and Tpr FicdericlcE Parker CAC Camp Borden son of Mr and Mrs Wrii Parker Oshawa Given in marriage by Mr Mar vyii Linton Whitby the bride was charming in gown of white silk jersey iii princess style with shoul derlength veil She carried bou quet of deep red roses and wore necklace of Queens pearls the gift of the groom The maid of honour was Miss Marguerite Third Stroud and the bridesmaid Miss Eileen Goodfellow of Brockville Miss Third who is close friend of the bride looked smart in blue silk jet soy same style as the brides gown with blush pink accessories while Miss Goodfellow was attractively dressed in blue silk jersey with blue accessories Each carried noscgay of sweet peas and roses Mr James Gowcr Oshawa at tended the groom and the ushers were Mr Melville McNally and Mr John Powell Oshawa Mr McrV cer organist and choirmaster play ed the wedding music while Miss Judy Knox Barrie friend of the bride sang very sweetly during the signing of the register Prom ise Me The reception was heldat the home of the groom in Oshawa where over seventy guests sat down to dainty lunch Thehbrides mo Ltlier was in navy blue sheer with revelation and gave His command obeyed Conrming in prayer and church This is Gods order and Jews and Gentiles and persecution isunwsciioof LESSON By 110 Thus White PAUL BECOMES MISSIONARY liildcn Text The lioly Spiriil said Separate Me llilllliillllS and Siilil for the Work viierciliiin have called them Acts 133 Lesson lcxi Acts llli HutEll lNlllOlUllOl in tlie prev ious lessons we have seen how the church spread from small begun ning out beyond leriiszilciii and lildca iii the surrounding icgion We have seen it survive two per secutions such as only religious zczil could inspire We have seen great prosecutor converted re generated sanctified and busy proclaiming lllC fnith llt once tried to destroy Truly the promise of the Saviour The gates of hell shall not prevail against it was being fulfilled No ivcapnn form ed against it prospered and every opposition scrvcd onlyto strength crr this glorious church lll this lesson we see the Holy Spirit dir acting the sending forth of llllS sionarics on the first great mission aiy ltllll llc gave llis instruc tiOiis the church recognized His voice arid obeyed llie appaling weakness in the church today is due to the fact that we fail to recognize the load ership of the Holy Spirit To the majority of Christians He is sim ply an influence something very vague and incomprelicnsible and we need to get back to the place where we too recognize this One for what lie is even the third Person of the Trinity Vcrinnd of Very Codi Without Him the cliurclican carry on endless activ ity but accomplish nothing in the salvation of souls nothing which counts in eternity Hc alone can empower the church He alone can draw men to Christ and the soon er we recognize His power the better for us HEARING 13114 This portion introduces us to band of men who were fasting and praying Some of them are not mentioned againin the scriptures One at least seems to have been an Afri can while another was fostcr brother to Herod Antipas show ing that the gospel was reaching men of all classes and descriptions all races and colonrshmakjiigdbgn one in Christ Gal 328 The Holy Spirit spoke by direoti to separate Barnabas and Saul for the work unto which He had called them What transformation Would come in the church today if we would only seek and know the direction of the Holy Spirit HEEDING 34 They heard they fasting they laid hands on them thus publicly recognizing the Holy Spirits choice and imploring Gods blessing upon this new veu lure Thus these two were chosen by the Spirit and sent by the men do not send themselves churchsends themrr HEALING AND PREACHING Sent by the Spirit net the 14818 guided 1911173713 empowered them for Hefilled ls were saved botli followed Coming to Lystra 11 le wghealed by the word tlf ihfhi Miracles werr if illiv in ivliic it llitlllhtl illlthilvlil ii is iliil Ali iltltlililill lirw iiclcu ll ill llgtil SilliilJ uiiiiluliliuns in Mr iinl Mi lncpi Sillllllillllt Inci itlli1t lliiriine llll the iiiivrii Ill Ilill Jill Sitliiili iiiiiil lfi lfli Ul iit sully lll ltlll that Mid Mi residents of the lllillflillllli hold their fiiiii irid lli Lisle one STATIClN llltitillii bells will siiiiii be Illl inc Ml Villiiiiii Crawford has turned after SillllfllllL some time liiiotllll We are Ltlail to report Wallace lilciirisi home from Toronto in feeling much better The syiiipailiy of this flilllllllllll goes to Mr and Mrs Clarke loss of their in the FltSgt lfiiivkeslo re son overseas Clarke ro Station lied Sross Unit Eeiinc holding cuclnc party Thursday evening of this week at the home Mr and Mrs Bert Crawford Heres Real Relieffor MOSES THAT 8106 up Anni nAiiii How much better you feel whc swans MEDICINE tlon at bedtime with Vatronoll Vatronol does important things shrinks swollen membranes soothes imitation helps ush na sal passages clelrlng clogging mucus rellcvlng transient congestion It makes breathing easier invites sleep Ijacoldthreat 777 dnsci Vatrorgl use atrstsni orsneeze helps prevent colds de veloping ill irli lt liiicr on the iiriinl iliv boy illll lmit llit innit lltt lllllft in you clear nose of transient conges VATROIIOI foowrw WEAR YOURSEIF OUT iiiiiiir=iiliin1 llllilllllilll ii limit lic Collegiate their criiml llIllIlill liwy Swirls and tub illl ill llll Brownies rind lilt riles from illtlie iliui1 Last year manly iitll per prt in this priziile ilttll gtilllli trllllti iii time the streets of lliric should lie picled vilii tilltlh There it Ill be nillllt liken by lllllll tiiip llurden lHtl firiigt Llllfi lIl1illllillllgt ie asked to prepare llllillr fur the pan idi iiid iiij iiclttiinilt or addi ililll to ma it llltl gtllC will be iclcnrncii by the Barrie Vicniy LoanTuinniittec Smaller public tllltli lli llil lllllltl tmili imtl cimi lrllltil school children will line lll sides of the 1mm street with flags Merchants ie asked to put out their sirch flags fnr all parades during the week mi iil ty iii ll Jlii rlllllliill Hill lliiyai iiii idiaii Army Cadet liispcetiirii will be lill lilesday April 23 at pm lll Queens Park This is about three weeks earlier than usual bill the early date is necessary for the first of May special feature this year will be the new school colors which eniiiiiieiiioratc the hundredth anili versary of Hit school and the lfnli year of the Cach Corps The officers of the Corps are Cniiiirianding Officer Robert Tar Biisli SecondinComniund Wil liam baking No Platoon Culli mandcr William LuPlaiitc No Platoon Commander Norman Slicls well No Platoon Commander Alastair Crawfordz Signal Corps Commander Harold Brctt Ambul It is expected that Major Read Toronto will be the inspect ing officer liiiincdizilclyv following the in spcclion the band and cadets will parade to the Post Office Square Warm zrtcrthrVictorydlond flag raising ceremony This year the Gurgian Bay Dis trict COSSA conducted the intcr school shooting competition which was begun last year 01 Midland HS PenctangllS Orillia Cl and Barrie Cl Army Cadet Corps are entered in the coni petition cup you must use really good coee Ll And to very largenumber of them really good coee simply means Maxwell House gt Theyve proved by experience how fragrant and fullbodied this famous blendireallyfs lfryou havent triedglllaxiicll Houseglalely blend you should 91050 lilorice Youll nd it extra delicious and mum satisfyingbecause Maxwell Houspis piacliedin oWanimeBafg in on AllPurpose Blind and at less cost to you iJvl Its blended from rare extraavor coees carefullychoscxifrom the rrrrwbrlds nest 2Roastedby ii spocialprocess that captures all the goodness of this finer men Paul Livmg God sayingthat although Pan and all the people began to worship them thinking that they were gods come down to earth great procession was formed and oxen brought to offer sacrifices to fhe The apostles were horrified and ould scarcely get them to de srst When men Worshipped the Lord Hee accepted it as His right and yet men say He was only pomted them to the inpast ages He had hot required therGentiles tolive under the re straintsand instruction of the Law at He had revealedHimself tilall men by His bouritiful pfovidences He urged them to turn from idols to Him XNEQSE or Mb axwelliiousecoriee Productiof Gonpral Food EATING 1920 A5 with the Lord so with His servantsthey hailed Him with hosanna one day and crucified Himthe next One moment they worshipped Paul and Barnabas and the next they ston ed Poul and dragged him out of the c1ty for dead Some believed andas they gathered round him herose up and went into the cty and the next day they left for Derbe We too if We prove faithful to our calling willinevitably have to suffer for Him but He is such fering for Why not trust Him now and be saved Acts 163031 Have you renewed your subscrip lion IM CANADA willillIETTS The harder the cleaning job the betterGilletts likes it Glllctts sails right in cuts down on the elbow work illeavcs oors spotless garbage pailssweet keeps drains frec Us full strengthfor rains and sink pipes in solution for cleaning Gletts cleaner thlilr Iightens all your haciL claiming loads Stop right now working so hard Get Gllletts cher dissolve lye iulrot water The athofth lye itself hears the timer with his mother The following BCl Henry lav1il4fl3illMay nardfl4 Reg Page 94 Bob Tar Bush 93 Maurice Barrie 91 lel Littie 88 The winning team will be an nounced after April 21 when the competition is completed xllenry Davis anMaucice Barre were tiedion the term shooting withan average of 975 but Henrys score on thprinte ol breaks tlietie and Strathcona medal which he also won in 1942 and 1941 Target practiceand competition has beericarried on two and three MirthAl lhough this is part of the 801 cadet programme members of other cadetcorps were welcome until serious competition work be gan Just before the Easter vacation 80 boys fiOm Grades XI and X11 ailid 40 girls were successful in their First Aid exgminationsforgthe St John Ambulance certificates vouchers or medallions LtCol Spicertfrom Headquarters of the Army Medical Corps Toronto con jucted the feasts in We expect the whole school will be onparade to boost Victory Bonds sometime during the cam paignithe boys in various cadet units and the girls in red Watch fer further notice izgr BETHESDA zf Wallace McAmmond Detroit is visiting Mr and Mrs McKeown Mrs Rdbt Eldridge and Mrs McKeown were in Toronto last week Charlies Randall wasio Emilio severalxlays last week visiting Mr and Mrs Sunday with Mr Sturgeon Gilford Parker spent and Mrs boys who will be leaving after the aiicc Corps Ernest Alexander Collingwoou boys re preseTTtd MIME SliiClAli IIIESII ARRIVAL SELIXTEI llllll CALIFORNIA llllllfl SlilllllJzSS lililNl iluali llllN illBtuM RACK or VSIIOULDER NAVEL CHANGES IIIl llllY eis 23 399 32 ixr Oil SIICIIIN II LIZABI Ll Sill5 IO illfllll lIUUI llilf Ill llfil iii NlllV Iifll IVIJlIlIIIX NV lilIl IIIHI VALENCIA CHANGES 450 THE IOlgt lllli IllOl llllll ILOIIIIIA SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT Attractiveli lrircil ASPARAGUS SIZLIICIEI QIALITY SOLID LAO CALIFORNIA ICEBERG hETTUCE Selected Tex Selected Qualify Imported Selection ill at Least Sires to home From Hi 57 25 Sir till Selected Quality Imported TOMATOES lilttlttl Quality No Celery Stalks Large ilccii Sire Ilti Bunch BEETS NEWCABBAGE 23 ii4t if 250 THE EAMOIS WINIEII GARDEN BRAND iIIlOllNli Bunch CARROTS Original lluiiclies 15 Each Bunch Individuality laggeil lb on oicr SELECTED QUALITY IMPORTED GREEN PEAS FROM CALIFORNIA IIII ARI STOCRAT SALAD FRUITS Each SELECTED cnitifr LEAF 15c SPINACH 77777 1b 253 onmnio no mime RUTABAGAS SilORlllNlNG JEWEL WMAPLE LEAF PLAIN or PlMENTO CHEESE 19 WELLSCQHIE Brand HERRING mevxw MAW ANNA Illl artuii IN TOMATO SAUF 16 or Tins SMITHS PURE SWEETENBD unuu EGG0 BAKING runnrsn wmmmmii EWHEAT omen pnonucgs QUAKER Muffets QUAKjR 77 Corn Flakes QUAKER PUFFED RICE Sparkles 28 FLUIDWQZ TIN uuund 11er noun ulnar ear TOMATO iiiicii Viol WESTERN CANADA FLOURrreRODUCIS ZIIll BAG 23 73 e===a 220 1175 Bmr kas 79$ Foii FINER rniniss CLEANSLER Class Brand surnmmz Snap Powder THE COMPLEXION SOAP Camayioiliit snail Linoleum Soap ixwww LEAF CAKE in 19 MAPLE FLOUR 414m Pktt 27 nu tonnes Condensed soured iii rr in Tint 20f ri lt liliiiuii cpupons VALID It fallin Nos 5458 splint Hyatt3t Preserves ltcs gt iBOFFEE iios iiaii n5 iaiiai nnuu nun Ivory Flakes Ting Cake llc DOUBLE ACTION ONFURNITUBE OCedar CreamJe 13 TorFloors Woodwork PAGES 23 141 Jar LoaiiwriiioiiliriaiiilsyiioLitmus