PAGE FUERTE Till BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA WAVERLEY WWW omouowouom 36 hard NEWS OF ELMVALE FRO IFENCE mowonomouomomom NEW STOCK ON HAND ORDER NOW DlN 31 We IOVB USl unloaded cor Prompt delivery and ltl lizii iii IohnsManville ROCK WOOL on hand for immedidte delivery liluuii llgtiiiti iJIt Illli Sarjeant Co lfllIONF 3ltiI Illllllltliltlllllllllllllllll WHEN NEED TOW TRUCK CALL 3355 DAYTlME Or llGS at Night Dilltlliilllll wrap IUiaanlau vou 31 HI Indie II ill 139 ll iichl lllt teclwv llttll Horde ckc iiip llic ilSldl tllki of Hull iiidon yis il ltill tnipcz llltll Mi ck mu ttl hoch Sluulia and lllicltiiis visiting lit Mrs AUTO Wilt allItlllllllllllallllllllll wh Wil 1th litwil ll Sonic and Flats already lilllkl appearance lll tric village is in its Way lllltlltltltl WW Very good weatha for maple syrup where ll tlVlCI iiiker of Kllllt tiillllltlltlgt Harvey CIlllilA ihl Cfllyl Messrs lluiit iid tIIIIrlrvooottI li=1i natuuw manta an 101 last and lwlll ll1liilll verscas lothiiig Packed thi Vlllttl last the ladies comtiiiiiiztv llllllt of linolli and gathered Robinson Itlltilllill Sonic illllltdlig letters from buys ovcisi were read Ihc fr ll lowini shows the value of parcels buys overseas sczvzees tins ov gifts ice Jain lr bale quil and gt031 Mlis and girls lil April Sept $13 111 1irls 1c ltiitc ii out ill floral fr rm Ihbekali 10 01 Lodzte llIl l1ii School Flin Ill Ileiit an llaniiltoii married twice Melissa Ander in llifti and in 1899 lm 11ciiiiiiz who pass lIc leaves wins lliriiin oi Elihu il llaitiiltoii Lionel Ray iiid in Canada $2000 ll tile igtl an SHth Mrs Durnoiid Trczn I1II ltllli EVERETT lli this rpm Militrral and thu llllil and one SISA tanipbcllvxllc lipin distance at Mrs John Mr and io Alliston and made the roads in good condisl tion for motoring Sorry to report that Mrs Walter is in the General Hospital loroiito where she is taking treat ments We hope she Will soon be feeling better again With the hiin road lrom Lisle and pbcllvillc ixlr ofllilinilioii Lionel in Green and Ottawa lil li NE wind last Wed nesday mornipg there were many chimney fires siderable damage Harry Wilsons house pipes became on to rug The first call of fire with buckets and the fire was sooiiIextinguish in Everett Con done when the catching VilS LOWELLWOO red hot tizw ers aiiddaiightcr arc in Toronto returned home wcik ather sons home in liar 1t1iili livendale of Trenton LAC ilvan Duff II ToiontIoII the weekend at their homes friends soon brought many The racial life begins More Criiirion minersstart their iii iv SllURGlll CHICK Sillle ill lltiill mummy other starter more by for rins rong ALSTON Newbuiy returned home after spending Ill Albany Burgess Albany Miss Tudliope Guthrie spent the weekendat Browns Geo Wilsorl has returned home her after spending the winter at the Soo Mrs McMillen and Tommy This majority opinion in favour ot 531 lUR GAIN IlllS been registered every year Altll years Why some time Her Miss iiinpaiiied her here 69 home own tRl27659l is CollingwooddChestewmt onirdentoii and now post1 huh MrSI JI HandyI SFI gist to IliillllllC Que Cowell iliicks must like their feed in order ll ttt1gt1viity Jhieks do like frrsh tasty Spent and 3311in quickly few days SllUlihLLAIN llltK ilAltlidlt llIlltlltvsil 1ic1ictI most palatable llllltil llll II 1135inziiW iriiii visited with Archie Gavin and son Ronnie il Mrs Rus Martin few are visiting Mrs Gavin Sr and Mr and Mrs Gavin illnys last week YPS Meeting lgLIllll meeting PDrury of the US Naval Service and Mrs Drury and baby VlSlldIleI the son The of the Yumiv Peoples Society was held ii March 23 with Christian Fel liigtlllp frillyiilel Erma Thomas in irion Cherry read the ture The topic Making Our Contagious nu Thomas cpntcst The feed must like the illlrlSl ilir chicks will continue to him and thrive The proper balancc ol vitaiiIiiiis minerals and 1115311 quality of apiinal wlLUlerAlNl iiiiiiiiisoecnss Wrrn tine llUREAIN WAY home of Wil cliai 1e proteins theres lots protein read by This was followed was IIll Ihe flockowner must likethe priccvand lioI tlioiuilutul farmer can pass up the by cutting out rnitldlemen lllliillftnldllg extra hauling and handling thatiseifectetlby local niziiuilaetaiitc of SlIURfAINICHICK STARTER ncieliborhoiid SHURGAIN PeciLScrvicc gantry BAY vine llliltlt Iisale 1942 Plymouth De Luxe Special Sedan 1942 Plymouth be Luxe Sedan 1941 Plymouth SedanII II VI I937 Chrysler Airflow sedanig 1937 ChevroletCoupe 1937 Chrysler Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Coach 1934 Studebaker seat 19321 riyinouthisedaii 1933 Terraplane Sedan 1932Chrysiei Sedan 1930 Oldsmohiiegsedim 1925 Ford Coach vt Tayloris home on leave and Mrs Billes spent the kend at their home here ICp1 Henry Wortley and his bride are visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Hereward Martin snout Sunday with MIrIsIIlleewittI Craiehurst Mr and Mrs at the Mill Join the growing tomin of smart farmers who are determined to SAVE MORE CHICKSa and to GROW BETTER CHICKS by feed SHURGAIN Hylandhave moved from the Petersen farm to Mrs Gnome Brooks Service on Eas mg ter Sunday at St ilinmas Church will be in the ev mung followed by the servrce iloly Coniiiiunion Renorted Missing The heartfelt sympathy coriinuinity goes out to yottngI Mrs Racers tnee Mary Spencer iiithe death of her infant son and also in anxiety for her husband who iorted missing after at crathmsbnMarch 25 UTOPIA number from here were in Midland Friday night for the Bar rieDo La Salle hockey rnatch Mr and Mrs Percy Varcoe and daughter moved to Watson Me Cannshouse in the village Sat urrlay Miss Thel TAREER in 194 Royal this Op MADEaAND soLDBY BARBIE FLOURMILLS BELL uran HILLSDALEI rmiin 8i FEED IllIIQLMOOBE smpun ouvrzn Wilson MlllESlNG cos IIWANTEBII ANGUS Miss Bernice McMackon Barrie spent Monday with her parents Miss Doroth West nursein training at Beleville is home for wgtu4t I44 mnJones is spending few days with friends in Barrie recuperating from her recent ill ness Mrs Ruth Gu Far Cash gins and daughter Helen Winnipeg spent last week with the farmers erlt Jones and Mrs Mc Carin wiiekcnfd visiting Mr and Mrs Howard McKeever and family Barrie at Tom Exells Mrs Ern lt 9stEllis and Gear at Angus sistersinlaw gie with friends lievc icy Jenn and Mrs Inilisg onto for agile it tli Mr and ha ret Liritcd Twila il it ll As izi sic2r carrots llllttlt Iliimbcr Audrey Smith lii the weekend with Gordon Cochrane and laskc llurlartb and Miss to the young couple ii tKllIzlltt WALS Meeting lit March meeting of the If was held at Mrs II Jcn oil March 22 with fair at cc Mrs Arnold gave the ri iciidintz lllicr interest ll were itivcn by Mrs 11 Mrs llAriio1d Iaiid Mrs T1ti Mrs Arnold couductcd tin on he Bible Mrs ll thn itl being the winner Iwo min of siieiic was observed in or of two of our members had passed away since the niectiiiiz llic hostess served dainty lunch at lll close hrist hurch WA The March meeting of Christ lthurcli WA was held of Mrs lIl wmd leiiiictts on the 30th with at thel to pack bill Miss lcaii Rowe was home from anada Milli 3347511 iiir Ilaruld Ilrcedon Bcdford Toronto for the weekend bmr MS and Mrs Brccdori Bradford pcit the week at Mr Breedons $l8ml1i and Mrs Gordon Madill and lTlr Still mil Slimill Amtmm liniistlns Brampton spent the money spent for quilt 1ininl1s humid and WMilmgimmzld yzm The sixth and final in series etc since March lSHZI amounts toI If 10mm 10m place me ha tltill at Walter Andrews last Wednesday night Prize win ners were Mrs Ira Wilson Mrs ilcn Steers Mrs Ioin Ilarvey lNIillsnlillllllllAIClllC McLean Or ville Hughes Ilenry Westlake Kconsolatioiit Door prizes Mrs Black Mrs Welsh and Wal 411 litl Vitli 11 large road limdti ei Realty The Newton Robinson 31mm Juan Camp coineover thecuuiity 1mthUfEHKCERmFGmSR collected and made $1100 uring the series Red Cross Iacking to Several Birthdays on march 29 lamp electric Halbert Black Mrs Welchr GUTHRIE Wm Caldwell Barrie of baby girl Miss Doris Fraser and Gor Church of Bradford Red Cross Work for March lsls ilgiry AhaI wch win her 523 Bethesda who have their rl Vrly ll lli far tins year Mr and Mrs We are making the largest quantity possible under warlimo restrictions soon we hope We will again make all you wont nai his lvlih Icnricil mi irl In Barrie where llakt taken up resident gt 71 lezisictz will great wed ll our Lullillllll and iv 1m WJii lllllll for iceesi Lil their new llIIIIL wi Mrs John llogzarth Mr larence Hogarth Mr Illtlt job piiiitinv for reasonable NIX Ktlltli Will be ll prices at The liillllt Examiner Will be quillw Printers liir peace brought liie hostess and inr assistants served dainty ltllltll and happy hour was Spklti tca clips Mrs Lorne ariuthers seven members present Mis llt Cuiiiricsaid how ll Works whi Tuinmu Saturday uniLima DAVIS look the Illblt leildllltl wedding of tile foriilci1llc ltlr tl iry when quill ed for the bale iiizismiiarics close announced Iwlillllil April Mrs Lee Ilzintiiiu pave explaining secretary conference May reading on Lent all should walk in the way of the Mcllcrinott paper on rier wh Our hits and metting to oiigratulat ons how Cross Mrs read Cl piss me wow AIONG NEwrou ROBINSON Yes Heres crisper cereal that stay crisp Hear the jolly SnapCrncklePop the moment you pour on milk or cream Taste the tlavourno other cereal can equal Ask your grocer for couple of pack ages of Rice Krispies to morrow Made byKelloggs in London Canada The local Red Cross met Ion March 30 with quite ICWIlldIIES out box of refugee clothing was packed It contaian 20 girls ulnafore dresses 20 girls blouses boys shirts pairs boys shorts pairs mitts quilts Twenty boxes werersent to our boys over seas ItllIEIISlCI each boxcontain ing the gift of leather billfold This is one iii series of messages explaining problems of electric supply to farm and hamlet consumers served direct by The llydiullectric Power oinniission of Ontario On March 29 Hughie Gillieeney celebrated his birthday by enter taining his niece Mrs vllarrison whose birthday it also was his greatniece Mrs Nicholls Mrs Tlaso daughteriandhissgreatz greatniece little Judy Nicholls Mr Gilheeney is in splendid health and enjoyed some oldtime dancing after supper Another greatgreatniece was born that day toMrsHarrisons younger daughter Mrs Webb of Cooks town Manymoreoyears of happi ness and health Mr Gilheeney $1122 Raised by EuchreDances After very successful series of Red Cross euchres and dances we are pleased to report total of $1122 raised The last on March 29 was well attended Winners at euchre were Mrs Ira Wilson Mrs Ben Steers Mrs ThosHar vey consolation Archie McLean Oryal Hughes vHenry Westlake consolation Grand prizes forI euchre serieswere won by Mrs Ben Steers and Jack Ramsay Draws on lucky tickets were Won by the following pig Ramsay niiorm Rural Meter Rate gt Anywherein Ontario apply Herein Our last hdvertisement illustrated the reductions which wil to farm and hamlet services in most areas in the Provmce of the reasons for and benefits of the new Uniform C113 we give some MeterliRate The cost of rural electriciservice is made Light tWO main parts The Jcost of providing e1ectricityinbulk at convenient central points tsubstationsl The cost of distrib user cords wood Keith Robinson motor uting this electricity from these substations to the oil Geo Wright draw on satin comforter won by Mrs Ralph Dieyell Sask velvertquiIt Lgfan ion Sutherlandrfeooaqan Wren Waltiiigm Since electricity cannot be stored it is necessamovide lines made up ofpoles conductor transformersetc to carry the electricity fromtbeysubstation to the consumer so that each user will haverservice availableat the flip of switch To the cost of led the roost of maintaining maaw iv building these lines must be ad operating them Mrs Emion Toronto is visitI higher dIaughterIMrs Mason Sympathyis extended to ME and Mrs Caldwell in the death of the formers mother Mrs Electric service rates originallancludedaISrviCeCharge to cover the cost of distribution plus meter rate to cover the cost of the bulk electricity at the substatiorfxThefProvince was divided into numbr ofaural power diStrictsI created around available sub stations without particular regardfto township orIcourIty boundaries Each otthese districts had its own metertfvmig Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Gordon Caldwell on the arrival of 31 baby boy and to Mr and Mrs fl176E high th Howard Caldwell on arriva SCI 26 and 34g t9 low of zlZCIIllIzc and 316 Sunday visitors at Loves were Mr and Mis Ale Patton of New Lowell Mrs Morrison and Miss Dorothy Morrison of BarIiiie 0n Duririgthe past twnItyiyearsxmany complications and inequaF itiesbnveariscn in trying tomaintain the identity billions districts Threfore in order to provide suitable service to all at the loWestIand italrestcostwhe 1320 Rural Power Districts have been cembined into 3on9 Provincialsliural Bowr System witlnanithnLMcterjlatepf 4c 16100 andftac Now all Rural Power Consumers anywhereiln the Provinceuypayrthcysame meter rate This Uniform Raterepre VThe Guthire unit of the Oro Red Cross forvthe monthTf March sent the following 11 pairs socks boys sWeater vbabygaclrets quilts 15 childrens blouses mens shirts hospitalqackets few weeks holidays GoodiPridayaatHav or will be Mr sents reduction inmotbflthe aiddisincjeaha an increasein Only few districts formerly having very low rate 10 babybbiiiits 10 pairs baby bootees large quilrts 18 small These explanations arigiven to helpyou understand the new rate In our nextmessage We shall discussfor your benefit the MINIMUM BILL In the meantime ifyou need further informa tlon please ask your Rural District Superintendent THE throneELECTErC POWER coMMtIssron Ior ONTARIO Iii orderto havea complete understanding of one new rural rates we suggest WHICIID7IWI keeptbsrbaplanattonsf Mrs Bert Willoughby spent the weekend in Barrie with her ar daughter Mrs Coulis Servicein the United Church on 5355 Ellz St Phone 4035 filer of the sacs Rev Lacey will bean charge Everybody welcome