THURSDAY APRIL 1944 MRS ALIVELI IIlr Grail lf itcurlcxt lzfi lib Barrie She Im xllll VILIUiu vi Iiljl Wfll who Irrilntx HIM Ilit April IIIIHIIJ linii lm In Calilw Ilarric by Rev Unich lunch of which she riiiaitcttr Sang tiipsiiie Illt Bu lizi Limit 11 1IIlilizisl was laid to rest in thy faintly plot at Crown Hill LcIIalciy beams were her SI grandsons ir tililutll Alvin asclcy Ivan sumo Il1ll Slcssor and Kciiiiiili aliizwll beautiful has from pllici SI Choir Id Collier 52 United Ziuicn Staff Miillaizil happell fainilv Toronto and Iron um the Apt house and llliLii lion gt3 comp vhcrc SllC llfl if IIIII aka rtVltt Ici of ltl SI nicnibcr and inali liltrtill iiI Six Ill Iiill lil itiziiiiri lull flowers tilttl iiItlil Tim ltllli Iini il ii lfltltllllit Ill ltllLLI Illltl 1p ll fiiiitritil All licr lift bltl Kufi lliilllllrl the forincr Methodist liilrili anii KB YOUR EASTER GIFT ENGLISH CHINA Fine Stationery NEW FICTION ilSmarl Novelties liall ll of Ilaiiii IIIiiiiuiil llrliill IIIIIIIIINI nuns roii EVERY OCCASION NEW and DIFFERENT MN wIIIiioiiIIis BOOKSTORE 30 Elizabeth St Phone 4055 Barrie iit MONTREAL MKS FRED IIIYNUIJH lt 5lr If ur ul nlliitl1Iluil ig IIliIllIgtEI1LI 11 IiIl iii iJ 111mi llii liiollirr 3111 iiilil 1ii M11iziw n1 Iluimiii IIIr lhilii llm IIZIIV liiiil llii lll Il lm tiiiiil Iti Maltli Ilil SI ltll Illlllill ilzii iiiictcry Stimuli Iii llll tarry IIiiIiilrcI alli llltl iiv lljtlltlE from liiiiiiai Iiiiluil lligtto11 uolislirxri Iiiuiiihda cxilc and llaiiii ill lltilllAlllt s11r iotiiirliri1 II1111 Maia beautiful lluwui liilit Illtll li1lt llltl intl Wilhirt Illarl THOMAS INNSMORIC St Marys lmiin lll3il5l liiiunax William liiiiilc highly Slllltl iisiiiint ol Iil IT Wcst Mitchell Iliiaildicd at homc on Friday lllflllllllz March l7 illtil in his 713th Il iflci an ilhnss of about fiw innnlhs duration IIt was son of lllt Iali IIl iiiilhiis luhn liiiniiic and Illllt hand if Illl lnrniiir Illl Illlll Sililialil if llaiiic Illiilll llt mari tlltl iii ltllll and llil 1iic1 llllll Ily iiriifiissiiiii li liaisniiirv was Even ifyour estate is not large do not lot 1111 loiuidcd fears regarding costs deter you from enjoying the peace of mind which comes from enlisting this cor porations efficient administratimi 111 foot the modest cost may be saved many times through the enlistment of our long and widc experience Ask for our booklets on Wills Insurance Iriisls Living Trusts and Management Scrvicch OTTAWA TORONTO Ittti ifwll ii i1 ill ui1 tlll in Iliilllllllilit marina at lI lllll rarpciitcr and Illiilil 2i yii= sgiiiil lll llzimli Iillllllivtl hc illfi Innad iizd conductid Hill statc Iillllt ii tillllllllljf ca llll livid I1=l fivi yuan in ParIcy land for link pil ill WI liW had iiim on Vsgtl Inn3111 ulna radius pallrliiarwi Jll ICiIiIs Vlllltll Iiiii ltiiiiiiv ll Muir Itos Iiiiii Iivl lililmn Iiliihill llojxil llliiihfir1l IIi was llltllllMl ml liii lliIitil lunch of aiiada Mir and llilllllllllf pl lidiniiild Illllllltlt who is in lln IltAl lixvcrscas John James Dinsiiiorc lSti1lfoIIl and hItllllltI Dinsiiiiiic Ilcxislcrcrl Nursc of London Vllllt IIarIy Dinsinori in St Marys l1 brother and Mrs Mary Radcliffe of Miniico aiid Mrs Maggie raw lord of iranton arc sistcrs ATWROLLLROQFING jPRICEs Givethat drabircatherbeaten build ing smart new bricklike appearance with Rolbrik the new asphalt siding thatlookslike bricks and mortar Weatherproof and liceresisting Rolbrik is low in costand gives new beauty and Comfort to anybuilding Let nstell you how lictlg it costs hoyveasyiris tbapplya We havein small quantity on handso get your Order early therilthis stock is exharistedifurther orders will befilled within two weelrs from date of Order 56 ELLEN sr PHONE2517 Ros LET US EXAMINE YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU IN THE VERY LAIKSI STYLE We have facilities for grainti Itlli Oil the itrtLLtj and can Ic IIJU any lilillxill unsw jtn lirllig Ili Illi pmcrs GLASSES CMlldlE Singlo ViIi Fltlll Ilaiililu Vith Frinn ROBERT ll SMITH IIIEIIISIEREU OPTOMETRIST ESTABLISHED 19207 53 llunlop St Phone 2536 Hours to baL t0 pm hm hund llcsiilcs his widow lii lcavrs In lllc funeral was Iltltl on Muir day afternoon at tho Russ IIll iiiill Funeral Home Itiw luring iI Viiodliaiii officiating issisluii 11w It savanna or wail burn intciiiicul being in St Iiii cliiilciy Edgar orrcspmidcureI learned with sincere regret of the death of Miss Sarah Syme which took place in the lcncral Hospital lhc puoplc of this Community loronfo on March Ill Miss Synic toll on the slippcry sidciialk Iicar her home on lcb and Inoltc inc hip Sliowas taken in the General Hospital Toronto iziuil was making favorable progress lltll she took weal spell and passed away suddenly Miss Synic was the eldest dough er of Capt and Mrs John Symo and was lltllll licrc She attended No 11 School and early in life became associated with the Congre galional Church She was tailli Illl Sunday School teacher and member Of the choir and was almost iievcr absent or late The church and community sustained great loss when the family retired from flaimiiig and moved to Barrie about Ill years ago Miss Syiue attended Collier Sl Church Barrie and was interested in the different departments of work but never quite recovered from the love of her01d home Beech WOOIIWFETnfzmd the old church associations at Edgar She was of very friendly nature and sympathetic to those in trouble The funeral took place on April at the EdgarChurch The service Was conducted by Rev Lewis Barrie and Rev West pastor of Edgar Church Miss Helen Lam bert sang Some Day the Silver Cord Will Break and Mr Ball of Collier St United Churcirtvasorg ariist The bearers were rela tives and intimate friends of the family Messrs Love Price Sar jeantMcNiveIiCampbell and Howe sister Mrs Blackstok Ethel and garet Blackstockand Mrs McNiven all of Toronto and Reginald Black stock nephew of Pickering Col lege Newmarket Three brothers predeceased her lives and friends Local MansFame Asphyxiuted in Trailer Near Hamilton The body of man who was foilnd dead from asphyxiation ina IUARY MALBLK itit lIHiII HILL 2129 Ell lr IIA typical Modern AgnewSurpass Shoe Store ntisssnknuairs Ytter WWW FASIIION PLATE SHOE are all that the name implies the last word in correct styling made to our own high quality standards from choice leathers and fabrics novel bow treatments add that touch of chic so necessary to your Easter Ensemble all heel heights sizes and widths are your guarantee of comfort Be stylewise insist on FASH ION PLATE SHOE sold cxcluaively by AgnewSurpass rim OT SIZES TO to Aurora Miss iSyme is survived by one three nieces Mrs Price Miss Mar The sympathyof the community is extended to the bereaved rela ynubu THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA tci fills 241 liaiIic is wartime restrictions do not allow us to show the extraordinary range we were accustomed to but wc coasiillshow you Ically grand selection of new fashionable styles mamrill appealjthQEQSt fastidious buyer we invite your inspection NOW at your nearby AgnewSurpass Store aSUEDE cGABARDINE oiiiii POPAIENT PoPOllSHED cur CRUSHEDVGRAINS 47 QFORWOUTYHOURS OraMIME Scrv AGNEWwSURPASS For your ON or OFF duty hours youll nd the kind of footwear you need in this grghyicasual iceables 7733 types rpryour pleasure periods or ruggtdmannish types for biisincss wear loft Calfskin Elk or Suede leathers or the very popular Gabardine some have sturdy walted soles whilerothcrs lie the platform types and loafers we urgqyou to check on these before washblacksmithby trade surviv ing besides the two sons is daugh terEileen of Stoney Creekahe body was taken to Beeton forburf rial CLOWES Walter Thompson who Spent the winter in Coniston has returned to Edgar Mrs Rugman has returned from visit withiiriends in Richlt mend Hill Two Farms Change Hands Matt Schiller has bought the McCuaig farmloii the second con cession of Oro Victor Dicker has bought the farmron Con west s1deowned by the late Alex Mc Kay This farm was cleared by the late Wm Beardsall over 85 years ago and was bought by the late Isaac Hart in the early seven ties and by Alex McKay in 1918 tourist camp trailer on No High way east Of Hamilton last Wednes daywasidentified during theWeek end as Hector Grant59 of Woodeel Rd Toronto The victims sons Lloyd of Toronto and Roy ofBar rie made the identification Mr Grant was bbrn at Bond Headand wear Grand Style Selection tOutstcncliris Viliiu gt 98 go Canada LARGEST Sim Role In your new Easter Fri0V as sbsro RESJN LEFROY FULL OUKSEf PF9 caraarms for amounts HILLSDALE lx IitAI In tliirll lrdunlr Honour POSI iiiFlt 511Mm rE LIES Proprietor Iml Iilgt into Examl gt It llull mm ilr 33 my llavc you LIFIIIII CANADAS LARGEST SHOE lIaTAFLERS SERVING CANAISIANS FOR OVER 40 YEARS QV WITH QUALITY FOOTWEAR FOR THE For more than fury 3mm AgnewSurpass Shoe Stars have provided thrir today thanks to your generous 37 moi luc plus COlllUtllli service ha limit ycais uIlpl With ch inch yo that bar outstanding siinc illi for all the llllllly is more true than Mcr IilHIC During 1h past fully yciirs itillrSSIUli and prosprIiry ihltw mommy and going of uniny shoe stoics AgnewSi 53 have kept faith wiIh and wlicii restrictions are lifted and expansion march of progress thereby extending Ihcir inuc to serve it 355 ore up 11d downs great change in the rxtra va organization pence time and rctail shoe tr dc tlirir custanirrs cvrr alctt to Illl changing times Illpaji wrll again HSlllll their until tlitll Iiic RS hirinrhcs sprcziil throughout Canada Will cont we thank you it your patronage I11r is possible Agniiv wrvitr to Hwy Iclil you with tlx lzcst sin 21 valor obtainable for your whole family and are proud to have lin the oppnitunity to scrvc you GENUINE AVGNEwSURPASS BUIt SITOCS IOI M611 BETTER Shoes mean FEWER pair hclp us to conserve leather for our fighting men buy only what you need when you need it Thousands of men have walrcady proven the absolute economy OI wcaiing AgnewSurpass built shoes though limited in style rangc then has been no shortening of the quality standards that have madethcm Canadas fastest selling slujcs for men get your next pair at your local Agnew Surpass Store BRA Fenian Sti Time to cast oxide your winter weight footwear and get into the new Airy Spring Styles now being shown by all AgnewSurpass Stores NDED FOR YOUR PROTECTION Monarch$liocs ll7 and ide call 089 cw Similar styles in the lower price bracketl good quality soles complete sizcs at $298 and $400 Dependable Work Boots FOR THE FARM OR PRODUCTION LINE Sturdy wellbuilt shoes on comfortas lasts that will give exodlen service uppers of stoutarmy grain or retan leathers and doubly gweight leather soles both sewn and nailed youll nd the shoe at the job you have to do at AgnewSurpass Pcbblegrain with leather and rubber loin in brick or bravier welt33m you Choice army grain out side counter double soles Goodyear welt service boo doubt late 61 =9 $395 Harris ANA AGwaSURPASSJSTOREaNEaRJOUJ ONT BARBIE DunlopStre unir ill1lANi iNI Protect Ilieir Growing Feet In usliion Irmd Childrens Shoes arrvacationsartisans only of rhesc popular shoes dont hoard buy only what you med Drown Black Calf Bootsrtn smallu $200 3ch yourfect treat 47 fit them rightwitlil AGNEWSURPASS Hevaltvb3hoc At home or at business wherever long hours of unnecessary youll enjoy the builiin com Lies Health gt Shoes Norsacncc of style is necessary inthcm modish Ideas tically built shoes available in pump of tie pattemi in to Hi fffff Wind or baby calf leathers guaranteed tdn AgnewiSurpasa Shoe Stores Ills Health Vere Iimitcd too Oxford in Black or Whit only Qualityand Pric some as Always It r2 ndinf rmware an m$wwfm jWIDTHSAA TO EE 10STLESAIgt iFtdrErh cc Faiovr ii day Erin grain putinm