stock Ont dist Yeor omomomo IN THE FlGHl FOR FREEDOM 11 Activities of those serv ing their ountry at sea on land and in the air Contributions welcomed for this column Dial 2415 tradiiatiop tlcrcmnny iuiillAlltIll 111111111115 11 tl1lJIllitli it 111111111111 111 SFTS lltfil 111 1111ii1lviiii 11m induy lli uiiutlKell 11111211121111iirin of the Station 1111l 11 ilinl f1llt11li ligaiiialioii l1i ll11i1u111 tfawa fo1111ei litter of the Station lli lt 111 11111 14 illill lll mur lie 111111111I1111 ni kiiuir and Hillel111 1t the 11111 1111111 leut ii $1211 11 l111e funnel 111115 i1itotiieittAi1it111 graduating elm hill 111 111111111 111111 villililtl 1111111 12111 111 1111111111iiu Herrim Oversee lte John Kelly ltritiiilluit younger 11 of i1 and Ali1 Kelly ltioihton eu1 seas with 111 inigiuliy tlliiift1l1 imit lie enlisted in l111i1 111 li illii and was statiomrl lo Tonto Newmarket Camp lloiden Prince Rupert ll and V11111t1 piioi 12111119 11111 seas While wrth liinii lt11un1eni at Camp Binden he 1111 ii leave to help iii1 11111111 llii seeding last year lromotetl vtistm iit ngt Allan Willi1111 l1ii Ilt llliltitit has been 1111111111t11l to the rank of Warrant Officer itlnzm Twol littnitillill to word 11111ie1l1 Monday by his p1111 l1 and 11111 Willi1111 111111 711 1111111111 111 Allantlale ll1 il been oversea Vlllitt 1111 euunei lll tin RlAl since September Park enlisted 111 the RUN 111 111 list ltlll and trained at 1111 i1iill1 iiiiig Depot loronlo ll11e11licl il11 1Ill l11 ill and N11 llouilimu and illtititU Sthunl Mossliauk Suck uliiie he received his wirelcs air Lurimeis badge in August lit12 Prior to 111 ing overseas he was on operational duty on the East Coast ompletes Tour of tip1 llarry Loni tltllllti71tv has completed one tour of 11111111d has started on his second lie is in Italy now after lmvinu been ill North Africa since June lie was promoted to Flight Sui in NVClll her and received his W02 i11 liel ruary Returns from vcrscas Pte Laurin spent few days this week with Mr and Mrs Ayerst Essa Road Allandiiie liehas justreturneddrom over seas where he had been sertline with Cameron Highlanders nearly four years He from Barrie with 76th Battalion i11 thelast War Taking Advanced Course Sgt Leo liraiieis OReilly il 9401 son of Mr and Mrs Reilly Midhurst is now stationed at No AGiS Three Rivers Que He enlisted in RCAF i111y28 11141 and trained at Toronto Guelph Trenton Jarvis and Halifax NS He remustered for air crew in Octo ber 1943 and graduated as an air gunner at Mount Pleasant Pill Fem113171135 19714 1V Posted to Camp Borden Flying Officer Austin CI Mc Knight Barrie is now stationed at No SFFSC1I1D Borden in the on 11 Equipment Branch He applied for remustering to aircrew some months ago but had been rejected medical grounds recently Youngest son of Mrs McKnight and the lateR McKnight he was formerly an allround athlete and played hockey for Barrie Colts He enlisted in the RCAF Permanent Forceat Camp Borden in 1934 and had played hockey for 71110 Flyers there and at Trenton Earlyin the war he waspromoted to the rank of Warrant Officer Class One and had servedathaneouver Trenton Brandon Ottawa and Montreal He was commissioned early in 1943 He expects to take up residence again in Barrie with his wife the former Maysie Brennan St Cath arines and small son Transferred 111 Angus Otto Rawson Sr 67 McDonald St TownEngineer of Barrie who has been civilian engineer with RCAF sinceAugust 1942with leave of absence from the towns employdeWn in Spitfireover the English was transferred Thursday 11131111 13X Depot RCAF Angus as Sup ervi$ing engineer Previously he had been stationed at Malton and plictpn beingfat the latter station for only short period Promotion Announced Iiieut Smith Camern iwliosc wife formeriy Rita Grigg and 14monthsold son residejin Elm vale has been promoted to the act ingrankofVCaptainh according to an announcement by National De fence HeadquartrsOttaWaTMarchrmeggrEve1yonewishappyand7 29 Hearrived safely overseas in June 11943and has been serving yvith Canadian Infantry Corps in Italy Completes Stewards Training Lloyd Churchill V76344 Son of Mr and Mrs Churchill Church ill enlisted January 12 1944 with RCNVR He has completedhis in itial training as steward at King Turn to page eight please 111lf1n lirlp litlft Wrw lion 11111111 avul1l1l 1llll douht 1v11ul the demand was there Gardiner remarked that cooperavx liion was not new in his own pro forl also went scer Gordon Buie SunnidaleCor 11 ronto FltLt John Francis Parr Viki 111111111111 13113 111111111 111111 11111111111111 trimmer 11l Agricrilture 5111 ihgh Storirlcuri it Ptilithilill Must lie Viriuimiruici 112111 lli ll lill fl sun 11 it ili1 11 111 find 111 of Scottwii 1111 1111 11 41 11 hip 111111t11imt ll 11 ii 131 Kiowa 11111 MW 111 by l111 tumholder ll iii11 1ivi11ri 11 11 11 1llv 11111411 1111 Quantif 111111l 11111 11111 fl rl if tiii 2111 it 1111 lilui 1111si 11111 butch311 the u1l 1111i1i 115 11111itlit31111 exith iizi1f Itliil 111 the farms le v11 r111 produce man now if we ran fmd 111i it11vo11e111gtiou to keep up nuiu quality and 11111111 111v 111 1111 upplnwl 11 1111111111 and 11liltl 11111 i1 ii will 7211 111111 11111 11111 11111 111ili111 lw 11111111Ileriv1l iii 1ll1i mm the111=il1111111f Eilttil1 ifll vsil v11 111111 111l hope than 11 111f11iew1 il1 11111111 lle 1rd 11111v l11i11 li1 11 31 i1tl 111 Where 11 l111111ii 11141111 l111tiI111 11i111111l111i 111 1111i1ii11 diil lilui unliilI ix 111111131 11111 the v21r new the iilllillll 11 iniaiauleeiiiu ST pei il p1ennimi to lhitam 1ueis Questions 1l the conclusion of his ltill The Minister said he iliti answer 11131 questions as far 11 the Lcnciali policy 111 the lleparlinint w1 11111 ceriierl is their 111 chance of f111111ii 111 the ills duesy inc 1111 iiillllll it sent Annual 1llii doubt 111 much If there will he he replied but there may be little 11111111 in the way of equipi BARRIES TAX RATE REDUCED 31111 ANOTHER 111111 llarric tax rate was reduced still another mill for ltltt when Town ouncll Monday evening repeated the former bylaw passed on March ti and adopted new bylaw striking the levy at 40 mills on the dollar for pub lic school supporters and 211199 mills for separate school sup portcrs Mayor Miterarch informed Council that the reduction was made possible throuch the new partment of Municipal Affairs advising that an ulditionalmill waslicim given to the mfiniei palities for the purpose of re ducing the taxation levy for ed ucational purposes Intention to do this was announced some time ago by Premier Drewin his capacity as Minister of lid ucation The average tax rate for they past year hzis been 4605 mills for public school supporters and 4252 mills for separate school supporters is litl any chance of there liel uler margin between the price of feeder cattle and finished rattle another man asked As 1on1 as tliewpi it he jiiiswererl Several other questions were asked and discussed regarding the l1ch cattle market and its possibil ilics for the future 0111 share holder suuuested rail grading of beef cattle M1Gaid111cr replying that if there was sufficientdeniaud for rail grading the Department act upon it but not until Believes 111 Cooperatives in prefacine his address Mr vince 11f Sasluitchwan We have always been very strong believers in the Idea that formation of furmv ers 11111perativcs is the best way Turn to page two please iConoe Traps Disappear MysteriouSly in Night lndians Much Worried lfwollaina Reserve lndians Bill and Dave Simcoc who were camped at Jacqucs Lakejpreparatafiyto commencing muskrat trapping 11i0 Monday morning to find that their canoe and 140 traps had dis annealed inysie1tioiislyin the night They contacted GameOver Intoxicated Soldier Robs Another in Lockup IngaDrunken Sleep Convicted of theft of $15 from the wallet of an intoxicated soldier on March Ill Cpl Wood Camp Borden fwzn gaol by Mauls rate lcffs oniSzitTC 11ers who With his canoe proceeded day to the Nottawasaga River Tihcfif The corporal soldier of smart cial and the two trappers patrolled appearance had been placed in the tiieswollen river for miles butnio lockup abs ElwlllblUSI officer he trace of the canoe or traps could be cause he had been drinkingr too found much In thesame cell Pic Th Indians are of the opinion Anderson Wt asleep The accus that their canoe was sunk by op edlook the cash from the wallet position trappers In this case which he replaced in Andersons Gamc Overseer Buie is of the opinJ pocket Wood claimed to have no ion that the canoe not likely will knowledge of his own actions 1f be found until the flood waters of terreight oclock that night but the NottaWasaga subside Incident pleaded guilty ally thiseoveisflowing isnot so pronounced this year as last FlteLt JadkParr Tells 10 111111 in PrisonfC Missing Overseas Advertiswrnieelsxaminer amp Barrieboy who has been prisoner of war in Germany since June 1942 seems to be well and making the best of theisituation He was shot Judging from recentletters re ceived by his parents Mr and Mrs Pair 61 Lawton BlvdTov Channel Juno 211942 gt Parts of recent letters received by his parents areas follows December 118 11943A week fromtoday is Christmas Day At thistiine of year my thoughts are of thegrand Christmaseslfspent 131 home Snow the sleigh bells ringing Christmas carols over the radio and at church the Christmas Vdecorationset home and about the town the grand Christmas church services Christmas concerts and the grand feeling of peace and impo seems desirous of making every one else happy Iwonder if will ever have such happy times again Just now am rather dis 1illusioned with life Iwas so cer tain that We Would at least be in England for thisChristmas How ever have great hopes for next Christmas My prayers are that FLT SGT iinwiN i111LBiinr 19 RCAF airgunner youngest son of Mr and MrsArthur Halbert 1111 011112111 Elie Easier 1111111111111 the finite i11l llistiiit liiiixlrtlni iz hope of flu 111111 who iltllt ill the tiiuuiph 11f iillile11iisii15s and 11llil Cepaco successfui Year Indicated at vAA firmed at the annual nieclinu mak 1celocted in into by aeciamation aud1 ident given one month in senting SilllCO0C0ltllty beef pro 27 ed spoke briefly ShareholdersJshould shoiild hand You to their sons an organization which compapyread the minutes of the sented tliefiiiancial statement 131 forwarded through the mailto each diatoms111111211111 LTWENIYSIX BLIND jpsasous SERVED DURING 1943 ldiiwi ilttit11 Mns iAtittll omnuttii 111111 lust linir linn 111d t1ii1luooii ltltlttltti ii111 111111 lae Its 311 st ilt 11f them that llillll ueth it 1111tiv111112111i11121ll11t fox 11i11111 zi1l1 91111 t1 means 11 1H 11 it i1 111 1111 l1 MC 111 111 11111 lnil im 1111 1111 11 1111 at 11111111l 1111 I11 the 11111 tin 111 ltl 1l 1111M lie 511511 ml =ll iimlit syuihol 11f iiiifw lilt 1111111 11 illii 1311 iiimip1l tillli11111i rill iitt 111511 ii ii 1111 111t1 t1 lvii Hill I1ili 111111zil fart Erit the human liltii 1211 11i ehauumn llil is hope for iespamng world Hunter Alleliiu find greater mes11111 11f assiir is ll 1111f hauler lie not here for IiiilliltIllHi li placi i111 the and l1 llillltl ill love 1i1l piano Livvrh =11 tiit11ii 111l 1il ll1i11 ill llltl 111 11111 in 11111 lament 1i11iit liri lllll 1i 11 intl 1111r1l ll 11 1111 111111 21111iitl1111 to the oiliieis were li it tin1 11 Harold Welili ll 1111e11111 hailrs Virkers ilarrie Miss liaxel Henry and ii llemr loronioI field secretary ziiiarliaii National ln itiito for the llliurl Students Are Asked To Register Now For Vork on Form liUiVl 2111l11 l111i 111111iii1111 1iil111l to Victory 111 the llldllli Farm Service l11rr1 sum strong appeal to 111 school boys and 1111 to voluntcw for farm work this summer flurl taiio farmers can produce the new 19 sarv food but they cannot do zl 1111112 tent of thousand of i111 school students volunteer to 11111111 lllll liilltliiy 11 111 eating liit quperalive hackers nil 111111111 l11niied experienced wry successful year in Will it was 111il1d at the annual meeting in the Roxy lheatre lhursday last when lost to five hundred share holders attended Fully paid11p members in good standing now number 1292 and in this connection bylaw was con ill 1111t 1111 i111I it possible for new members to join on paying Sit membership fee and titllttilllllo take one loan unit at 8150 Previously the member ship hm been 105ch the student army of the liiri lo till 111 tiH from Hutu fflmrs 1eeleetod mm my KM NH the 1913 Board of Directors warn WWW Mum titliiliIilith 1111111 eit be required for 111l 1111 IiiliRl 11 11 suliseruieiitmceting of thelwlwtm funny Board the 19113 officers were rc 111111111111111 111 Iv11111111111 Med 19 MOW93 PICS permittin students to leave sch 1111i llugh Bailey Dundalk Hftm A1113 11111k 111 111111l weepresident Herbert Craw 11111051111111 111w ford Oro Station secretarytreas Standing on the years work must urer Walter Allan Churchill dir ectors George ll Murdoch Wye valeR Wallace Clarksburg Jarvis Mount Albert Charles Newton Barrie Robert McLaren Creemorc and Orville Todd Churchill were also nominated as Directors but with drew leavinu the seven old mem bers reelected by acclamation Delegates Named President Bailey Orville IS Todd and Tuck Duntroon were appointed by the meeting tol represent the shareholders at the1 beef producers Confercnce held in TorontoyesterdayED Bell Ban righand BLWBLJVarnica wereotlier shareholderswho attended 251 more lt ill li lilCil111Il home farm or any 11therl Ontario farm and must 11111lert1ki1i to work at least 13 wee Last year boys and in Farm Service camps eaiucd 111 half million dollars 111 spite 1111 the bad season and this ycai 1111111 students than ever will be required All wishing to volunteer for tin necessary patriotic service urged to apply at once to thH 111 tario Farm Service Force laili1 ment Buildings Toronto EVENTS Bingo i1iitilttillg ilitilrliinTV Resolutions Adopted bnellh li11mi1p1il Ill 11 Several resolutions proposed by There will not be any 111111111 11 the Resolutions Committee were Canadian 3113111117 adopted unanimously by the meet day mg Dance llvThanking directors for close Apri1114 attention they have given tothe LITE interests of the Comprny rand thanking manager and staff for making plant success Owing to hogs being switched from one producers name to anoth er at times it was urged that truck crs purchase atattoo of their own to mark thehogs at home t3 Hog produeeisuwhere poss ible should provide equipment to facilitate loading of hogs producer and trucker shouldcooperate in loading Bailey president was chairman and called upon Rev George Morrison Wyevale who conducted opening exercises Orville EmTOCiCl Churchill elect ehairman of the gathering llli 1111 COMING ducers 11111 1111 r1111 1111 Hall Friday 110l1 Midhurst auspices iglbp Rummage Sale arispices Junior Auxiliary Collier Street United Church Saturday morning April 22 llilfli Rummage SWCenlral United 58 Room Saturday April to 1111 piees Womens Association iloois open at am Thornton WI dance April 11 MulliollaiidsmOrchestra Two doorwprizes andmlucky draw 500 including lunch 13letb Evangelistic meeting Friday April 28 pm Library Hall Speaker Stilton Subject Who is Christian Talent Tea sale of fancy Work and baking Wednesday Aprillffi 36 pm St Georges Hall iillliui Aveauspices Gliifiiitill ttb Std Marys Parish 11115111111114111 Thursday evening Bilbhah in KnightsofColumbus Hall above Store 12 games for 25c Good 11001111111de M31111 Bingo Tuesday April 18 8130 pan Ora ige Hall Allandale aiis pices LLady Engineers proceeds Mobile Kitchen Canteen Draw for Gilt WV ill15p 0135 Stroud cuchrepnd dance Friday April 111 Patriotic Fundfoi cigarttes for boys overseasBell Roberts orchestraAd1nissioii 35c and 15c including 11111111 Dooi prize 14151 Monday April 10 815 11111 Or ange Hall Allandale speaker Mr be proud of their companyland virould be of benefit to the futureof theDoijnin ionhe said WalterAllan secretary of 16 943 Good Financiareondition 53 As tieasurerer them also pre last meeting held March 25 the year copy of which hadbeen shareholder There tarenow 1292 members fully paid iip and in good standing Followingpresentation ofthe re port several questions were asked zindjnswcredrm Allan said the balance shee reveals total current assets of $38271027 as against total current liabilities of $23731695 This showi that working capital is $14539333 and reveals ratio of 161 current assetto ittltlof Current liabilities When AuSpices BritishIsrael Please note change of place of meeting 14b TEUnder auspices of Churchill curling Club euchrc bridge and dance will be held in0rangc Hall Thorsday evening April 13 Bell RR Thornton who is reported missingsaftcr lair operations over seas He had been engaged in we will all be keptwell until the happy day we meet again Turn to page threeJ please borhbing operations since Christmas life business such as ours where there IS such frequent turnover of inventories andac Turn to page eight please and Reberts orchestra Lunch coun ter Admission 35c l415b Advertisein The Examiner iiinlii mi ll ltouke Mrs ieorue iltliitl haven farm job to 11 to 1111111 1111 andl tl Whata Iuesday 111711 Vincent Subjecttrr P331100 Cement fou Ill RUN some 07 CiliULAIiOttl 1C to TOWN COUNCIL BRIEFS lixtl 11311 till iill 11111 2211 81h iZt1tiIH s111i11io11 Ivl llti NH 1111 1l 1l11= iltlt1 W11 1ili 1111 il l1 li1t RAILWAY 11lI=11fi the E11111 1111111 the crowing 1111 Tour tii11 H111 lie air 111 111l11I in 11 111 11 1i 1l1i 111111111l resolutou 4111 111111i overlapping 111l 1111 11111 1111111111111 of futuie ap piii1iii day would he 31 11 Ni 1111111 lill weeks of 111iA t1 llNi iziier 11 l1 It 11111 11 11 111 11 June 111111111l 11 1111 t1 111111 11 11111 71 tlilln l1llii Sl 1111111l ti liii limlvs 11 ellii1to1 S1 he 11Ev1l 11111 11f iitll 11111 S1 in 121111 11111 1111 111111 111i111l Hulk and isliiu 111I 11111111thisuuopemwi 11 1111 til ponies were iilli held at all iiluirs ot the lliuiil Htll1ltlltllt lNSlRIKTIII llic lovxn Solicitor was instructed to Him 11111 proceedings he may 1lii iiii15ii 11 t1lil tii ear c11indliand store by lvirl and lm of the Iliilliti Gal11 lllrLolJLLLi 11 LCUllpiullti Ull i1i11l1lliie The Mayor iii iHMti 1111111l 111ther not l1 i17 11111 111 1111 11 1itl 111 ltttld llllldilliNl Sillil fix111111111 was permitted it 11111111111 to construct an implement shell on the unopened part of Van ll ll leouver St 111 accordance with terms of the letter BUIIDINC Pilafhrs 1117 HIGHEST LEVEL iii SEVERAL YEARS Total of S27iiti for Exceeds Quarter of Year Previous Years Ten Issued in March lweutyone building permits isi sued rliirinu the first three months of liltva the Town Engineers Office 111111111111 32773tl 1s compar ml with 321150 in the first quarter of 10112 7iti iTWrsi quarter 11twlttlEl ivltlttAinwthe some period of Hill 171631 111 the first three months of Hill and $2500 in first rpiarler 11f infill this Cftl Oddfcllowsl 17l1areostupm mil to dat was for $101l0tl for Home 1e111odelliiig iouiparative totals for March in each year are 1944 lteni $7205 1113 tfwe 1205125 111211 1111 1115101 11115331940 3153490 le1111ils in March lcu buildi permits 111111 11111111111 fltlt1 111911 Much 11 ilill WiAlteratirnis ttpdwelling 213 Blake of $20tlrF Werlllledy owner WW1ETIEOGTE611t1mt01 7AltEratioiiFtIVstoielihElizaoetli SL $10515 Cornwells Ladies Dress Shop owner Tuck contrac tor Loadiiigplatform win St between Caroline and Jacobs Terrace wood on cedar posts isct in cement $200 First Cowperaiive Packers owners Al liiuclaleLumber aiilFi1l Co irutor gt Alterations to store north side Dunlop Stybetween Owen and Mulcaster $1200 Reeves Jewellers oiviieisFTCharles Alexander con tractor Extending store basement1 22 Elizabeth St $200k Ed Bryson owner Henry contractor Fire esruipeJoerartment scum side Dunlop St between Bayfield and Post Office Square $70 Toddfowncr Diirnford Mine Sitlfl contractor Cement foundation for 1102 Mulcaster Stj$300 John Gray owner Marion contrac tor west side Bald 88 Feel St $110 Albert Dempstel ow11erW Henry contractor Altering stable for cold storage 96 Ross St $325 Goldicown er Henry contractor Addition for storage east side John and VVic toria steel and lumber pitch and gravel roofsiding insulate $4500 Clarke Clarke Co Ltd owners Charles Alexander contractor I1j1ii Penaltiesl were present Thirtysix with ss 11 in After having the opportunity of dwelling ndation for1dwelliiig Toronto Students Capture Second and Third Games of loool Series by 73 and 53 Borne Kids Go D11o Bottling in Third Match Cli Maple Leaf linden Toronto Before 3240 1311111 Fons 11 111s 11111 down lighting the l1ili in tin1 111111 l111d1y mulu at Maple 1111111 Gardens as De capured the IlA Junior it cluiinpimr suddendeath pain by score of 13 was just 25313131 tii i1ilv i11iii hip ill 11 gt1lliliUlili History 1111 repeated in this series 111111 111 the last year of the first world war that De La Salle iiettateti llariie Colts for llt1ll11ili junior honors and bv two 3411111 1111 the round This is the first season since liltli 31111111 AvtllilL Road collegiziiis have With the cup Barrie the title 111 19155 and have now lost in the 11111111 iVeu years 1037 1938 and 1511111 WM 111 lor1111111 327111 paid and 111111san1ls more 1111 iziitio 111 and heard the thiesi 111111111 ti final in year Attendance at 2111111111 11111 Gardens also 1111 the best for 11 Junior ll playoff on record even tXLtiilllii 1917 when Bzirrim 7117 pl11t Northern Vocational in the final and 1933 when the locals Were opposing St Michaels Jolleue Buzzers With 111oit success than insercral later encounters with Toronto srliorilimys lll1ii tiii1ilii l1t1Iki 30 tie l1 Suite rot away to filln i11i 1111i 1lt 111 the second game lTilirllami hut in the same Jill ll ll1 llll 1111111i1111es llze speedy Collegian Harrie 11ltsioil ito DAnil 11111111 1111 he attack to break lilossiu defence hail Bark will omp 1111 1151 period for ookz centre Murray Richardsonzimm Wm 14 mum not dc wings Ilahlen Robinson Leightonth hum 14 MMIHWS in Hm larkz 1lts Ah Bowen Jack Ma H1 IWHI om DC 01m son Bordon Nccdhain Min ltich ardsoii Don Hark Larry 1111111111111 Mm with linbro1o 111111 no chance ill De La hallc laklandsunalJackB WWW ll Machines defence Ross Smith Sid Smith centre Bruce Gallagherlllmlww ill mm wines ierry Hayden lioh Pauli1 lirsl alts ice ODolmllllt Illdll itlllininuws hcn lion laik was iuled ilflll1lrhmuc for trippim and followed in ll Tm SImlm Elev seconds by 7l111ray Richardson Hivillmllifiiill 1wa If11r itilillll liotli uunor penalties 11min and in ion as Hamilton Mlde Inmm md Towns WM Wm serving notice then and there that ll1155 Amlllw nothing would be allowed to get OIMmihull Without of hand in that crucial game zillsc Amnfrrw Bari 1c had two anxious minute Hmmghummnk whilrgrillviiltli two men short but managed 11 io keep Del off the score sheet mmlrdmnR fhf Mk DAinbrossio showed in that time MTan Hrmd film he wason the beam and any 31Pl5ll Rminw ning that beat him would be well chnnctti 51 lemma 4jglfiidlttiesismfimith Back came Clark and RiCilatldjstt ODonoghue and at full strength the Colts at Third Im111d io eariy the play continually into WWIrim Murray Rmmrhon 1115 the Oakland end but with nollucli 111lanS1ile Apmfrcw It seemed that besides Mac nne 111111111111111111 fine work the Del rearpuards were TilJunie Mason Bark all shins and elbows lhcy stopped 11111111151111121111111 tDono more shots on the body than the goalie ghue Gallagher 1928l Then came the first breakfor lcnalticsR Smith Bennett 111 Clrk Gallium Max Ricbard De La Sallc Barries Bowenline went in and put 011 gauging ison lark iminor and 10minute miscondum taclci but the puck eased over the line and ODonoizhuc picked it up He carried it up and managed to slip pass through the Barrie de lfence over to centre where Allan Renfrcw picked it up and scored from 10 feet out The largest number in manyi C0115 Keep Trying hmmlns for Old g0 Down one fitter seven minutes jpcnsious were received and con CONS kept plugging away until at sidercd at the April meeting offhalfway Chad Barkwgot minor or Simcoe County Mothers Allowances tripping While he was Del did iand Old Age Pensions Board at the ot pick up the Offensivei was cmmnouse Tuesday Allmembers Bowen and Mason who backed Oiiklands into their own end and with any luck should have had couple ofgoals Ross Smith sturdylittle Del de fenceman got the first of his five penalties shortly after for tripping Dc LoSollc 5Colts ll it 11111111111111 came in three 111011 1921111 ManyAppilicetions lConsidered by Old lAge Pensions Board tinonths of app applications were c011 sidored of which one was refused three were held over for further in formation and 32were recommend ed as follows Midlaiidfive Orihia Township 1fourCollingwooc dspital lPenetang Orillia Inmslil three each Barrie Flos Tecumseth West Gwilliinbi11ytwo each Allistoii Tottenliam Simcoc County Home 1Beeton oneieach Considerable other correspon dence was dealt with including several ap lications for increase and reins tement W1 Aenpplication for inotliersl allo 1iance was received and recom mended but there was reasonable amount of correspondence consul ered away4111111 Barrie per day with three mendifacing Don Clark and DAinbiossio Clark steered Told to page psogeiiggplease OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS The Barrie Examiner office is open every Saturday even 1115 from to 900 pm for the convenience of those who wish to pay for subscriptions and classified adlets and the transaction of otherbuslness Get your Classifieds into iner early xam 45th Ch PloniMeetivng Final preparations for theholding iof general organization meeting vere made at meeting of the Pro 1visionalCommittee ofBarrie Cham ber of Commerce Monday evening Thisgeneral meeting which is to 11112 held for the purpbse of receiving pledges from prospective members and otherwise completing the org ahization of the Chamber placein Pubiiiigmrary Hall 1a pm Monday next April10 amber 0E Commerce Monday serving onyWest Coast contacting many business men of the tmvnandaftereareful considu eration of possible membership1the members of the ProvisidnalCom mittee wcrc unanimous that the budget required for the first yearr could be realized by making the maximum membership fee $50 and the minimum fee $10 Details respecting the raising of 1117 necessary funds were discussed at Mondayevenings meeting the WC VICIy J0 chairman of which was KTN Mlson of 1s MlgGear1 79 Morrison Provisional Chairman Blake Barrie who isinowserv It was the unanimompinion of ing with an RCAFfighter sqiiadron the Provisional Committee that it 011 the Pacific Coast would be crucial meeting nextthersalso are with the armed gar Monday as the citizens of the town vicesGeorge with Canad 11 Army must either decide to go ahead or overseasLiStan with 511611 drop the whole business seas and Sydwith RCAF in Cans Turn to page five please 813 one off butthe other paiiwent in Whileheoff03klandsbroke Three broi