Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1944, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT Omouomomome 111 1111 1111111 1011 11111111111 1111+ 11111 11111111 1111 l1t111l 111 11111 1111111111 111111111 IM1111111111 111 I111 1111111 115 11711121011 loner lit115011 for 1111 idem 11r111 Hair 1110111 1rr11ment 11 iii mun1111111 1511 111s 111111 111 Ioniplci mu 11 let 11111111enclitiurics 11111111L111Jpnliryhi 0111111111 111CE TORONTO tillNl MAY 111111111111wiif1tirw1 1111111 11 1111 5111114 Pun1y Cnncdion Company mmwmwwvw DONT W6 Lovcliest of all Interior Finishes Theres more 1111 an eusily washable nish wuitingjlor you in SOFIUNIE 1111 oil paint1his love limit of alllinishcsforwalls wood work nndhirniture has everyJilly you Could wish for It flows 011 caisily leaves no brush inarks111laps1lriesV hanklastsyciuziTwashcs us cusin its Cliiitiecoiitri1sglare 11nd reflection yyourfhomc with 13 WASHABLE ECONOMICAL WFINISHES 15151111151055 cross in many beautiful shadeg Toronto and St Thomas AC1 too ltcfaulif sorIoNr ROBINSDNS HARDWARE it 1111111111151 Tolephone 2431 You Suilie From Headachea 111 is 1111111 to struggle along with head that 11111108 and pains all the time headache need notlie an illness in itself but it1 may brnwerningsymptom tlmtrrtheryeris intestinal shncss within help overcome the cause 111 necessary to eliininiito the waste mutter from the system Bitters helps to remove the cruise of headaches by regulating tho digestive and biliary organs neutralizing acidity regulating the eimstiputod bowels end when this has been accomplished the lb sluggi if 11111111119111 it is Burdock Blood and toning up the sluggish liver 11111111141111111 should disappear 681 Price $100 bottle CU Limited lczzulv 013 en drug counter Qilluii AdmAu 113 11111111113 llotris 11111111t iiillhtlitlill11mli11 111 1111 stiz1 111 111111 in 111s iirp he 111111 1111 11111111 111 111 11 31113111111 s11111111 11111 1111 hu 111111 1111 Killed in Action 11 11111 111 111111 1111111 11 111 111111114 111 111111 111111 11111111 111111111111 11111 their 11111 1111 been killed 111 1111111111 1111 11111 111 21111111 11lli With the lltAl 111 Joined the 111 11 11110 11111 111iw11 t1ils seived at 81 1111111111 11111 lliickcliffe as around yrew 1111 stint1111 Stllgttltlltlltl he grud llztltftl115it 11111111121111111 1111111 151121 he 11111111111v11111111 ilgt pilot 1111 1111 when 1111 graduated lie 111111 2111111 3111 13111 1111 1111121 KzileFR 111313 1JiAIE TRAINING SCHOOLS TO CLOSE DURING THIS YEARf 111 ll it 11 11 1111 iiE1 1111111271 111i111 111 1111111 111 111 1111j tens 11 5111111111 111111 11 11 1111e itlli flap 91 ie 111 1= 111111111 111111 1111111111111111 2111 111 111 1111l1111i 11 11111111l111111 31 17 11 11111 111 111111 isits famous lithedral 1111111111111 111 111 11111 111111111 11 11 1111111 n1 4111111111111 Mn e1 11111 111 11111 11 3111111111111 1111111HYi 1111111111111 h1e 11 tie 111 191111111111 lie 11111 lllyllfi ll 11 11111111111 Vitiiediul 1111111 1l if 11211111111111111J1ii1111Ht1111111l 11I1 111111111 i11111 iiio 11 lllLi1 NH 111 111 11 11 11 11 1111111111 El 11i1 1111 initial 111 111 1111111111 111 1131111 was 1111111 11 1111111 31131 1111111 llleineiihiii SUWiitils 111 111 N11 131111 11111111 31111 hlllliiil Mills 171 lill11 All 111111 811 111111 11111 1tlllt 111 the 11111111111 111111111111HHMml 11 Need 5000 zire seeking to enlist 30110 trades women and potential tralcsr1inienl National Defence Headquarters has announced that larce scale 11 111111111111 Womens Army Corpsi N11 111111111111 ernitine campaign will be Iiiidcrfl 31y taken by the CWAC with this 1111 llttilYt leinan1 is greatest for qualified stcnographcrs typists AtltliliSrdllltl cooks41101111 withivolunl teers who ean be trained in these tiadcs itluluntcs as Air Gunner CHURCHILL 111 Mrs liar week at herhozn herry 1eek lte 11 3111111111 115311111111 1111110113 111 yltBI01111 11111111 RIF ONTARIO CANADA ND HEAD BO LIQUIDITY 1112C nautmzin Duties itmt 111 111mm mii lot11111 13111 12112 11111 11 111 11111111111 111mm gun 11111 111 1111 111 11 11 1111 11 111111111 In 1111111151111 1111 more 111111 suinc 111 1111111 111111 1111 i=11 1113 11 ta111 1111 111111 GUTHRIE leileiulril lliiniers Hume1r tor Miss Westluke nnidale Corner 3111s 111 11111 311s 11111 11 11 111 3111 4111 March 171 playing 11111111111 ll 1111111 1e 111111121I1 enel priniw 111 11 111 1it 11111 1c1111el 11111 11 111t ul 11111511 Mrs gtill1 11111111 111 lhr 111111 11 Ale11911114 11111 1111 111111 11lor1l e1i1 11nd 1111 11s 1121 11111211411 1121 isiled ew 11 1111 311 Sutton 111 111111 lieuttii 111111111 vluiki 111111 11 11 Red cuss lnrtics 111111bcr 111 lust week by the iilliills 1111 1111 111 the 1tt11 lilss March 17 pothiek 1pper c1lt1 1111 111111 tiie L11111L 51111 111111 ELLS 11111115 111111 111 Mi 1111 111111111111 1il111 ttl 1111111 11111111s 111111 111 11131111 11 he 1111 St 111 11111 FEN 11111111 the 1111111111 111 111111115 anereu iiieet 1111111 111111111 replacements 111111111111 11111111113111llll liltt 11111 1llltI 111111idx 1111 were held 111 1li Still contests winners and Kenneth dolley was won by it 11111111 lance lllrio was held at Mr and Mrs Wm 1111591151 March 17 by Mrs 11 11gt1111111 by 1as esing two baskets ol groceries 11v Mrs flarrr larr and Bruce 11111 Angus apeI Proceeds 1111 111w 111111111 wit111 511111111 siltl 1111 Kalllltkl c1111 Sunday 111 51111111 lziiki 1111 111e Mrs Norman Scotti 17111151111 and I11 Wm 1111111clt1 tev 115s 11 11121i 11111111 Sinaiiv 1111 1i 11111 111111111 is uthain 1111111 111111111 llilt 111111 11111 111 111311111 1111 tees 11373111 111s laughter 1111s 1511311 Sawyer 111111 1ir111 11211 11 W11 11111 12111 spei box sotllil and Normun Schell 1r and Mr 1l 111 1111 111111 11111 21 putt larr Nicholson 1111 111111 Stayner and 11 oiilistovxn Lighting seivue 11111 111e 11111111111 11rd llussell the 1ek 1111111 hiiichill 1111l il11 Zlr iie 11nd 1111111lt lltlti 111 111s llili Jr liislitni 1111111 lsclls attendance 121 1111111 lraniin 11 lertiic 1011 11 urcli installation 711111 11111 111ers honed off the boxes School incr i1111e11 1111 211111 1111171121 7111Ttill 37 1113 51116111 trimmings 111 youth 11tt 111151111111111111111 11111111311141 tint Iclulctl 11111 111111 111111 11 st 121211111115 11111 5111 help you impime 111111 pztuni 11111 3121111 1111 TRUSTS 11111 GUARANTEE COMPANY 113111111 ruiulur 11ml lliixlee smu llll 1111111111111 111 1111 511111 1111114111 Ii to he 111111 1111 11 111 111 11111 11111111111 111211 11 111111A1 11111 111 Make your WILL t11lny your ell Full onw 11111111 was 11111111 1111liiil No Estate Too Small 111111 Illl 1111111 an nnieh was ie11 altenl 11111111 part 1111 Inikiiili 11 Ftllltillil pre 1111111111 Milne llttlvlltg for the church 1111111111111111111 lll1 11c 11 111m 111151 7111111wliitllt N11 1111111735 11 1111111111 Heels 11 11 111111111 111 th1 ll 1111111 illle1li11111l1 N11 2112 1111111111111 ltlie 1111111 Burn 911111 will MM Illmini Um 1111111211111111111115111JI llei Isaac 1l1e l1111i111l 111111111 111111111111111111111es 111111 111 All 1111111111111 much 111 the 11e11 ei1 llee i11i 111111 by 1111 choir O1ners Ia added taking part Marilli 1saac gave 1121 11t l1 1i1Quay and lter 1111111111 sermon COLWELL and Mrs Jlrl with Mr and Alis liindas Ehngrovc Emerson Syoies wounded 111 action in It11 according to latest re fit1111111 and N11 111 11ii1 Irninin ioileiieh 1111 11 11 ll 1171 ShllilJ N11 111 New 11111111 111101 11111111111 1111 15111112 think how satislying cup 01 Neilsons rich nourishing coo would be No 1111111411111 Sunday 1111111 who 1111 5111 Chocolate Co well tort 511111111 1111 rpmm 11111111 bride and groom who 11 honeymoon days with their aunt Mrs lb 111 lb We spent 11nd liffin Mr and Mrs Jas Briinskill 1111111 ltltltlLlllCl June and Emma McKnp nley visith on Sunday w1th Isabella While are pleased to say loin1 ioll 11 appcndix operation the RV Hospital 311111 11111111111 Schools 1111 thei Snle and No 11 1111111 Dec No liieless School Guelph 11xl11111 1111l 111 and Jos lilllllL who ler her recent BELLE EWA 111111111111 $111 EEC llil11lilllllC SxiAlSmith11111111craduatcdt 1ilt an air gunner ill graduation ccrcl monies at No Bombing and Gun nery School Mont Joli Que last week Furlough Herc LAC James 110111 is spending furlough with his mother11rs Ilorn 13 Sanford St Barricl 111b1Z111131c1111ghis 11111111111711111111 at iVictoriaville Que +10 enlisted in October 1943 at No Manning Depot Toronto vUSArmymon 41114113 Cpl Joseph Loni Jr with an infantry bIIttzilion of the United States Army spent his furlough re cently with Mr andMrs Frank Goodwin Hg is close friend of their eldest son Jim Goodwingand has been stationed in the Aleutiuns but is now stationed in Oregon Taking Advanced Course ACl Emerson WebbrriLE2l71531 31112111 five dziys 11211116111 tlTe home Whis parents 1lrandMrsFred Stroud after having com pletcd his course as an air frame mechanic at St Thomas He re ported to RCAF Feb 10 1943 and after completing his course at Colt Aircraft School lic was posted to thcr niece the c1113 Mariicdim lav March 111 bv fliv Rcinci 101111 Rdberl 111111 51111111 Mr tn1 Mrs lg Webb new reports to Dorval Que for an advancedftrainingcourse1 Macdonald Man 11051811 7110 1Wm Hare Barrie liasbecn postedto No SBombing and Gun nery School RCAF Macdonzild Manitoba as an instructor Follow life his griduation use wireless air gunner at Macdonald 111st Septem er PO Hare had served aspiring stiructor at Mountain View Ont and Lethbridge Alta Stationeil at Camp Borden SSgtDavid McCulloch Bar rie is now stationed 111 the Camp Borden Pay Office having been posted there from Newfoundland He enlisted in the Army Service Corps at the beginnine of the war transferred to the RCAF in 1941 and later to the Army Pay Corps He was wellknown former athl lete at BCI Busims CHANGES Two Creemore places of business have been sold The Lillyreid Restaurant business has been sold to Mr and Mrs Bishop Barrie and Kembae sold his 0111 established shoe store including building and stock to James and was at his 111111111 ierdnjxlaodSal til1l1 AC3 Storey spent Sunday 11111111011 Mrs Fllilltls 111 Mrs be clad to know she1sn11w 11112131 stairs much improved in health Mr and Mrs Donnelir 11 lended the funeral 11111luedar of rope Realty tormlev 11 1V11l111 1111111 met 41117111110rhomerwutwhlrs Wm ion stable on March was reid hr Ruth Browning andiieitlrSitiIlaiij cave installed ervcgn lhe Suish Mrs chmoiir intereting talk Ollie lt hostesses s251111 531 per P815011 1119 higher 400 room Spring seems just around corner Mr 1111 eriind Il111n11 w11h Nu and Mrs Wm lladlcy 121111111 111111 mova into the village LAC ll Saunders loronto spent weekend at Baxters Lambdcn Mrs Toronto daughter are lSlllllL her parents Mr and Mrs Wheeler Inn Johnson celebrated his third ibirrthdayon Friday March 17 and about 1102611111 1119311111117 friends were present to enjoy the after noon with him 21nd Wreh town Russell Browning Kell 11d lunch Vv EV 1115in ROBINSON S1tur W218 the mans Mr and Mrs Stone motored to Pain tLMiss Annie Toronto Monday lintlin fattendcn douchter of Mr and Mrs ChasV Pzittendcn both of Vespra lownshn ihurchill Evening Auxiliary The monthly Eventni Jimmie Brccdon Malto the weekend was home for The fourth in series of euchrcs was held hull Frlda Mrs Whitesidcs 1131 Mrs Andrews 12nd con Mrs Lenten Frank Muinberson 151 Jack Giav 12nd Bruce Jackson consolation Fred Welsh Whit meetingI Ladibs wafs prizes Auxiliary held March 11 at Mrs Wm Constables piano selection was given by fit11s Jack Hughes Constable inguieaci the topic An inlcrestinu story was Mrs Mac 1519111111 read poem the members sewed or until the lunch was served by the solation men Mrs William in charge of the mce Forgblt won by Faith Bcatty the meeting Lucky draw Gco Allan Frank Black Door prizes McGilhvray Mrslrene Mchcr and Fred Welsh ANTE idest Mrs After 48111110591 MILLS OR VicA numbchof the local hockey fans attended the game inBa Monday night ers Fleming few days with her daughter Mrs Jordan Elinvale Mr and Mrs P1Mulr thefunern1 of Miss Pott Tottenham on Saturday Miss Madlyn Coughlin andMoiya Matthews Toronto visited on Stin day at Coughllns Coughlin returned to Toronto with them en route to Detroit APTO rtiel is spending 11 attended or 211 Mrs As alwaysBienvenue Welcome The first day of sprint lueq day the sun is shinine brightly and crows are making themselves had the misfor tune to cut one foot unite bnrllv with an axe last Satnrdav which neeessifnted placing his ffont 111 cast we trust it will soon im prove REN heard aeains Charlle Miller TALS Landlords and tenants are en titled to apply to 21 rentals ap praiser WPTB for permission to increase or decreasethe amount of rent charged for an accommoda lion 111111 Qubec cradl of the Canadian people belicVesiginhnd works for grate Cipadian unity She knows thatherdestiny and that offliersister province$ are one and the seine Qubcctodayis ghtingand working alloutlier iAllicd Victory Qubec Welcomes visitors to this great scenic historic vocationland whether on 11111111111 dutyor holiday today 01111111111111 war Disruptive Literature on request 11 PROVINCE cle QUEBEC 10u1215r AND PUBLICITY BUREAU ronomo AND QUEBEC cnv 131 if BRENTWOOD 11111 0111 weekend 31 111 11 111111111 1311 1114 111 111111 1111111ptl 11 11111 Supplied 1111111111111 lhe 11111111 lIx tifx tonmlrrntand direction enclosed wrth tech BAX WlLL FORM Used by over 1000000 people Sold for over 30 vcnrsby atutmncrannddcptstores Only 15c or it unobtmnnblc locally lcnd 201 for posing pail Unx Form LENA UN1

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