lllh RED HUS WWquw V1 T11f1 uif ti will ll VV 1f Golden Wedding of 0113 Mrs Evans 33 13 939319 NADA BARBIE rectum we THURSDAY T1Alll 1344 EDD 511111 tllll1NlljllSUN ltw 1111121ch of Am LirVCllthiVEV 111 lull llvuliz 111211 Wei ll hitting 111 11 11 Mr zid1ll index 511 1M1 and Mrs Clarke iMark Their Sixtyfirst gWedding Anniversary ilet Vi 13L iideioi ddrlziriille E1131 313All51 3010 Im IWW Sheflwli Chlorliildy 111111111111s net1shunt11113 VV VV VVV VV ijoman SViewpolnf on This and 1511VVVlVfVVVV lVVUVl VV lVVVV ilAVVF midi VV JHlild 312 ii liildiidc Th MIlimtl 3h 13111111 hull lliuiili dintox 17 mi wl 11 ti tll 11eliti dbl fuchdtd Mid1Tlcmmi417 Elm VIVlH MW lhllt Will MACK iiikki St tntnninx 1111111 111111 Kit 30 T1 fm llcmlede 311itflillit 51 11i1 31111 llitllil ll lontiiu Leeds 1111131 V111lV3l1 Via l1l1111111e Lziiightill1nd flit1111s 11 111111 Tl mi Jim Immymm Kit 1l 1111111s 1nnii lV WVM EtylhilyWillie lulimf VlmVl Mrs Foley Addresses 111 111411 lili11lill liici VVV VVVVVV m=1 21151 Mission Circle it Him Hillihxl mink lot jAnd GfOUpS 11 in 111111111 121111111 minimHAM t1 1l 11 11 l1 Til ll1111ihuht 1lgodlllztmljilql my 23 Rubellwn MWIHHV then 111111 1111 111 MADE tit VVVVVV11 711th 11111111 111 11111111l lltml imul Mdml dn Matti 11 11l IMAM Vlnhwonn WAR PLANT 1t11l 111111 1V11t 11f the ll1illll11li111 11 it tiltltltli Satuidny hl11lttlrlV LAYS OFF 101 EMPLOYEES 13 MW VHV Ml 1V1it 1911 at the home 11f tlie llllltISSthh unfit tine 11 17 Wm mmmt lw Vf tVilniieiits when he united in iiiii 1Ch m1 11 51 1731l 11 0111 liulidied tin1 and 11111111111 11 would MS Ml Sm hi l11il 31111 Edna lllsie lt1111ii lhm 11ILI1 11 lHlililll lit3 14 iIi itl l111L VV VV VVVVVVVVVVV VV VV nV gt11 11 VV VV VVV hid ll iii 111 1311 11 51 111l11 at TIM hhmh itlxltlfilllll MY iml Nil J1 lttLlfi 1111111 1=t it1 1t11111li l1l mill l1ittietnii tn Collin 11 1h Baxter and My Rldltnpyl 111 lni il 1211111 111111131 CHLth Hillmtlll OWN 10 1310 liitil 1911 1111111 11llll10klllilil tile Pith will 11111411llSWtlll Allorris gt011 of Mr and Mrs FrlliillillllllttiliilliA Hilldilult kiln 1i HmCd 21111114 at the contour Ilill The 111 int 1111 ltouund mg Mum Yum in Tm ll111ll Lelioy ltlllll led in 11 1111 it it 1111 tn1 l1l13 1lliv 11 1111 protflll 12111111311115 1111111 111111111 111111 11ml hill1 11111ii11n1111111lt 1111 Di li The bride given in wartime broken 11111311111115 11 311 111111111 111 11119 dit Vniiwlt 1110111111 1111 NMH Illmll The ttl 11 1tl 11 11 11l lilril Ullttit and all Hi Ni 10 51 llie highli 1111 llt1llli 1t1VV lw1ee11 three ind our 11111d111d l1 MW thlW5 1451 1t ms of llllflltllic blue with llllltli their 11111 1111 SV i1nti 1111 1111114 VI 1111 111111111411 llltl 111111111 lilxlltbni VV VV lil10llll1l 11 11t ml ll bm ll llll ti 1t 111l1111l11 11 WM 11 1l 111 l111 1111111111 the 1111111 11 Ht Ht Wt NIL thy lli 141111 1111 lt 11 ilJilil We pmw will 1111i 1121 111112111 Mrs ll Rooke 28 ml ml 1111 llltSSUHIS 0W0 NiNot only 1111 llllgt 11111111 turn 111 Vil 5llllj1 in ltill lllilll btltll 711110 11x new C11 11 ill my law mUIHld red and yellow Jemima Hill meal hV HUN ll1li=tllill Ltlillh lltflV received The VVVVPVV VVVVi MN hm mm fl ll 11111 11 1111 it 11 1s1111111 11 ect the layoff to continue forI WHNHHN liUEHMmL Lmm 0f Ilw11 INS wrscw 0W the bride played the weddinviitiK Klimt111 l1 11 tliiniHtoM ll Em Klhli mm Six weckx 05 hflMll VTl by Oldlmry 5011 man can get Linod zitcomiiiod1lioii mum hillfpdglft ill ii 15 itiotttlnrd toiinty 11tti1111 also 111 1131 lit 11 411111 inelndcii lro 10111411 Itooke member of the 1m in London Cd ltd lliegroolns 1ill to his bride ll fill KT 911 in UI tenth11 mtl 1th bring va 11111111 7H1t pinyins V1 Vlt11l111ViV1lion nltl youngest Vson ot MVrs mmth W51 uppmmmmcly 61V VVVVVVVVVVVCO VOVVVlEVCVV VVVVVVVVO 1VleVHtm1UlV lIIV lgtVVVVtVlVV lthVthVlVVv MVVVV VVVVVVVV WVVVTUV PVVVYVVVVVVVVI PM mm Milllwl lint willRWMll will WI it lVim lolillcc Hm Hm Hwy llie l1illll0lli11 wore 901 iiiiii Iii1 lltlllllt lttllpitlllm 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llt1gtt1gtV1 llOlleCll Ttllh iilllti neu iliuilidti llctl L105 Thmmu md Rho md Blls 11 lmht lg ll 1l111 11 l1 twin 1111111111111111l liy lll 11111 11 11111111 11 111101 Veddlllgh Etc UV UVllb llml 1lm Robertson Woodvllle munle Sh mm NV 11t11n l11 11 1111 llllilgt 111 111111 lx llmsp 11117 1111 only part lilo 1V VKhhh hh wt balldWIChCS and 00ka l11l 111111111 H111 lieu abrirel Dance islhc enter WHOM vam Cahmdhml Tmmmmm pm IWCCd llillllgtgt FUND Hm 1h hwhw NTM Made 1l1l Qiteni xlib rt11c t11111ne1it 111 ltl111t tor llarrieitcs on rlmh the brldo wva mlmmw MIS AlIlNitmil lil htl lltwitllnlhl on Rid N1 lllllt1liie dress of lllltCil weave tar1111 ltlllgt PHONE 435 1111 Juliet and inw ltltli March 11 the dniirO hurl VVVVVVVVHVGVIV 11 11 iv Immune me QuVmenvj ll1111 lVVlVVVlV 1ani 111 L111 11V1VV1V1h 1V 111ch tiiVVl1VtVV iiViVVVtVchVVAiViViViVV VVVV VV in tVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVd VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVSVVVVVVVVV RAlGlllllthl VFVL IVNMVR hm 5thle Viiones 1e 11min igt 11 gt ie mini ioss i111 iilot tittieei ittillit tiigt11 ism11 111111 11153 ALixiliV 111d 11 111111 VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVCVVVVVCS VVV CVVVVVCVVVV WVVVVVVOn VlleerVVLtllVlVV tVlViVerVVVVVwVill iesidt HVVV HbVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV hVV VVVVVV VVVVVVHV Vmeth Vines to he one 111 the best RFC At present mumls ll Ineiis institute hold at the llt iid lliime llilth tll gt1V1Ii WWW llilll umber Vuorkmoins across Canada vniliiiit lVlllipvnqr lltllllC of Mrs 15 lIllsiiiiie With at AltitVVIVI1 ththtthl lVlHlllV llVlVlVlllVVKVVUVlVlVV 11 11111 call was 11 31 Wit HV 51111111115 111 11111l lliit llCLgtl dlmdmu 10 lllklllltlhl 10 WWWl lillt an llfljltbllllClll in the whoie hilletN illumifmplLR illlSWCICl illV it Vitltlllllw WWW lyhllJL 1Hllmu Nixie will 11 Ulltiitl incl 1111 Monday 111l1l 1th 11111 llll the l1111111111 11111 111111 an the llooi show given by the Black khmmgcmw by the Naiwhnlltho SVCVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV CVVVVVVVVMVVVVV VVV Work was planned and distribntnd VVVVVVV SVVVVSVV lemma Vilerets 1111 new xiiiadnin Ailii vl runny whmcn 1VVVVVVVVVVC lV VVVVV Liam VVV IVVVM It was decided to make small v1 llmod CtlllSV WW lml Wm like liiiittiiiplniiilli wheeling wonlil 015Wihcthim Apr donation to Fund for FWl Vslioitly tour Canadian army camps Ye wheeling 001 um be VVEVVC is PVVVVVVcVVVSbgVVcVVVV VVVV Short reading was my by MHVVV I1 ll no mill Him We used If it isnt some soldier is Addisml MIS ltldlintlhitnts C011 held next Monday Illtlhl MAI 13 Van opportunity to see these famed gnhm who with the mid The Bowling 1012110 Schedule test was won by Mrs hinder intmy shows so we are fortitnate The Nullmml wtnkrooin is appeal lift 01 sh work me month sent to hm to lle iii liiv re 595 he 11 111 1111 at 111 111 the iomen of inada to 11 mm min for members UVCioss llcshlllt oniis llllllfl lt ntlm vouch thatstiilts tligroligh tlnit islmnl gh tricw of the CAL show lllCVVVViKl mm this Eu1V mm 1hS crim VVVCVOVVVV tCVVVVVg Vneck sweaters semnaiis stockin in got rid 111 thorough 11111111111111i111l by tickling in iwnw mine Uf mum DUI keel milling lltlellltli Thc worshhhmihd Wm Cumin lltiiiienne mitts navy socks the throat tliiit1iiiises the lierv1V11i1l lllltilll1Tlltl1llt ew in mm the Hie1 lymph 5C1 Swami ill tummy pl1cd with the assistnice of Miss largo mm OHMlmlkwm ylmwnkmliill Vice shows Add LAC orchcs 51bit PVVVVVVnC MVVVVmVV1VIVilt MVCDUVVV lhc ll11ll meeting will be held Dr loorls lVVoernv lii111bVyrnplit1h1si to relieve 111 Vlll be in attendance VVV1V VQVVVVi VV VVVVVV1VVVSVVVV Mm Mccmckmfx 1119liosl05503V1 this coughingcondition l1 sootliinnglie niitiiti1ilpirtlt TICkilS WlllCh 10 101 The week of March 26April 111 UNh If Mrs Ellsmerc and Mrs hlcCiaeken lollmillllrlhe lhltgm Fltnllllnllllt the bronchial 1111151115 and when this per person are now aiailable at lop Am WM lSklOllt llie troublesome irritating eotiqli may tin litml Rmon 800k Weel lmoughomCooke the Commission Leader 11 11 The mOSti complete and vaned range lull Lumpl Illltlllthllxlly Wilmelcmmcm mm an announcement rclgllblCt The Sulelltltlly 0f the semi metals campaign in 49 yo lllliillrliltilllrirlllllllillllliiclevwcn the WM for the pm me am he m1 the United Stze 431719 81v we have ever Shown The Cmmlllce 31 0i Ellbillldkbelllzllhcliiiiili slililillvdtehChrlsium Life over NODcm Sconts took piilKl 11nd dollectdil rum Jim homo large family mu ubmth 1mm WM 606 1lim Jim rllkunlmS dnhmnents Mud Mm DV EV Mic VG NOV RVVVVVVVV Books WV be 292V008V400 mums 0f needed moms The TV MVVVVVVVVVCVVVV VVVVVVVVVdV VVUVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV LamnV CUhVthV My warren till distributch as in the push by VOL 4VH mgarMrs Cliitlick Mrs 181 Meal workers The fact 111ml lec Ml the new books do not contain Hawkins ml 11 V0 CV On The Red Cm campaign is no 2le bbdmel 30 Oblatms mnthmVi 00 mm 005 no mean 1V 111 full stkllig 50 when the Czill the NOV ratio book will be the 55 Cans gVC as 3mm last to be issued lt lViVlVy FVlVkVhVV VAll essential information is con ViVeV ec toss liIVsVso inanquVsVVcsV tamed on the cover of the NOV SVIVVCJSmiVIV 1VVVC 118815 ViOVVOVV book and when consumer goes to 11 lclinic of which we lleal$1 much hieswlggilkiVthVgVVifVtiV $15111 11 9VJVlV Vt lg mfly Vmpgl ferred to it Personal dlSllllJLl ESTABLIbnED SIGN OF WW Cdtion has been found to be cheaper IN 1876 THE BEAR lcmss FOVYMISVWICVQ mgfl 1V1ij and more effective than distribution 1001 10 up ea 11 mailV and the eliminationof the MOdern SVLOIcVililtli the OldVTradltlons 0f operated by the Red Crossn Loii aid from the new book saves pa Why is dlvied blood setum of Rellablllty and SerVice don are an important item per ten more practical than direct And are home away from home transfusion dbl Mr andMrs JOhn 0165 42 SU 00 herum we mlx phia St1 who were recently anr ed with sterilized water may be ad ried were delightfully surprised ministered to any Person regardless when party of relatives and 0f blOOd tweeThe Proper type is fllendS dlOPDEd In Salmday EVen 11 alwayb dleldble at the scene in to wish them many yearsof of battle hagpy wedded life They Spent Will dried serum keep pleasant evening and the bride and Dried serum will keep indcf 510011171221122191121111211111111 beau initely in all temperaturgs it has tiful lamp been found Just as effective in the severe cold of Russia as in the heat 77777 The aays when harassed Army of the Libyan deserh It will keep kitchen staffs stru gled with pen on minesweepers in the mountains 22101111ogaggrtgnhigllgr gaffht glglziliflsbeuigclgmredor yedtls VV is cuils or the exact poundage of beef llas dried serum been Ill 119 eCana ian rmy any eiever our men in the gone 11 VV VVVVV way 1eady reckoner chart Armed Forces have been takenfor designed to aid catering and mess medical treatment there has been ing staffs in estimated food quantr supply of serum tFrom men re tiesVhas JustV been distributed to turned Vfrom desert fighting the use In Canadian Army kitchens story Comes of army doctors who Developed by LtCol Ralph carry flask of this miracle dust SUCH is the grateful testimony of Webb DSO MC Assistant uar in their pockets In the aftermath VV countlessghtirig menwho keptVthcn teimaster General Messing and of field hospitals and ambulances ten ezvous Witi Death an live to Catering the VreVady reckonei 15 are lilt eV caps of these Red Cross tethetale Ever Red Cross trium expected 10 Ellmlme entirely the t1 Containers and asks that have waste due to errors in calculatinr been broached to allow trans Over demh wounds dwae and VV food requirements Any mat fusion human agony is that in which you who can read can use it onVsight ag this dried Serum been usV may take pride Because it is YOUR 52 mkwebbi Emmi wwwrcwme ed Crost hus it it 011 who help VV1 Ah t1 WK RE VV pe so uey en men we lhose ham and pent HE 50191635011 many housewife beamsm Byuserof acarefully worked out men and children Were dugout oft mind when out shopping She learned it through conversion table pt unconventional theirblitzed hpuses in Britain sut Now as the dreadful carriage of War havingmlhake littleicoee go long way meiisulringlunilsi anthOOk can ac ferilg terriblglergm ShOCk 35 well increasesas more faminestrickeued curate measureeit er liquidsor as injuries on serum WllS of countries aremd 11 CdCCESlle our To be sure of full enjoyment mV every cupVyoVu sohds by 5mg any the familiar tengwen to restore the personVandV Red CrossV the need bV Vtto Vc must mGIBfIHy coffee 1V containers ViVound aroundcampkitu save hlSV lifeV This transfuioii is all Vh glloyls derdl And to thousands of housewives really good chens such as quart iugsfpint jugs absommcessiw inmany cases page 91m 10 nee standard Arm mu and cu lS before theiindividual is in condition mammm Stead ow 0f Eels for coee means VMaxwell House They have found this an erb blend so temptineg fragrant delicious and ladied that they insitbn itxalways Make Maxwell House your regular coffee Youll gelqu coffee satisfaction because from the worlds nest pnd goodness Jay2 lt 73 Maxwell ltsirlendedfromiareextraavamffeeiicarefullysduteLi Roasted by niipeciiil process that captures allilii extra avor i1 Maxwell House is packed in Wartime Bag in an ALL Purpose Grind and at less cost to you ouse Coffee ous sizes Ill gt throughout the erable VV The secret of or measure used up the little sardines Is that Product of Ganqu Foods tins VV VV Well as Army isSLi spoons of vari Ihe sivirig Vof fopd money and time which will be effected bythe general adaptation dilute new chart Canadian Army will it is believed be very consid preventing waste stated Colonel Webb like the sec ret of good cooking45 to weigh accurately everything Boyz Mother this book says that in the ocean the bigiisheai true Mother Yes believe it is Boy How do they open the to receive further medical treat ment If the vv1Var should end this year what would become of the blood bank There willVbe so great need for this serum even in the wake of war for the starved and rundown and ill of theoccupiedvcmtries thatVit would take years to build up reserve great enough tomeet the demand In the years to comethis serum will be kept in hospitals and at all Red Cross outpost first aid posts for emergencies It has prov en its worth The need will con tinue even into peacetime Nighthawks lay their eggs on flat gravel roofs of buildings Local Campaign Headquarters RED CROSS ROOMVS 115 Dunlop St Phone 4134 121 Vzk prisoners of war of blood serum medical supplies and dressingssur gical instruments lio pital equipment foot and clothiii to name but few of the deman on your Red Cross Raise your sights give MOREyour Red Cross needs you mercydollars NOW szitals and hos