Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1944, p. 15

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2919i AUG NH CiCDLAIlO HI mpe iCOLLEGiATE BAND ASSISTED IN tlliilc llirllivlw Gilli BREAKS TO THEIRKING GIVEN TERMS iu lrlJi 130 not til lolly ifumiu it Found guilty of conveying tcrtaizi or llr ulf lH Ml no Srincu County Gaol to IatlriidJ the attempt to csrapt Lloyd rhintngurr and Walton CONTRIBUTIONS RED cross 1N BANE lotiowing Are the Subscrip and liiuligis that lllilStliilCi lions of Two DOLLARS $2 EllLAIi rcportul lit rlnlrldlig Ilcnotf tosllxiois snow Mt 3310 int and Over Given to the Rediymmin rim ml vi OlalJlil lrrl Itirt LII IIHWH Man Sn arne pillwizi vi11iill sct in i0 lucsday Mght Mart 7li ll llhvhl littlrllvili Eight and IM wwaw innm outwit am it ran m1 ARD Drawn TN MESHI v1 an lululitre ll Finnl it mm li til MM 51 in if MW Dilliiorld my W0 2p In in MONDAY MARCH HOUSE OF HITS 68 US Bombers Lost in Raid SEE THESE MONTHIRS IN ACTION lisliLttr until de in tile nil taiirlriiil on im night of February 2123 Aiiirr lliist 19 Camp Bordcll war czitclictd in court Saturday iriirmrrg by iliigistratc Jrff twin of two years 105 onL day in Ontario litformatory agnc wrtli tllt Clown Attorncyl in this tdrt illiil the nmxriuulu term in probably llll iloilli in an otl fcnct of this kind lira Worship titllllitllllli ln passing rtIlilthL4 Wi UM ill ill wtli him Kim ill liillt tlzv lidiliii mm Vt gtilitll till than hoild goorr 2L 1l at to iilldlund irrrll toullt of his pi uui ill uy CH pity llrifoiirilt Units inlet tho Ilzllllll ili lirlrw liltittlitti ill iiitfulii was ill Barrio Cub tulrzit lli lltltllltttl ill WU it lll lliri iii iir out but iiill1m ll 600mm uphill cum Wilill lll liirrlir itlt ll tip 500 Al 1x VMIK Ii glljwn out 3rd ii 33 punk rill Dirlwitlijc llmliit ideriiglit yotlrigj tv Jill gt 368$ iinhxi lid Viiitlsryiiyit nil iis tllt Irv mull to ttr tllll ir 15 rim wt of tlic pini CV IML 0111 401140 1=1 NHI iii vxltlr rrirc1y unit pilsiridcm Mlsl ll McLean ll MLL NW xl UH at MM NH third lltltlltl Czitcnoo 21gt scvcrc KM Itlilw the law would IllIwV 1m 110 MW iMigt ll Ilgott 200 UH Hi MJ 171 lrl illit llilll ttliilir Illll if tir Cri ltz 2i fr Ml Mm litlbt lidtl boon convlctcd and 5011 00 liriitlltto Mls cwon 10001 lltlbmc Vllliltli 13 lloi lint tlililltllti of tho auditm0 Slrriciilrt 1000 and Mrs Wilfrid Jarrrlior llills 1M My Walmnnq WWW ttllttl 1W0 liltiirtlis rill zr charge Mum er UT of stealing station wagon rt amp mm lrllflttl ti grant star II loaned to the Screen especially lor this picture RICHARD GREENE Iliu Ocitegy ot tor Bi tlsh Alnr ili CARLA tEHlMNlt Siiii SlOCKllttD mow Simon claim HtStOP slum lttNG BASIL RADIORD Dilttltd in WALTER FORUE AlsoThe Smash Comedy Hit III 300idalr 11AF rcpoltcd to Manning 11331cpot Toronto on March Illit 3300 500 liolNEWTON ROBINSON he iluuyid lit ll tllltl Yullllg Eddysell Alltlliwll Miss 11 Atkinson liirsons Judrzc II Wislricr Miss Adclc Spry Mrs Varirittcr hit Wither lilrs Withch ill ll Donald Anonymous Mrs Turner Lalty Mrs Maguirc Mrs ll Fraser illrs 1i Marshall Mrs lillilll Will unim lticfizlrdsoli Mrs ll Mills llolricr Itiridcrrolr Eric llilrlrhalrr llfM Lily lllrs Smith Mrs Sparllng Mrs Burdcttc iMrs Justicc Mrr lcurcc Mrs Ilrilvic hill Smith Mrs Smith 11 Notice WAR II Mclson Mrs Crosstoy Mrs King Mis Mac Shaw Mrs Quinlan 500i Mr arid Mrs Gordon llccvc 2500 Mix and Mrs lluntcr 2500 Miss Lcrlalluirtcr 500 llcv Clair Miss Shannon Mrs TLMcBrlde Mrs McVeigh Anonymous Mrs Kerr Simon Simon Mrs Banting Mrs Archer thozri lw rllic tiilttltlitl of Licrrt Williams tiilttivlllt for MM pm Why Kinny LtlStdAtlllillKlllUi tliit it it first time ll11l had over been ill tinii from Butll Lliornlc Chopin gt WV elm 3300 Fririch irilirrli arll with tho rhino Wk lie was only and liiw 1W WWW 311ml lid Oiiiixif to Inhi 30 ilii LOO AltCAlillll has rlltlllgtilltliligx liltllltltftl two iidcly dlf up l1ll kiiv 700 the lull Itllllll itlih Toronto illdlltitlll ilcctliiii iriootll flow in orV Owcri Sound fricrrds im SUM WM and1m mu zitrzcd what he was letting Inmsclf Mrs Scott rind Fril lillllltll lisimiva hum Yum in for ilt stuttti lstcd it lllr lllyood Dormrxs Cilrrrcilmlnww mdlmKT km Sheriff Drury in his lestirrioriyl at Build Ilolid lucrriiy WM Swim oummlw of mm the inwk in the night Ilcd rim huclrrc firmly reported in ttic lulu that it rcfuscd to go ironic tllc tcttltl at ltlll of Itclimvnv is hump two weeks ago 55 tllt lltll 11Mid MK N7 IICvllUllld tlrc officials and Ftidzr night limi ulnlicrs were NUT 11 lmllc mmmmd ll ii 11 ll row reaml liilis 1st Mrs lliiidlc 2ndtlnu lilli whilc march nullibcr ml Ik 12 Mrs Sumpm gt1uhmMrs Wm WINCH and Wm he IM lions had bccu 11 in re ran Morrison mom 151 Allan Im mm mm WM me 00011 scurclird and thcrc had been Jlrrl llcn Slum tiiilililltill no pliittls witness said bc liliillitii to limit irnilird llillltthth itiiii lucky titlttbi Qlillt MIX llcvcd thcrc was orrc avenue lilicr and tho irrillicrairs and con through the trustles that work Jackson fit lbs flour Mrs CoilI ll IPII Ill illt roll dust mop Mrs Ix hairdorrug round the building He said that on that mornier Qucsucllc and draw on who cushimr Mrs int pcrforirlaricc That Barrie Coliclalid 1001 liltlts TM 0011 Band tdll tiitit truck ilillll to Mid ltirst were over at the Court Ilousc lcrultl Flowers Irruislil swore il iJll ON THE SAME PROGRAM ANAIIA AlllllliS ON ttlltllt AIKIOON ANI Fth NEWS MONTUES DAYS ONLY mum pt Here urn CHARLES COBURN PERCY KILBRIDE HAITIE MCDANIEL wruim moi PLUSParamounis Latest Newsreol sonic Mrs West and Gordon lurid wlitlrtcr it likes lltllltsu wars Mcctlrig a33QHKJQ winlifpulxlodjil that ho had got out or pool at 645 STARTS SUNDAY NIIDNITE 1205 Tho riroiithlj rilcuilrrg of thnl pi illll 101 21 and stayed around un wMS held Mmh MFSi mb Md til NJ Then he went to hard it Cotillfll T110 PVC2100 mum milUm wlrc store where lrc purchased two ducted llic 1liloiiiry prograrrriuc lqf Md Power lhrouuh Worship 1an rumor of prayer Mrs llalhnrt LbN1 Mt on violin cn cons lor iiccdy was discussed llllll rclid rosporiswcly Our Lords Larh for illLlli of his own iiioiiel irrg was arranged for Mar ti ll Siiiluuary of the Law Mrs Jew He had been asked to get them for was decided to have llpcaklr for ilt flivorcd ivith beautiful solo Hint our Easter ltrruikotfcriuu Mrs 11 Roll call was answered by 21 pluwmg Cbmod um he took her Viilcoxvrcvicwcd the chapter from irrciribcrs The usual social lralt mm to than House md tlicsludy book It is tlrc mission hour was crrjoycd when afternoon 11 of the church to teach pcorilo the tca wa served by the hostess Wm 099 cc door Illrst had told him he knew WWW Carnpbcll in Toronto Lucas hardware clerk said he rcrrrcrubcrcd selling two bladcs LET US TAILOR YOUR NEXT SUIT for 70 cents $2005 $3000 $4100 $4500 Lionel Qucsucltc testified that ac cust had told him Flowers had brought the blades to give to Camp bell HAVE YOU SEEN OUR IWEED SUITSIN STOCK FOR YOUNG MEN Sizes 36 to 42 Priced at $2500 BOYS SUITS ti to 10 years $895 SHORTS BREECIIES stocking and take them into tit Paul and Grace HARTMAN Star Eyer So long Sarah Jane Doe OClork Jump PLUS Oriurrt Arman rm WED7THURS MAT WED 230 pm THE PICTURE THAT WILL LIVE FOREVER IN YOUR MEMORY illilirnli surmis ttllMllNlKElHARDWIDE RANADA ENTERTAINMENT 1rHURSDAHFRIDALSATURDAY CONTINUOUS snow SATUiuiAv 230 PM REIENEWBYTPOBHMWDEMANDQg 2ND Bic rm Miss 12 King Sarjcant Gosncy Miss Morrison Mrs Hawkins Miss McNaun Mrs MontaguLeeds lordiff llcfirOn Miss Kin Mrs rlnce Mrs It Gilroy 1161 Stther rs Budget Dougall Mrs Douglas Mrs Rothwcll Mrs Smith Miss Canning MISS Robertson Robertson Mrs Allan Bell Mrs Williams Mrs Hawkins Page Miss Eva Partridge Jones Turn to page twelve please gt Taste of Mufch Weather And Short Cold Spell Temperature Features Barrie district had spell Oi really cold weather over the week end when the telrrpcraturc dropped to lQbelow on Stinday The high est for the week was 34 on Tues day Tire weather yesterday showed signs of being typically of the March variety with wind and swirling snow in evidence Maximum and minimum temper atures during the past week were as folliitma 1943 12 26 15 27 12 17 12 1944 23 27 16 19 10 20 319 32 34 l3 23 13 Below zero PTE Weibith ON Familiarit 26 Mis Arthur 7E Crawford Barrie received telegram from MENS AND BOYS WEAR 55 DUNLOI ST BARRIE Jewellers wiLL CLOSE FOR ALTERATIONS from March 8Marclr 11 inclusive ANNOUNCEMENT gt To the Business men and women and the Irolessional on girl3 CBAWEORI Ottawa iyesterday morning stating that her husband Pte Arthur Ed wardxflCrawfortl 1380952 27 younger son of Mr and Mrs Crawtord RR2 Barrie had been men and women of Barrie MEETING WITH THE OBJECT OF ORGANIZING bar of Commerce WILL BE HELD ONWHW MONDAY MARCH 13 AT 58 PM IN THE Police GouitfChamhers MacLAREN Mayor 77 rCLIP THIS FROM maria summons crimnrironm For children from to 117 years of age Llent John mailers gaol he declared That was wlicn he and llirst were working at the Court House the morning of Feb 2t Garrity keeper of the gaoli after describing how the prisoners escaped said that the prisoners hid been checked at prn Feb 21 and1 everything was okay when he had made his last rounds at 840 pm In his own defence llirst mainr taincd he was asked by Flowers to takclthe blades into the Gaol and he had told Flowers at the time that he would bringtllem in had intended to take them in but got coldmlcet arid put them back where got them he declared Crosscxarrrincd the accused de claredhe had never met Campbell nor Flaiiiigacfojg Both Campbell and Flanlrigan are still at large CHURCHILL lSth llirst put them in trial St Peters WA met on Thurs day at Mrs Hunters Glad to hear Mrs Allan Todd is orncagain and improving liricety Mrs Todd and Mrs Todd spent chncsday in Toronto Miss Norma Willsou Toronto spent the weekend With her moth er Ptc Winchester spent couple rf days at his home en route to Port Arthur Mr and Mrs Wright and children Dalston spent Sunde at Donnellys Norman King was operated on for appendicitis in the Royal Vic toria Hospital this week The big excitement for Contin uation students is Commencement an Friday and the following Monl ai Misses Laureen Kellough and Ethel Hunter have finished their business courseiand irow have positions in the city RObert Beatty Pte Frank Beat ty his wife and child of Gorrnteyl and Mrs Wm Tru55ell Richvale were Monday visitors with Mr and MrsT Donnelly flhe Blue Bird Group of SL Peters met onSaturdayat Joyce Matchetts lenjauswercd the roll call My Favorite Winter Sport Mary Donnelly and ElsieWinches rwrfitt charge mince NOW NOT CRITICAL in wallow is now making satisfactory progresdaaimbecn removed rpm the daugerously 111 list with team ERROL Marcy McGUlRE BarbarallAlE ONOrim SAME PROGRAMME FALL IN FOR LAUGHS WILLIAM TRACY 10E SAWYER in Fall In ADDEDCANADIANS IN ENGLAND CWlgingerRogers in Tender Comrade uuuuwmmnvu cronnnrrasACNNOwLEOED LCplWi1frcd ll Donnelly 94856 RCOC serving with Central Medderraucau Force overseas acx knowledged Councils Christmas gift of cigarettes MALGOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY REPRESENT THE BEST BRITISH AMERICAN and CANADIAN COMPANIES FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS LIABILITY ALWAYS PLEASURETO QUOTEJILATES 41 DUNLOP ST PnoNE 3735 WW VYoure Invited to Cabaret Party DANG AUSPICES RED CROSS or THE AUXILIARY automation FRIDA MUSIC by CAGoichesrm Camp Borden was the welcomelnews contain ed in atelegram received from Canadian Army Records Office Ottawa late yesterdinnuftcr3 Fill out this rormmid mailit to 54 Mary St Barrief wounded Fcbruary 26 and is now gt gin hospital No further particutars by Apr 1944 were given After reading the rulcsandiregulations or 01830de ill SCREAM INaTHr DARK prLOOB SHOW iromffrhejBlcrk Benita 5g pans Ticliettliit MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAY MATINEE WEDNESDAY 230 ig2 olilris trust OKEEFE irrarlrroli run on can imam rotor timrs tlllll ruin Ptew Cravvfbrd bandsman with canadian Armoured Corps Band trigFmItalyrpelatiVes state Enlistlng in in May 1941 he was stationed at camp Borden with Fifth =Canadian Armpured Division Withwhich herrwcrnt ovf erseas inNoveifiber 1941 He Was AddiSS later with Tau Ordnance holding unit in England Pte Crawford was married to Miss Hazel Caldwell andthey have one son Edward born in May 1942 and Mimi histatticij has never seeri house contest wish to enter as of my age andin doingvso contestant in thegroup agree to abide by the rules and rglations and to accepftlic decisiouofthejudgcr Name Town ViAge as at April 11944 noon by his mother Mrs Wallace 481Mary LmThesxaminerL on of todays Issue pn stury to the effect that Lieut Wallace was dangerouslyIll with crysipetas according telegram received wysi ago The latest telegram islery encouraging Tell it well and it will 5e11 For Barrie and district the telling is best done throughThe Barrie Ekamtuezy Unitcd DRESS algorithm Tickcts $100 per person iENTIRE PROCEEDS no INCLUDING PRISONER

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