THURSDAYIANUARY 13 1944 THEBARRIE mm BARRIE ONTARIO CANAD lltlliks CAN GET FAR TOKNT BOOK iii lllcgt the keeping of tarm gt has be mounted Willi izit bit is lt tourtuiisos AHns 44 IV VV 14 4lt i1 44 far 4i the llini avalalile 11 VUM VVVVVVVVVVVV hVVVVVV 12 no4 Vdiiii ii ac Krup Iiilr lt oak d44elt 14 incur pe li4itieiit of rxjifll This built tiitiilti YUUY iris ii i444 P4 we mum 1L Mmrr 8mm in bi dmumnm uiu 444i iie elt row mi in hm asked through the lical out it lo slim Canadian howpapers for iislllbli 4V4V turquom lion tollhe iii tiit4ViiVVpi is he here My it4 ioi ltttl near In 154 if le enough because there are mil ii Ier Will hch an place with 1193le elli334 3W Mm Lawyer is lrtxl litlril i4iii won 41 JLdil inn litinllltl 1hr iimii Ch in tin task VVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVVVV lVVVhV huhhd her Hm mm in 5mm JUth Hgt Vt that num VVVV4VVVVV VV VV VVVVV4V VV 1h 474 im an VVi4hmh dun of ing they can lit tiieors trio men or VV Vc mung VV 4V VV 4i Ire nl lltV Il as llltltli 15 iiiV Hem Cup xiiuiirxfnrur V71VV if VV th 3Vd Whim Mu may tam puppy iiitiy litd pii our Jaimiwr Many people make it point to review tltetr EV3VV1VVVEV Vs 4i iiiiiiiiliie Huh VVV VVV hora from all at Viriili but is VV VV VVV VV 4V VVV Wm Uh mi of sorry yet hnd 414th UH and Wm hh NV 44 4V in 4iiii i4444 No fiddlka Im mild Rf Riflifiiniii 11 m6 in filth Illhgm 0v viili lll HtIll tiiiiti NInth phnngpd itIimlmtunpwV llllltd to appoint iildi MtllltVVinV Ms t4 iVViiVViiiViV 3H Vi we qt mgr waningdi hill it4ii il he iiieiit be 9V9 by wit iillll Maijoiio li4 Ii VRUVH EVAmfk DJ Inc ihi Vial yangml ttlt naiiioiiiziiit ilit SItltlllLlf Dub and liaudt of llltrt pie 41 YVVllmil WM NLry fillivtti ltli up ver ivl ii4 Mmr executor may have mlmid mm or Kims id WWI iiiii in wait ll lh gr onis tilt were to lii you 111 Siiill WWW llltl ii lbw lm ml Ii mil in ihlt river itd ervue ti tht mm Tiiil 113 mmoy be MIL mini mun mm or my haw bemmm mvmvmi hm ilitifriillulidt 44 an at putter riqi iii iii 44 rt Hill and the late lioiie llitri fliil litmus out the tliiiiii litV4 anti 1iiiid Ned WU and elm wu htiIVL pdld ll ll illt ltllltl ltll own business that he mm gm Mummy Elli4 tin ljl viii of sinan lr 110 01139 iii W01 mm VVVVViVVVVViV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVV ViiVVVVV VV 1th ii1Viiiii ilthlll VV VVliVVVlVVVlVlV VVVViVoiVViii VVVVV VVVVVVCVVVlVVZV Whh 1V CW we mmmm WU rerunit ia i4iii iiii ii4i4il ii4 time to the management of your estate Ileneti IV tqi Vinwentii mom will iV Vt VV KiV 4V V43 4V cos no more dale llltulllltit Milieu iov Huh hm Lt silver fillcii cross and chain we losing the thing thh fire so VV WV inn5 may not now on MVP VV rVVthV VVVVV 44 ah iiiir4i iii AlliIiiil the thirtyviive guests mimmm limit alwiiiiixi iiuiii iltl Lli iimi lI 1mm mmmm llkm mm lid iliii llilv liiiiikerl oi llil iiliiil ill lolli4iink it4 from mo 33 mm lho vegetables 4i eeutor Hilttw She iiiti4ii4ti4ii li hi hum WW my and Mr not inch steam rather than hurt find that V44ii Vi VVi NV These are only few iiasotis why you should VV VV WW lllL iiilllt ten it tillt mine own 4llltl Mir Visiiaiiiw lVth Wlhhhhhh VV VhV M4th iiilmn ahd thmiinVwMViVss Igloo IVtVicli4 gills VrViVihteVsVshingVVVtVlggruiL VVV VVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVV WWW your WI DOWV mph odh VV uh itiwiiiisiiiziii Vvo lllitV Ti 4ViV to him irt Wit am ert ls Hit VV ghhhh Ur mm If 33335 ililtlltiil lieidiom intl iiiitiy in at Torn cooked before the remainder which 13 Vlilit WV VV ls nitessary to strute the SPIVIUS oi hmtiy we Vino 1th VV llie tirooiiis lattain om 1iVmimpi Lloyd Amos MIFS Bfiiiiil hem Emma ma mud if 3192 Bruce Irust 81 SilVlllth Millplltiy in your lax 2m louhtv llamilton Mr and Mtg TU lirtVonv iiil lbiili lliilfWiy TM 1If1 IVRHVMV ruH gnhl liiizianrAntos and family Mount Ulmniih CWMW mm thoiveg if Aid MW Pvmm SW xx mpml Louis Mr and Mrs Miller Autos ill3195 over ziiid then that VQVng up ViViVV1lj VVVlVVVl 4i Ahhh Mm hth mmmh mam the cookingr time Vand does it in the VVVlVV iVVVV VVV ti iti Zi V1 hhd Mrth BUMth New Brhhhu shortest llll possible Vlin youi VV VV VV VV VVVVVVVV Vltl llorteivini the guests went vegetables frequently d1an couk taa nithV iVVV iVV 4V inlay54 My navy hthhm mg to be sun of getting thtm Just lliixf filx ll 1Hll in VVP VV Us 5mm us they hm mulled Chmth it Vgtlt is int fits 41 hm and itltitiillv mintr mil mootin Mi saize of pink roses assisted by the r17lllgV5ilg00d beiiiuxf CV Lilo VV RANGE PERU siiltms Miller in liiillll lflt Willi same kmd 0f Wllmume mes int Wit humid mw rr 41 trpm cookiiii 1111104 Too billy Pliillit NV Willi if 01 401 ttuit writ lino id my Uh Shhdwu 44 overcook their vegetables 1kg kin liiHn Vummq 10 MVth Homing Manniiit pm Uh momma mp 10 T044mh Watch the Bubys Weight VVVVVNVVVVVVVV any VV V4 VVVVV Il VV LGBIVAwh liupliLR hhhlhhh Nhhhlm puns and Chm Most young mothcis VtiieVVVvVvVoVrrVilfd VVVVTVV th TVVVTVFV 4o1 X401 411 about hownEnMmmmig lIstalilislied lililll PM lm ml wore mmV along The scale art the best an WV WW Hmlm 51mm my 1i wool tress on printOSS men Vm lmh buck swer to that worry If baby is Hmmm iiilid moot Hil lm ll it ii 441 ti LOBLA LLONOMILAL dl lit Willi Nil U4 0530lean and comm 0f rod mm gaining tcuirdinb to Skhtdtllc then IhV VVV VVV VVV 40 thaw mm mm Wm residp lthere is not apt to be muth wrong row lk lk ll ll hit it the extra food in Ml VV dehhh When the baby next 100 welghs VJVHVIVI mittid mui tltost lt tii pru in 350 gt 9V 44 Milli iiiS Will Here war ii 04 ioiislv returned to America to iti Viltl lillltZ AIMA Uhl x3i mm 15 Hmmm LN than teiisi blirk inirket trade car Bmwnmg CilmlI Biliihii NL RQWFBEATTY that adds to the young mothers him mm MEDIUM pkg VV WOVTVQVV The only baby ghe reed mod on war the wall At night Trucks mm up visitors for the 490mm were HST wommu WOW Cddi 13 fjmwm comm hgr own md if time the Chinese used to come near When in the way to Shanghai W01 Gcorize Green Briiiitford on mm Fin hm Mi ihiiimxiiiiticf gilllklilgsrtljllilellllt guiding 39 should iii is well mi mm mm ClwiIil riiiiiiiitMilirggnivigiiviir ivlttlvi IiiLS gildiltny Wt unit11d llctl iii laiie am units of iniiiev thre CO mum it 19444 when Rev LQwis tinit owner whot the other baby weliins hm mm In hm 1jco VVVVVellVVV 1th SVVllgV1Vf WnllMio Goo Amoid teii Mills Mr and Mrs Wm4 Pratt 11 31 iii xs xl ATTRACTva BE th mung mmnhge Summon BleS lose weight fot the first 1ve CVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV VVVVVVVVVV ACIV Eiic Browning RCAFVPrmce and VlllXTLC childitn Allandale tith V4 VV mm hummer hf MR thud MVVSV days after blrthV The average ban had etn ill tip thmtV BVCVV LS shmdmh some MrV hhd MIhVVquho Johnston with leave with his parents Ml and writhILY FRESH iiuV 1iti VVVd MVV Wm CmVVVVe CVth nor may 1use as much as houndmd iiiliitd oil oitolilt Wilo IilonUld At Shanghai they boarded the Mg VVrilVVterVVVVbiwiiVihsVSL Pauls the rain and thus tut an out to 1mm and rs ati rm or went 1911 or Mm Ammo cruwel T0 hd men he Shuts to gm and lhik llkll dllllln1lllLllillllllltl lSeinoipore llld CONN 0f divs last week with Mrs 1vSttllepllilliwlmlill lt VV RFD RIVER M41110 ahmleleilg germ x4 til Slim miximzes Tim hundred Children 111 to Goa in lortiigese India At POQCMk M1 Pmuxk warm to Smml mn mm tlimd 3mm hmlei 3W Vnirrmge by me mm Dallas in the camp and they were sup G04l mew phwcnwrs were trans Town VundV Vnd 5mm the 1111C 0f 27 ilitillbeis 31nd ViSilQIS her when was baconnngiy gown lose most and take longest to gain day With fiitnds them After the usual devotional period Vd VVV whisper the new with it backV but if he gains less than plied with milk but there was none cried for Japanese passengers who Visitors at Walter Bmmhugs the ladms pieced 45mm blocks for iiiil WW3 Um Amelmi Wt the weekend were Mrs Mand quilt delicious lunch was Gripsliolin ley Keith and Marjorie Browning Surveid by Miss Ross Mrs Win Aboard the Gripsholin the pas4 and Davidson all of Toronto Nollly and Mrs lobbitt tlie adults In order to help them get an ex tra supply of calcium there was Castle Brand VVVV CEREAL VV VVVVVVV Infilllct Size 01 BREX yhentgerm CEREAL Elill lkg DR ACKSONS fuchsia hat and carrying fuchsia 0111 Ounces ii4W09k the doctor mumgV Mm Ralph mum5m at should bchonsuVlted The well baby tended her sister as matron of dOUbIES his woltlht in five months plan worked out of grinding and Enanmrooit BRANIVV 39c sengers were served all the food bub tha ver 145 Grade my 1on honor inin bivas diessedV in gold erVh ywemtgcw 11L7hb VIVVnSouVrVi5SV1V gifting egg shells TlllSWVllSVlllCll twenties they hud mmcdm much OMAN 3229c 011 Wyn LCCSSOHQS am months Thea thep1 served in powder will nd 5mm while in internment The Red CIRCLE 1min MEAL Pkg calliilgdhlhmnzilingamm hv gut 41nd dhhotgamluesa21xloitl limes 04m WNW ff 5900 Cross Society was on hand to uiVe 0m Georile claimed that it 4iisually Crude lilr pi INGluRSOLL Plant Cftll Iivmg Toronto next six months At year that tasted hm The activities of the camp were notall workf There were schools for the children and Vball games There was also wellequipped hospital but medical supplies were We pay proddech premilim ilkg for eggs suitable for this brand JUSVLSL ti 24ii PIE DOUGH lion was held at the Corner Caip DOUKldS bill if gili about DOUHd board The brides mother was in 1853 But it is not the weight itself Airline blue crepe while the that matters because that depends 25 Lrooms mother wore black crepe on the weight at birth it is the rate RIDE1 up Following the ceremony recep boy iblllly Will DTObabiy Veigh 225 them milk chocolate and warm clothing which they badly heeded liiterfaiid every attention was pio4V vidcd This ship took them tiiVliiiii Elizabetii4 South Africai then toiV Rio de Iiiiiiero South Americai and thence up to New York where Ernest Health 53 park SVV maeV loses around nine ounces but it UWWW the mmnme 80 hudi Lnlwae of Talisman of gain Of course if he is getting 100 scaice Reteiiint to the lathe LCICO wuuV NV 10305 fOOd WM 100 mum Sweetenmg he number of medical inch and nurses they disemburked 14 me llmmymm S9ulhem lay be fdti Wt 0t healthy BreaSt who had been interned Mr lliiidle am New york they rationed COMMERCIAL Slims paving1 1311mm wore dlbabgds are thtebeSt wjthpmer Stated WV were We mm by train to Montreal and there QUALITY bhci WOO we sea If th has hethdodor 9rd doctors or nurses 4V were Red Cross nurses aboard to accessmes my les lmels ere Slapd ds FIRST RIBSJIOILE in 13hr gain as in me Six months While in the camp GCOIDC had attend the needs of the iinali er bad attack of appendicitis and the ti coupon Berme Iherfltmdrmbge Iihe bnde bDlgmg the 820i year the averdgci ladmg Surgeon ROCkerenir Mr Hinglxd bgril in Ontariol 116101 MFATY was mum ermany gm4ns pqun an no Hospital at Peking was all ready i4 4t tutM4 4t Uni lbs Per friends Those entertaining in her then until he is five he Will gain lam 11 10 d5 Coupon ll honour were Mrs McCar about 13 pounds altogether It is to Operate Fortunately It mm VCFSily in1909Hi5 Parents WON 10 44 iiecessar said MrsIIindle pide ree CROSS 0R 1011 miscellaneous Showm Mr IntereStmg and helpfm itokeep giglflgfdxiggiddgethedlfoi dlinlt and Mrs Hubbard dinner chart of aVbabygVVweight for the While in the camp there was party Mtg VLVVG4 Needham bridge first five years marking ndown little communication with the out party and presentation Imperial every week at first then every Side world 441 Life Staff presentation MIS4 month and later every three There was no radio and the only McKinnon and Miss WfildllCII Tnomhs Memories are weak and it nearspaper was aJapVtiiVesecontiol ber of years The veteran mission ary was principal of Minesing school in 1904 After graduating frpViniMcMastet he married and hr lll per V4 44 Coupon Lb IDEAL roa ROAST BONELESSSHOJLDEB jiiiiiif 28 IDEAL poT ROASTW Vlbfp0123 hilt7 tcshe indesztriisgef 1313V20d $023279 these Weights in 16d plaprf hhoegegvhffggi ilzicrhviml mew 14 ac an ie campV receive min to UV BONELESSPLATE 3351 er paitwand Mrs McConkey Make cakes from sauga meat MrV and Mm Hiudle have teamed ma ey Vecaine Hate W1 FOR BRAISING i7 Coiiplmlil gilt miscellaneous shower about the Size and Shapegof tea since coming home that some of the Assemblies of God VWith the biscuits If the meiii is little stiff the mail they sent here reached its home TithSuerch at Springfield Mlsl VV VV VV VV desgmtUr VWisouri wmmnn LAMB NEW rowan ltratesstrains 4441 i4 it tut Chin them yealsiw LAMB moms ascBREASTS 18044 4=4i4 arisen nationalisedrustle or 4450 4Councii met in Monday in the as you wouldsplit biscuit to but his duethey tried to keep fain Gxiemfhyfjs gang VV VV Neck 32C Tolwni 3th Camp Borden Shem Sgchifghdagreggfe $225 ggeg Illesftoiethlegoo th veil and is nowlircame back to Wood RS MILLER came from parts of our on the affected LAMBRAGK 01 SHOULD on 447 4a44Iew444davs444wimiiis wire at and the apple bake in hot t2530 8ii iii sriir Idle sum in 1938 They were me Aberdeen Sad She 314333 115 Wing this Maho Switzer Tomnm spent of 40686 regs for thin min mei gangs tired andgiven the option of retir hatia nursing home in Swift Cur simplefact thousands ofababies the wlekend with her father file thiign 40 miseaiisgr ing here or in China rent Sash maybe relieved from bronciiial TASHSMOKEDWIENERS lbrmc Margaret Dquhas returned to41ie val 15m TE felt Vibe isllzyw g0 38 learned manyof the uses of KeriiguNele leave mum VV VVV ele in m0 934949 etv Vancouver mustard and its value in home longeitithajfWntYmutsu EBtUNeE b23 sarrngowepgm Jean Armstrong veneersC hristiannFelkfvizlillp Edda December 1939 They reached nursing whilelwas in trainingin VVM V1 on theick list Hope to see her Thomas Christian MissionsDor Pekmg VChmai Wt Couldm ScotTand explainedMrs Miller him Sm out again 549 44 44 XilnLmiian4Culmre J95 F0 MongolaEbey Neil 15 Onein particularwastheitbd bale Mustard Joe Macdoniald Detroit visited Sie Stamton Social rMarie 008 mg until theyweak sent to the th is Sports Howard IVImhah11 VV of causmg patient to pEYSpllVe est proo of the value with his mo Japanese cpncelma Ion camplas freely thushelping to break the Irlustardin treatingsomany com lthhiShmthmmhiSWer 44 Marethr Hindle was prinCipal lever and eliminate poisons from men ailments is the fact that 0635 Tlulh Bible msnwt TWdyShedesCtibdihow at thousands of people like Mrs gihe God anthe glry Rv VVannel blanket VisVdipped in boil Miller depend onVit year after Thomas Kindle Stated todayih ing water containing halt cup year Keep mustard aleaya haanyf plaining it he believed they were mustard and the wrung out your home to help relieve chmg andV4wmpped around the patient 01 COME or when you feel 14 safely home to induce perspiration pressed by anpe or other winter They wlu make thelr homg wJth infections UVs itto helprEIieve mm Ed Palddisort New erPPLEWEEVK AT LOBLAW goNTARIo no1 GRADE 6qt VvtViaiiV Mrvithid VGeo Pgddison pYAppLE55 4V Basket entire 415 rrle 4V 15UElects ficers ONTARIONO1TGRADE 6qti iTHhsmf measure was OrangeVLlle annular answer ma mg was held Tues Jami in business trion Toronto on Satan ifcianadiangV The Young Peoples annual meet iMissMary Craig spent few days at Eady last week Free Booklet Church services next Sunday Medicinal Uses Muetard 01 Ski Jolnisvzg 0010Ck Write Reckitt hColmaMCnnnda leitedtndon V4 Basket VV 4444444 44 44 44 244 4Elav4444 evlggd Mr73tngwlgnlogvg4anehial Troublginvw pm of NeuralgiarRhetim tism 4i 1131165 and Jo n4 rs wantons 55 er 34 44 OVArSCOnA QQMESTw GRADE Chair for the election 1633 stock and Gear will probably be Babes ArthnnsNeunm we med WAGNER APPLES on 22 mm them mower mi startih 1Lth gcoueviiie illa few musciesietci Call yor doc or if 4V Pr li wisnsesgid 15 jfhga dayg never hesitate to useamustnrdf simptoms sitesribusTfB iiure AlsoaSIectipnof Cookihg Applss shsls Stalnton Tr Vernon Mumber TmomoV Shem the wekehd with pou1tlce on small babiesjn case of thatyou usfdmus KeenlsDSF VCALIFORN8 VA thr VV Vi 444V4 VV bronchial trouble states Mrs Mustard Vmade entirely from an MCQlMkenr Vi 4i Miller It helps to ive quidkei mustardseed of highest quality Peakiot Perfection Ibaaoediitmg Mn and CRAIGHUBST iaferfeiiefthnohvirremedy and Picked to Preserve itsomi Mauricio PRICED ACCORDING ToSIzE gt Mr and Mrs 3Msieaiid Saturatethe chestplbackm mm quality dmlmedcm La famiivvtsitec siindavlivlth Mr Wm Slack CVVVVV BOVdeVVVVVVV uliveoil and apply mild poultices strength Sold by grocers and V4 TED FL 59 WM imd on at mum at 15 dru stseverywheie Sm 39 workstation rononm 44444 Moat e0 lo fail torec ize the daughter Joan Thornton spent iieriousnepiasgf badbaclgn 2SunfioYVVVih Mr and Mrs Ellis lliqtitches twitches and twinge TANGERINES KNSELECTDFLORIDA SEEDLESSVGRAPEFRUITjiiJ 93oiiiiioiii arbad enou hand causegreat suf Mt Mrs livari Cairns and TM ii nd bookltTlI Mumd Large size FM895 feringbutVViick Vof itieV backache DALSTON Diane visited Mr mid4 Mrs 4reaineiiioizieulairemind denim 011ng 44 for 31 guselof an the le uepiggdes puTEls pemh homial igllteigfntdglgg glniisiiifstgrifllm Vsmr SAME sizEsV nor NECRSVSARILYIN EVERY STORE ggetgmughn 9ng Wk fagen thVVEgVVVV mm from thg was of for mhe Wkehd and wm go on to max 41Ild California Iceberg Head fuolgor e11 290 LETTUCE titlSizeHdS 250 mLirhitedYQuantity at 23c paid in the back is the kidnaya Sunday with friends here cry4for4htilp Go to their assistance community meeting of the Get box of Doans Kidney Pills Red Cross Sooiew ll be held at the school Mon Jian 17 at4 may for backache and ml oclock the ladies are re new work at Bellevilltp 099 and mm Pte Eileen GillVin CWACW01 on 16 home and geykgdrrsclfshlxnldggd Mrs r00 rot visl er Vsis hnl fronts ter Mrs Bert Sheffield recently kid Miss U1 neys nested to ttend 93 Gore and vaV No Grade Washed 94 nth Cracke Barrie and Pro williaa 83734 tom gill mEARROTS lbs 190 oblongalilzriy as wk tag hexmmaymsggylt Jgtegtmg gt7 Fri Malomilvcammm WV l2 as 44 44 mark Millie Leaf with The ofrflcergtar 1924 arucsilitgt The Borden company weekendmu Ml an R40 14 ONTARIO No1 GRADE WAX wraPper In mndeAsst sum FQVWdOdl Mml YELLeiw TURNiIPS 44 lb Refine WWW GDW4 St560 44 Hiu si giero ies Mire niiamiiier 44 rp Wrormiiwumiou TEiNelsmifP ms ltx ii 44 Ti