the Barrie EXaminrf Published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd is Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario POLITICAL SCENE Tongue In Cheek View Of Council EDEOBIAI PAGE FOLK WEDNESDAY DEC 1960 Public Opinion Is Best Tonic For Traffic Safety 0n the eve of Safe Driving Week child was killed and persons were in lured in the streets of Barrie Accidents can happen but most ac cidents are avoidable The car is lethal weapon but in the proper hands it is good and necessary adjunct to our modern way of life Its operation needs common sense more than mountain of regulations to ensure the safety of passengers and drivers and the safety of other road users But the driver of car cannot do everything to ensure complete safety That needs the cooperation of other road users other drivers and pedestr ians The pedestrian can be the most in considerate of all road users Despite the fact that he is probably driver him self he often expects vehicle to stop on dime at hiabehest The result collision and sometimes tragedy But thegreatest problem is young children Today they are taught safety at school Parents preach load safety to them but with the youngsters there is always the unknown factor impulse Impulse which will make them dart into road without heed to traffic impulse which will make them play tag around parked cars There is no solution to this Constant vigilance on the part of driver can help to reduce the risk of accident but it cannot guarantee that an accident will not happen Clearly the aim of all drivers in the city is to ensure an accidentfree re cord both for themselves and the com munity This week let us dedicateour selves anew to the Job of avoiding sc cidents Let us praise good courteous driving and roundly condemn on forms of rough noisy and thoughtless driv ing Int us frown on the pedestrian who crosses street without consideration for the drivers and by the same token be proud to be considered consider ate pedestrian Public opinion is the best tonic for road safety New Deal For Industry Any considered evaluation or the fed eral governments legislative program as outlined in the Speech from the Throne must necessarily wait upon two things the drafting ofrthe more important in dividual bills which are proposedand Finance Minister Flemings proChrist mas baby budget This reservation made it must be said inalifairness that the Throne Speech at first sight does appear to provide somegrounds for hoping that something like new deal is in the offing for hard pressed manufacturing industry The proposal to fsubstantiaiiy aooeler ate modernization of the customs tariff is of particular significance as is the expressed intention to revise the defin ition of goods of class or kind made in Canada swift and realistic action here could do much to stimulate domesilia pro duotion and hence employment governmentguaranteed loans to small businesses shouldprovid ed they are based on sound commercial practicesbe distinctly helpful to those who have bebn hurt most by tight money No less welcome is Ottawas decision to meet 15 per cent of the cost of building nowtechnical schools and training in stitutions erected over the next two years The provinces are thus given real incen tive to embark on such program with out delay The training of those who are unemployed becaube they are unskilled and the retaining of those whose skills have become redundant because of ad vancing technology clearly make more senseand represent vastly more sound form of social expenditurethan the in definite paymeni of unemployment in surance and the provision of relief In this connection the proposed amendments to the Unemployment In surance Act should take account of the many abuses which have been revealed and should properly result in seasonal workers being covered in some other way than under an Act never designed to embrace those who are predictably not going to be working throughout much of the winter months As always Mt Fleming when he brings down his baby budngt has it within his power to delight or disappoint Exper ience teaches thatwe should not expect too much in the way of sweeping tax concessions so for as the individual is concerned However the need of the moment is clearly for fiscal policies which will improve the competitive p05 sition of Canadian industry at home and abroad and produce an economic climate which will favour increased enterprise and employment Corporate taxreliefs accelerated de preciation allowances and similar incen tives unquestionably offer the best pros pect of achieving these muohtobede sired goals In short what is needed to dagkslbove all also is more carrot and less sti Opinions of Other Newspapers omsncu As was Cleveland Plain Dealer Speaking of nepotian we have been in the Ohio race for state auditor Prime Miaisicr Macmillan of Great Brilsln has appointed son inlsw nephew and brotherinlaw of his son to government posts This caused Hugh Gulls keti leader of the opposition Labor party to tell Maurice Macmillan son of the Prime Minlslcr hat the relationship will not bar Maurice from prefermeut The Prime Minister has slaunchly refused to allow any discrimination against his relatives raid Gaiiskell roguighly in Hmtse of Commons speech Naturally jtbrought down Lhe house BORROWED JUSTICE Buffalo Evening News Russian shoemaker with capitalistic instincts put in regular daytime stint in machine tool plant and operated his own factory in the base ment of lib home at night With the help of relativies be made boots which be bootlegged on the black market at tidy profit until the authorities caught up with him recently In the rya of the Soviet prosecutors he is criminal who violated the laws of the state But the Communist cburis must have been reading up on what we had Ihougbt was an idiosyncrasy of American jurisprudencehes being cbarged with tax evasion FARM WORKERS Winnipeg Tribune Agricultures difficulties are apparent In the recent report that the farm labor force is near ing the minimum level Wages for farm balk7 have risen steadily from $35 month with ard lanaito an aver age of $120 at latest reportbut they are still lower than for unskilled jobs in many industries Coupled with the inability to attract new farm help is the steady decline in the unpaid farm help category the family help which was once the strong point in agricultural operations on TRICK lN FOOD BRANDS Braniford Expositor Apples grown processed and canned in do an and sold to restaurants and institutions in Canada under aCauadian label is just so much bumbug It is similar category with Jemima csnned salmon sold under familiar Canadian brand name and bearing only small imprint Produce of Japan Canada should takeipride in protecting its brand name and not permit the public to be fooled Paragraphicallyf Speaking The typical teenage boy is disappoint ed in the 1961 model cars IIe had hoped optional equipment would include pow er accelerator Karrie Examiner Authorized as ucond clan rm Office Department Ottawa on Sunday and Ststutery Holiday muted WALLS Publish and annual Manus channels wanna Business mugr NEVILLE nsanzrr Managing Editor noaenr SHEER normals sauna sonic nonoan circulation mm Subscription nte daily by tannin loo weekly sissb year single copy By null in Cand $600 elu 8150 all non 3200 three months we Eighth outside Cnnadl val your Offices Universitymrei Toront Street Manitell 1125 Walt Gdflrflll Si anynoun Member of in Canadian only Newlpspor Pilo llslldl Association Thd Canadian Preu Ind the Audit Bureau at Clrculltions in Canadian mu exciuslvely for ublicstion of all nlvv belied in this mi are as to or Tho Ann and em or cuterl us also lbs mu news published therein an man republl has of mew dispatches nercin urnmomma Telephone Numhe Editorial Adverliilllfl and Business PArkwsy ecu Want Ads um um entlfled to the flying saucer meeting was told that 800000 persons now on earth came from outer space PressReport Steps should be taken at once to stop emigration from outer space to the earth as this planet is already being burdened witha popu lation exploson There isnt anything that will cure flue hangover either If you have cold feet youxnay have poor circulation says physician Yes and on the other hand you may be psychic It is wondered how liicdeioveu manage to remain constant in their unrequited love Note to those who boast that they have never been sick day ihthelr lives Psychological research shows that the higher the IQ and the more active the brain person has the less likely he is to be healthy The person who spears to be good loser is mostlflseiy much better actor than loses IUST KEEPS ROLLIN our UNIVERSE Nuclear EnergyFusion This is one of series of articles by Mr Macaulay dealing will sources or ener gy and ihclr application in the put the present and the future by now MACAULAY cc Minister Energy Resources In earlier articles we have discussed the creation of nuclear energy by FlSSlON In lhis ari iclewe shall discuss the nuclear energy from FUSION What is tho difference between fission and fusion Fission is to split an atom When it is said that we fission uranium atom what is meant is that we have chopped the ur ium slam into Mo pieces When the uranium atom is chopped into two pieces heat and aenergy are given off and this is called the nuclearenergy of fission Fusion is something qulfa dif ferent from fission In fusion one atom is not split into two pieces but instead two atoms are fused together ioform one new atom In the process of the fusion of twogatoms beat and energy are given off and thus we say that nuclear energy is crealed during ihefusion of two atoms Fission often involves sub stance called uranium although several other substances can also be fissioued such as thorium and manmade plutonium These substances are composed of what are called heavy atoms that is to say the nucleus ofs uranium alom has large number of pro tons and neutrons the two basic parts of which all atoms are made and thus it is beavy Fusion on the other hand takes place gs atoms which are described as light such as tritium and deuterium These atoms are said to be light because they have very few Earls of which they are eornpos Fission will not take place with light atoms whereas fusiou will and fusion will not take place with heavy atoms whereas fis sion will Fusion is important because of the liniited supply of energy re sources on this earth The energy resources on the earth generally tall into three categories Fossil fuels gas and oil There are ry limited reserv es ofvthis kin of energy resour ce on the earth and ultimately they will be used up by man long before his earth becomes uninllabltable due to the death of the Sun when the Sun dies which some scientists say will be in about 30 billion years all life on earth wlll also die But man at his present rate of con sumption will go through all his resources of fossil fuels long be forelife on this earth is to per ish For example the world will useintbenextistoooyears an amount of entrgy equal to all of the energy the world has used in line last 2000 years IEAVY ATpMs SUBSTANCES The second general category of energy resources are the bes Vyatoms substances such as ur anium which be fissioned When the he vyyranium atom is fissioned beaiand energy are given off These can be onvert£ ed into eleciricity an other forms of power by simply fissian ing uranium idioms under con trolled cnndiiious even is plentiful mineral like ur anium will be eventually used up Ultimately and long before life on the earth will perish man will have gone through in all likelihood his reserves of uran ium and other heavy stemmin srais This being so man lihd no other wuyof cre mg encrgy communal some we know it must perish from lbs earih ii men has no fuel to run his industries to create his mom ufaciured goods to light his path or to warm his body THIRD SOURCE Fortunately there is third and much more abundant source of energy on this earth than fos sil fuels or heavy atom minerals such asursniurn There is water There is water everywhere and water is made up of two types of atoms Hydrogen and oxygen That is why water is called H20 This means two atoms of hyd rogen joined together with one atom of oxygen to form water If we can separate the oxygen from the hydrogen we will no longer have waterbui we can use the lrydrogan thus obtained for fusion lu fuelon we induce two hydro gen atoms called deuterium to come together in passionate embrace In the process there lsHmuch beat and energy given Fission is iheflylng apart in anger whereas fusion is kissing in passion As is not unexpected fusion produces great deal of heat It also produces an entirely new atom called either helium or tritium In the process the two parents the two atoms of hyd rogen disappear and either an atom of tritium or an atom of helium appearssl The new aiorn weighs less than the total weight of the two parent hydrogen atoms The difference between the weights is givenaff in the pro cess as heat and energy The amount of heatand ener gy can be calculat by Blue sieins famous equations EMC to the power of two which we have discussed in earlier arti cles dealing with Einsteins Tha ory of Relativity HIGH TEMPERATURES In order to induce two atoms of hydrogen to fuse together into new atom of helium or tritium the atoms of hydrogem must be heated to tremendous temperat ures Atflve million degrees few atoms of hydrogen will fuse butlhe fusion will not become selfsustaining and continue for more than millionth of sec and unless tba temperatures are in the neighbourhood of ever one hundred milliondegrees The serious wilh which science is now struggling apart from determining exactly what happens during fusion is to find means of keeping hyer gen gas in container which will nutmelt away if the temperature is increased to 100 million de grees The experiments which have been carried on in be world so far have dealt from laymans point of view with putting gas into magnetic bottle The bot tile is really not bottle at all in the ordinary sense and made out of glass orvmetal but it is container made up of something invisible It is container the walls of which are magnetic fields creuied by electric cur renls These magnetic sides of the container repel the hot gas as it tries to pass through them GREAT PROEIZEM The great problem to date is that although science has been able to create fusion it has onl been able to obtain temperature in the neighbourhood of five mil lion degrees for fraction one millionth of second so that the fusion has not been sustain ed At this temperature the mug nctic bottle starts to leak and changes its shape like wiggling eel Ultimately science will over come these problems and time from all water including sea water we will obtain the fuel necessary to provide man with all the energy he needs Uli imaiely we may be able to burn water Waior is cheap and its abundant One of the great advantages of fusion over fission is that when fission takes place there are numberoi radioactive byprod ucis created such as radioactive strontium which can lead to leukaemia and death whereas wilb fusion there is onlybne rs dioactivebyproduct that is rad ioactive tritium which has half life of 1214 years and which emits beta particle which is fast moving electron Bela part icles from tritium can be inlurli nus but they are not nearly the menace of llle radioactive by products of fission Thus the advantagesbf fusion over fission are many there is much more water than there is uranium or other heavy atom minerals water is much cheap er as fuel than heavy atom minerals the amount of heal and energy obtained from fusion is therefore infinitely greater than the amount of heat and energy obtained from fission tb ere are few dangerous byproducts of fusion but many with fission and lastly only so much uranium can be but to gether in one place otherwise it will explode by itself It has critical mass thushandling it creates problems not present with hydrogen Indeed the fabulous energy re quirements of man on this earth for the future will be supplied to very great extent by FUSION The last large source of ener gy which we will next discuss is Solar Energy or the energy one can obtain by trapping and util izing the light which is given off bythe Sun GETTING Belownormal temperatured are expected for most ofCan ads during December accord ing totho sodayhutlooklof the United States weather bur eau Only British Colur is and the northern Prairies Yill have seasonal temperaiu Maps slww predicted temp man xoacbx Exminer Reporter Twice monthly before rather slim crowds Barrie City councillors take up arms and battle each other in the arena of government Sometimes these battles suu they us always long but sometimes the viewers are treated to some in teresting verbal situations Why then is spectator attendance so sparse Why when each week council finds various ways to spend untold thousands of dollars of taxpayers money do these same ratepayers avoid the sir conditioned climbers WE SUGGEST that just one Monday evenLing father upon returning home from work annOunce that tonlght the whole family is off to see how local govrenment works The squeals of delight from mother and the young sters would doubtless be so family would go early just to is one item that should not hard to contain that the be assured of stats That cause aworry Seats are quite plentiful in the Mulcssier Street Chambers What would this family see WELL sitting Just below the Mayors stand City Jierk Ben Straughan resplendent in his green plaid sports coat calls the meeting to order and as the coun cil the press and the family in his chic Italian suit with the rostrum rise Mayor Kinsle garbed the cuffed sleeves mounts After listening to deputations from various groups complaining of plugged sewersland barking dogs the legislation begins in earnest Alderman Lester Cooke gets up to defend the sanct ity of the 20 year plan and doom squelches comrnltttee report to in his imperio voice of go the zoning of Dunlap street from Maple to Mulcaster to residential Alderman Frank Hersey and pleads for crosska Alderman Earle Williams akeshis case to the floor across Highway 400 asks that school children enlist on the five year road plan during August and September and this be charged up to the Winter Works scheme Gerry Roberts asks why the pencils inscribed Farris The Beautiful werent tendered for Alderman Charles Wilson lists 32 reasonswhy verbal agreements arent worth the paper they arent written on and doesnt stop his plea until he sees the rest of council grasping for air Then with slight smile he regains his seat Aldermen Murray Mills and Arthur Morrow shock the rest of council and the unbelieving press table by not voting together and as bystanders clutch their hearts and try to regain their composure Alderman Roy Marsellus moves that should bear the emblem of railway train Throughout this banter the new Canadian Flag conductor waving from Mayor Kluzie steps down from his standand administers fourreprimands to councillors whose tongues slipped and who said the fTown of Barrie instead of City WELL perhaps this wont happen the night that the model family attends but if it would just once City Council might become as good crowd pleaser as Gun smoke Dcar Driver few weeks ago saw lit tle girl struck by car as she tried to cross the street saw father race toward her and hold fiber to him as she struggled in the agony of death saw all the plans that had been made for her dashed and saw the look of des pair that came over his face could only offer prayer that such thing mught never bap pen again Today my daughter who is six years old started off to school Her or spaniel whose name is Scoot watched um rmvrsnum rox ms IEIIOD vsuccuvn swarm allows mch scramo nouuslt oust Mrmriuflou THIS HUD vsncouvu as touomoN norm wmmrso comes slums and precipitation across the country for the mouths Tables give normal re is for various centres ese mapsare based on predictions of the weather office Wï¬ says its monthly outlook is not specificforecnst andihat change in weather pattern may woduoe mllnr ms BIB We were 50mm OPEN LETTER TO Drivers her leave and whined his belief in the folly of education Tonight we talked about school She told me about the girl who sits in front of her girl with yellow curls and about the boy across the aisle who makes fac es about the teacher who has eyes in theback of her head about the trees in the school yard and the big girl who does not believe in Santa Claus We talked about lot of things tremendously vital and unim portant things Now as this is written she is sound asleep with her doll Pad dy in her arms When her doll geis broken or her finger gets cut or her head gets bumped can fix them But when she starts across the street then Mr Driver she is in your hands Much as wish could its not poSslble for me to be with bar bill the tune have to Work to pay for her home her clothes her education So Mr Driver please help me to look out for her Please drive carefully Please drive slowly past schools and at intersections And please remember that some times children run from behind parked cars iElena dont run over my little With deepest thanks for whole ever you can do for her am Sincerely your FATHER some rovuoostsvu NOTTINGHAM British police officer has been invited to help solve the traffic problems of Ljubljana the capital of Slov enla province of Yugoslavia He is Frederick Porter the as sistaut chief constable of No tingham Yugoslav civic leaders mei hlmon visits to Nottingham in connection with twin city excha nges and were irnpressed with his smooth control of the dense traffic lathe city THOUGHT WI are men than conquerors through Himwho loves us Romeo 837 Sometimes we feel frustrated over everydayjife afraid of the future The answer isnt to wish elssbut to NM