LOCAL WEATHER Colder nowflurrin tomorrow Winds law tonight 25 EM Wednesday 15 For compicto summary ton to page inns OUR TELEPHONES For Summer Wm as Toto phone PA mm an elephant number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept PA um 96th YearNo 283 CHURCHILL GETS CHECKUP Sir Winston Churchill puffs on cigar as he is lifted into an ambulance on leaving his London home for doctors ofï¬ce and an Xray checkup Much Twaddle About TORONTO CmIn the cur rent debate about foreign capital in Canada there is great deal of twaddle talk AC Ashiorlb on his injured back The form or prime minister 56 years old last Wednesday chipped ver tabrae in fall at his resi dence three weeks ago EXAMINE THE BENEFITS president of the TorontoDomin ion Bank said today at tht banks annual meeting Some of the arguments an emotional based on feeling at hurt national pride rather than on economics he said Many foreigncontrolled com panies have record of Corpfllatt citizenship better than that of some Canadian companies No one will deny the desir ability of Canadians owning greater share of Canadian induslt try but before we take any hasty action to stem the flow of foreign capital or making it feel it not welcome let us examine its benefits Without foreign caplt ital Canadas economic progrms would have been much slower and our standards of living would be lower MIGHT NOT ACHIEVE AIM Mr Ashforth said there are sound arguments why foreign companies should permit Can dian participation in the owner7 hip of firms which they control in Canada but to offer participa tion to Canadians might not achieve what it is hoped to ac complish Canadian shareholders desiring to liquidate their share holdings would be inclined to sell to any ASHFORTK Emotional Points oneforeign or otherwisepro vided he was prepared to pay an attractive price Essential requirements were an increase inCanadian savings further rise in exports and decrease in the relative import ance of imports If Canadians are to achieve their goal of sustained economic growth then continuing large volume of capital investment will be necessary and up to now Ca nadian savings have not been suf Canadian Firms Flock To Ottawa Hunting latinllmerican Market OTTAWA CF LatinAmer ican countries in general and Cuba in particular appear to be magnets for Canadian companies seeking new export markets Businessmen lour will be having 16 17 and is half hour interviews daily throughout the twoweek confer 91159 Officials also report crowded attending the lappoinhnent books for the other governments big exportepromo 20 trade commissioners from 11 he desks of Canadian trade com missioners from LatinAmerican countries Most of all they want to see Roger Parlour the governments trade representative in Cubaa country that has aroused wide spread interest among Canadian exporters since the United States government embargoed Ameri can shipments to the island re public The export conference has brought to Ottawa 111 Canadian trade commissioners to he avail able for private interviews with Canadian businessmen wanting to develop new export sales For the average commissioner this means perhaps dozen inter views daily But conference officials say Massachusettsborn Mr Par gionconference are flocking to other LatinAmerican countries Canadian firmsnearly 1100 will be attending the conference are reported strongly interested as well in markets in the United Kingdom Russia Japan and Austrialia Three trade commissioners in European capitals Monday told press conference the same story There are plenty of sales opportunities in Europe if Lana dian producers have quality product and use some sales ef fort CITES LARGE MARKET Robert Thomson said there is scope in Austria for sales of al most anything from wheat to asbestos in deep freezers And even though German and Italian factories were nearby this factor could be offset by aggressive salesmanship time the name 7336 anttnrr BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA TUESDAY DECEMBER 1960 5c per Copy12 Page OPEN suquv Is mun provnu cum REVISION Canadian Firms Off Seized List HAVANA AP The Cuban government has revised its list of 160 North American inns that have been nationalized dropping two Canadians firms and adding four US companies oiflclnl sources reported today The Canadian companies de leted from the list are Moore Business Forms of Cuba and Ex quisite Form Brassiere Company of Cuba the sources said The Canadian Embassy hsd protested their seizure third Canadian firmShulton Companyis still listed on the revised decree The revised nationalization de cree takes effect upon publica tion in Cubas official gazette The US firms newly national ized through rcdrafting of the original Oct IA decree include the Cuban subsidiaries of the United States Rubber Company and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Companyeach representing in vestments of $0000000 to 10 000000 Also added are Ilbe Havana ram oreign Capital ficlent toprovide the amount rc nuired If growth capital is to be pro vided Mr Ashforth said re allocation of resources and re view of the tax structure is access 5317 The time has come to call halt toexpansian in welfare ex penditures and to devote more of our funds to productive purposes Stimulation of savings and pri vate investment ra the than boosting public expenditures is the road to travel Mr Ashforth said that while exports have increased the rate of growth in secondary industries has been dlsappointiog lishlorth Raps 35Year Terms TORONTO CIDUnless there is inflation some of the houses sold under the proposed easier credit terror of the National Housing Act will be worth less 10 years hence than the amount owing on the mortgage Ashfortlnpresident of the Tor onloDominlon Bank said today at the banks annual meeting With airyear mortgage he said the principal repayments for some years will be less than normal depreciation Apparently the government expects inflation to continue in the housing market He said successive govem ments have used easier credit under the NBA as method oi holstering employment and he wondered whether the illeffects beginning to outweigh bene The backlog of housing do muod has been satisfied The trouble this year has been lack of demand and mix the govern ment proposes rough easy credit terms to attempt to bring into the market further band of prospective purchasers This cannot but help make inroads on future demand and carries with it the danger of creating surplus of new houses We need to consider if we are not building the wrong kind of houses for the wrong reasons in the wrong places designed for the wfong people at the wrong VOTE AGAINST MERGER CHIPPAWA CF Voters in this Welland County village at 2744 voted heavily against ergor with the nearby city of gars Falls in plebi held in conjunction with elections The vote was 769 tom Docks ompany estimated to be worth $10000000 and Standard Fruit Company whose docks in Hsvnna are worth morethan 57000000 All four companies hadbecn seized earlier by Fidel Castros govemmeot The Cuban government an nounced today the iorced con Caution and notlonolizatloo oi 10 more companies all believed Cuban owned and intervention managcrlnl supervision in eight others The decree gave unreas on for the action Magazines Will MONTREAL GP Author Hugh Madennan of Montreal said today that if present unfair foreign competition kills our magazines they will not he TEIWHI In brief submitted to the royal commission on publications Mr Modennrm urged it to consider ways and means of tinctlon and of making possible the ccononuc condi us within thetrade which wm ones to be born He added Failing prompt action inthis respect one of these days we will read in Time thatfrom henceflo all Canadian voices save those of the CBC and the daily press are American voicu After that Canada will certainly exist as geographical expres sion but she will be less of real nation than New England now is and for less master of her fate New Englanders can at least vote in American elec xons novelist and freelance tnew LONDON APlA manr foot and thigh bone were dredged up today from Thames dock which already had yielded the headless body of woman Police said the body was al most certainty that of longmiss ing Mrs Mary Love The foot and thigh bone may be part oi the remains of her husband look ago Reuters quoted senior Scot land Yard detective as saying lt could be murder and suicide The headless corpse floated to the stuffice of the muddy lbsmes Monday night after dredger scooped up rusty mudhaked automobile the couple were driv ing when they disappeared It was the first break in ms tery that hasjntrigued Scotland Yard and Interpolthe internm tional police organization for four years Jack and Mary Love drove away from their terraced house in the London suburb of Totten ham Nov 26 1958 Blamelaulty PilOt memos or which rocked Queen There were no inj tions of the middle wedern now storm broke out inlhc the spread across the western undl of Churches todayrtook and The Congo and was told to mom saving our magazines from an the slime of who vanishedlwith her four years pEEss TIME illussia Callslor Urgent Meeting UNITED NATIONS NH GP Ihe Soviet Union has asked for an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council toniyit on the Congo situation famty electric to have causedflle poms PERFUME STILL N0 LURE PARIS AP Dapilo massive doses of perfume most Park subway stations stillsmcll like football teams locker room at half time City offfclals fearing shop pers were using other trans portation because of the odor Iried waftlng the essence of some of Paris famed per fume through miles of under ground tubes That didnt help so this week four subway lines are spraying the odor of violets along the tracks while an other is trying to make pas sengers believe they artI sniffing the refreshing odor of pine forest Not Be lieborn ltKilled By Unfair Competition writer of nonfiction Mobil1c Iennan said thatsince be is neither lawyer nor buslheso man he wouldnot suggest ways to protect Canadian magazines But surely they can boldls covered and put into actionand fairminded neighbor the United States Surely it is selfevldent view of the damage done to our native taboo nations and our spiritual Hairline leist that piibllcation pMnled outside th country and contain ing an torial content entirely or In large proportion foreign should be permitted to carry Canadian vertising directed specifically to the CanadiunrconA sumer Mr Macbeonan said herbs lieves in the principle that com munlcstlans must be kept as free and open as possible But he added If out of laziness or fear of offending we permit friendly neighbor to think for us feel for us speak for us and judge for us we are throug Remains Found In Thames Slime Olier Clues To Missing Couple They never were seen again worldwide hunt went on for months Hundreds of people were interviewed But not clue to their tissplt peamnce was ever uncovered until Monday night First came the car It was black Wolseley sedan All that could be deciphered of the li cence number was DPESOG Then came the bodyheadless with the left arm missing womansfurlined boot and nylon stocking also were found Chief Inspector Douglas Gan non sent for Scotland Yard ex perts Their findings built up to the certainty that the worms the one in which the Loves drove away and that the body was that of 57yearold Mrs Love key was still in the recovered autos ignition which was switched to the on position Police say it is unlikely that the car rolled acoi entallyioto the dock Fifty yards from where the car was found is the permanent berth of Blue Star Line ships SEES or Explosion eye and pilot ï¬ght boilerroom explosion New Storm Breaks out CIUCAGO AP severe snow storm which swept see United States abated today but west and belowbeeï¬ng cold won Raleshwso moons of the country Churches WillNot Concede mmncrwo MP minooooLooonzember Naomi close lookat foruent inCuba we must not concede the rsvoimiou withoutagivingoffence to our cEs CENTRES Sabbath Movies And Plays syrnn CANADIAN panes Sunday isnt going to be the same in many Ontario commu nities growing trend toward Sunday movies plays and sports was reflected Monday in plebis ciies held in conjunction with civic elections Movies and photo fared better than sports Only two of 10 muni cipalities turned down the pro posal Eleven centres voted on the sports hsue and six favored it Toronto and Cornwall led the march for Sunday movies Corn wall turned out to vote 10800ior the move and 2466 against Tor onlonlsns voted almost to in favor The question lost in Kitchener and Newmarket With returns in complete ths Kitchener vote was about to against lo Newman ket the proposal was defeated 013 to 1169 BACKED STRONGLY Niagara Falls and its neighbor ing com munity of Stamford Township voted 01 infavor of movies Windsor and Alexan dria near Ottawa showed strong support of the bylaw Oshawa favored it by about motivates The closest winning vote was in Brantford where movies were Brantford however turned the other way on sports and voted 8455 to 6197 to have them Fort Frances turned out one of the largest votes in favor of sports122 for against Wollaceburg favored sports by clos evote and it got in in Ot tawas suburb of Eastview by narrow margin Ottawa itself after seesawing back and forth during counting finally turned down sports by slim moiority It carried in the Toronto suburbs of North York ond Scarborough MEIER REJELIORS Woodstock rejected it by toamargin in Guelph and Pet erborough it lost out by about 1000 votes Newmarket also re iected it Under 1950 provincial legisls tion Sunday sports are permitted by local bylaw Movies however still must have an act of legis lature to make them legol Last spring the legislature le galized concerts recitals and other musical performances on Sunday afternoons provided they ware produced by nonprofit or ganizations This amendment cannot be changed by muni cipal vole About 56 munimpalities have approved Sunday sports since favored 7538 to 7190 Ike WASHINGTON AP Prai dentelect John Kennedy met with President Eisenhower at the White House today in pre inaugurnl conference on the change in administrations There were cheers from hun dreds of spectators as sedan carrying the 4yenoold demo cratic presidentreiect rolled through the White Hollsegate promptly at am Oo the north portion of the executivemanslou the 70year old Republican president was waiting to greet the man who will take over his duties Jan 10 lt Eisenhower stood beaming As Kennedy walked up the steps Eisenhower told him Id have come down therebut the photogt rapbcrs wouldnt let me do it GOOD TO BE HERE Eisenhower and Kennedy shook hands twicelhesecond time for the benefit of photographers and Kennedy told the president Its good to be here marine corps band played the Stars and Stripes Forever as the senators car entered the grounds ENIIED NATIONS MY UP newround of bitter strife in the United Nations over The Congo seemedcertain today as Russia demanded the immediate release of former premier Paw trice Lunuimba The Russian also demanded the disan week The soviet delegation opened day when it called on Scoretary General Dag Hammarskjold to report at once to ethe General Assemblyvon whotis being done to help the imprisoned Lumumha Hammarskjold sooth letter to Congo President Joseph Kss vubu Monday askingthat the ternationnl Red Cross be perm make sure he had not been miss trestedfbyMohutus men He said Lumumbas seizurs had raised general fears for his safety Dayal India Hammerskjolds special repre sentativevin The Congo reported Lumumba was ulferin om serlous Juriesmidw being held under inhuman co itlon Hammsrskioid released the le to the mo in soviet of the forces they were first legalized Some To Discuss Shift military guard of honor of soldiers sailors marines and coast guardsmen stood at atten tion The president then escorted Kennedy into the mansion for the briefing on diplomatic military and economic problems Waiting inside were three members of Eisenhowers cab inclState Secretary Christian Herter no Secretary Thomas Gates and Treasqu Sec retary Robert Anderson Washington lawyer Clark Clif ford represented Kennedy in the transfer arrangements Moisaen Wilton Persons represented Eis enhower No momentous decisions were expected to emerge at once from the discussions but jointstate ment is to be issued after their meeting Indications were that the em phasis would fall largely on avoiding jarring changeover from the old administrationio the new at time of tightening tensions in the cold war and troubles blazing up in newly in dependent lands Get NOd Ahead Of Sports of the centres voting on the from Monday had asked the elector atol opinion before Guelph and Ottawa had each turned down the sports bylaw In previous elections Church leaders who publicly opposed the issues expressed dis appointment but no surprise al the results of Mondays plebis cite didnt think we stood much of clmncc sold Rev Berry assistant secretary of the United Church Board of Evangn llsm and Social Service The results were regrettable said Rev MeGrsth gen eral secretary of the Lords Day Alliance He said Sunday movies would be step toward commer cial activities on Sunday 13 Gusts Canadian lifter Misconduct WASHINGTON CP lobc Pall Hungarianborn artist and naturalized Canadian was on dered deported to Canada for failing to maintain hisstatus as visitor the United Stats immigration department said to day The Aiyearold Pall was taken into custody along with five other persons and charged with dis orderlyconduct for allegedly carrying antiKennedy and noti Jewish placards in front of tho National Democratic Committee headquarters last October James Carey deputydirecior of immigration for the Washing ton area said Pall who had resided at Toronto entered the US at Niagara Falls last Sep tember and came to Wasbiogton to join the American Nazi party headed by George Lincoln Roch we Rockwell was one of more rested in the demonstration Ca dPnll turn rtiiayflsalriada immeagï¬tel Report By UAW Said Inaccurate President of Universal Co Ltd Barrie labelled as quite correct report can this aitemoon that UAWI at cation for certification ihere$ been dismissed by the On Labor Belatioos Board gt MacKay told The Exam iner that while one application regarding Universal Cooler had been dismissed another regardv ing the Key Air Condiilonidg section of Universal was son under negotiation Free Demon Chuncil The issueis on the doelrv etof both organs So which srresiedvLumumba lost the way for Congo debate Fri foreign minist Security Council his month The Russiansalso demanded the immediate removal ofall Belgian officials from The Congo LEOPOLDVIHE Reuters Congolese strongman ColJpseph ted toexpmine Lumumba to with his member Congo adv ory committee HoWos reported ioghave ru from Af also members ofths committee tod so thing Lumnpiliasiphg was not clear whethe gussi into shong pressure Mobutu to served notice to reporters Hans whlls perched on oar outside the campscoffed at theioonoarn for Lumumba expressed2 by UN SecrieitnryGeneralv Dog man