Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1960, p. 4

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Published by on Newspaperimtdj inhuman Barrie casino PAGE FOLK SATQRDAY DECEMBER EDITORIAL Finances Show Barrie Is Sound With Some Problems News that the any of Barrie is fin ancially well off is good news indeed Perhaps it is some comfort to those of us who believe that our taxes are high enough that there are communities more heavily taxed than ourselves An interestingfnctor is that the growth of Barrie outstrips the rate of growth of the province over the past few years If thiscontlnucs then it is probable that the city fathers will be faced with an nexation problems in the not too distant future And while it is invigorating to contem plate growing city the fact must not be overlooked that too rapid growth brings with it problems At this time We are faced with problems of roads garb age disposal school expansion hospital addition and the like and if we are to continue to grow there is no doubt that th se problems will become more serious nless we can find satisfactory solu tions for our immediate difficulties However as citizens of this thriving community we must be prepared to share the cost of the improvements necessary city needs certain services sndthese cost money It is possible that our tax rate will rise more rapidly than it has in the past but this is not necessarily so for great deal of the increase in cost can be contained in the increasing ss sessment of this community What has been accomplished so far is credit to the aldermen ofthe city Fig ures show that our affairs have been managed well by these publicspirited men It is hoped that things will continue this way Young Leader And Old As president 01 the United states strongest and wealthiest of the western democracies Senator John Kennedy will automatically become what the Guardian of Manchester calls leader of the grand alliance Whether it will be titular leadership or real will depend upon Kennedy him self and his actions As Drew Middleton of the New York Times points out it would be amistake to believe that the others in the alliance are men who are old unimaginatlve andtired They are old at least in comparison with Kennedy Prime Minister Macmil lan of England is 65 President do Gaulie of France is 10 and Chancellor Adenauer or West Germany is 04 But each has shown vigor imagination receptivoness tomew ideas and an ability to lead his country in new world They have had tobe able and even brilliant precisely because they are less powerful than the Unltedstotee and than the Soviet Eh rmnnmmnaxcn Ottawa Journal Mas and thrones may perish but the church oi Jesus constant will remain sang the treble voices of boys in descent then to the accompaniment of band and organ there rose the triumph song of thefinai verse of the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers Thus concluded the service of remembrance in Church Church Cathedral Sunday afternoon which was atiended by members of the Can adian Legion and the IODE and the RCAF hand There were similar services in many other churn ch95 in the district Ceremonies such as Ihose held at the Nation ion the Milwaukee Journal says and con tinues One thing Kennedy as shown by his talks on foreign affairs and his cem paign talks shares with them It is the belief that great issues cannot be solved overnight nor by good will tours or per sonal diplomacy They behave in con tinuing mewflcllpaiitem and in old fashioned diplomacy which entails much work at the ambassadorial and even low er levels before chiefs of state can reach final agreements Kennedy has no trust in what has so often bothered and even anguished our chief allies expedients dictated from Washington without proper diplomatic foundation and con sultation All of this may be to the good Ken nedy will be Working with men of his torloal perspective and of more experi enca than himself Yet he has shown some of the qualities and beliefs that Macmillan deGaulle and Adenauer pos sess It may be fine partnership Opinions of Newspapers cal War Memorial have rlgblfill place in our observance ofliemembrascc Day But it is well that these be supplemented by servch in place as of worship where prayer and praise bring comfort to world not yet full of darkness SURPRISE surroar Niagara Falls Ont Review it must give our American visitors thrill to hear some of our service clubs in Niagara Falls sing their national anthem as well as our own but one of these days someone south of the bor der is going to ask why we have to sing Kennedy we stand on guard for dice News of Former Years DECEMBER 1935 The Lions Club Minstrels drewcrowds in the Collegiate auditorium with Minstrel Monarchs directed by Johns Corbett ii was divided into three parts first the minstrels then bean tiful act singing and dancing called Daisy Land The third reverted to play withohorus Hot Dog Jones McCueig KC MP was ofgCwilb Gordon Longmnn es interlocutor The cast was of 75 local persons The second part was delightful act of danc ing and singing with splendid soloists and girl choruses The former were Mary Heels Helen Sutherland Betty Kightley Emory Hill and Joe Barter group of South Sea Hula Girls praA vided jscream with Glowworm They were none other than George Hubbard Wib Harris Tommy Cutbhert Ari Pugh and Frank Dobson who took their audience by storm Ron Clark as Little Willie was aLso high light with his 12 year old boy recitations Jack Tyraruof Barrie signeda fiveyearboo tract with the Hudsons Bay Co He left for Moose Factory on James Bay en route to the Beicher islands in Hudson Bay He had been employed in the previous summer by his uncle raggaphicun speaking Plenty of sleep is an invaluable aid to good looks says beautician considerable number of peopleare evi dently suffering from insomnia Eli barrioExaminer Authorised as second clsss mall Post Ollicn hummuscrsw Dally Sundays snd Statutory nonsu excepted wanna Pllbidlhll us General Mange cannons wanna Business Msnsnr wnvrsnz asmvarr managing Editor aoaear mama Advertising Manager can nosnae Circulation Mulllr Subscription rm only by corner soc weekly sieso year Single copy By rnall in Canada saoc year can six months 3200 three months or month Outside Canada saou year ommrae University Ave Torcntom cum sum Montreal nzs wardingsmut Vlnccuvs Member of ill Csnadiln Dally Newsplpsr Pun llsberl Association rim cenadian rm and an Audit Bureau of circulations sdlsnPsesst nxclusivaly mums ugh ublicstlca or on news or atched in on spu cre to or The Am ated run or enters and also the local news published therein All rights of republicurn of special duoscan herein us also reserved Telephone Number Editorial Advertising snn ausin traffic PArkwsy Mun Wlnt Ads PAkasy aim Dr Lorne iyrer formerly Barrie IndianAgent at Moose Factory Jack had spent June to Oct ober and returned toistudies at BC Active in Boy Scout work here he was guest of honor with the Rovers at powwow at Big Bay Point DachpEa mo Winter had arrived and was likely to stay Dec the coldest day oi the year according to The Examiner thermometer which seemed to be pretty reliable the mercury dropped to 28 below zero and was reputed to be the coldest December in century In addition there had been snow fall of 16 inches As result how ever the Barrie Arena had as fine sheet of ice as it has had in many year Sid Shierloclr icemaker got busy as week previous and skating and hockey practices were the rule Due to midwinter weather conditions many motorists have left their automobiles inside the garages and have gone about on foot or by taxi and those firms Have been doing rushing business To date there had beenno iieup in Three OHA teams werensing the arena as home ice Barrie Coils Camp Borden Flyers and new team representing No Infantry Training Centre also Camp Borden Man played heck alas slack When the atomvhg did crack In many case money isnt talking these days because its owner is shushing it to keep the tax collector fronrhearlng it person may know that old age has markedhim for its own when he begins noticing how much his associates have aged in the past 10 sledFF The man who paddles his owncanoc doesnt have to lose time waiting for his ship to come in poor way to spend holiday week end is to take to the highways in car drive recklessly and get killed in traffic smashup It is fortunate that the drummajor ette wears hat withichin strap tokeap her chin up out of kneebumping range No doubt Pravda will pick up this headline from UBjnewspaper and make considerable propaganda of it Two Arrested for Bcalping ectrici OUR UNIVERSE MEN IN WHITE rar ms Rail Workers Stay Oanobs VB nsvm sownran United Nations hands of OuisdlsnlreeeMWIIer flawsnu colonial In Jerusalemram Royal sssent was given in vemergeucy legislation Fridli and union leader Punk Hail is sued instnicilons that sll reli wsyemployees must remain in service sieving of coun trywide nil strike until May is Royalassenl was given after ills bill forbidding the sirike was passed by the House of Commons and the Senate The bill to keep the rsliwsys operailng became law less than is hoursbefore lodeys pln strike deadline stld Ormsby Gore British minister of stall laid the So viet Union bed brought new 000 previously lt free people un der ill domination since 1989 Russias Valerian Win In grily charged that Erllsln was pokin its nose inio amiss tern affairs SPORTS WORLD IOne young fan decided ibst lsst weekends Grey 01p game was all over but the shouting minute before time no out lie raced onto Vancouvers Em The government ilniroducsd Dire stadium grabbed the bell the measure Tuesday night nd Second reading dragged on into the early hours oi Friday mor nlng Tension rose st midday when the COPNew Party refused to accept suggestion by lbs prime minlsier first the house all into the lunch period to dis We of the legislation Third and final reading of the bill usually formality was de layed until afternoon in CCF procedural amendmen After this obstacle was sur mounted ibe walling Senate disappeared The last 41 seconds of the game were never played 30 many fans were swarming onto the field that officials threw in tin towel with Olisz winning 166 over Edmonton 1n Boxing Nigerias Dick Tiger slapped Edmontons Will Greaves with ninih to technical knockout in the baria cspiisl Wednesday night to win back the British Em us middleweight title he had out to Gresves last June passed sfier iwwhour dc warn oNrAruo bate PICKING THE TEAM How Electricity Is Made From Falling Watér Tliisisonscisserieeof articles by Mr Macaulay dealing will sources of ener ty and their application in the part the present and the fuissrc ii HON ILMACAULAY QC Minister Energy Resources What is electricity and how is is produced Nn oneness pmvida the answer to the question What is electric ily The most that science can say is that given certain condi tions something will result In short science can tell uabow to creaie electricity and caninvent machines that willuse electric iiy butno one can really say what electricity actually is Nor can anyone define light or how it traveler How is electricity produced Electricity is produced by turn ing one part of what is calleda generator generator consists of two main parts An immense wheel lying on its side which is composed of magnets This wheel spins in side metal case huge case of metal cells which encases the wheel of magnets As the wheel of magnets spins at great speed inside this metal case an electrical current is produced Why No one knows it just does How does little boy become big man isnt it enough to know that by spinningva wheel of magnets rolt tor inside shell of metal coils electricity is produced What do we use to make the rotor spin We can use motor driven by gasoline coal gas electricity etc but generally speaking the cheapest way to make the gene aior turn is to attach it to pad diewheel which turns as water fallsron it OLD GRIST MILL Have you ever seen the picture of old grist mills Water falls from height upon paddle wheeland the force of the falling water turns the wheel In gen erating station the wheel is at tached at its axle to the generat or So as the water fails it turns the paddlewheel as the paddle wheel turns theaxle turns The axle is attached at its other end totbe rotor So as the paddle wheel spins so doesthc rotor So is water fails it turns the paddleivheel this turnsrtbo rot or andvas said earlier this pro duces electricity This electricity is then carried hundreds of miles to light our homes and drive our machines But how do we get this water to fall wherewe want it We select river that has swift current and large volume of water We build big dam across The water hits the dam and can go no farther so it backs up and forms large lake behind the dam When huge lake has been formed and the water has risen say so feet it is fed through holesand pipes ai the top of the dam to fall down upon the wheels that turn the generators The electricity produced from falling water is called hydraulic electricity ie The which reduces most of the el in Ontario is called The HydrmElectrlc Power Commis sion of Ontario Hydro standing iorHydlaullc To produce electricity from falling water is the cheapest form of electricity is is our do men because the fuel is free The water just rolls along down the river whether we try to use it or not hydraulic generating station is more expensive to build than generating station using forms of power other than water be cause of the need for extensive flooding behind it to form the re servoir Also because of the dam and because the dam must be put where the river is and not necessarily wherethe power is most needed Thus the power must be carried perhaps at great distances from the site of produc tion to the place of use Hydraulic power produced at the site by Ontario Hydro aver ngcs between less than two and slightly above three mills per kilowatt hour at relativeiyshigb load factor Coal fired stailona averages 55 to mills per kwh at comparableload factor orrsws hrponr New Legislation The cheapest electricity in On larlo therefore is produced from falling water and at present rates for other fuels coal comes next and than gas Behindcomes nuclear energy Ontario hydroe resources in 1959 were capable oi producing 3250300 bp of electricity Ontario £25800 lip coal 2400 hp from oil and the balance of 0322 hp was purchased from other jurls diciions By 1900 2912200 hp will be available and we expect that 650000 hp will come from falling water 10528000 hy from coal and gas 9944000 hp from nu clear energy Clearly in Ontario we are nearing the end of our hydraulic sources of power and we are fuming more and more to ther mal and nuclear energy Helps Little Man By PATRICK NICHOLSON Under the able guld an of Prime Minister Dieienbakers most effective lieutenant the government has quickly demon strated the sinew in its throne speech promises In the very first week of parlia ments young session Public Works Minister David Walker steered major piece of legisla tion through to final approval by the House of Conunonsan achievement which can not re call previously and which indeed isprubably record for our parliament The way was cleared forreariy action in the governments drive to create moreandiasting jobs iprCansdians by the abrupt ter mination of the general debate on the throne speech which nor mally dragson info the third week of each session Prime Minister Diefenbaker proposed that the debate should be indef mildlypostponed after Liberal Leader Mike Pearson and he himself and CCF leader Hazen Argue had spoken his proposal was that thus the House could quickly turn to urgent legislation and came back to the rambling general throne debate much later MrmPearson accepted Mr Diefenbakers sugges and changedvit by proposing that the first cutoff should be final which was done TOEELP THE LITTLE MAN Our chnslructicn industry has been slowing down not belt cause every Canadian is decently housed bulbecause the supply of mortgage funds has dried up with our national shortage of cash and perhaps even more because house prices have risen and outmoding the situation ca tered for by our housing legis lation and buyers have been reluctant to finance newbornes through the outrageous and aft proiesled racket of higlrinterest short term and mcanlydislt counted second mortgages pro vided by moneylending sharks The new legislation introduced by Hon David Walker last week and readily approved by parlia merit will virtuallyth an end to 1the most insidious money lending chisel since Sbylnck de manded his poundof flesh This new act will help the young father who wants to own his own home in which to raise his family In future no less than 95 per cent of new homes lead ing valuationof up to $12000 can be borrowed under government guaranteedmorigage and repay meats can be spread out over 35 years This is the second eas ing of mortgage conditions by the Dieienbaker government These terms are now much more realislt tic and truly put new home within the means of the average working father Public Works Minister David Walker in introducing the new housing bill was forced to relate to the House complicated series of statistics illustrating the dee velopment of our home construc tion industry He exercised the rightcf minister on such an occasion to read prepared fexf of the technical part of his speech but he apologised to the House for having to do this In the result he presented an inter esting survey which constitutes definitive history of our postwar urban development From that point onwards the debate deteriorated into air cbanges reminiscent more oi school boy venom than of parlfae mentary dueiling We heard spit without wit and scum without fun as the nonnally suave Lionel Chevrier tangled with the govern mcnt benches and the disorderly mputbings of some of his slums bling colleagues prompted Mr Speaker to abide them The bitter tone crept in first when Liberal named Heliyer seemingly infringed the rules of the Housepbyreading his speech ghostwritten Hellyer described in the Parlidmentary Guide as proprietor of MariJane Fash ilinswss aptly dubbed Little Boy Blue from Toronto by Mr Walker and lllepbeforth the tongues were bared seriously question wheiher de bailng standards priced atriu 000 year of the taxpayers money were met by Liberal screams of Blehbermouth and You are dirty and Dirty mouth Presldeuiclect Kennedy con ferring with wide circle of possible lieutenants for the next US government chose Abra ham Ribicoff as his secretary of health education and Wei fare Thursday Ribleoii an early Kennedy supporter in governor of Connecticut Mennen Williams retiring governor of Michigan was picked for disposition of sea sistant secretary of state for African affairs Although not cabinet post Kennedy said it was position of responsle lty second to none Before flying to Florida for weekend rest Friday Kennedy named Professor David Edie of Harvard University an em nomics specialist as his direc tor of the budget Bell was once an administrative assistant un der President Truman SCHOOL BUS DEATHS Mrs his Stelura school teacher ln Lamont Alia was driving to work behind school bus Tuesday morning The bus carrying many of her pupils turned off the highway and approached level crossing thought if he doesntvstop lha train will hit the bus Mrs Steiura said fBut saw he slapped and thought everything was all right it seems possible that Frank Budney the bus driver may have been blinded for mo ment as he turned right and looked down the track into the glare of the early morning run As Budney began to cross the track CNR freight travelling at about 50 miles an hour slammed info the bus shearing off the rear end and sweeping some of the mangled remains quarter of mile into town Seventeen children died and 25 were injured Fifteen of the dead were girls VATICAN MEETING For the first time since 1397 an Archbishop of Canterbe met with Pope in the Vatican Friday Although boil sides empha sized that the call by DrkGeof frey Fisher on Pope John xxxui was cortesy one the two leaders touched on the ideal of uniw amng Christian churches Dr Fisher issued statement after the meeting which said in an His Holiness expressed to the archbishop his great desire to increase brotherly feel ings arnongall man and espe ciaily among all Christians and the archbishop confirmed out of his own knowledge and experience how keen and wide The Farmers Allied Meat En terprise planslo appeal rul ing by the Ontario Securities Commission forbidding sale of debentures for tb newly formed cooperauva The OSC has ruled lbat the cooperative is not operating as company wnbin the meaning of the cor porations act The cooperaiiva was formed last September an dcr sponsorship of the Ontario Hog Producers Association to process hand msrkei meat in competition with parking plants in Ontario Used car dealersin Ontario will be required next Jan to provide certificate of mechan ical fitness during sale of used motor vehicles lranrport Mira lster flowntree who made the announcement said the pur chaser must see on the certifi cats the make year type end registration information of the vehicle together with state ment that the mechanical fea tures are fit or unfit lzman jury in Toronto deliberated two days and two nights before bringing in guilty verdict against four men charged withtbefl of $060000 from the Brilund Mines trees ury Sentenced to six years each in penitentiary were Tor onto batelman Ben Smith 46 Charles Stuart 34 North Bay businessman and two New York lawyers Stanley Schon brum so and Ranch 45 fifth man chargedRenews brother was acquitted Wouldbe yeggs in London learned Tuesday night ant to take anything for granted They dragged heavy office safe from the front to the rear of building before they discovered the safe was unlocked and empty at Will Decide if Friend 01 Too eLONDON AP Anew robol that will be abledo recognize friends from strangers is being fashioned by British scientists They hope to make it able to talk in electroniesqueaks to see read and write The machine will have an eye of 100 photoelectric cells it brain will have 4000 cells Uni versity of London researchers are trying to equip it with the ability 1o distinguish irnpoglant prob lems from unimportant ones They expedt to have it operating in about year spread was the desire in many churches to act for the same Filmore AROUND THE WORLIL Mauritania the last French African ierritorysouth of the Sahara became independent Monday Ghana and Mali plan common legislature Ghanaian President Nkrumah said Sunday In New Orleans federal court voided laws passed by the Louisiana legislature de signed io keep schools segre gated boycott oE two New Orleans elementary obooia wheres token integration has been effected continued Sir Winston Churchill left slckbed Wednesday to celebrate his Hath birthday Dinner in cluded cake spiced with his gt favorite brandy Russia launcheda five aton space ship carrying two dogs insects and plants Thursday POLICE CHANGES Albert Langlois police di rector of Montreai announced Wednesday he is stepping aside at the end of he year The move clears tbevwayzfor the entry of two specialists from Scotland Yard and the Paris prefecture of police to spearhead Mayor Jean Dra peaus total effort at erlma Sovrar an commas General Hospital was opened Sudden Murderers llhnonnal in Brain LONDON AP The sudden murderers who klilwitbout ap parent reason usuallyhava ab normal brain activity British researchers report They charted the electrical ae iivity in the brains of known murderers inEnglish prisons Among those who murdered while trying to commit some other crime one infolu showedbrain abnormalitiesroughly the same as other prisoners Among ibosewbo killed aflei considerable personal provoca lion only ivpercent showed abnormal Eutoflbose who murdered withoutrnotive or prov ocatlon except for the stress of sexual excitement resentment or exhaustion 73 percentbad brain abnormalities OPENS WING WOODSTOCK CPLA $230300 abbed addition to the Woodstock FriA day BIBLE THOUGHT be depib oi the riches and wisdom and knowledge or God Romans 1133 SometimEd We need lo stop what we are doing and think about God When we do we Ill Britain apeussd Russia in the perspective on our life

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