Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1960, p. 1

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omtj rumours ru Want on Tel pleaPABmtflotdcphou umbertouutorihemsiaesl uEWDepyhPAW 95m YearN5128l IEEBED BY ONLOOKBBS an an BARRlE Lumumbct Faces Trial For Inciting LEOPOLDVILLE AP For ucr premier Patrice Lumtlmha racing trial for inciting rebellion in the army and other crimu was moved out of Ihc Leopold ville area and put under thc guard of army chief Joseph Mir butus most trusted common troops Lumumba was driven to ihl ville 100 miles west of the ca iIat during the night under strong escort of soldiers with heavy jeepmounted machin guns The convoy left the improvir jail at the armys Binza coir near chpoldvllle The trip was made less than seven hours after Lumumba who more than once has evaded an rest or escaped from the ha is of politica captors arrived in the Congo capital lie was flown here Friday at being captured at Port Francqi in remote Kasai province liis rapture interrupted flight by ear to Stanleyvitle where he or parenin intended to make bid for power JEERED AT CUFFED He arrived here dishevel and manacled and was jeered onlookers and cuffed by Cong iese soldiers Taken to Thysville with hin were his three male travelling companions who also Vere ar rested at Port Franequi Mobutu placed hisprize pris Doers in personal charge of Col Louis Boboso commander of tho Ihysville garrison Mobutu told re rte Lu mumba would be tried in due course for inciting rebellion in the army and other common law crimes rift Ex amitwr ONTARIO CANADA SATURDAY DECEMBER 1960 High Sunday Parfaflrmmarytorwbpan threadbare canton 45 per Copy12 Pages qu8 Is AERTEDJ TRAINS Soviet Demand On Colonialism GivinggGround UNITED NATIONS NYCP The Soviet bloc which has been gbombarding the General Asseml ny with demands for an immedi MOBUTUS TROOPS GUARD MANACLED LUMUMBA The Soviet delegation at the United Nations in New York de manded Friday night that Secre LoryGeneral Dag Hammarskjold make on immediate report on steps being taken by the UN éw Orleans Ends 10 qus NEW ORLEANS AP New Orieahs ended 10 days of token school integration today with the Louisiana state legislature offer ingnew defiance of federal court while moving toward asys tern of both public and private schools The weekend holiday offereda respite from pickets who have screamed hatred at one school wherea boycott by white pupils showed signs of weakening complete boycott of whita pupils held through the week at McDonogh No 19 elementary school attended by three Negro girls in the Iirst grade Irate Women and few men concen trated their picketing on the Wil liam Frantz school where to whiterhildren joined one Nego student Friday Only one white child was brought to the Front school last Monday Five more showed up Thursday and another four Fri day The twmschools have total enrolment of more than 1000 Many of the pupils have been VATICAN CITY APt Pop John XXIII said today his his toric meeting with the Arch bishop oECanterbury went only as tacosthe threshold of meat eventual solutidn problems butleft hope for their The supreme pontiff of the ItoI man Catholicchurch made this comment to cardinals and arch bishop with whom he partici pated in preparatory services for the Christmas season At the end of the services the Pope told theprelates of his 55 minute talk Friday with the pri mate of the Church of England admire the sincere force ol goodwillwhich Dr Fisher the archbishop is carrying forward the Pope said Our meeting took placein an atmosphere of cordialttyand un derstanding on both sides 0I course the Pope said our talks went only as far as the threshold of great prob terns Naturally the erusts formed during four centuries are many but with understanding and mu tual contacts int which Dr Fisher courageously undertook to take the initiative wifl time here could comeyiove and the truth TheChurch of England and the Church of Rome have been apart since theloth century when Henry VIII broke away from papal authority The general view infchurch circles inRome was that the Boycott going to school in an adjoining parish ESCORT PROVIDED United States marshals es cortcd the Negroes to and from school Patrolmen provided pro tection for white children passing near strators to enter Frantz school The state House of Representav fives gave quick unanimous ap proval Friday to bill providing grantinaid funds for par nis who wish to send their children to private schools sponsor said the measure would not interfere with the public school system The measure won speedy ap provai from Senate committee Friday night threevjudge federal court is sued injunctions against Govern nor Jimmie Davis other state officials and the legislature Wed nesday to prevent them from stopping integration The court said any legislation that de feated the right of Negroes to Cltrififn tiriihfneeessarily means meeting would stimulate othertreunion attend public schools is unconsti tutional command to ensure the safety of Lumumba The Russians said in state ment the arrest olLumumba who accepted Soviet military aid outside UN channels when he was premier wasan arbitrary and illegal act against the lawful Congolese government commit ted by an illcgal Edictatorlal regime ASKS FAIR TR Hammers oldy two mes sagesto Congo Kasavubu as him that Lumumba gets fair tic Ono message was sent after com mittee from AfroAsian nations had expressed concern for Lu mumbas safety His hair disheveled arms buund shirt open Lumumba was hustled into truck when his plane arrived Soldiers grab bed him by the hair and twistEd his head about for the benefit of photographers The Congolese slapped and pushed him and shouted in triumph handful of onlookers shouted Death to Lurnumba 13 Killed During Safe Driving Week By THE CANADIAN mass total of 13 Canadians have diedin traffic accidents so far in Canadas Dec 17 Safe Driving Week Canadian Press survey of the 58hour period ending at 10 am EST today showed me provinces still fatality free Alberta Sask atchewan Manitoba New Bruns wick and Prince Edward Island Four persons died in Quebec three each in British Columbia and Nova Scotia two in New foundlandond poo in Ontario Seven persons died Thursday on the first day of the campaign including all the fatalities to date In British Columbia Two persons gt diedthat day in Quebec and one each in Nova Scetia and New foundland Friday saw six deaths There were two each inQuebec and Porn JOHN contacts between Catholic and Protestant churchmen seeking Christian unity Dr Geoffrey Fisher the 73 yearold archbishop said hercon sidered Fridaysmeeting historic and toldaroportersigood exam ples are sometimes Vfollowed CAUTIOUS APPROACH lIefiobseryed cautiously how ever that liedid not know what the results would bein arsermon here Thursday night he made it clear that he did not consider Nova Scotia and single fatalities in Ontario and Newfoundland Diminishingechurchfllfi EDINBURGH Yap Doctors and clergymen are successfully endingthe spooky ordeals of an 11year old Irish girl haunted by abnormal phenomena the Church of Scotland said Friday night The chhréh issued formal statement signed by two doctors and minister describing the strange things they saw while keeping watch at night over the girl Virginia Campbell Virginia and her mothercame to the Scottish village ofSauchie two months ago from Moville County Donegal the supposed heart of the Irish leprechaun country According to th eir signed sttement the three men and other observers heard knocking and scraping as the watched over the girl They said they saw pillows moving bedclothesv rip with the Church of Roma pling violent opening and ate on to colonialism was reported giving ground today to more moderate AfroAsia proposal InformEd sources said the fins sinusrealizing they have little chance to defeat 45 AfroAsian countries backed by many West ern stateshove decided to sup portthe rival plan The Soviet delegation has made overtures to get the AfroAsians to make certain key changes in their resolution which merely calls for immediate steps to get the colonial powers to grant freedom to their dependent terri ories The Russians want the Asian Airican resolution to read more like their own which demands that Independence be granted to all colonies forthwith The Communists were said to be making little headwayhow ever Many of the more moderate members of theAfroAslan bloc have cautioned that too quick transition to freedom might ha disastrous for some dependent peoples They have cited the chaos now existing in the former Belgian Congo as an ennmple Horriiiédllllandaie and Twin Brother Killed In Street small Allandale boy Watch ed horrified Friday afternoon as his twin brother ran out on the street and was struck dead by posing car David Arthur France and his brother Douglas both aged weraplayiag with group of children on the sidewalk of Essa Road between lnnisfll Street and Burtonvltvehue when David ran out in the street and wasstruclt by northeast bound cat David died Within minutes of being struck More The mishap pm Driver of the vehicle was Edlt win Philip Hancock 37 of Sud bury Essa road at that pointistree bordered on both sidesShadows atthe time were quite heavy and reached across the roadway Barrie Police this morning de clined tosay whether charges havctbeon laid This is the third traffic fatality iyoccurred at 445 SHPPOBT Mr In Bout LONDON Reuters Western dbserverstoday gave Soviet Pie mi Nikita Khrushchev split dec ion victory in his latest po litical bout for leadership oi the Communist world The decision was based on Communist statements issued fol lowing the close of the secrecy shrouded Moscow summit conlt ference of world Communist lead ers Thursday The observers noted state ment by the East German Com munist leader Walter Ulbricht and interpreted it as saying the conference Khrushlt chcvs policy of peaceful coexist ence with the West and re pudiated tougher line called for by Communist China Ulbricht quoted by the East German news agency ADN said the Communist leaders agreed ratio cannons Winsspin DesiSion To LeddflRTed mod the EastWest balance ofrforces has changed so much that it is possible to avoid wars other support for Khrushchev The Polish news agency PAP an nounced Friday that the Russian premier has thanked Polish lead peacc policy Eur backing for Khrushchev ap peared for from unanimous par ticularly as revealed in the Com munist summit communique Thecommuniqué issiied Thurs day did not say the 81 Common ist parties represented at the three reached agreement The key words simply said the delegates exchanged experience iand familiarized themselves with each others views and posi lions appeared to come from Poland era for their support of Russias week conference had in the city this year Chinese Withdraw in severe Epidemic SHILDONG India Reuters severeepidemic has forced the Chinese to withdraw from the indiao northeastern frontier out post of Longiu the Press Trust of Indiareporbed today Quoting reliable sources the news agency said the Chinese had stationed between 80 and 100 men at the odtpost and about 30 of themincluding four afficers haddiad in the epidemic spookyfordeanotaaunieecnr 21 Dogs MOSCOW Reuters can ine astronauts today were thel martyrs of Russias latest probe 71 answers to The piBhlems of manned pace flight The dogsPchelka Li le Bee and ira Little Fly 1705 iervéDédth In SovietVShip Nikita Kanusncanv ranger space ships design and eqtiip ment Moscow radio said Russian scientists termed th st allitecprcbecoscmainhc repetition of the Aug launching ofospace aining two dogs mice flies ploan and organisms shutting of linen basket which moved We concluded that the hop peningscould not be accounted for in the normal sense of cause and effecil they said When the observances did not quicklydisappear we atempted to help the child by changing her environment and to deal by means of sedatives with her hy steria which we all agreed was da ry emotion ef fect All along we have recognized the possible importance of re storing thechild to her previous environment in ireland In our on nionthe phenomena are rapidly diminishing and itis ourvbelief that they ma soon disappear altogether The ch or chstatement was signed by the familys doctoi Dr Nisbet thciporish minister Rev Dr hogan Lund and lunged tova fiery gdeath Friday aboard as third space ships gtsatellite The Zapace ship burst into flames when it hit the dense layers of the earths atmosphere while Russian scientists were attempting to retrieveit from its elliptical orbit around theeartn Moscow radio in its announce ment Friday ght of the failure to retrieve th pace ship said the fiveton vehicle descended an uncalculated tra Jectory chroma VFDRMATION The anndu cement said the or der for the space ships was given afte manned spaceflight futurersThefspaee hi orbiied the earth every 385 min utes followed itsxelltptieot path for lessthah to ours Before be space sbi launche common 41 trolls Tbat space ship returned te Waiting for it HAD UlHERANle This latest satellite beside the two dogs al carried otherun identified an plants Moscow lradio said th foremost astrophysicists said the ill ted pace ship was aliptlcalt pain that hroughtltas close as 112 ith and as far aw first othr this it IedJromutha year Theglas fl urn als Qinseets and gt CPlhAustraliagL Parliament EdiCt SuSpend UilAWA CP By ParliB mentn edict the trains are ruin ning today across Canada At thavllth hour Friday night Parliament outlawed nation wide walkout threatened for early today by 111000 nonoperating railwaymen In the face oLfierce criticism from the opposition Prime Min lster Diefeobaker called on Par linment to pass on emergency low to postpone any strike action until after May 15 It went into effect just half day before the national strike was to start in Newfoundland and work its way westward by time zone Theemcrgency law Mr Diet enbakcr soid saves the nation from the chaos and catastrophe of transcontinentalHang of the major railways But opposition critics contend it also destroys the right of rod waymen to strike for betler wages discredits the conciliation process and merely shunts the rail Wm May 15 F086 TIME The government had to fight fastebblng time and the delaying tactics cfthe Opposition to get its special law through the Com mons and Senate in time to pre vbntztbe walkout which had been setfor8 am local time today The stopthestrikejzfll waspro claimed lawat that pm EST after threeday emergeaoyrd hate postpones any strike action by npnbp rail worké for May 15 by which time tho government hopes more favor able atmosphere willexis settling Canadas biggest scrap Faced withthe banchief union spukesman FrankH flail sus pended the strike orderand told isunion smith Ye 3° Men CHIPMAN Alta CPt sad gathering of more than 3000 per sons moved through this disaster shaken farm town Friday night to pay respect to 16 teenagers killed when freight train smashed into their school bus Theparents most of them far mers were the first to view the open coffins in the auditorium gymnasium of Chipman elemea tary school which served as temporary chapel lt1 The last time they saw their children14 girls and two boys was Tuesday morning when they left by bus for Lamont high school 10 miles West of here Sturdy men knelt and wept Women sobbed and werehelped to chairs Youngsters appeared stunned The coffins formed ha circle at the front of the auditorium below the stage which nowcon tained an altar The girls dressed in white alv gowns ith veilwere in coffins The boys coffins were blue and grey They wore jadreisu crucifix was on each open coverand sevenfoot urned beside each bo WWW was con ducted bypriestsnfthe Roman Catholic Ukrainian Cath lie Russian Greek LOrthodox and UkratnianUrrhodoxchurcnes and Ukrainian families Burial serviceswcre scheduled throughout the morning The big JFALM BEACH whose orthCaro nas roo orme textile ihdustiiali newDero ifrt out medic marinas Steveiison dalto adopt Strike We would have beaten the railways In strike it thegov eminent hadnt coma in their oid he told reporters There was no immediate com ment from the two major roll ways the privatelyowned CPR and the publiclyowned CNR WILL CONFER Mr Diefenbaker told the Com mons that he will summon the disputunts to regular meetings to ry to resolve the dispute over Meanthourly ay increase pro posed by federal conciliation Turn to page twelve please Crucial Period Po Hurt Miner TORONTO CP English miner Alan Rose remained in critical condition today in hos pital following twovhour opera tion Friday night in no attempt to halt internal bleeding Surgeons at Toronto General Hospital said the 72 hours follow ing the operation will be crucial in Roses battle survival be cause of the po ibilrty of severe shock and complications Rose 27yearold plumber who took up mining forthe money was trapped for three days at the 117mm Vlevel of gold mine in Timmins when support ing 132mm peed and pinned him to the earth Doctors said perforated ulcer in his upper intestinal tract may have caused internal bleeding which has hindered his recovery Rose has been fighting severe kidA ney trouble sloce the accident Hospital authorities said they hope the bleeding may havo stopped forgood ow Roseatill most uadérgoa amputnte hisrlght injured in the cave operation to foot severely womenWeep lltluneral 0t 16 Students Killed InJCrasli gest single funeral was to he held in the auditoriumLa req uiem high mass for seven Roman Catholic students Most of the victims were to be burtad in this village of 200 whera they attended elementary school Seaman Await predicted break today to begin Isalvage opera With the oceango gireigh to be lightened by transfer or the bulkof its 900 tom of general cargo efforts Wnuld ifollow to repair the damaged hull and attempt to refloat tier erally mild weather and diminishing winds were forecast for the areatodaY The winds ranging from2519 WWW lve ibotfmllelse Fridhyy on South Eltlanitoii Island where the Morl azan ran aground instToma TheThlldreir camefrom Polka during storm Winds as uryivcd WSHE kennednyickslllodges For Iob or Preside Elect Kennedy today Iithér Hodges 62 earvold ochommerce in the she today he believe neutralim in world at

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