am our MRS lDea Cowper Photo SIMPSON HoneyinoonTo Western Canada Follows SimpsonSproule Rites wedding trip to western Canada followed the marriage of Miss Phyllis Roberta Sprouie daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Sprouie Strand to William Thomas Simpson son of Mr and Mrs Erie Simpson Barrie Rev Peter Trant officiated at the cere mony heldet St Pauls Angli can Church St Pauls lnnisill Escorted up the aisle by her father the bride wore bra caded peau do solc gown The fitted bodice gathered to at the back from which flowed folds of material forming train The dress featured lily paint sleeves and lace trimmed neck line and back ilcr crystal tiara caught French tulle veil and she ear ricd cascade of Parisian pink roses Tire bridal attendants Miss Beverley Sproule Stroud maid of honor and bridesmaids Miss ls Lida chish St Pauls and Ella Kclcey Knock were gowned alike in Parisian pink peau dc sale They wore match ing accessories and carried bouquets of white carnations The flower girl Miss Brenda Wilson Stroud wore Parisian pink peau de sole with white accessories Mr Thomas Pappleton at tended the bridegroom The ushers were Donald Sprcule and Bruce Poppieton both of Toronto The organist for the core muny Mrs Muriel Webster Strand accompanied the solo ist Mrs Fern Todd Churchill who sang Wedding Prayer and Perfect Love reception was held at St Pauls Parish Hall Inalsitl The bride mother received wearing fitted dress of pea cock blue imported Italian bro cade The hrldegrooms mother asskted wearing tpurpia wool For the wedding trip the bride chose lime coloredim ported English wool dress fea turing elbowlength sleeves and boat neckline Her access sories were brown suede shoes and purse with beige bat and gloves and baby orchid cor sage Her outfit was accentu ated by dark brown murkrat cape The couple will reside at is Kempenielt Drive Out oi town guests came from Toronto Niagara Falls Thornbury Hamilton Midland 0rlllia and Tavlstoe CAC Discuss Credit Buying QUEBEC CPLCredit buying and rising food prices are two problems Canadian women must meet Mrs Charles Gagne pro yinciai government home econo mics expert said Thursday Unwise credit buying is one of the greatest evils from which our economy suffers she told the closing luncheon of the Cana dianAssociation of Consumers annual meeting Mrs Gagne said the food in dustry apparently paid little at tention to rising foodcasts SOCIAL Notes are minded to cover the general social lilo of tho city and district Wedding aa nlvenlrlel birtbdlï¬ bridge Dania mallardaxe pars tiel visitors and travellers are all Home of Interert to the women readers of this me Your help in supplying this um will be greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrie Examiner Social PA 537 and all for tho Womens Page Mr and Mrs Barker Woraley Streel spent Thanksgiv ing weekend at their summer home iiiarklltfafl at Oakvlcw Beach gt Mr and hire Fred Elliott of Ottawa visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Dick Henderson Codringtnn Street atthe week end Mr and MrsElllott were also guests at the EdwardsDow gerfleld wedding at Collier Street United Church Saturday Mr and Mrs lrcd Webb So phia Street East and Mr and Mrs Gordon Kneeshaw and daughter Sandra Fennells Cor ners spent the holiday weekend with in and Mrs Alfred Harris and family at London Ontario SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Harry Horton of Strand celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Oct Prior to their wedding date they were honored at family dinner and open house at the home of Mr and Mrs Harold Webb RR Barrie At their own home at Stroud many friends and relatives called to wishlthem happiness They relt AND RERSONAL celved many lovely cards gifts and flon for this special oc casion Mrs Horton was the former Mosaic hlagloughhn at Allandale They have one son Charter at home Weekend gums of Mr and Mrs Ward Goodlcilow Edgeblll Drive were Mr and hire Sheppard of Toronto Mr Goodiellows uncle Allen Goodfellow of Calgary Alberta is vlslthrg with friends and rein tives in the Barrie area The western traveller is former resident of Cundler Mr and Mrs Frank Graham and family of Montreal Que bee formerly of Dundee Scot land were guests at family reunion held at the home of Mr and Mrs Alex Cameron Mid hurst at the weekend Alex hful lcn Montreal accompanied the Grahams Mr and Mrs Wilfred Fildey Cooltstown have announced the engagement of their eldest dau ghter Bernice Caroline to Jame es Joseph Purkis son of Mr and Mrs Clive Purkis Tottenham The wedding will take place at Cookstown United Church Oct 22 ENTERTAINMENTS the entertainments held for Miss Gwendolyn Hob son prior to her recent wedding to Peter Head was miscellane nus shower hosted by Miss Shir ley Armstrong Holgate Street Among the guests were former school friends of the bride Miss Ester Guergis was host ess at miscellaneous shower held at the horns of Mrs Head RR No illTHE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY DCTOBER ll 60 Littles Hill WI Hold Safety Meeting HOLLYLittlea Hill Womens Institute met in Holly School for the September eeting Mrs Robinson celle the meeting to order lwlth The Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect There was good attendance and number of visitors sincejt was Bring guest night The program was based on safety with Mrs Moore in charge Henry Hammers showed two films Mir le of Paradise Valley and Gentleman Jeekyl and Driver Hyde Mrs Moore spoke briefly on Ways of Pm mating Safety and read poem The roll call was Safety Slogan was most interesting The motto was The life you save may be your own Each memher then introduced her guest and Mrs Hohinson ex pressed the pleasure of having them at the meeting Mrs Lockie drew attentibnlb the display ofitems entered into the Barrie Fair sums of which were awarded prizes Mrs Price voiced thanks to all who did the work for these items An invitation was read from Mr and Mrs Howcroft to attend open house for their 50th wed ding anniversary on Oct 31 at the harm of their son to Viet oria Street between 800 and 00 pm and 700 and 900 pm The area convention was an nounced as being on Oct 13 and 14 at Duntroon Conununity Hall The meeting closed with sing ing of God Save the Queen and Mrs Emms and her committee served lovely buffet lunch The committee served the menu that they had displayed an the table that took first prize at Barrie Fair CUSTARDS CURDLE Custards curdle when cooked at high temperature or when cooked too long 70 lsioruuefluwf an asset run mores Avoid Delay Later Is MONSaco 39 ounlopstjafs Cdn Born WOmdn Competes For Prized US Senate Seat WASHINGNN CP The daughter oi onetime Canadian fisherman is challenging the queen of American women politi cians for prized US Senate seat in the muntrys iist Senate battle betwem women nflSho ll pert Lucia Mario Coa Who is running against vehhalred Margaret Chase Smith veteran Republican sena ter in the Nov US general election Mrs Smith the only represen tative of her sex in the iwseat chamber in auarteroentury oi political wars always faced male opponents And she has always managed to win BATTLE AHEAD Now in the potatoandtourlst state of Maine bordering on Que bec and New Brunswick the Democrats have decided to pit woman against her And Mrs Smith admits she faces an able foa the best the Democrats could have found But that doesnt make the battle any easier for Miss Cor mier yearold spinster who breezed into Democratic meet ing in 1945 Just to pass the even ing and found herself on the road to the Maine legislature where shes now minority leader The slyearold Mrs Smith who challenged such Goliath as the late senator Joseph McCar thy has built up an enviable reputation as federal legislator and powerful political structure amongthe farmers and mer chants of Maine Soma veteran observers suggest it would take En ntomln explosion to dislodge er The eldest of six children born to barber in the Maine com munity of Showhegan Mrs Smith has something in common with Miss Cormler Both taught school for low pay both exper ienced economic hardship Mrs Smith worked as store clerk telephone operator and weekly newspaper and woollen mill business office manager be fore she married Republican leader Clyde Smith in 1930 Ho was anyears her senior BELDDM SPEAKS In 1036Smith won seat in Congress and Mrs Smith went to Washington as his executive seclt rotary Four years later hedied and Mrs Smith took over his seat holding it until 1948 when she switched to the Senate and captured seat there She rarely maku senate speech but when she does its usually fireworks such as the time in 1050 when she struck out against McCarthy Miss Cormier is one of three children born to paper mill steamfitter in the Maine town of anford some 50 miles north of in indicator makes or Here is the most advanced and flexible telephone ever offered to business For lite Busineshmun The Call Director telephone with the new Bell intercom provides fast ensyham dling of outside and interofï¬ce calls on one phone No extra equipment onyour desk It provides up to 18 puahhuttona so you can connect with other office telephones set up interafliee confer new sense Portland in his youth her lnlt ther David fished for lobster near Cocagne on the east coast of New Brunswick Her mother Adele lived at another New Brunswick village St Antoine de Kent Both were Frenchspeak ing Roman Catholics In l900 David moved to Rum iord and became chief steam fitter for paper mill year later Adcie joined him New Brunswick and Quebec provided lot oi the northern Maine stock as well as other parts at the New England states particularly New Hampshire TEACHER i0 LEADER Fiuent in English andFrcnch Lucia received more formal edu cation than Mrs Smith gradual ing fromSt Elizabeths College in liiorristown NJ and obtain ing masters degree in French from Columbia University She returned to teach French and Spanish at Rumford high school but that pay well Hostess Queens Meet At Thornton The fourth meeting of Thom ton Hostess Queens group wo was held Saturday Oct at the home of Mrs Corr Roll call was answered by giv ing one duty of the hostess to ward the guest bringing various answers The leaders than gave interesting notes an afternoon tea and what it includes There was also an explanation given on the difference between the terms informal semiformal and formal in connection with tens served Mrs Dixon also demonstrated how to make fancy sandwiches and Mrs Carr explained the pro per setting for an informal af ternoon ten table The group work consisted of making tea arranging sandwich plates and assisting in serving afternoon tea The home assignment was to make sandwiches and to serve item at home and also to work on the record book The meeting closed with the 4H pledEE garlic THE HOUSE run or an HOBBIES eGiF is mumsr BARRIE mascara ITS GARNETS FOR ARTIST SUPPLIES takes dialing Director encc calls THE BELL sensation colinean lot of calls for as many as six persons at once add another person in your office to an outside call you can also telephone frequently called persons in your oï¬iceor plant by pushing the appropriate button and reach others by For secretaries or clerks who answer for avnumbcr of people The Call as answering and call hoiding in ilities for up to 29 out enough and she finally opened book and stationery store there which she still runs Miss Counter has her fathers love for fishing and lobstering and other outdoor sports While tenchlnglanguagca at high school she also coached the girls softball team She also loves cooking and still does the house keeping for her aged and wid owed fatherln an eightnomad Rumford house One night in 1945 she dropped in at Rumferd Democratic committee meeting Within year she was elected to the Maine liauso of Representatives and lust year became the partys minority leader in the legisla urc She tried far congress ional seat decade ago but was beaten Traditionally Maine was Re publican stronghold but times have changed and in recent years the stronghold has been broken One of the states two senators is Democrat and so are twa of the three congress men Thus Lucia may have chance but Margaret doesnt seem to be in panic While Lucia started off like theperson who handto more it harmoni ofï¬ce you at you tion of course yrockrt on folksy handshaking campaign of the hustings Mar garet was still in her Washington office mapping out her stratcgy in midSeptember she was asked about her plans lm not ready to talk about my campaign she repliedand this just seven weeks before elec tion day HONEYCOMB QUILT Welsh honeycomb woollen quilts knitted with the design of the war cells of beehive are reputed to provide as much warmth as an eiderdown iTHEmBESTV FURNITURE PRICES SELECTION AND SERVICE AT BARRIE FURNITURE LTD MULCASTER ST PA 60601 Vist our Colonial Loft pt in telephone service rolls immanent operation side extension or intercom lines ASmnrf design In green grey or beige with contrasting face plates zes withvthe decor of any Find out how this versatile new telephone can help speed your cam munications proï¬tably Call your Bell Telephone business ofï¬ce for representative to visit convenienceNo obligat or CANADA