Lamps AndShades RVH Wide Begm Season Begum Elegance Nuriu Alumnae officially open ed the fell screen with their first By ELEAMDR £055 pended motel in parade of meeting being held Monday ev 11 huh an in fresh inminnlive were suing the Llidlnw residence um Ono handsome contemer The vioepresldent Mn Robert new floor lamp hang com Hodgespreslded over the meet The lamp baseT smartly mum of cunnin wnm log in the absence of the prest furllllufl was in 5M0 atng pm gnmglgd dent Miss Glenna Downey IIYW 15 sielncd glass that seems to float The meetint Open With Th TraditionalEwI$ themes that mum in wood tum Lordoflrayl follozsd by gel rango rom er mer can to come mm get on English Regency and ltalinn Pro Lfiwifiti gm helfl of the alumnae to the stud viniel remains on the upswing Po my and mom am out nurses The secretarys re Classic shapes and decorations gm mume Fromm poi was given by Mrs Jay Sur borrow the best from lencientiemm no dun um genor followed by the treasurero Greece and Rome uh new um may report read by Mrs Lorne Wasl Fluid lines with rounded con oratlve es well as functional mm ark tours harmonize with modified to the followan sewn were modal minute prune m1 SUITE to PLEASE discussed in detail and color combination in Maple and frultwood finishes After the business meeting be has and shade no on pole lempe and milk glass Mine Marian Wadiand showed new emphasis on color ln luml bobnell globes appeal to devotees films of her recent trip to the es of pmvtnciai Opaque plutlc cyl United Kingdom accompanied ur mish inders that suspend from poles by an amusing and informative DESIGNS EFFED Ind fiuffed melon shapes please commentary Mrs Irene Brown for the heeutflul shades no those who prefer mantlenormal Miss Vodland on behalf pliques and hnndpsinted or am conumpgrary rn nx canon Elaine Heather Little of Cookstown thinks of the folly old man in TECWEGWILL Womens Institute walked off with first prize in the new Canadian special for Womens Inst itute groups The theme used Needlecraft Work Tops A11 An air of Christmas surround ed displays in the curling rink at Cookstown Agricultural Fair Saturday while outside in sharp contrast temperature soared The Christmas atmosphere created bydecorated evergreens complete with brightly wrapped parcels reminded one of Christ mas morn This special compet ition sponsored by the fair board was open to any organiz ed womens group First prize was won by Cooks town United Church Womens Missionary Society The Womens section included displays in domestic science handicraft fruit and vegetab les and floral exhibits Among the show of home bak ed cakes and luscious harvest was startling display or bed room accessories Fortysix ent ries in this division included cro choted bedspreads and quilts in every imaginable pattern Mrs John Timbers Cooks town won first for her axquls iter embroidered quilt and Cookstown United Church Wd mens Auxiliary had the best entry in the plain quilt division where points were given lot quilting alone Entries cams tram as far as Port Perry Mrs Chantler Newton Rob inson secretary of the womens Teach Youngsters To Memorize Certain Number Combinations By CLEVELAND MYERS Many children in the middle or upper grades still count as they add or subtract Seeing ti and to be added the child thinks or says i9 10 11 12 He may count on his fingers or tap with them or count imaginary units certain boy ten who could add two digits accurately but slowly failed one dayto do this His teacher learned that this lad had lost ntonth which had been loose for long while He had counted by wiggling that loose tooth The reason many school child ren count so late is that they ave been kept at counting too mg in their early number work TN ARITEMEIIC BOOKS If you examine beginning books in arithmetic youwiil find that the child spends weeks even months in counting out numbers as he adds or subtracts And ho practices of course on the com binations easiest to could1 and and and ti and and and so on To be on sornp carly pic at hting small numhgrs in ordgr to Kali red suit as she gale at the prize winning Cbristmls tree at the Cookstown Agricultural was St Patrick and tbeirdis play depicted the beginning of Christianity in Ireland and St Patricks work Shown beside the exhibit is Mrs Bruce Keffcr Bond Head Entries division reported that all entries were higher this year Mrs Moore Port Perry was winner of most points in the wo mens section and runner up was Mrs Murray Coates of Port Perry In the dairy section Mrs Wil lis Corrignn Cookstown was the exhibitor with the most outstand ingentries Mrs Graham Tottenham had the prize winning collection of fancy baking which included iced cup cakesbrownies rasp berry tarts drop oookies chop suey loaf cloverleaf buns and small fnrit pie draw for tiered Christmas cake was won by Mrs ï¬rmbl 1e Barrie Mrs Trimble was Champion Cook at the Bar rie Exhibition Outside on the race track near tragedy could have been avoided While watching the pony race in spite of the an nouncers warnings crowds still edged the track surprised group of men watched Miss Dianne Sutton Al liston on her pony Thunder coma galloping around the bend and into the crowd knocking down two men in its path Mo iike and are 14 and are ment before children had been standing in this exact spot their meaning He also needs to learn that by counting and and and he gets and for example But by having him practice so long on counting hejs not likely to learn by heart that and it make or that and make 14 However if your child at eight ten or 12 years of age still counts its water over the dam You must take himwbere he is and go with him from there You should set out to have him lcarn the combinations by heart There are only 100 of thesa basic addi tion combinations and 100 of the subtraction ones So he wont be tempted to re vcrt to counting start himmcm orizing the ones hardest to count 12 Have him try to learn by heart only three of four of them an evening use cums Make cards with one combina tion to card Example with under lt line under the and 15 under the line Have him say over and over to himself and are 15 until he knows it hot ngvgr to fry St Pauls WA The resident MfllJIhiiDnles meeting with thanksgiving prayer followed by Muslim IItr Saturday Never too early to rtart being extra good Compléfé Plans For Fall Bazaar St Pauls Coulson Iiill Womans Association mat recently at the home of Mrs Ernest Dales Elovcn members were precept open the the members prayer Business included Sunday School room of the church sunshine box is to be packed for sick member oi the church An invitation to hear Dr Lindsay of New Lowell speak in Ebunezer church Sept 28 at pm was accepted Roll call was answered by the word harvest from biblical verse Tho scripture was taken from Genesis 3143 The president read an explan ation of the scripture called Dawn of Conscience The meeting closed wiflr pray er social hour was spent over the ten cups The Octobermeeting will be held at the home oi Mrs Ken Hughes Roll call Thanksgiv ing Edgar WISee Holiday Film The Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs Dolley Wednesday evening The mem bers answered the roll call with the nationality of their grand parents and their vocation The motto was given by Mrs Strachan Rctain you heri tage we must build upon it Mrs Johnson citizenship convener was in charge of the program Mrs Caston showed films of her recent trip broidored motifs on many 79 life poslos lavish fobrlo swags which will be holdNov in thé peat the designs on the hump basis Lush brocade and moire and whlmslcal documentary fabrics team well with lamp designs of elegant or delightfully provincial inspiration Trimmings are endless and wonderfully varied with em broidered appliqued reel an loops and tasacls of silver and gold just afew of the interesting accents At the current lamp market it is hard to find lamp base of only one material Wood cera ric leather and lacquered ex Mos LrsLIE FROST Mrs Leslie Frostwife of the Premier of Ontario will accompany her husband at reception at North Collegiate this evening Politics come naturally to Mrs Frost whose father was the late John Carew former mem ber of the Ontario LegislaA gure Often termed an ideal elpmate for the top man in Ontario politics Mrs Frost sees that her husband gets rest and relaxation from his rigid schedule at their mod est Lindsay home or at their summer retreat at Pleasant Point Mr and Mrs Arthur Evans Bradford will also be on hand to welcome guests to Shaft and Alaska that makes light himself until he is sun as does Humor THE SHOE WITH THE BEAUTIFUL Fir Heres aoareiuily detailed pump comfortable midheel andmodlflod toe highlight Naiurailzers comfort without Sims son ranm this evening work otwalkiog Colours lalsck or brown 1495 TEE BARRIE EXAMINEB MONDAY SEPTEMBER mo Mr and Mrs Doughll Celebrate nsnzzmr Golden Wedding AnniverSaw An Edenvaie couple Mr and Mrs Sidney Dougaii celebrat chdemAwoddmgrannirersv ary at an evening reception hi their Edenvala home Sept 15 Autgwflgflvsflgoï¬ï¬lï¬Ã©r Toronto £dwinotStnynorfnnd 15 mo and con tinued to reside there for thirty seven years whero Mr Dougail followed the trade of painter nod carpenter In 1947 they moved to Eden vtdc where Mr Dougall opened gas station on the site of the old chcesc factory Ilis sonin law and daughter Mr and Mrs Eric Bali are now in charge of the service station and garago and Mr and MrdDougall retir ed to their new home two years ago Mr Dougali was born at Craig hurat son of the late Malcolm DougallStnmp and Ann Taller field and resided there until of even years of age when they moved to Toronto Toronto Sep of moss present On their wedding trip the coup lo travelled to Craighurst via the reanadinnincificï¬ollwoyf They have four children who were presentat the celebration Thsy are Sidney and Malcolm of Dorothy Mrs Ball Eden vale Mr Dougnli has one sister Mrs Mary Ward Barriewho poured fee at tharecoption The couple tnkn great interest In community affairs and are members of the United Church Mrs Dougnll is member of tho Wome Institute Mr Dougail is often called on for advice and help with decorating problems The cclcbrnnls received many cards gifts and bouquet of flow ers and trilight lamp step table and table lamp from their their community frlerids Relatives and friends from distance included Mrs Don Clarke King Mrs Dodds and Mr and Mrs Baker of Toron to ond Mr Thomas Honkin Bar rle New Lowell Couple Celebrate Mr and Mrs Charles McCor thy of Brentwood recently mark ed their golden wedding anniver snry with high mass celebrated ntlthggpnrish church followed by luncbcon at thalrhome The family reunion was cclo brated by an afternoon banquet at New Lowell hall Congratulatory messages were received from the Pope James Cardinal McGuignn Prime Min lstor Dleienbokor and Heber Smith MP The bridegrooms fothor Chor lesMchrthySKrwlirulmm ricd at St Marys Roman Catholt lic Church Bronlwood The cclc bronts have spent their morried IifanrmingeatrBrentwoodraihe bride is the former Mary Mc Kinnon of Angus Members of the family attend ing woro Mr and Mrs Milne and son Lawrence Montreal Mr and Mrs Wight and daughter Beverly Kingston Mr and Mrs McCarthy and daughters Dov is and Laurie Barrie Mrs Wil llnm Maw and son Billy Bar rie Mr and Mrs McCarthy Ricky Debby Lawrence and Stephen Brontwood Mr and Mrs McCarthy Barrie Allen McCarthy Brentwood Mrrand Mrs William McKenzie Brion Valeria and Bobby London and Miss Eilznbth McKinnon New York City who was bridesmaid at the couples wedding In the evening the McCarthys received their friends at re coptlon at the New Lowell holl WED SEPT 28 SHOWING WITH MOVIE No Extrb Charge lJtlo 50 Wedded Years At Reception The community presented them with two Krochier rockers and matching foot stools Other ouiofvtown guests attend cdlfrom Montreal Toronto En glahart Detroit London Aurora Kingston Hamilton Niagara Falls Nowmarket and Saskatche won IR Hickling Speaks lit Crown Hill The Wow Institute met It the home of Mrs los Quinlan Pugct Stu Borric September 21 hlrsT7ifennyIioll call Homcmndo Boutonniere competed for prizes Program wasin charge of Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Dug monl Roy lilckling spoke on How ihc Federation of Agriculture spends its county grantt Tea hostesses were Mrs Smith and Ruth ilickling Members of the II were in vlied to attend an opon house too to commemorate tho oath anniversary of the Shoniy Bay thnto be held at the community GRAHAM ARRIVES BERLIN Reuterst Evangel ist Billy Graham arrived here Sunday for nwccklong cam ign in West Berlin near thl East Berlin border For the latest in Childrens Fashion be sure to see the FASHION SHOW at the Roxy Theatre and above all for those Fashionminded people Flemings of Barrio offer the most complete stock or Childrens Wear within the reach of every Family budget BROTHER SISTER ENSEMBLES WINTER ENSEMBLES sua TEEN WEAR MANY OTHER FASHIONS