Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1960, p. 2

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revnxnxuhsnnsrosoav Savs Fair Farm prices Preferable To Subsidies Simeoe Connty Federation of Agriculture The Federation of Agricul ture which is the coordinating organization for all orgpnizcd farm groups has begun to roa lize more and more the import ance of its position in relation to these affiliated organiza tions Inethe past few years there has been tremendous increase in the use of voluntary cooperatives and producer marketing boards and today List Record Entries For Cookstpwn Fair White Jerry Coughth horses and calves alike from 15 feet above ground back down an earth Art Evans buried himself shaking hands and chatting with members of his hoped for rural constituency At one side of the Coolstown Fair Grounds nothing but cattle on another the heavy horses go ing through their paces Throne of children packing the midway and the exhibit ball so full it was impossible to get in or out were just few of tha proof that Cockatowns mm annual fair was going to be its biggest and best Fair secretary Albert Glimy in the livestock sections Gor don Brethet won eight first pris es four in Oxfords and four in Corrledaies but outstanding was Mlneslngs Crawford who walked off with nine firsts and the best pen of short wool Best pen of long Wool was won by John Fennel Bradford who also won four firsts in the Lei cester class Art Morrow Cookstowii won two special prizes for best pur bred herd under 11 months and best ever 12 BEOBTHDRNS in Shorthorn section Sprcule Stroud won five firsts class so much so that extra rao eshadto be run re there too many horses for on race and father and son from Peter boro Burrltt Mann Sr and Jr rplitatl the prizes in the light horse classes lBIrrlaeb lilisith Robinson won wo or the class carriages best single and best span SCHOOL PARADE Four schools took part in the school paradenone of them from West Gwiiiimbury howew er as centralization there had made it impossible for teachers in the Canadian and world economy will he tremendoua struggle but believe it can be done Whether or not farm people are going to enjoy their share of the benefits of these tech nical revolutions seams to me to rest the matter of con trol Can of the sale of thd total product is the factor which the producer marketing board regards as vital to its functioning But the unques tioned control often requires ewnelgshlp of facilities as well there programs Ire necessary and valuable believe lire gresa in agriculture must be achieved mainly by organlred farmeraction The record of activities and accomplishments in data of producers cooperative and marketing and bargaining pro grams is testimony to the fact that selfhelp and selfreliance figure prominently in the think ing of farm people Contrary to what many behave Canad ian farm people would much prefer to receive fair ex lty perhaps we should straighten out our thinking in regard to these groups The ever increasing abund ancc of food and farm prodticta is accentedall too often as legitimate reason for depressed farm prices and farm incomes What we must do and what has not been done is to assure to the farmer the benefits of his own increase in productiv Generally speaking the farm family is living better than 20 years ago gtliiechnnizatlon of farm practices and moderniza tion of farm homes has meant blg adance in rural living as direction in the handling of the product The voluntary cooperative has depended largely upon the ownership of facilities and handlinghf the product as its chief chrd Tito producer marketing board has counted largely on control of the total product am convinced that we have come to the time when both producers should be used together to coordinato pro duccr control of thaproduet through the useof farmer own ed facilities with the idea where necessary of moving in to transporting staring pro cessing manufacturing and in change value for farm products they produce and sell rather than find it necessary to adopt programs involving gave merit assistance or aubsidlza tion Each year larger percent age of the totalof farm pro ducts marketed is being mark etcd through cooperatives and marketing boards producer and farm people are well the way to set as practi objective the taking over the majority controlot their industry exhibit hall and out ent WOOD CARVINGS on from wood bya bedridden cri cal beavers was sure weve got the biggest number of entries both inside the Even the midway was differ trailer exhibition called Caaada lnalinlaturo was ser iee of models of this country as our forefathers knew it carved pie few yards away Frenc of Canadian sported with all kinds of wildlife from bears to bobe and champion bull Crawford Ora Stawon seven firsts and best female Champion Hereford Bull went to Staynere thllam Vanclse Cyril Cook Barrie took honors for the best female Champion Potted Anglia was iiiclag garts Beeton farmer and Strouds Herb Beelby got best female award Entries were high in the racing to organize for the eventand inheyd were led by Kempenfelt an Highlights for the it if were the tricycle and doll car riage Judging Also enthusiastically to ht were the banner marching and department contest for which the Canadian legion Plaque went to Rosas School 55 14 Tecumseth and the school yell prlu But the farmers relative econ omic position is compared to other major groups continues to be unfairly low especially some cases merchandising FARMER season Government support assist gt when we consider that the past ante and redevelopment pro ONCE TAUGIIT HERE wivea attending the Rotary 10 years has been period of grams must be depended on to one ume gum Danish but Conference The main mm unprecedentedeprosperityiinsfieguWflturLanLhelp ioMnuLBaLJojlngnImmeugtmLMondny Canada am convinced that it readjust to conditions that ranto Friday night following WELL IGNPOSTED the placing of our industry on have been imposed lg the tiifilli heart attack Known through 5m Clark and commmu proper and stable basis with nical ravo ut on out Europe as an opera linger of name mum mm MrJiaLcam thattherowasnonargnmentas Denmark in 1928 and had since how to get we conference been teaching music for more an 20 yumMany ye Igo rendezvous Comtnlgkfrom Bar be conducted vocal music 59 mum the class in Barrie once week din °n 513 Wm 15 extension of Highway 400 joins NEWCOMEB Mrs Eleanoiiibward lillandale President Blind Lawn Bowlers ii 601 FOR DISTRICT MEN Nothing perllaps symbol izes the United States and its fabulous New York City so much as the massive Statue of Liberty it Will he just one ed the varicd sights on the agenda for winners nl The Examiners New York Trip Contest now in full swing District residents who renew or enter new subscriptions through their local contest ant will be boosting her chancestoward the sevenday allexpensespaid trip toNew York Photo by New York Convention and Visitors Bur eau FARM NEWS From the INFORMATION BRANCH DNI DEPI OF AGRICULTURE 3106 PRlCES GOOD FOR MONTHS FORECASTS 0A0 ECONOMIST Secondguessing tho bog market has been just about everybodya hobby the last few monthsl iNow an economist who has concentrated on study ing the price and supply struc ture of Canadian hogs for the pastyear makes his predictably The outlook $29 to $30 per owt for Grade hogs until August 1961 Marshall Department of Agricultural Econondcsme searcherwith the Oh no Agri cultural College cautlo ever apply only for bags ing pens or for farrowuigs up to January and February next year We can lookfnr lower prices in the fallof 156 and through 1962 Dont let good hog priceain the first half of 1961 encourage heavy breed ingsit mightybe mistake Professor Marshall points to his threeyear graph showing the history of Dominion Bureau of Statistics marketing fore casts as evidence Using theseforecasts and taking into consider on other factors af fecting price he can estimate hogprices quite accurately Since about the middle of June Grade bogs have been fluctuating at or around $27 per hundredweight This is the glughest that hog prices have been for two years or since September 1958 Weve come out of the prolonged period of overproduction Our weekly hog marketings for the last couple of months have been thelowastrsincethesummerof 1958 Hog marketinga have been running about 110000 per week logs for the last This is considerable drop from the 140000 to 150000 per week marketed through the first six months of this year And is big drop from the priceslump conditions of 165 000 per week in 1959 Professor Marshall feels the higher prices could have been felt earlier had we not had considerable storage stocks to draw from the past couple of months Im sure this isnt tempor ary price rise he states Apart from possible season al decline in November and December when marketings are usually fairly heavy expect hog prices to niove up again from the present $27 to an average of $29 to 530 through the first six months of 1961 Prices might even go as high as $32 or $33 in June and July Predicted DIBIS hog market three months of this year and for the first six months of 1961 are estimat ed at about 120000 per week If these forecasts are correct and they usually arent for off says Marshall my fore casts shouldnt be off The OAC economist expects fluctuations around this $25 to 530 average Hisguesa strong er ihan average market in Feb ruary and March of next year then weakening in April and May then stronger prices in June and July FEAR DROWNED MONTREAL CBTwo Mc Giil University graduate students are missing in theUngava wil derness 500 miles north ofQuebec City Andre Grenier 25 of que bec City and Brian Hayward 25 of England did not return to Fort Chimo Que last week as clue date it They are feared drowned Members of the Altandale Blind Lawn Bowling Club tra velled to St Catharines re cently t04wmpete in lawn bowling tournament for the alghtless held onthe Grace Church Bowling Greens Present were two teams from Toronto two from Hamilton two from St Catharines one from London and one from Al landale In the morning there was meeting of the executive of the Ontario Blind Lawn Bowlers Association held and there Mrs Eleanor Howard of the Allandale club was elected president for tim coming year VAt noonthero was lovely luncheon served in the OMB Linwood Hall in thoafternoon three sixend games werofplay ea In the first Attandale play ed team from Hamilton skip ped by Mrs Lyman apd lost by score of to Their second game was against St Catharlnea team skipped by Mrs Campbell and was won by Allandale 87 In the third game they played Toronto team skipped by Mrs Shaw losing by 85 The Aliandnle team was skip ped by Mrs Eleanor Howard and coached by Eert Keaton and Arlhurlioward Winners of the tournament for total of 25 points The Allandalo team took fifth place with one win two losses and with 16 points gained vows onan After the games an appetiz lng fowl dinner was served in the Linwood Hall and follow ing the trophy and cup were presented to the winning tosms and speeches were heard from severalrspeakers iha weatherman cooperated and pro dad lovely warm day slid eryone enjoyed th Th llandale club at rived back at 1230 nm very tired but happy group and all voted the day cat proved to be St Catharinea team skipped by Tom Nickie with three wins dad total score of 26 points Mrs Lymana Hamilton also won three games no Ship lit Coiiingwood Colllngwood had second laugh at Toronto recently when Swed ish freighter unloaded two 55 ton transformers at the ship building centre because Toronto barhor equipment took five tim es as long to do the job on previous occasion and dropped one of the monsters into the drink The Coilingwood Shipyards giant sheerleg crane capable of lifting three of these electrical devices at once from weight viewpoint may cause diversion of transformer shipments to this port if the volume of business is sufficient commented branch manager Canadian Asen Elec tric Ltd subsidiary of Swedish firm John Harris NO CDMPARISON There is no comparison bee tweenthe Collingwood crane aer vico and the Toronto hnrbor crane service he said One of thetransformers will go to Stayner for installation he team from Skirting piper leada oft Thursdays School Fair Par ade at Crecmore While PreparationDay For Orillia Iair Today is preparatt day for the 110th edition of lllia Fall Fair which gets officially under vvay nresday The sponsoring Orillin Agri cultural Society says it will be more streamlined and consolidat ed fair tbanever before Entries so far have been heavy Ernie Lindell and his group from Barilo will headline stage show Wednesday at H510 Another feature is the side one likerit there to supply electrical We to Coilingwood oe County Red and White Show Ayreshire competition newcomer to Barrie is Wally Parker of CF05 Owen Sounduwbo has joined the staff of CKBB hero He will be hosting the to 11 pm seg ment of the stationls IClub 95 mil BOATS CAME T00 Two Barrie Rotarianl Bill Clark and Cy Elston brought their boats with them to the District 701 conference at Hon ey Harbour on the weekend Highway 12 just outside Cold water posting from the Parry Sound direction Highlights of the conference are being filmed by Rotarlan George Muiholland of strand Sundnl he made film record of the variety song part of the getAiogether curtain raiser for the main business Monday and Tuesday There is similar sign FILM RECORD MADE ENGLISH grammar dount crop up too often at county fairthere are more import ant things to worry about io show and sing speltlng competition and pie tured hero astrlde stractor are the winners Larry Cousc Cookstown won the grade GONE FISHING JURY DUTY farmer But Cookstown is different One of the gimmicks prize and Carol Cherrlngton Ivy won the grade 78 prize Mr and Mrs Hugh Gibson Barrie accompanied Cy Elston in his boat on fishing expedi tion Sunday ornlng Sunday Two Barrie notarlana Pete Mlhay and Fred Sarjeaut have had to cut their conference stay Both have been called was Camp atlvely free day for all delegates and their pm rams THE PARADE ili sermons there may have been occa sion for mother to say My Johnnys the only one in step residents lining the yll lage streets enthusiastically applauded the young march ers and their banners Ex aminer Photo MEETING macaw LONDON Reuters mass meeting in suburban St Pancraa scene of neareriota sparked off by two rent evictions last week passed off peacefully Sunday Wedding Portraits 3003 VD NOW WITH LES cownan Dfunlop St West at Mary for jury duty atibe Supreme Court sitting in Barrie today FR this year was childrens Examiner Photo so ill RENAULT oily for less than tehtomile See Your Renoultv Dealer ENCH MOTORS 15 Bradford St PA 85971 sonnwnvraa if wmranaaavsn Leader of The OntarioLiberal DONT DWI UP New GI Au mimic GA RANHI neat moon AND in BIMPL outva mourn amlullv 5m aim mill IMIIUTIDNBtfilmit mm cum rrNau rev film flourTM LchlDll PEOPLI no sale SMALL on Ann Iupwind Ii Office Boa CKVRilvf MON SEPT 26 1135 PM Publishedny slmcoe Cenm Liberal Association Burton AverBarrio

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