SFARMERSMARKET sus SERVICES ll LEGAL roams cmcaa 111318 it months old Hamv full Telpalm 737ml mmvals sr SEE VIAU MOTORS For The rations RAMBLER AND LAND ROVER PA 66488 11 Gowan St HAROLD JORY WE do STANDARD DEALER MOTORS Rapllfl to All Make dash and NJLL Towing some 15 BAYFIZLD 51 W1 use cflanoLzr Cesrh sun visor Ohl owner Clean in Condi tion Telephone Bradlnrfl gen Sedan radio twotons Na Plymlh in per month Telephona loco vourswaoan light ray smallmm Oren or at era PA 54165 Hired Ma pbonl PA H51 MRI Customlinsp doors in good running condtion good on mc custom radio opnooo rA oasis ms aruanAqun Commpadcr in nod mechanical eonoliion twotooo Eiul Must sell Transferred ovtt nu Telephone PA M119 II VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe black Mbillit motor custom radio extrll Terms Apply Harry llsrlrer Burton Avo or lolophono rA ob loss VANGUARD soda condition new exhaust system good tires Can be seen at as snlrloy Avo or tale poons PA azooo CARS WTD TO BUY use ANGllA WANTED or week ing purDroles lolophnno PA Mm OSTEFOUNF IIRUCKS do TRAILERS 59 VOLKSWAGEN Vindow Van Excellent condition For turthor ta srmstlos telephoDLtkilflflg 55 one ï¬rton truck it nor with now nloior Apply stowrt rd 5h Barrie stators Prlvaisly BUS SERVICE 119 Iiradlo owned INSULATION Tia blowln method ca house sidlhl the ciud All New Aluminum ltlmatcs rid Tsrill Cldpboard In ï¬ve colours SCOII MUIR lIlITiE INSULATION REP APHONE 211 MINESING ORTTS TV AND RADIO SERVICE CALL $200 Licensed Technician ONE MILE SOUTH or eastern HIGHWAY 27 PHONE PA 60643 DAY oanchr HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE Dryers Washers SERVICE etc Your THOR Service Representative JOHN KELLY PA osizs SO YOURE BUILDING HOME Let ua show you how to have wall to wsll carpeting at the price of hardwood Iinollilfl Far less care and ugkos Warmor noors SMAL LER LI BILLS FOR APPOINTMENT TO SEE SAMPLES IN YOUR HOME TELEPHONE PA 6438 rose common Well Service new wells on and repairs to on pumpr caii PA 84791 EXPERIENCED Treo surgeon Will remove and trim treesrind hedges For additional totalmotion teielt phone PA 60409 FLAT some dead Drapes shccts Rmil work also Low prices Mrs pillow coach armor 195 Eurthn Ava REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE as Clapperton St PHONE PA as UPHOLsrnlw BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING Er REPAIR SERVICE ANTIQUE AND MODERN aesuiirul ssmples mo estimates Now is the time to recover your chesterliold chslrs etc more than so years experience BARBIE ermlts us to give you cttor deol asesr Duikcr PHONE LOW ovarhaad PA 87483 o5 hrndtoro st Res 134 buokworth St fFLOWER FRESH UG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING BY DURACLEAN ALSO Expéi Upholstein PA 89931 TRAVEL AGENCIES CNR TICKET OFFICE BARBIE lull air steamship and hotel OPEN OLDEST AG reservations DAYS WEEK ESlnnLlsHiZD TilAVEt ENC IN IlAIIIlIE PA WW mums crosso Stuns =m AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR BALE rid II body this 75 7a 778 We also insultedIn uannioed work axcovsrmo ml chow1me son same rears eusrew huntlag IM analog Wats DENle Norton Anna Eternal PAgMI MASONRY IImIAnl mam email tour Thoma EL Phone PA 5112 PERSONALS lan and Mar Pupil Ara Vain mCAILY Arman HYPNOTISM To max vacus motori am emolloaAl or nervous disord creation UmIll posed of To Loss were no net uliinlnflliimnstiiiï¬oi nslslii 35 Bizulna by spoininlent only DAY on cvmma PA saw THE CANADIAN mm HYPNOLOGY REG BYPNUWCIAND Consultant to tho Pmlcuianl 25 DUNWP BI SUITS NO WILLIAM PEARCE will that bl responsible sor any debt cantranb ed in my name by my wile Darov lamb MORTGAGE SALE under one by virtus or the pass erv contained In email mort gags wales wtll pmuoeo at in tsma sale there will be Minna forIla by pnhiih auction imfo iii iloe mes xy slutor hour or clown oclock to tho ornoon Lb Qutelsa Raul all City OI Elrfll DI JO Chub an Auctioneer the allow prop my alarm Tho Wart all at Lot No as in tho eta concession at tho rmsnln or nu Tam I07 oi lbs Ior miller srtltuilrs aim eon dltioiu ol aala apply to COWAN worm allrise ltï¬rs Es alohalion er rs DARRln Ontario Dlodaifllrrlalhiaflrddlyol So omoer mo NOTICE or ANNUAL MEETING rah LIQUOR uoaNon nor LICENSING DISTRICT No TAKE NOTE that the Annual Meeting at was Liquor Ltconu flosslol Ogltarto toraniicshs com so ggilhilcs all nitriorin Peel thy Pearce alter this date Sep tember 14 1950 WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDEESSING anrol now In this lavernmebt chartered school when all are thoroughly trained in nu rmchu or beauty culture meioi nugflmdggmwlghaooa ID COLLIER STREFI CR PHONE PA Hi hm arsonr shoe coio Wavel oio by certilierl hairdesscr In our home llernloo pnono slhvln Flower hsskot lost at are Pal Wednesday Sept 14 Finds call Mra Fl Ex wars to an Owner pics all call 10 HELP WANTED 35 Any make at bonsai etc PARK MOTORS god Ihsa Distdsvtlau cl Mgrï¬lldok 033 BEE in the CRY 13155 in or tb Iath dd Octobs IND CEIYIlmcncih at no hour of oclock in the moon at which In it will nest and air terrain apIplicatlona for tho rlowal oi lceneos In accordance with The Honor Lircau Act no Regulations hereunder AND rumHm nAlo Norma um any person resident in the mo licensing district ob ecting to any such Ippilnltinrl lhll Ila his grounds at objection in writin with the no my flesiatrar at io ten days he arc the meeting Eil LOWE Ronstnr no to iTMbakrsllurrrhivd TORONTO out Lis wonderful thich Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 some HELP some AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN Opportunities all in our Bale Danmmant or men with sales ability No previous IKparlonco necessary 1006 in RETAIN KNEE PANTS LONDON lAP Britains 250000 Boy Scouts began voting today on whether to swap their knee pants for the anklelength variety The baroknoo ballot will go on all week Lanky teenagers complained that short trousers make them look silly VETERAN FLYER TOUSSUSLENOBLE Franco AP Maurice Tabuteau 77 who may have been flying longer than anyone elso alive is par ticipating in an air rally of avialt tion veterans hbuteeu got his licence lamb and still is singleengined plane LINER CAUGHT FIRE CHERBOUEG France AP smaIl iiro aboard the liner Queen Elizabeth was reported when she arrived bare Imm New York today The fire which broke out while the shipwas at sea Sunday afternoon occurred in an electrical installation room it was quickly extinguished without the passengers becoming alarmed PICKED SIX WINNERS AGUA CALIENTE Mexico APJAiter paying the rent on his Los Angela home Elbert Stevenson had $18 left to bet on horses insteed of the usual 32 Ho won $55077 Than the way he explained it today when he came here to collect Stevenl son 46 was the only better to pick all six winners in the filth through 10th races at the Call eata Track Saturday LEFTISTS PURGED OSLO AP Norways gov erning Socialist party purged selioHtspocommunist on NATO faction during the week end The nationaiexccutivo com mittee unanimously decided that hero of the extreme ieltist or Ientations group which takes its blame from the groups magalt zae INJURED PRIDE CARD Wales AP ihe Welsh Guards sultered In its pride when only 10 newreeruits doined up in month So mass partymembersAcannnrbemcmT worm NEWS INBRIEF throughout the towns and villages oi Wales The result One new recruit And medical ofï¬cer said he may not be it enough P1128838 EEIZED JAKARTA Indonesia AP President Sukarno Sunday dealt blow to the rightist press in lndouesla by seizing the printing pm at antigovernment new papers in Jakarta Semarang the Surabaja and Bandung The con iiscatioa order charged the pop ers had been used or disturb ing general order FIND BMUGGLED GOLD GENOA Italy AP Italian customs men found $135200 worth oi gold hidden uner tho engine and floorboards of all Or EDIDCIIIIII car here one day last week The next day they iound $168000 worth of gold hidden in the top is space 0rlentdeo stian cor The men who shipped the vehicles are being sought RECOGNIZES SUDAN PARIS AP Franco tony officially recognized the former French Sudan as the independ ent sovereign Mali Republic Sil dnn originally formed Mail Fed eratioa with Senegal another former Frean possession adjoin ing it in West Africa but Sene gal withdraw as the result at power struggle between premiers Marnadou Din of Senegal and hloblbo Keith oi Sudan France already has recognized Senegal as an independent republic EXCHANGE VISITS HAVANA AP President Nasser of the United Arab ile public and Prime Minister Fidel Centre of Cuba were reportedtc have exchanged promises sly to visit each others country ioso Panda Linda is rbdio com mentutor who is with the 2qu UNWIeiEZEllomsaldmaa cast from New York that Castro hoped to go to Cairo soon COUNILLOR DIES MONTE Monaco Reuters Charles Belinlldo do Castro councillor to Prince Rainier and grand olflcer in the Grimaldi Order died here Saturay at the ago at as aditer iva recruiting drive was staged luooessiul anuclhu will recalvl will 000 per year plus an opportunity to develop major income tram bonuses and new car lupplied Pralarflfl Ill II to co married BARRIE LTD BRADFORD ST BARBIE ONTARIO YOU Are in looking or new ions asyol ws have what you want QUALIFIED LEADS FOR GOOD MEN Instant commission vsry utils tri vollins present man overuse $500 monthly eommlmon tor interview till ROSS 51 between mo and moo pno tonliin ASK FOR ME LAMAECHE MALE HELP SECOND CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEERS Department of National Defence Camp Borden Ontario $4860 $5400 Applicants must ha in possession valid 2nd Class Provincisiï¬nv ornmrni Curlillcate For Illl articular as to residence qullliicht all requirements and pilcatian lorms posters on plsy at the National Empiorm service and Post orllceAppy he tore OCTOBER 11 1960 to the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 25 st Clair Avenue East Toronto Quote Competition oonss FEMALE HELP HOUBEKEEPER ta llva In tor moiherless home school no children Apply Box is Barrie Els smlner UNDDuGuADuArE ano traineo practical nurch required lnniswooo rrlvoto Hospital telephnnu rA was or Information EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL DO baitv sittingin may own homo Apply 174 Grove Phone PA 84013 WOULD LIKE Spare Work in oven insngglialior lnfomltion telephone PA LICENSED sieoaANsc requires employment in asrri Gail 943187 WOULD LOOK oitol children in my oral Electrle For ndditionol Infor mation tclcpbona PA D2843 WILL no ALTERATIONE Mending Bra av Making and Ladies Skim Wur dune in at home or yours Telephone PA ll 589 resdlu corrcl onconoo him in baby tting will lixm dude1 int 841 $100 hour lgt ea gth ll LEGAL NOTICE To CREDITORseoTHERs All persons having claim inst fTho ESTATE 01 ROBERT HEDLEY or asrrlo who died on or about the nth day at October loss are rcqured to run their claims wih tho undersigned on or hetero in day at Novomosr lilo DATED Itt Toronto tbll 2311 any of Scptombur 1980 CAUDWELL SYMMES dc SMITH Barrlltars and Solicitorll ED Richmond St Walt Toronto Ontario Solicitors for tho Executrlx AN EXAMINER WANT advertisers to ownhomt Reasonable Near 0911 bet LADY FREE to do bookkeeping i2 TENDERS TENDERS CALLED don iortha Ill of moi ll ailill be received Oct or SEPARATE SCHOOLS Tot BARBIE 1an Sedretnryiressurar 70 Pcnctanl St Earrlo Ont AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEER mom COme Phenol BARRIE PA H085 VICTORIA HARBOUR 506m CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 824i4 veriisments are inserted at tho rate of do per word par inser tion tor one and two times so per word for three four or live times and one per word for or more insertions 10 addl tionai charge if not paid within 10 days IIiE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS iiOo PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R Bat IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERIION Coming Events 5c per ward in um charge $150 Birth words over as words so par word extra in Memoriam No tices $150 if verso used per word extrai muons 0h CORRECTIONS onortllers sru romloooo east on phone Insertion orders or accopb ed as convenience to you the ad vertissr rhereloro the Diamond onrrtuins Dcï¬srtmnat request on ndiy roeheck their advertisement immediatst after or Insertion In order thatany er rare or omisswns may he reported ors sm in order that sums may be rectiï¬ed tor the allowing insertion order We wish to pa at out that The conls axonslner Is responsible for ool one Local rcctly printed Insert on on any noveluseless and then only to LII extent or portion III III involves the misprintlrrors which not lesson the vslus or the ad vartirement arc not eligible corrections oy makc loads BLIND LEPIER REPLIES Information regarding advertisers usla Blind Letter hox Numbers for optics Ls bald strictly conflv deatlul he lies to Letter Boxes wlii ha held on it dnyl altar lastflay or publication Rates and type nych or lami display classiï¬eds may bu obtained thrdu The Examiner advertising depa merit All the day before publication 0a Satan day by noon JAPAN WINE VANCOUVEE CPLHawaii Black Iron of Japan scored an 1817 exhibitiony in rnntional English rugby victory over Vall cuver Repta here Saturday be fore 2800 fans It was the tour Coarlaoaed and classified adI and Death Notices for up to 25 ZLAN1 whoopthonldrhg in our oulcobyii pm Pound it oozes $7320 iifetimo in the service of three ruler mamAlbert unis II an Rainier III YOUNGETERS RIOI BERLN AmReports reach ing Wat Berlin say Communist East German police had to call out reinforcements to handle riot oi youngsters at recent air in Dresden CRASH KILLED THREE SIUIIGARI Germany APio vs Army helicopter crashed Saturday at nearby Wahlingeo kllliogail three oitts occupants army reported Witnesses said the helicopter appeared to have engine trouble and in try log to make an unorgwa iandlt lag become entangled in tree topo washed and burned IMMIGRAIDN OUOTAS WASHINGTON AP Presb dent Eisenhower Saturday signed aénlproclamationestabllshlng lib each for It new republics in At rica The lirepublics each granted independence this year are Cameroua the Central Atri can Republic Chad the Congo the Republic Congo OWN Gabon the Ivory Coast tho Malagasy Republic Niger the Somali Republic Togo and Up per Volta OBLIGING FISH SPARTANBURG SC AP two pound to ounce bass jumped into Hunsucke boat Just as he dropped anchor In shallow water during the week end dht catch another fish all day he said In fact never even got bite Gatineau Golf Club Destroyed In Fire HULL Qtl lCPIFir strayed the Gattneau Golf and Country Club seven miles west of here Sunday The fire begun around am when only the owner Joe Sara oï¬ottawa and three members the stall remained following the evening floor Show crowd of 500 had been in the stone and wood building an hour earlier No one was iniurod Mr Saxo haullooted his loss at rebuilt rm Eusfllomeon no BY HIGHWAYTRAVELLER DAYSIN NEWYORK HOTEL ROOM SIGHTSEEING ENTERTAINMENT EXPRESS TRIPS FROM TORONTO EVERY DAY VIA OJ WAY AND WASHIN PHILADELPHIA psnmuns SANANTONIO LWlNNIPEG VANCOUVER MONTREAL SAULT STEMAR VIA GREYHOUND LINESJN usA IAII round trip fares are low lav Bus GTO IE NEW YORK THRCWAY 3325 30 3840 7810 6060 1119° 2190 V210 CONSULT YOUR IOCAI AGENT FOR All BUS TRAVEL INFORMATION ists second victory in as many NONE PA starts on sixgame Canadian tour Chunhill Jacksons Gianorol Store immigration quotas of loo rsm hangs aroma manr SEPTEMBER 1m is CBEEMORE BIBTEVOF aoN Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Fred Here Part Credit on the birth at son James Frederick at the South Peel Hospital on Sept Ll Anniversary services are be ing held at St Johns United Church on Sunday Sept 25 and on this occasion it will be the turning on the newly In stalled lufra Red electrical heating system This heating system Is said to be the second at its kind in Ontario and was perfected in Engad and Tomato ï¬rm are the sole distributors Installa tiugmcosis were approximately Speaker at the Gospel Hall on Caroline Street on Sunday Sept 25 is Ben Wlddifled at Barrie VISITS PARENTS Bea Mschesney of Vancouver stopped air on his way to Mont real on business to visit with his parents Mr and Mre0rr hlachesaey SATISFACTORY PROGRESS Latest reports on Couhdilor Charles Joyce an that he is Erogresslag satisfactorily alter recent kidney operation Mr and Mrs Jack Steed at tended the wedding of Miss Grace Holmes to Capt Harry Brown at the Anglican Church Army lilies Holmes has been missionary in Japan for the past four years Mrs Harry Msnsbridge our CreemorcNew Io oat is now sec for points on the trip to New York contest So lets all get busy and send in new subscriptions rengwair lhensrlle Examiner and help her make the top NEW MANAGEMENT The restaurant on Mill St until recently owned and oper ated by Mr and Mrs ea McIntosh opened Wedues ay Sept 21 under new mahogag moat by two Coilingwood is $250000 liesaid the club will ho all Lefroy 4R serve snacks and hot ssudv wlches now added interest or the young people is going to be dsncihg to the lake box the room previously used as dining room GERALD BATES Sympathy of the community extended at this time to the family at the late Gerald Bstzs who died suddenly on Saturd Sept 17 at Quenaswsy Gene ai Hospital Toronto Funeral services were held mm the Crawtord and Mum ford Funeral Home Crecmore on fluesday Sept 20 Inter ment Shelburne Cemetery SCHOOL FAIR School Fair Day was held an rednesdsy Sept 21 with the ollowi schools in Noitswa saga log part Cashtown Madlils Bands Avenihg Bay view and Creemore Cloudy westherthreateaed all morning but by noon tbs sun was shining panda led by Hugh McLaughlin oh the bagpipes started at the public school and ended at the park where the different schools put on their exercises drills and contests Races had already parents were on ha to lead their support Ladies from Creemore at leading the 45th annual session of the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto this week are Mrs Hazel More Mrs Russell Day Mrs Charles Foster and Mrs Frances Pother TRIANEXAMINEKWANIAD PHONE PA 82414 dies Mrs Nslrn and Mrs Glover who are planning to o3 hon ll Bvrne Agassi Barrie Bus Terminal iii551