PAT AND Gary DAmbrosio Osmberland tr Barrie would have liked to get at the choice apples on the stands at Barrla Exhibition last evening loture roller gtstreliih as crowds begin to pick up tor the annual lair Display in cludes llclulosliMelba Des lidous Portland Hume and Tolmnn Sweet varieties ol the Warrant oiiicer First Class PUBLIC RELAIIONB In valva distribution of goodwill by an organization to John Public Barrie Cancer So ciety education committee workers Mrs Willard Kinsle At Annual Barrie Exhibition cancer apron There was societian lot everyone to see and do at the Barrie Exhibition yesterday and many citizen Barrie and sur rounding areas were taking ad vantage of the opportuniw The sun smiled warmly on more than H000 persons who passed through the air gates Although attendance was thought to be somewhat lower than ast year in the alternoon Children travclled in pairs and tries as they wormed their way in and out along the crowd ed midway Everything imag lnable wasoliereu in the way at thrills and split for edxï¬n turous ymmsstm ram coaster to the House oi Horrors The women naturally headed or the womens section in the Barrie Curling Club bulld tag where womens culinary tal ents were displayed along with needle and leather crnlts Father was drawn to the horse show where horses wersi resplendent in polished leather harnesses with gleaming brass captivating even to the novice women Thundering Clydesdaies Belgians and Percherons revive log bygone era paraded hes lore the judges The lelrer sex was well represented in the Hockney competition Nor was the exhibition without its lost child Marlene Henry suddenly iound berscil alone on the mldwoy An urgent appeal was broadcas over the loud speaker to any member of Marlenos lamin claim here at the other in the curling lounge Yesterday we revlslted the Wells Gladiell anycolor Mrs Coulson Victor Wells Gladieli specimen spikehire Coulson Mrs Norman Willoughby Basket gladioli Mrs Evans Victar Wells Stock collection irene Hill Mrs hi hi Campbell Annual sweet pea collectionMrs Campbell Marigold Airin aH Knapp Mrs Coulson Mrs Roy Llllicrep Marigold French Mrs Watson Kenneth Kldrnaa Mrs Campbell Nasturtium Francis Shanahsn Audrey Head Mrs Coulson Phlox annualMr Coul son Francis sheoaban Mrs Campbell Phlox per ennialMrs Coulson Panties collection Audrey Head Irene Hill Mrs Brown Potunle doubleMrs Campbell Irena Hill Fiveyearold lower exhibits in the main hall and the display this year is out standing The results are as follow COUNTY FLOWER DISPLAYS Barrie Horticultural Society Vespra Horticultural Society Nonhorticultural society die plays Barrio Conservation Club Edenvale Womens Inst itute Thornton Womens last ituto do and Mrs Jerry Coughlin are the organization and Mrs Gilalulai BR Shanty Bay is John Gob of in formation on cancer are avail able at the booth in the Girl ing Rink CgpitalCiiy Scene jOf Social By ELIZABETH MOTIIERWELL Canadian Press Stall Writer OTTAWA CP Renais sance gown of antique parchment aatin was designed by Sandra Drew or her marriage in Christ Church Cathedral today to David Scholey at London England The capitals biggest social event of the summer attracted some 400 guests including cab inet ministers diplomats and friends irom Britain the United Yshntea and manyjnarts of Can is Hon George Drew Canadian high commissionerrin London wili escort his only daughter in the bridal procession from 24 Sussex street where Prime Min ister and Mrs Dieienbaker will entertain at luncheon prior to the 3pm ceremony The gown of the 20yearoid London debutante was created by Janet West of London from hl ht cathedral to accent the rich ivory oi the bridal gown and heirloom veil of Brussels lace Mary Stuart ceplcts were delt signed by Blancaiani of Florence as headrcsses tor the bride and her seven attendants The attendants gowns del pbinlum blue created by Violy oi Florence in style similar to the brides ieature lull over skirts extending into modiiicd trains The over skirts fitted aver narrow sheaths are lined in pale aquamarine satin matched by the headdresses Cascade bouquets oi cream roses and stephanotls were chosen for the bridesmaids with the bride holding only prayer book for the ceremony Mrs Stephen Calhoun at New York sister of the groom is matron of honor Bridesmaids are Andrea Rowicy of Kingston Jill Woods of Ottawa Linda Fitzgerald and Ann Lloyd cou POIIED PLANTS BegoniasMrs Brown House plant Mrs Norman Willoughby Irene Hill Mrs JrCoulson Collection of home gimmeMrs Bert Scbalphlrena Cacti Mrs my Liliicrap Mrs Campbell Jar garden Mrs Craig Terrarium Mrs Jackson Dieb garden Mre Roy Lillicrap Anam oinlelsMrs Brown Irene Astera giant blueMrs CoulsonVictor Wells Mrs Willlem Evans Asters giant pinkVictor Wells Irene Hill Eleanor Jennett Asterl giant whiteMrs Roy Liiiicrap Vic tor Wells Aster collection Mrs Coulson Mrs Brown Mrs Campbell Calenduia collectionFrancis Shanahsn Mrs Norman Wil lougbby Mrs Coulson Coxcomb collection Knapp Celosls collectionJ Knapp Mrs Coulaon Chrysanthemum arrangement Mrs Coulson Mrs Brown VictorWells Coa mos Mrs William Evans Mrs Watson Mrs Norman Willougbby Dahlia specimen bloom Irene Hill Mraa Bell Dahlia two blooms Johnston Victor Wells Dahlia live blooms pnmpon Mrs Norman Willoughby Dahlia basket of decorative and large cactusVictor Wells Gniilardia collection Mrs Roy Llilicrep Mrs Campbell Mrs Coulson Gledioli Mrs NJ Coulson Mrs Norman Willoughby Mrs William Evans Gladioli white Mrs Coulson Mrs Boy Lilllcrap Victor Wells Glad ioilplnkM Coulsor SixYEAltOLD Carol Anne Corrignll daughter of Mr and Mrs Corrlgail Peel Street was interested in the Petunia ruiflcd Mrs Coulson Mrs Roy Lililcrap Mrs Campbell Salpi glosslsMrs Campbell CUT FLOWERS Marigold French dwarf collection Mrs Watson Strcud let Kenneth Kid nsan 2nd Mrs Ml Camp bell 8rd NasturtiumFrancis Shanahan RR 1st Audrey Head 2nd Mrs Coulson 3rd Phlox annualMrs Coulsoo 1st Francis Shan ahan 2nd Mrs Camp bell and Perennial Ilve stems Mrs Coulson 2nd Pansles collection Francis Sbanaban 1st Mrs Norman Wiiloughby 2nd Mrs Camnbell and Petunia single Audrey Head 1st Irene Hill 2nd Mrs Brown 3rd Petunia double Mrs Campbell 1st Irena Mill 3rd Petunia ruined Mrs Coulson 1st Mrs Roy Lilli crap 2nd Mrs Camp bell ard Snlpigiossis display Mrs Campbell Saivla Mrs Camgbell Scat iosa Mrs ouison 1st Mrs Roy Lililcrap 2nd Mrs Campbell 8rd Straw lowerIrene Hill Snepdragoas Mrs Coulson 1st Mrs Roy Lilli crap 2nd Mrs Camp bell 3rd Verbena Gerald Rattle let lrene Hill 2nd Mrs may Lillicrap 3rd Zin nlas giantVictor Wells 1st Mrs Coulson 2nd Irene rlill 3rd Zinniaa pamper Mrs Brown 1stMra Coulson 2nd Gerald Rattle 3rd Zinnlas collection Mrs Campbeilplat Mrs Coulson 2nd Eleanor Ja nett 3rd Bast floral arrangement us ing zinnias Mrs Coul son 1st Mrs Campbell and Gerald Rattle 3rd sketches made by the Elde vStyled with wrist length sleeves and slimfitting bodice the gown lectures sellbound curved neckline designed as settingnt the antique diamond cross worn by the bride as fscmathing borrowed Lines of the gracchil neckline follow through to bouflnni oversklrt falling into cathedral length train phones Moria rnnvasns white and green floral motif was chosen for the candlelit Vibrant COIQISI And Rmflole To New Fall FumitUIe Displays By ELEANOR Ross in fashions glow with color and so do the new model room furniture displays rich yet delicate green gold really strong turkey red errich orange avibrant blue had brightiollve green are some of the colors that glow in very welldone series of model rooms In many such room displays too we note trend toward Spanish decor The Spanish type of furniture looks its best with brightlycolored settings and ac cessorles The French Em ire lookds likedby dccorat tuof An es pcclaiiy handst bedrome in this genre goeslnrior peacock bluevelyetcarpet ysterwhite sallndraperiesiine with Bristol blue taiieta fastened with an tique brass rosette tiebackd The bedspread is of White damask ing living room sin of the bride both of Toronto and Mrs John Impcy of London SandraAnna Suite of Toronto another cousin ot the bride is flowcrvglrl The best man of the groom 25yearvold banker son of Mr and Mrs Dudley Scholay of Londbn is Robert Hutton oi London Thc ceremony will be per formed by Very Rev John An derson Anglican dean of Ottawa asisted by Rev Terence Finley of New York andiormerly oi cluttered loo Ottawa dining area goes in for much em erald green and dashes oi tur quoiae Handsome mahogany iuraiture of classic derivation much of it European but with distinct American look is at its best in benuiliul living room setting done in bright olive green and greengold SMART ACCESSORIES Accessories are smartly used in this room places such es an en tique gilt thermometer and silver mercury plaques the adrcne un atiessed and there is anabsence at gadgety nccessories or bizarre lumps and gimmicky omamen Color and clever iooltheeye mural highlight room designed obviously ioryoung modems budget but with dcilnlie The Barrie Examiner Social Notes are intended to cover the general social lilo oi the city and district Wedding an niversaries birthdays bridge parties coiningchase par ties visitors and travellers areall items of interest to the women readers at this page Your help In supplying this news will be greatly appreciated Please phone PA H531 and lukloi the Womens Page ilaymond Gobeen son of Rev and Mrs Gobeen was home visiting his parents prior to Bachelor of Divinity Degree at the John Wesley Seminary Foun datlon which is ntilllatedwlth Asbury Seminary Wilmore Ken tricky Mrs MayEdmonton iAIlIeitI has been guest with lines George Caldwell Coll city Mrs weila hunt TRINITY WA Trinity Anglican Church We mensAuitllinry held the Sep tember mestin rector Wednesday Neshit president chaired the meeting During the even ng members made plans for to meetingaat which missionaries will speak ATTENDING COLLEGE Only one of the live children of Mr and Mrs Ralph Snci grovpLTber Street will be ay in Mrs Cald SPEAKING OF PEOPLE his return tobleetudlas Iorhisl ier Street while visiting in themdgemn Wading rat elm last Saturday were Mr and Montreei Mr Shrier adver ï¬ose MimeHill home tor this school term That is Eloise II who attends Codrlngton School The othersl Lyn is at Lakeahore Teachers College Ralph Junior Tim is enrolled at Ashbury College in Ottawa Elizabeth is at Hav ergel College in Toronto this year and Numbers Toby has started his secondary reduceI tion at Up or Canada Colic in Torontop gr Also enrolled at Upper Can ada Collage this year is Nor man Freedman son of liohn Freedman Theresa Street Bath Norman Freedman and Norman Snclgrove are 1980 greduetca of Codrington School in Barrie Miss Hazel Freed man who teught at Plnegrove School at Grcniel last year is at Lehman Teachers College this term TORONTO Wonnmo Those attending the Jonker Presbyterian Church Toronto Mrs Lionel Edgerton and dan ghter Mruand Mrs Ldoiiard tonnand Mr and Edgerion and Mrs Worele Street Mr and Mr Shrier Parkdele have William Crescent returned home from tislng menilger al The Barrial Examiner attended the annual Mrs Willougbby Victor WINDSOR OP The Cane AND PLACES Edgerion Mrs Frank Edger avies Robert 1st Victor Wells 3rd Roses collection Eleanor Jennett Thornton latrlrene Hill 2nd Wells 8rd Arrangement of roseslrene Hill In Victor Weill 3rd lelng room decorationVic tor Wells 1st MrsDG Brown and hire Coul son 3rd ninth table arrange menuIrene 2nd Mrs Brown and Container oi mixed flowers Mrs Csmpbelt Isl Mrs Brown 2nd Victor We 3rd Living room decorationMrs Campbell 1st Irene 2nd MrsD Duckworth 3rd Dining table decoration Mrl Chmpbell lat Irene Hill 2nd Mrs Brown 3rd Thanksgiving er rangementMre Camp bell llt Mrs Brown IndtVlrena Hill and Christ mas mantel arrangement Victor Well 1st Irene Hill prize winning miniature home displayed at the Flower Show Carol would love to have it or doll house 2nd MrsD GBrnwn 3rdi VictoriWells 8rd Roses three bloomsIrene Hill ist Victor Christmas spray orwrcath or the door IVictor Wells lat Katherine McBride12nd Mrs RoyLlilicrap 8rd Miniature floral arrangement not over in heightMrs Cempbsll1at Katherine McBride 2nd Mrs Willis Sniltb 3rd Unusual decora tive arrangement using any materialIrsneHill 1st Mrs Campbell 2nd Mrs Duckworth only Miniature garden not over in height Cyril Jackson Mineaing Hol idsy corsageMrs Duck rth Algiers Ralefo£ an on of tree leavesl amed and pressed Mrs Duckwortb lat Mrs Gerald Rattle an Mrs Fagan 3rd Collection 01 weed seedsGerald Nettle ist Mrs Fagan 3nd Mrs Duckworth 3rd Coliectionot named cuttings showing hark od 12 deciduous native trees Mrs Craig 1st Gerald Rattle 2nd Mrs Fagan 3rd Collection of fruits of forest treesMrs Duckworth 1st Mrs Fag en 2nd Miniature home sultably landscapedCyril Jackson Toronto Woman Named President dian Association of Medical Re cord Librarians holding lts an nual meeting Tuesday elected Mrs Mary Ann Jelaiike olflorm ontos Quacnsway General Hos pital as presidentelect Miss Doris McPherson Prin cess Mary Hospital Toronto is incoming president The council includes Mrs FranccsChristtcTGalt paper Advertising Managers Association of Eastern Canada gtllhe SheratomMount Royal BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Congratulations to Mrs Jones 50 Maple Avenue who celebrated her 84th birthday Thursday In hurry for money Just phone Beneï¬ciaL Get the cash you want fast One phone gt call and one visit to the ofllce does everything Call up or come in today YOURE THE BOSS TAT BENEFICIAL 15 as statesmen Phon Arkway 85931 canals 55 month esnicu all as am isoo lo 000 la up bl IIIIiflKVYId BENEFICIAL DISPLAYS FEATURE VTY Suh Shines OnLarge dewd rnz HARM EXAMINER Barrie Univ Chili Tho University Womens Club ol Barrie held its September meeting at the home Mrs Heber mob During the even ing the group presented one of its two ennuaiecholarships and heard Mrs Charles Wilson re port on the Idvisabiilty oi tench lng French in the public schools Mrs Arthur McLean chairman of the scholarship committee presented cheque or mo to its Jane MacLarcn 1960 graduate oi Barrio North Coiieg late Another scholarship or similar amount will go to stu dent at Central Collegiate who is yet to be chosen The scholar Ililps which were instituted last year go to the girl student with the highest aggregate in nine papers written in one year Miss MacLarcn thanked the group saying that the money would be used to buy the many books she will need during her our years in the modern history and mod ern language course she will take at Victoria College Mrs Wilson reported on her findings in asurvoy made oi the methods teaching French in the publlcschools Last June Mrs Wilson accompanied by Mrs Elli Paulin and Mrs Jim Save visited Etoblcoktnnd pakv two communities in DreameiRéqulrféS5 Daily Home Chores By cananth mm Oiten school child is reported to his parents as daydreamer Sometimes he daydreams be cause ha hassome worries about his relationships at home orwitlt his playmates mother writes about her son has been tagged dreamer have been worried about bins or some time and havent been able to help bliss His grades recently have been slipping and Ive lollred it over al great length with his teacher glxauggeeiedI write to you or reaction as Loss roo She laa ministers wife very line and understanding per son but she doesnt know what 30 do abhut this situation either Although he usually receives little above leverage grades she feels he could do much bet ter But as said hes been let ting them slip When hes supposed to be working on very important test she sometimes finds him gazing out the window etc It sometimes takes him over an hour to do one page of homework We cant seem to make him concentrate SEEKS ADVICE It therein solution would you be kind enough to advise me Im afraid that as he gets into the upper grades itll be much 1136 diliicuitto do anything Ior He is vary normal lovable little boy and loves sports iish littleiboys usually like Hes al ways heenwellbehaved and con siderate My reply in part Usually child daydreoms at school because what is done in Cub Scouting everything SATURDAY SEPT 11 holarship which French is taught in the lower grades In Etobicoke only the glited children are giv en this extra sublect while in Oakvlile all the children are taught French Oakville had had no ditticuityln obtaining teach ers or their French classes they had advertised in Ottawa papers and ended up with more applicants than they had posH tions to till Mrs Wilson and the others lclt that the children enjoyed the French classm with their songs and games The children were stimulated by these classes and at this age they approached another language with liss hesi lation and sellconsciousness than high school students usually do Dr Wilder Penlield the noted Montreal neurologist eels that there is deiinite physiological basis to the childs ability to learn languages better at an early age he strongly advocates that children be taught second language as early as possible Duringthe business section at the meeting the club members dismissed the coming at the Can adian Players They will be in Barrie onsaturday Oct to present one Shakespeares more popular dramas Julius Caesmd class is too hard iorhlmto get or too easy to challengehis eliort CALM anon vrras dont believe you will get any where by scolding him elhonie for his failure to concentrate and hflp him ltyeu gt 1m as you helphlm ws lessons If you cant be calm you had better employ quiet teacher to tutor him As he does beter at his school work he will concentrate more No doubihe la poor reader He should read betteraa he reads materials interesting to bina wlth lvocebulary much easicr than his regular chool books REQUIRE noun cuoneis Then you might help hirriat home by requiring him todo law regular jobs that he can does them promptly When you make request orcomniand oi DIEITflED M0 IT SWOD THE CHEAPER RIDES LONDON CP Old peoples organizations throughout Britain are being asked to support campaign for cheaper bus iares for old age pensioners Mrs NeiIJLdu meeting thisweekot thcNewsl FINANCE CO OF CANADA SIMPSON Hour Service PA $1659 Barrie man Irma Harper do well at school But you might in never escape and see that he Initiate Members ill Kinetic Club The barrio Kinetic Club held their best generatmeelinggvila the new president Mn Jmie Lamb presiding Twenty olive members and guest Mrs Sail Gearing were in attendance ibree ocw members Cgroa Froorn Beverley Moore and boil Anna Hyde were initiated The business meeting followed dinner at the American Hotel Co chairman Pat Tesku was appointed club historian Marie Archer and Jean Cote finalised plans or relresbment booth tn be operated at the Barrie Fall Fair The proceeds will go to wards service work in thedw ci Barrie and the lurrmindlug district The business meeting ended with the distribution nI the air nual Doll Draw tickets by Chair The doll complete with wardrobe and wardrobe trunk will be drawn for December 12 Canadian Ballet Sharply Discussed TORONTO iCPilhe National Ballet took stock or itseli Thurs day found its books in the black and had abnrp discussion about whether the ballet is really an ticnai or just Eastern Canadian RetiringPresident Edwin Goodman told the National Dob meeting be hoped the province of Ontario would give tangible recognition to the work done by the Tomntovbased ballet Artistic director Celia France said that to associate the ballet with Ontario was iormotart lslio zonlng which would re suit in the country aeeingoless ballet Gordon Gibson retiring tréaslt urer reported an excess ol in as at June 30 Theatretelevi sion summer school and other revenues wera 5327455 Other in come including $100000 Immtba Canada Council totalled 15099 pp Clerk Publishing ornpany was elected president him ï¬rst have his attention so there is no need to repeat it Be generous with approval at his slightestng at bookleam pannnrsifeunermna Our daughter in many books Could she be leading too much Hardly if she gets abundant sleep and ample playoutdoors and indoors with other children of her age reeds um examiner sooneri cam ru EL OIL The oil with higher BTU content to give more hours of cosy heat per gallon Prompt metrcd deliveries by courteous driuers of the finest luel available Let us help you plan now for comfortable winter enquire about ourBudget Plan COFOP PA 68531 in the homes of rie You are Invited to meet MRS JbHN 1WINTERMEYER wifeof the OntaricrLiberal Leaderr JERRY COUGHLIN Liberal Candidate and Mrs Coughlin at OPEN HOUSE on WED SEPT 21 Mrs Nova Belanger izi Cumberland al ioao MrIPsntisï¬eiï¬ï¬‚ishlmd when 336 430 pin MrsJohnT Smith 29 regents is Published by the Simcoe Centre Linear Association 41 let Guild of Canadasnnnual comeovercxpenditnreolnï¬rs Walker president or