Tribe BumsGirl moors arc Hmcs PRINCE Looking back on the Royal Canadian Navys 50year his tory ltnot only do sailors re merrber HMCS Prince Henry bul soldiers as well The Prince Henry converted from lux ury entire ship to an armed merchant cruiser carried out escort and patrol duties in the Atlaan and Pacific oceans Converted to an infantry land ing ship in 1943 she put hun HENRY T00 dreds of troops ashore on the Normandy beaches and from there went on to other invas ion campaigns in southern France and Greece Above traps are embarked at Toronto Natlonal Defence Photo UNs Congo Plan Aims At GENEVA AP The United Nations European headquarters said Thursday it is thinking in terms of UN program tremen dous in scope that would run to ma or 1975 its feet basic feature of the program to help the new troubled repub lic would place UN advisers and experts under the direct orders of Congolese authoritics This would give the Congo an administrative Structure similar to that of Ghana where most of the former colonial civil servants from Britain have stayed on to carry out the orders of African superiors Top experts at the European headquarters said the plan still in its drafting stages would mean radical departure from UN policies so far practised in the Congo and elsewhere Each Congolese minister would have at his side UN adviser obeying his orders and carrying DivorceChange Not Practical TORONTO CF lt Elliot ep per Queens proctor said Thurs day night suggestions by Toronto lawyer Joseph Sedgwick on di vorco procedural changes are impractical Mr Sedgwick suggested in letter to Saturday Night maga zine that courts be permitted to accept plea of guilty with evi dence of adultery rather than force the defendant to prove guilt He said the scheme would re lieve the pressure on our courts save great deal of public money permit decent people to avoid unnecessary embarrass ment and prevent the shabby practices and perjury that now aresnd have been for many years too prevalent Mr Pepper appointedby Atlt torneyGeoeral Roberts to re view Ontario divorce proceed ings said gt The fabrication is of two kinds first between the core spondent and the defendant then by the defendant when he or she appears in court Mr Sedgwicks suggestion gets rid of only one false story Those seeking diVorce are still making mockery out of the courts it would notcure the problem To Death For Gods LIMA Peru AP Primitive Mashco Indians of remote south east Peru burned 16yearold girl to death to propitiate their gods dispatches from Cuzco said lhursday medicine man and his woman companion who counsel led the human sacrifice were arrested by police patrol from Cuzco arch Trc lllt7lll1 capital The Mashcos most primitive of Peruvian indians live in the Pnlatoa Valley between two ranges of the Andes in Cosnipata province drought has hurt their food crops and fishing in the rivers has been poor To appeascthe gods the medi cine man and his companion urged that the prettiest girl of the tribe be sacriï¬ced at the stake and this was done while the Mashcos performed fren zied ritualrdance the dispatches said STATE OF ALARM GUATEMALA CITY President Miguel Ydigoras Thursday night suspend the stage of siegea modifie form uly17faudrrcplnced tate alarm The state of alarm is more moder ate in its restrictionsnn constitu tional guarantees The state of siege was decreednfter series to put the Congo on 197075 out his policies short of the point where these might conflict with UN principles The same dual system would extend through every branch of the Congolese government to fill the gaps left by the mass exodus of the Belgians lnformants said the idea was originated by SecretaryGeneral Dag Honunarsltjold indian Viewers Favor Cowboys OTTAWA CF When the movie action is running thick and fast and the struggle between cowboys and indians has come down to question of lifeand death whose side are the lndlan viewers on Why the cowboys side like everybody else At least thats the way it is at the Moose Lake Indian reser vation all miles east of The Pas Man Moviegoans there never as sociate themselves with the cel luloid scalp artists says Mary Wattsford an Anglican mission ary in charge of nursing sta tlon at the reservation They always favor the cow boy she said Thursday inian interview She recalled the em barrassment she felt the time she was among an allindian audience at western as copious num hers of Red men bit the dust But she need not have worried The Indians didnt mind at all they laughed their heads off Miss Wattsford an Ottawa girl came back to the capital for the 75th anniversary meeting of the Anglican Womens auxiliary Thoughtful Thieves Safeguard Victims SUTTON CF Thoughtful safecrackers reLalned their tem para and took precautions for their victims Thursday after get ting next to nothing from two sales in the village clerks office here Notes were let all over the of fice in this Lake Simcoe village warning employees of live nitro glycerine still in one of the safes The two safes contained only petty cash CLARKES HEATING tXPERl IHEATING SHEET METAL OILI GAS Fumï¬s host or us KNOW now to sav uoramosew or us now was of bombings and riots by leftist WIIDS GREEN THUMB PUZZLES MIIN PETER R0 UG Ont CmWhy do lock Howells dnhlias grow nine feet high about three times normal size Mr Howell amazed at hls own success as gardener isnt sure ls it the fence back here that holds the heat Is it the partial sunlight they receive or the solif He bought the roots from Pcterborough woman this year The parent plants grew to nor mal height about three feet Mr Howell who also has tall said the soil in hlsbaclr garden contains about two feet of ashes and cinders lie wat era the new plants frequently but the water drains away fast in the ground All his flowers most of them of normal size bear abundantblooms The dablias are partly shaded by healthy sumac tree and boardwalk along stance from the veran dah of the house to the gar age roof soon Oiliich Man identified By FBI DENVER APTThe FBI an nounced Thursday that skull found in an isolated mountain section has been identified as that of Adolph Coors III 44 wealthy Colorado brewery execu tive missing since Feb The skull was found Thursday about mile from where torn clothing belonging to Coors and snttered human bones were unlt covered Sundayl This is in lonely mountain country 30 miles south west of Denver The FBI said identification was made by Coors dentist It nouncement There was no information im mediately as to whether the skull showed any evidence of injury wswr ELECTRIC EL CEREAL CONT SW NE REFmGTING AUTHDRIZED ESO BURNTI SALES sh SERVFCE MOTDR REPAI SERV 483230 siflriiki FOR THErFlNEST Garwooo ANo LARYHE TNG UNiTS anon VlNOR CALI flE TINGOlch in mimic ILA EAVFSIROUGlllN FA 4040 75mm 5i cosmos plants growing six feet declined to amplify the an 73 Whites Huddle 43 As Natives Prowl MANONO The Congo AP Seventythree lrigirlened Belgian shttlers huddled in tin mine companys luxurious guest house Thursday while prtmitlvely armed Bsiuba tribesmen prowled through Manono This mining centre is too miles north of Elisabethvllk the cap ital of malonlst Katanga prev lnce fhe Baluha tribeslneo some armed with old rifles and others with battle axes bows and ar rows attacked Kataogs provin cial police here Tuesday meatytwo Belgians and no Congolese escaped from Manono aboard three planes Wednesday The surrounded Belgians is women andw men have asked the United Nations to intcrccda with the Beluha tribesmen to halt the fighting and guarantee the safety of whites If the Belgians decide to leave they will be airlifted to Eilsav bethvliloin couple of near standing by on the dirt airstrip at the edge of the town UNSAFE FOR WHITES Many of the Balubas who over ran the town after forcing the provincial police to seek refuge with Irish troops of the UN force here roamed in bonds it was unsafe for any white person not wearing the UN blue helmet in be seen on the stroets in the streets were the bodies of 35 Baluba tribcsmen killed Wednesday in bloody clash with Katanga police Relatives later carried them awayiAvM The local Baluhas are strong opponents of the Katanga provlne clal regime andtheir opposition to secessionist state helped start Wednesdays battle The Ealubas are virtually in control of Manono The only UN authority left is contingent of 140 men from the Irish 53rd Batv tallon However the Balubas are al lowing the lrish to hold open milelong stretch of road between the airport and the guest house for any whites who want to leave The lrlsh are firmly established in local school and at the air port But everything else is idle The mines have stopped produc tion there is no water supply and no civic iminiiraton lha tribal warriors burned down the town hall the house of the civil administrator the pun ishment block of the local prison police policemens houses and the main gasage in town an addition to the 35 dead the Balubas had 14 wounded TWo Negro policemen were reported killed Clarks Storewide Bonus Days new man Barents ea 66438 AND PA 82343 Capt Pierce Barry commm der of the Irish detachment give this account Rouble started when about 300 haluhas came into town from the surrounding couohYSlde They got together with the local witch doctor Nkubu tbs Else phantwho is reputed to have magic powers Whathappened was that the Katsnga army dropped grenades on the African quarter in repri sal for the killing of Belgian captain in an ambush here cou ple of days ago Tho grenades dronped in soft muddy ground and failed to go oifl As result he Nkubul was regarded as immortal He then preparedth andwldtheu ran IAIN FRIDAY am to Lalubas He Inninted them wlth It and told them While me bullets cannot harm youl SERVICE lS mmwortn WINTERS HAVOc NOW mime so INSTALL HEAT CABLE 0N Tall R00 AND um TO AVOID DESTRUCTION CALVI ED BY WINTER lCE AND WATER IIIES SERVKE Free Pickup and Delivery 130 COLLINGWOOD ST Lubrication Daniop firu DUNDHS SERVICE STATION 30 Blake St PA 6850 ensam ELECTRIC HEATING IS IDEAL FOR THAT ADDED HARDTOHEAT 0R RECREATION 1100M SERVICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED some To 3mm l0llRHOME voutsrtr WILL FINANCE THE mountains FOR You Yes DenfsSheard can help you Hewulsupptyau necessarymamtalsforyoumhuudyourownhome LUMBER 5° MILLWORK ROOFING nan SHEARD ltd PHONE moot as Clarks Storewide Bonus Days SpringFilled Mattress Springfilled mattress water repellent postboard mattress free with any crlhpurchnse rValue of 1295 maker ï¬ne with any purchase of reclinerohalr Pc Chrome Set pa chrome retiree will the purchase of my rem erator Platform Rockers Free with the purchase of any hideaway her chest erfleld Iuite it WHEN mama swtronhom ognn win WHERE as shaman in WT mums