tenant no WILLIAM MARTIN 29 of Ellenshcrg Wash left and Beroon Mitchell 31 lot Eurekap Calil centre appear CoptioLHnl Hearing Is Set In Case Of Turncoat Clerks at press conference in Moscow They said they defected in pro test against American policies which they believed would WASHINGTON tAPA Captitivities announced that his corn tolliill hearing that may send sparks darting through higll gov crnmcnt agencies has been scheduled for Sent to intlie case of the two turnuoat code clerks gt Plans for the hearing were announced after the detecting clerks BernonAiitchcll 31 and William Martin turned up at Moscow pl conference and accuscd the it hurt States of threatening norld pence President Eisenhower branded the pair selfconfessed trait ors The Pentagon called them turncoats who have be come tools of Soviet propa ganda It said one of them is mentally sick and both are ob viously confused Francis Valtcr Pennsylvania mittcc will open hearings Sept 15 The big question nolv hanging over the caseis this How could the pair be hired in 1957 or hang on to jobs in one of the topsccret government agen cies if one were mentally si and both obviously confused They worked for the National Security Agency REIAlRS NEEDED Senator ltlikc Mansfield of Montana said It is hard to understandhow they could have been hired by an agency that is supposed to thoroughly screen and carefully select its employs ccs There is strong possibil ity our security clearance sys tem is in need of repair NSA is defence department unit with headquarters about Deniocral and chairman of thclmiles from Washington It oper committcc on urnAmerican ac nles 24 hours day intercept touch off new wnrld war Man at right is unidentified although presumably transla ted for the Americans in radio signals and concen trating on codes and communb cations intelligence The agency was reported to have begun sweeping investi galion of its own with many friends and associates of the pair being questioned The defence department nck nowledged that since early Au gust it has been in possession of letter the pair left in bank safcdcposit box before leaving the country The letter was sciied by court order The turnconts read copies of the lctter to reporters in bios cow Among other things the statement accused the United States of following espionage policies that threaten world peace The two bachelors left in June supposedly ona vacation trip to the west coast Later they were traced to Mexico City and Havana TEXAS DECISION 5Negro Students Arent Yet Sure HOUSTON Tex APlHou tons schools reopen today ti etically integrate but students wont be notified until Friday if their enrolment appli cations have been accepted The board of education voted Tuesday night to allow Negroes to enroll ill first grades of preli ously allwhitc schools but in structed superintendent John Mc Farland to delay their admission until Friday The decision prevented seven Negro pupils who qualified under the boards transfer rule from attending opening classes today Dr Henry Petersen board presi dent said thcdelay was needed to process Negro youngsters The action was taken at all emergency meeting shortly after the US Court of Appeals at New Orleans turned down an appeal seeking to continue segregation N0 INCIDENTS ELSEWHERE The developments came on day marked by peace fut school integration for the first time in Richmond Va capital of the old southern Confederacy of Civil War days and two other Virginia cities Roanoke and Fu laski Negroes attended public schools with white youngsters without in cidcnt in gradually increasing number of other southern cities Floridas first public sceondary school was integrated in token ion ami Beach juniorhigh 1390 white pupils But the deepsouth states of Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Georgia and South Carolina stood firm New Orleans has been or dered to integrate Nov 14 and Atlanta by next fall LITTLE ROCK QUIET dozen Negrocsattended open mg classes with white pupils at Central and Hall high schools in Little Rock Ark scene of segre gationist dem nstrations against racial mixing in past years in Monroe There was no sign oeroublo this time Near Pine Bluff Ark one six yearold Negro girl prepared to attempt to break the racial bars rier today at the allwhite Dollar vay district school Dolores Jean York first grader was as signed to the school by the board in compliance with federal court order North Carolinas limited school integration spread to Raleigh and nearby Chapel Hill bringing to nine the number of cities in the state with some mixed classes Two teenaged Indian girls con tinued their srtin at the allwhite high school in Dunn NC and werejnined by Negro youth WOOS Before UN Meet By JOHN EARLE LONDON Reuters Nikita Khrushchev appears to be trying until he goes before the United Nations General Assembly Sept 20 Diplomatic observers here said today the Soviet premic has starteda drive to woo no miltedcoiintries for support in trying to force Soviet policies on theVUnitcd states Reports from New Delhi say Khrushchev has been in touch with Prime Minister Nehru about going to the General Assembly and it was thought likely he has sent mes gas to other Atro Asianvlea There has been no sign of any personal approach to Prime Mm isterMacmillan or other Western statesmen 0n the contrary it appeared to observers here that Khrushchev intends to beras toughtothe West if lHave Some Wamen Manlells 0i Strange Urge HOLLYWOOD iner mao Most of the time Igei rid 01 who saidhe ihadan océasioiiah itby watching TVor going to urge tokill lcd police to two bodies Tuesday after babbling tale of strangling three women and marking fourth for death Seized by two bystanders after he grabbed wontans purse Henry Adolph Busch few min utes later blutedlooificers havekills sored women One of his victims wasllis auot Another was awoinnn who lived across the hall from dont know why did it Busch 29 told police All know is occasionally get Islrnngcurge to kill cmuwnimm the showsbut sometimes In Buschs room police found the bound garrntted body of Mrs Shirley Payneiao stuffed inside sleeping bag Shchad attended movie with Busch Saturday night just hero her death Poiieesaid Busch also admitted killing Mrs Margaret Briggs 50 his print Monday night and Mrs Elmyra Miller 74 May ilhc fourth gtvictimtoibc Mrs Elynor Riley4a Buschs landi lnrly was unaware of her peril until olice toldber OlsP iNot Happyi About Bead Deaths TORONTO GPlAbout 1600 of the Lion 0ntarioProvincial Police were on dutyduring Hie Labor Day weekend but there were three times as many deaths on OPPpatrolled highways as there worrdnring the corres ponding 1959 weekend There were 18 fatalities be tween pm Friday and mid night Monday compared with six during last years weekend on highways patrolled by the force We are not at all happy Assistant Commissioner Trimble said Tuesday The po lice did not cause the accidents With about 80000 miles of roads under provincial police jurisdiction there was one officer for every 47 miles Provincial po lice conccntrntcd on sections of highways where there tend to be accidents and on districts usually Opinion as possible ignoring Western leaders before the opening of the General Assembly session wANTs mnistolv man Recent Soviet actions have strengthened the view that Khrushchev wants to keep ten sions with the West at high pitch The staging of the press con Brent in Moscow by the two American cipher experts Tues day served to keep alive an American feeling over spying activities As long as Khrushchev appears to want cold war with the West officialshere see little chance of Macmillan going to the General Assembly The toifgh Soviet attitude ap peared to some observers as reflection of closing of ranks between the Russians and Chi nesein their ideological dispute Someobserverssaid both so viet and Chinese Gommunists are at one in their support forforcing and imposing polic the imperialist West Jordan King Claims UAR Killed Premier AMMAN Jordan APlKing Hussein charged Tuesday the United Arab Republic and im president Gamai Abdch Nasser were directly responsible for the Aug 29 bombing that killed Jordans premier Hazzo Maiali and Hinthcrs The 24yearold king told an interviewer at the royal pal ace the plot may have bee prompted by internal troubles in theiUAR As Hussein spoke Jordanof ficiallyi demanded that the UAR extradite three men ac cused of carrying out the bomb ng government spokesman said it has been csta ished the trio flcdvto Syria morst FheMonyinDï¬pDq esteemn 05min manschool valuesfor GirlsWearinQ Sizes Tie 14 GoflmsmtdAmelandCofloa airlvs Fall Blouses 198 mhwma wmwmomemmehmtmm apemsmsenuumemm AboirnoiwhéxatWotttcceeochliiL mt wauunmumhï¬ STORE HOURS Daily 930 to 530 pm Wed to 1230 Noon Fri 930 mm to 900 pm Rem erIyMLonger Wear Boys Utliind on Jeans ISonlorind uhmmGkn Mudflats 11 icons mode to stand bewyweigtï¬ï¬onionzed mnlo ruedarpomt so We ondecrhewizhdoublo hees in lawbod semilt ybooerondremdarmist€olols 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