Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1960, p. 7

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FOUR YEAR OLD Sherry Thomson helps her mother Mrs Cari Thomson of Ottawa New Themes Accessories Dominate Table Settings Vomcn seem to find table Se ting displays as interesting if not quite as exciting as fashion show judging from the crowds that are invariably in evidence at such displays This was the case at rather unique show built around var iety of settings using but one set of china The chino was aeccssorizeu with various mats scarves glass ware and centerpiece much one accesorizes basic dres with costume jewelry and bells The china used for the differ ent table settings was of course very handsome and distinguished white hone set with fanci ful strawberry wreath decoration Milk artw iet the table An arrange ment of snapdragons and mums are the Centrepiece using various color accents thus making for wide range of ideas RIGHT ACCESSORIES What the designer did was select just the right table ac cessories to create absolutely dis tinct table settings that tied up with the china decoration For one charming and re Ireshing breakfast setting used an informal cloth of pink denim and red glasses to tie up the dominant colors in the strawberry motifn formal luncheon table was built around the beige and brown color touches using brown cer amic dishes and beige linen mats and beigeapricotculored roses The beige and brown of the Garden Party Is Sure To Bring Rein By JUDITH AYER Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON CPl In sublime defiance of the inevitable almost every woman at Buckingham Palace garden party wears stil etto heels frothy impractical hat and pastelcolored outfit By the time sh leaves the hat looks like used pacer napkin The shoes if they havent sunk without trace in tile royal turf are tasteful mud color The outfit when it dries will be use ful for dusting furniture Everyone knows that it almost always rains at palace garden parties But no one would be caught dead greeting the Queen in raincoat and flat shoes Umbrellas are out Notythat anyone has scruples about jab bing her neighbor in the eye Its simply that no woman would allow her umbrella to stand be tween her and the sight of crowned head GOOD EXERCISE To avoid getting their spiked heels entangled in topsoil the female guests perform ritual reminiscent of the mating dance of the whooping crime The trick is to teeter about as if walking through nursery when the chil than are asleep Two hours of it works wonders for the leg mus cles imuressivc athletic achievement is the battle for tea cakes and roll or two in one of the marquees esneiially when the path is blocked by soonodd fellowguests intent unrescaping the downpourl Thus fortified urvivor is free to burrow into the crowd of men and women staring un ashamedly at their royal hostess as she chats with exservicemen Although formal presentations at palace garden parties were discontimled two ye irs ago there are still several reasons why people go to them Primarily of coure it is to see the Queen second is so they can say they Noahs Flood Given Top Critics Rating VANCOUVER tCPlA pinch penny production combining mod ern music with ancient religious drama has set the Vancouver In ternational Festival on its ear Noahs Flood centuriesold miracle play set to music by famed British composer Benja min Eritten is drawing big audi ences and admiring reviews from critics Essentially simple drama of loahs survival through the de uge the production left many in ho alldience weeping Veteran critic Stanley Bligh of the Vancouver Sun wrote It was not merely performance tiutsomethiog far greater most moving experience The cast is drawn entirer from the Vancouver area William Rei mer sings Noahs role and Milln Andrc Mrs Noah Nearly 70 childi in simple masks portray the ant taken into the ark rr shift makebelieve waves Director Of NS have been inside the massive royal residence third is to see how many wellknown personali ties they can spot LOSING BATTLE The last is losinf battle ex cebt for those familiar enough with the great and neargreat to have lost the thrill of the chase Nothing is more disconcerting than gazing hopefully at an ob viously aristocratic person and then hearing him speak in an American accent There is an air of Ascot aboLt the place due probably to the men in grey toppers and morning suits and the Women in gay hats But as someone pointed out palace garden party is less ex citing since there is no opportun ity to make fortune on longl shot Anyway the Queen looked lovely and the food was good It was nice party Dies At Ottawa OTTAWA CPI Agnes Mac laod director of nursing services with the veterans affairs depart ment since 1945 died Thursday with tsatad is menu novelty sug china decoration turncd up again in buffet table The cloth was bright orange tone with accents of the beige and brown as well as charcoal gray and olive green to tone down the bright orange shade NEWLYWED THEME Very newlywed in theme and most attractive was an after thentre supper table setting using two tow tables rather than the usual single surface The touch of amethyst and pur ple in the strawberry decoration was stressed by straw mats in soft hade of amethyst with purple linen napkin and goblet all making fine contrast for the white china CRYSTAL CANDELABRA For the touch elegant the de signer of the settings used small crystal candelabra rising from clusters of black and grecr rape eiliaps the most endearing of the settings was the bridal dinner table with the decoration of the chino providing the sole color accent and glowing beautifully on the dainty white organdie clotli its delicately handsome white floral centerpiece Fish Dish Novelty Seagarden Salad OTTAWA CplA seagardeli gested by the department of fish eries Cook one pound of fish fillets and break into large sized chunks sprinkling with half teaspoon of salt and one table spoon of lemon juice then chill Just before serving top the fish with cup of sliced celery two tahlepoons each of chopped onion and chopped pickle and two chopped hardcooked eggs Add onethiid tonnehalf cup of cooked salad dressing then mix the ingredients lightly to avoid breaking up the fish Br HAL BOYLE NEW YORK tAPl Hilde Somer one of the best known lady concert pianists in the United States has an unusual tliss Somer spends six hours day at the keyboard But she says the real key to her own rosy cheeked vitality is series of fivemlnute yoga exercises she does three times daily And she believes that anyone who tries them will find they do more than tranquillizcr pills to make him feel happier The yoga exercises do more than keep you in physical trim she added hey help your men tal attitude think they can help anyone who is victim of 20th century pressure Nowadays we want to get to the end of our aim as quickly as possible We are in such ter rible hurry But yoga exercises help you enjoy each fraction of the thorny path toward your goal You can still be ambitious and be happy if you dont lie yourself into thousand unnecssary knots But the biggest secret of all breathe in the yoga manner prescription for happier lifeJ become at bally breather said Miss Somer is to learn lo 50mm TEE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 19641 Tl Concert Pianist Prescribes Yoga As Mental And Physical Stimuli There are three Mays breathingwith the upper part of your chest through expansion of yourdiaphragm and through your belly It is bcalhing through yolir iticlty thilt calms you You just lie down and let the air oilt through your nose very slowlywithout pushing Then you breathe in very plump and fttll Its hard to de scribe verbally but if you cx pcriment you can learn it Miss Somer whose power at thc piano has impressed critics 35 well as her technical skill is good looking brownhaired uoman of many talents who he gnn her career as child prodigy DEIlUT AT 10 She first started picking out Iier own tunes on piano in her native Vienna at the age of three She made her debut there at 10 She made her American debut in Carnegie Hall at 12 under the sponsorship of Eddie Cantor who had met her on shipboard and was impressed by her ability Since then she has appeared with most of the better known US symphonies and made dozen concert tours here and abroad of slowly until your belly feels ery lDream Brings Mail Deluge vaxcouvcn cm Mrs Margaret Hopkins made the sug gestion innocently enough over rup of coffee never dreaming It would bring about full task Today shes seeking helnlL lkecp up with the mail thats poured in from around the world in answer to her suggestion that time mothers and housewives learn more about other countries to iftllliml the cause of world peace Mrs Hopkins organizer the Pots Fans Club and senput letters to 76 English speaking lieupapers in to different coun trics seeking pen pals had pen pals in my teen said Mrs Hopkins Wednesday and assumed that few mothers around the world were in similar category My letters went out on June and expected seven or eight lreplics Since then she has received more than 700 replies from 20 countries spent $70 from her own savings on postage set up an elaborate filing system listing writers by age interests and has bands occupations reconen Itributes from foreign newspapers tor hcr idea and received gifts and travel folders from frielldly icadcrs With mail pouring in daily Mrs Hopkins has fallen far he hind in answers Now she is looking for house wives to pair off with her world wide pen pals If they will just write and send selfaddressed envelope big enough to hold the letters they ask for Ill gladly pair them with someone their own age and with their interests Rev Lacey officiated at Gilford United Church for the marriage of Miss Edith Frances Kell daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Kell Churchill James Ronald Dean son of Mr vale Escorted down the aisle by her father the bride wore full length gown of flowing white neckline The bodice of chan lilly lace was trimmed with selt quins and seed pearls held her fingertip veil of tulle eadc bouquet of Brier Cliff pink roses and ivy of the bride was matron of hon lor and Misses Frances Kell ford cousins of the bride were flower girls The matron of honor wore turquoise dress of silk organza over taffeta with fitted bodice and bouffant skirt Her head dress was matching flowered hat and she carried bouquet pink roses and ivy The flower girls were gowned alike in pale pink organza dress as featuring full skirts sashes and pulled sleeves ried baskets of pink Carnations white mums and ivy Glenn Doan Elmvale brother ther of the bridegroom and sin of the bride were the ushers Heap the mixture into four bowls and garnish each bowl with several tomato wedges lPerfect and Wedding Prayer t0 and Mrs Emerson Doan Elm silk organza featuring portrait crown of Iityof the valley illusion and silt carried cas Mrs Robert Goodfcllow sister Churchill and Marilyn Kell Gil They carlt or the bridegroom was best man and Keith Divan Elmvate bro William Kell Churchill cou For reception at Churchill Couple To Beside At On tConununity Hall the brides The brides cousin Mrs Blake mother wore powder blue on Constable Churchill accompanl ied soloist Miss Patricia Kell individual lettuce lined saladOShawa who sang The Prayer ganza dress and jacket comple mented by beige accessories lThe bridegrooms mother wore to dusty rose lace sheath with beige acqssories ME AND MES JAMES DOAN The brides travel costume was Dior blue linen ensemble enhanced by matching blue flowered hat white accessories and corsage of pink roses The couple will reside in Ot talva She was 59 Miss Macleod born at Park hill 0nt was closely connected with the development of nursing education in Canada She served as director of nurses teaching at Vancouver General before join ing the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps in 194 She had distinguished army career heading several nursing detachments in England and Europe In the course of one such assignment she was wounded during the random shelling of field hospital in Sicily Surviving is one sister Mrs Gordon Crozier of Walkerton Ont Burial will be in lValkerton Sa urday with military honor STUDY ONTARIO SEEDS GUELPH tCPt study of Ontario seed production is being undertaken by 12 Asian farm specialists from Colombo plan countries in Canada on three month fellowships sponsored by the Canadian government The 12 specialists from Thailand The Philippines Indonesia India Burma and Nepal are studying experiments at the Ontario Agri cultural College herc and will tour area farms WHEN YOUR HEART SAYS REMEMBER NOTHING CAN TAKE THE PLACE of FLOWERS anon Fendleys Flowers 14 Blake st PA c5975 and other props the University at Alberta and al FOR COMPLETE SALES SERVICE ON NATURAL GAS OR PROPANE GAS CALL TODAY September if you wish ereruinous $53O Easy monthly payments on your gas bill for the balance ssosicrruwwaw FREE BURNER SERVICE on Natural Gas units is provided by your Gas Company VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AND SEE THE MODELS ON DISPLAY Healing CHANGEOVER IIM Now is the time to get rid of that tired wornout MONTHLY 67 TORONTO ST 93 sumeISCtflas You Always Be Glad You Chose Natural Gasi m4 rehearing £5599 ii II Ee failures experienced last winter can be avoided by taking steps at this season Change over now to the com pleter carefree automatic coma fort of modern lowcost gas heating INSTALL MODERN GAS HEATING NOW NO PAYMENT TILL SEPTEMBER 1960 This is the season when heating contractors and dealers are in the best position to give you better service careful workmanship at lowest cost Install your new heating unit now and defer the first paymentuntil the first of invifiwfitfmffw AYMENI FULL PRICE ONLY $23200 rws INSTALLATION amassed an 113 Gay fumaoe Heating PA 66558 COUPLE CELEBRATE 60 YEARS Congratulatory messages were received from Quccn Elizabelli GovernorGeneral Vanicr Prime Minister Dlefenhnkci Lieutcnl antGovernor Keiller Mckay and Premier Douglas of SaskatcheA wan by Mr and Mrs Charles Charters orth Saskatoon SIE katehcwan on the occasion of their diamond wedding anniver sary June 25 Other messages were received from New Bruns wick Alberta and Saskatche van ltlr and Mrs Charters were married at Marysville NB in 1900 and moved to Indian Head Sask in lfifli In 1908 they homesteaded at Stranraer Sask where their iamily of ten were born and raised In 1944 lht couple retired and moved to Saskatoon Among those attending the dia mond anniversary celebration held at the couples home were their family Mrs William Reid Beth and family Painswick Ontario hfrs Seth McKinley HegN Margaret and Miss Lynn Charters of Orillia Oli tario Mr and Mrs Everett Boyish Hair Styles Return For Fall PARIS Reuters slinky vamp emerged from Paris fash ion Monday as Jacques Griffe and Jean Patou displayed their creations in the first of the fall and winter fashion shows Hemlincs plummeted and boy ish hair styles were the order of the day Women attending the shows were seen tugging down their short skirts Jacques Grilfe endorses the supple sheath and Jean Paton features asymmetrical effects in softlyfolded envelope skirts The prediction that the high style and squared off school of fashion would give way to clinging and soft silhouettes has been con firmEd It Is field day or subtle curves JOHN CARRIER HAIR STYLISTS 38 Maple Ave Barrio Open ovenllllr or noouiutmont PA 84661 and Mrs 40 Dunlop St STYLE SHoP Mr and Mrs Charles Charters Celebrate Diamond Anniversary Charters of Viscount Sask Mr Leslie Charters and Terry Stranroul Saltk Mr and Mrs Hudson Salkcld tShlrleyt of Kinderslcy Sask Mr and Mrs Jerry hchrath Edna and Mr and Mrs Rupert Charters luilics all of Saskatoon The couple also have 26 grand children BlCi TREAT GRANBY Que tCP Numb ers of the Tobie recreation club of St Jerome enjoyed visit to the famed Grnnby Znoaftlthotlth all are blind The group of 50 persons was allowed to stroke some of the animals and guides were on hand to give detailed descriptions iiiurn rnus van ma riirmi flavour Futlbodtad vanilla flavour locked to this bottle or Shtirm Extract Youll find M11225 In all SaladoShirrittHorsay productsfromShiniffDessarts SundaeToppingstosaladnTaa Every Salado ShlmlLHorscy product Is quanta guaranteed nyt hassman Symbotnf Excellence Barrie

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