BRENTWOOD Weekend vIsilors at Gerald Trucns were Mrs Wright of Gait Mr and Mrs Harold Wright of Drillia Mr and Mrs Bill Wright of lluntsville Joe Truen is home on holiday from Toronto Miss Lenie Matton is visiting at Mr and Mrs Truens for holiday She is irom Ncwmarket Weekend visitors at Mr and Mrs Tom Boyles were Mr and Mrs Brown of Toronto Mr and Mrs liarman oi Toronto Miss Edna Gaudit at Toronto 011 holiday at Mr and ltirs Tom Boyles are Mr and Mrs Larry Derby Miss Barbara Der Toronto On holiday at Mr and Mrs George Schells last week were ltirs Jack Allen and Gary and Linda of Kingston Weekend Visitors at George Schclls were Mr and Mrs Lew Harrison of Toronto Jack Allen of Kingston Mr and Mrs Bud Schell and Mary Lou 01 Toronto Speedy recovery is wished to Mrs Watson Rowe oi Barrie mother at Mrs George Schell who is in Royal Victoria Hospit 31 Weekend visitors at Mr nd Mrs Dumond were Mr and Mrs Bernard Dumond 0t Bellcville Mr and Mrs Gerry Dumond and family of Barrie spent Sun day evening with Mr and Mrs Dumond Mr and Mrs John Hunnei Mrs Hunnci of Holland Mrs North dealer Neither side vulnerable NORTH 413652 QAQ ï¬ï¬is do WEST 197 VQ72 0943 41098 vssosa gems uTQJ642 soon KQIOSS yisioo Q3862 ps who bidding North East NT Pass Pass Pass good West 4N Pm Opening leadton of clubs It is certainly not unusual or declarer to suddenly find that sound contract he is playing is about to be defeated because of an unlucky distribution of the de ienders cards if it cannot be helped deciarer con do no better than accept defeat graceiully But there are cases where im minent deieat can be overcome by guile or by luliing the oppon ents into false sense of secur Welcome Wagon cele broteathaarrival oleaeh newbnbywitlsafriondly collwith basket of girmoudcoogmmionooo oftheentire community on Peter Van Der Kruys of Holland and Raul Runnei of Barrie Vlsit ed with Mr and Mrs Rudy Van Der Kruys on Monday Brentwood is at 1100 am for the month oi August ing 11 few days with her sister Mrs George Wilson oi Eady mumps Pauline bad summer job in Woolworths Midland home for the weekend from the Royal Victoria Hospital in Bar rie by and Miss Irene Brown all of Mrs Edwards is in the lMidland hospital for few days BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mrs Beverley Rawson who are proud parents of baby girl Toronto spent the weekend with Ms Nam Edwards tbert Gail and Larry spent last week with Mr and Mrs ence Faris and family at Cedar burg Visc USA Katharine Monroe of Oshawa is spending this week with Gail Halbert and Larry Halbert is visiting Grahame Monroe in Osh awa or the week Mrs Lloyd Coborn spent Fri CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER ity Such operations have to be Mass in St Marys Weir VIIer Mrs ti hicKeown is spend Miss Pauline Robinson has the day Miss Sandra Robinson was Congratulations to itlr and Mr and Mrs John Moriarty oi Mrl and Mrs Peter Harper and Paul and Miss Emmaline Edwards of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mor ley Edwards Mr and Mrs Clair 1than and family spent Sunday at Col lingwood Miss Mary Wallace and friend and her mother spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Frank Smith am and family Mrs Orval Edwards Glenda and Leonard spent day with Mr and Mrs Alex Spence and family of Elmvale day contract of six spades The four notrump bid was Blackwood and Norths of five clubs specialized feature of the convention showed he had no aces or all of them South had no trouble diagnosing which was the actual case club was led Declarer won and led the ace of spades dis covering that West hod sure trump trick The outlook was bleak because diamond loser seemed probably also But uth undisturbed proA ceeded smoothly with the play and wound up making the con tract albeit with some assistan ee mm the defense He led three rounds of hearts ruiiing the third one in dummy Then alter cashing the ace of clubs and discarding diamond he ruffed club Next he cashed the AK of diamonds which brought about this position Declarer led the seven of clubs East played the jack and South rnifed with the queen West discarding his diamond It was late discard South led the diamond jack and West was forced to trump and return spade to the K40 What West should have done was undertrump the 11 ee of spades This alert play would have defeated the slam PEOPLI DO RIAD SMALL ADS PA 66302 o3otoooouoocaoouoooou Be sure to tell Welcome Wagon oi the arrival of every now baby in your his YOU ARE CARRIER It your carrier has SPAS2433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOU RSELF grow swiltlyi NEWTON ROBINSON Mrs Lesson was guest at troussaau tea for Miss Marilyn in Toronto on Friday Mrs Duke Smith and Bernice oi Alliston were visitors with Mr and Mrs Vernon Connell on Saturday Mr and Mrs Oliver Connell ol Barrie and Miss Anna Connell and Harvey McCalum 0i Toronto visited Mrs Council on Satur Paul Coborn is on holiday at Stoney Point Lake Simcoe Mr and Mrs Alrin Smith of Bond Head were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Walter And rews Mr and Mrs Glen Chantler of Toronto were holiday guests at Mrand Mrs Gordon Holbert Doreen Rodgerson of Alliston spent last week with Evelyn Con ncll Mr and Mrs in Toronto Mr and Mrs Dean of Toronto and Miss lIIlia Saint of Ottawa were weekend guests at Mrs becson BllXTER Mr and Mrs Ruddiek have left by train ior Manitoba and Saskatchewan to visit their dau ghter Mrs Miskcv 1nd ihmily at Gimli and Mr Rudd ieks sister Mrs conducted smoothly if they are Wkwwd weeks holiday with Mr and to be successful Miss Elsie Klarer and friend Mrs Dwinnell Smith arrived at the excellent of St Catharines visited with Best wishes are extended to the tormcrs sister Mrs Mc Aiee during the weekend Mr and Mr By ALIE BROOKS Variegated Quilt Beginners joy So bright and beautiful never dull moment with this colongay quilt EASY twopatch quiltï¬blocks Use technicolor bold scraps ior square and tri angle Pattern 7359 chart patch patterns yardages directions Send ThirtyJive cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to The Barrie Ex aminei Household Arts Dept 60 Front Sh Toronto Ontare io Print plainly NAME AD DRESS PATTERN NUMBER JUST OUT Our New 1960 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book con tainsrTllREE FREE patterns Plus ideas galore for home furn ishings fashions gifts toys ha zaar sellers exciting unuual Mr and Mrs Fred Wicker of delgn5 to crochet knit sew Datsmouth Nova Scotia ipent embroider huck weave qui few days the past week with Be first with the newest send 25 cents oowt IELEVISION CKVR CHANNEL Grenville lini Ci ar Ellis of Calvin MeAieo AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY and tarniiy of Durham visited friends here during the weekend Miss Adelie McAiee returnel with them to Durham for holi day The sympathy of the common ity is extended to Joe McAfee in the loss of his brother Harry of Saskatchewan Regular church service at it 30 am and Sunday school at 1030 am will be resumed on Sunday August Mr and Mrs Menary and family visited friends at Chatsworth on Sunday ENTERS CONTEST The community wishes Morg nn Murphy iocol businessman1 best of luck with his entry in Lie Old lyme Fiddlers Contest in Shelburne this week Morgan has been populnr player at both piano and violin or many years at entertainments through out this district Tom McGill of Essex called on Mr and Mrs Henderson during the weekend Mr and Mrs Gauley lr and Mr and Mrs Walkom have rnturnediroma muto trIp to Manitoulin island CLOWES Sympathy is extended to Mrs Harold Wright in the death of her grandmother Mrs Charles Crawford recently Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Lavender were Mr and Mrs Bert Kent of Port Bolster Mrs Clara Watts of Weston DONALD DUCK BLONDIE JULIEI JONES KNOW THAT VASE mu AthAys WELLMJLJ aw 5T0 VCRRYING tHY 034 EU ENC ON Tear HIE ARENT 6OIN5 EXCUéE ME 51R ARE WE HEADED RIGHT FOR ELM THERE THEY 5o IN THE means DIRECTICN PEOPLE JUST DONT PAY ATTENTION MEAVENLY EVE WEWWATA IDONTWANTMIKE LITTLE GREEWOF AND IM oomsmsez YOtlWANHNG ougt TUITTHATEVEGETSTU MIKE ALL FOKYOIJK unoeasmuo you SELFISH seIF permafrost MIKEHST EVE Ame AND NDWI MEAN I1 tErHEa ALONE Mrs Chase and children of Scarborough Mr and Mrs Simpson and family spent week at cottoga at Ora Lake Show and Robert Roy Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Percy Bonney Mr and Mrs Pirenez and children of Barrie spent two Mr and Mrs Joe McKinnon and Mr and Mrs Bruce Storey and birth of their daughters also to Mr and Mrs Moore on the Mr and Mrs William Wright on the birth of their son shower was held at Dalston Unith Church basement in ban or oi Mr and Mrs Walton nee an Benham The young couple received many use ful gifts BUFFALO WEEKEND ltir and Mrs Dicker and Mr and Mrs Dicker and chil dren spent the weekend at Bui ialo Mrand Mrs Lloyd Sanderson and boys of Richmond Hill visit ed over the weekend with Mr and Mrs May Mr and Mrs Cecil Slack and family of Scarborough spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Vic May Linda Carol and Alan McDon ald 0i Barrie spent weeks h01 iday with Mr and Mrs Lav eoder Mr and Mrs Alvin Cairns at tended the funeral in Drillla of their aunt Mrs Charles Crawt iord lormerly or Edgar inter ment at Knox church NEW JOB Miss Sharon Lavender has not copied position at Walkers Store office in Barrie Miss Del va May has accepted position at the Barrie Press otiice SUNDAY GUESTS Mr and Mrs Drury and John of Willowdale Mr and Mrs Storey and Joan 0t Barrie George Bidwell of Craighurst were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Eidwell Mr and Mrs Darcy ONeill and family Mrs Johnston oi Midhurst were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Bidwell ANGUS Mrs Bridger and family Mrs Goodey Mr and Mrs Legros and children motored to Niagara Falls on Wednesday and spent the day there Mr and Mrs Walter McMadt on are home from visit with their daughter Mrs Robert son and iamiiy at their summer home near Petethorough the latters sister Mrs West EITA KETT Al 50 CALL HIM TELL HIM youve GOT HEAD ACHELIKE NOTICE WHEN GRAN DMA IS DOWN IN TH GRANDMA DIDYOU EVER YEAHBLITTHATS Jusrso lF 91E suouu SUDDENLY 50 ON RAMPAGE ITwouLDNrBE HER DISNESTHAT GET TOSSEDABOIJT HENRY STEP FOEWAID ANCAET WHITE FOR THE NoMINEE POGO COME FREMOHNT ESCORflN H5 WSiBLE 9146 WWW M55 EMLY iLl as ooaaaea eor one oaï¬iiziiisioifliiir commmcef WU imitaï¬ioi HI MICKEI vun SOMETHINE MICKEY MOUSE mod hum no lust homo BUZ SAWYER YOUTHme me manor meson000mm SURE mummy Auavfl 430 Caravan 1230 Test comm 530 Fury 1245 Suivution Army 617 Toreu 5mm 100 Noontlav Report 625 Farm Market Report News 1nd Weather 13 New Emu 610 Weather norm on on Gaming Events 650 soorts 130 Cartoon lme 700 mu who or Mice and Men gggt $333122 om on not arrived by pm mu P012253 050 Four nu Men 500 mm 900 Flylnl Doctor please phone 530 Ion Iiuem 930 Manhunt 500 Ernie Lindell Show 1100 Perry Mason 525 Farm Market Report 110 CBC TV NEW 530 NEW 1115 The Weatherman 540 Weather Today in Sports 550 SW Community New Colonel Hack 1110 All men Theatre 710 Sim Francisco scat Mme Hen 000 ghe Deputy Th 013m or Edgar Allen tar Fl houlo 01 U3 Badlands or Dakota 030 Man min Blackhowk 1000 Country lunelton SATURDAY 141133 Eggszme a40 Test panelu 255 New Ends 15 gggflfgtggw 400 Western non Time Community News 510 st Lawrence North 1130 Movie Clouds om Europe 23 Iii£003 Party at CARS AND TRUCKS FRIDAY Auobsr 630 Sherlii it Cochise 1230 Test Pattern 700 mono Ito Monaco 1215 Sacred lienrt 730 Mr Mums and nvo 100 Noonday Report 1100 Harbour Commnu Now mu Weather 1100 San tiuut Ernie Undo 900 Great Mom ram Report 1030 Nililhl Zone Coming racqu 1100 and TV Now 130 amnion 1mm 1110 ortl Show 700 Movie That Hamilton 1114 mac weather Woman 1115 roroun Wrestling wamein snow Iz15 Movie My aim Eileen MUGGS AND sxssrsiz smxs um mo EVERYBODY ABOARD who You To MEETMY FAtSmiE sazas AVMIRAL OLDWHOHWOULDMT con flighhggtkigso we scout comm You AND DONT regard Mosr or THE BOXING EXPERIS HAVE BEEN WRONG 1W NON Humid wu mu