ValleeHallett At Brantford United Church wedding of local interest was solemnlzcd at Brant Avenue UnA lied Church Hrantlord recently Donalda Elaine Hallctt daught Er of Mr and Mrs Fred Hallcit Oakville Drive Brantford be came the bride of George Doug las Vallee son of Mr and Mrs James Dewey Vallce of Stafford ville at an afternoon ceremony Dr chley officiated the ceremony assisted by Rev John Vitzel of Mount Hamil ton United Church The diurch was decorated With White lilacs white Chrysanthe mums snapdragons pink roses and ferns ORIGINAL GOWN Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride chose an original gown of camellia white dclustmd satin of period design The has que bodice featured long petal polnt sleeves and round neckline appliqucd vith lace dipping to back Tile front of the full skirt was apptl qued with lace motiLs willie soft pleats at the back formed the chapel train circlet headdras of secd pearls and tulle leaves held her fingertip veil of tulle illusion She carried cascade arrange ment of white roses valley lilies and stephanotis centred with white hybrid orchid Bridal attendants were Miss Marlene Preiss Caledonia maid of honor Miss Joanne McInture Miss Patricia Vallcc sister of the groom Miss Ollie Van Man ncn and Mix Margaret Liddlc bridesmaids Heather Webb Niagara Falls was flower girl Master Ion Post nikoff ringbearer carried the rings on white satin cushion Ian is the son of Dr and Mrs John Postnikotf Barrie The attendants were gownetl alike in pale green brocaded iat fcta The dresses were fashioned with houffant skirts and scallop ed necklines Matching hows were fashioned in to headdresses The maid of honor carried bouquetcascade arrangement of yellow carnations and Dulsberg roses The bridesmaids carried bouquets of yellow carnations The flower girl carried the brid es nurses tatament crested with yellow and white Carnations Robert Vallee brother of the bridegroom was groomsman Ushers were Allan Jackson Don Pratt Sidney Johnson and Wade Johnson Chatham cousin of the bridegroom WEDDING RECEPTION For reception held at Brant Avenue United Church House the mother of the bride received her guests in rose shaded dress of Italian hrocatelle with matching accessories Stone martin furs and corsage of yellow throated orchids completed her ensemble She was assisted by the bride grooms mother wearing mauve brocaded organza with deep er mauve hat mauve orchid enhanced her ensemble THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOK TOMORROW fine MoonGemini aspect now encourages all matters along creative and inventive lines Travel plans and social activities are also under excel lent influences FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that where financial matters are con cerned itvwould be well to fol low the conservative path during the next 12 months despite some indicated gains in August November and February Avoid extravagance speculation and other monetary risks and con centrate on longterm results Where your bankboolr and budget are concernedespecially during July and September If you do so youll find by years end that your program has paid off August November and Janu ary should be stimulating from social standpoint and in job matters some extra effort and willingness to shoulder little more responsibility than usual should bring recognition and generous rewards in October particularly if you are engaged in creative work The next 12 months should see harmony in domestic situations and August and November should be es pecially fine for romance Good influences govern travel in Aug ust child born on this day will be endowed with readiness of comprehension affine intellect and great versatility sculptured MR AND MRS GEORGE DOUGLAS VALLEE For wedding trip to Bermuda the bride chose navy blue pure silk suit worn with minkstole and white orchid corsagc The couple will reside at Mim ice The bride is graduate of the Brandord General Hospital school of nursing The bride groom is an engineering gradu ate of Queens University GuesLs from Barrie included Mrs William Stewart and her daughter Mrs Douglas Dunn Dunlop Street West Mr and Mrs Marshall Donald Street Mrs John Postnikoff Kempenfelt Drive Mr and Mrs Colin Stewart and daughter Carol Mlnesing were also present The brides mother is the for mer Mary Stewart of Barrie Hollows Womens Institute Plans Completed For School Picnic The June meeting of the Hot lows Womcns Institute was held June 15 at the home of Mrs Hambly Nine mem bers and five visitors were pre sent Mrs Ernest Dales prcs ident was in the chair The roll call remedy of my grandmothers produced Sunday School Takes Service Collier Church Sunday School Sunday was ob served at Collier Street United Church in Barrie with the stu dents who regularly worship in the church parlors and now fellowship hall occupying front pews Ronald Pile general sup erintendent shared the pulpit with the minister Rev Gar diner Skelly Aiter invocation by Mr File the presentation of flowers by the graduating class of the pri mary department was made The kindergarten department sang Good Morning facing the congregation Scripture reading was by Tom St John Ken Whiteman of Jil nior Bible Class led in prayer As the regular offering was ta ken by the stewards the Sun day School offering was receiv ed by Nancy Synnott and Rod ney Kline er Skelly directed his ad dress directly to the children Use of Fingers He then in troduced to the congregation the churchs new Director of Roth gious Education Miss Lydia Mclt Cullough from Ottawa district recent graduate of the United Church Training School for dea conesses John Winchester interinev diate superintendent pronounc ed the benediction There was brief reception following the service for Miss McCullough Department heads include John Laking William Paulin John Winchester Lloyd Cum ming Mrs PilenMrs Lawrence Parry Mrs MeLellan Mrs Ben Flook There are 64 work ers in all Mrs McLean is the prenurscry Convener NIAGARA LOANS Largest AilCanadian Consumer Loan Company Call NIAGARA for extra cash From $5000 to $250000 sometimes more NIAOARA FINANOI OOMFANV LIMITED antic Camu at onui 63 columns at Phone In Mlth FA +3553 some quaint and unusual re marks Mrs Hambly read one from book 125 years old which had belonged to Mr Hamblys grandmother Mrs Rumble gave con else and interesting report on the District Annual 100 WI spoons ordered after our last meeting are sold Tile iiame quilt is finished and will be auctioned after the con cert at Bond Head Hall July Arrangements were for the WISchool picnic After the business session the meeting was turned over to Mrs Phil Wright and Mrs Eric Wright conveners of his torical research and current events Mrs Wright gave the comments on the motto He who forgets the past loses the key to the future Mrs Wright read paper on the railways their origin and the closing of branch lines and the end of the steam eng the Mrs Smith gave two songs on her harmonica then played the accompaniment while all sang Juanita Mrs Wright read an art role on the many new items of equipmentnow being used or soon to be in use by the Post Office department drawing contest was held which was won by one of our visitors Mrs Plvorunias The National Anthem and W1 grace were sung bringing the meeting to close Refreshments were served and enjoyed with the usual friendly social half hour made BROADLOOM $495 to $l495 Sq Yd We lay stair carpets and wall to wall Broadloom CLARKS HOME runmsanvos 3i nayneid St PA mu Girls the best way door prize Mmez The June meeting of St An drews Womcns Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs Wilson 120 Clappere ton St Mrs Mchw was in the chair The meeting opened with hymn followed by reading Psalm 101 by Mrs Sissons Mrs Bigger led in prayer Roll call was answered by verse of Scripture containing the word mcckncss Mrs Macaw welcomed the Home Helpers and other guests The May minutes were read July Bake Sale At Vianney Hall The Catholic Womens Lea gue last meeting of the sea aon was held in the form of pot luck supper at the St John Vianney Hall Innlsfil Street After dinner Mrs Peter Vlcks presided at the business session Mrs Sierps immigration convener gave report It was decided that members would take collection on June 26 for the world refugee camp Mrs Pennock and Mrs Bishop made one hospital and one home visit Mrs McBride volunteered ocon vene bake sale Jul to be held at the ball Mrs Sierps was named ao cinl converter for September Mrs Vick reported on her trip to the Arch Diocesan To ronto Mhss cards were sent to Mrs Belanger pnat pres ident of the CW1 and Mrs Sierps for their mothers After supper the members played euchre Mrs Jean Jonkind won the Silver Maple WI Plan Family Night The June meeting of Silver Maple Womens Institute was heldat the home of Mrs Percy McGrath Drillia Mrs OHal loran president presided Roll was answered by My Favorite Flower Motto was Life is like garden you gn tber what you sow Several readings were given Mrs Swan won the lucky draw Plans were made to visit Georgian Manor in the near fu ture family night was plan nod for the July meeting at Mrs Don McGraths residence lost Weight looks l0 Years Younger COBALT ONT Seven weeks ago started the Nilar Plan and have lost an average of lbs week since have lost 28 lbs and it has not left me weak ened or nervous can now work all day and still feel good My friends say look ten years younger and feel that way too have taken of lnchel around the waist have recommended the Naran Plan to my friends and anyone who has had to give on other reducing plans Wit the Nari1n Plan you take the weight ofl where you want it to come off Deajardins Co bolt Ont Dont let excessive weight tire you out make you real run down and older than you are Your en tire outlook on life will improve if you lose excess weight you will look younger feel younger and regain the enthusiasm that comes with good health Why let anything as vitally important as your health and appearance be hurt by neglecting to lose excess weight Try the Naran Plan to day it is sold an money back guarantee What can you lose Nothing but weight lknowta koepyour family on the load to success is through good healthy savings got money to the ban account When youve you can pay cash for tfoethlngsyoulanhandfake advantaged opporttmlty mammalian Lunch was served by the host THE BARKIB EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE 201960 St Andrews WMS Hold June Meeting and approved Reports were received from the treasurer welcome and wclfarc and home helpers The offering was receivad and dedicated by Mrs McCaw The articles for the babys layette are to he in by June 30 Mrs Karl Marshall and Mrs Russel Ncsbitt daughters of Mrs Wilson sang duet In the Garden accompan led by Mrs Stuart Alger of Oshawa Mrs Hardy on behalf of the WMS and home helpers presentcd gift to Mrs James Ferguson who is leaving soon for her new home in Slrntford The meeting closed with hymn and prayer Lunch was served by the social convcncrs Mrs Scott and Mrs Cowan Canadian Nurses Biennial Meeting HALIFAX CF The Cunn dian Nurses Association has pre pared farreaching recommenda tions on nursing education for presentation at its biennial meet which opened here today The recommendations are con tained in report based on atwo year Canadian survey and will come up for their first general hearing Tuesday before the 1500 delegates to the flveday conven tion The report calls for immediate re examination of the whole field of nursing education in Can ado It recommends immediate ini tiation of an improvement pro gram to assist nursing schools in upgrading their educational pro grams SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Barrie newspapermen radio and television broadcasters were feted at Camp Bordon Saturday night at the annual Headquart ers Service Corps Sergeants Mess June Ball 051 Sergeant Larry llolbrook public relations NCO of Camp Borden arranged for the press corps to be in at tendance as guests of the Mess Especially noteworthy said the writers and broadcasters was the midnight supper which had the tables groaning SUPPER DANCE Among the guests at Barrie Rotary Clubs Ladies night at Dwaissa Lodge Orillia Saturday were Dr and Mrs Ferguson Heed Mr and Mrs Roland Dubs son Mr and Mrs Dick Hender son Mr and ltlrs Living ston all of Barrie Rotarians and their wives tending the function include Mr and Mrs llarold Black lini iburton retiring governor Dist rict 701 Mr and Mrs It Grc ncoming governor of the district Mr and Mrs Vray Stcnson Mr and Ms John Stevenson president of the Bar rie Rotary Club Mr and Mrs Jack Batstone Mr and Mrs Doug Sarjeant Mr and Mrs Dcnis Shenrd Mr and ltlrs Bill Caldwell Mr and Mrs Neville Barnett Mr and Mrs Bill Clark Doctor and Mrs Ilob Dei nney Dr and Mrs Ross Turn buli Mr and Mrs Cliff Elrick Mr and Mrs Del Cole Mr and Mrs Jack Dyck Mr and Mrs Sid Cox Mr and Mrs Edson Wico Mr and Mrs Vern Beat tie Mr and Mrs Vray Young WIENER ROAST crackling fire and winners roasting not bettcrway to entertaina hungry crowd Mr and Mrs Len Drndy were the hosts at their Fergusonvale home Saturday evening Square dancing was part of the evenings entertainment Members of the Canadian Order of Foresters and guesLs from Barrie included Mr and Mrs Osborne Thompson Mr and Mrs Arthur Smith Mr and Mrs Gil Romphf Mr and Mrs Howard Morris Mr and Mrs Bud Dunsmore Mr and Mrs Donald Vernon Mr and Mrs Lloyd McKee and Mr and Mrs Deb Urry More titan 60 children attended Sunday school picnic held at Grcniel Community centre yest CrdnY Bartmann of Wile lowdale United Church organiz ed the picnic assisted by the Sun day school teachers BORDEN SOCIAL NOTES The final meeting of the Head quarters Sergeants Mess Lao ies Auxiliary took place recently at the Sergeants Mess Two new guests were present Mrs Ay res and Mrs Glibbcry Dur ing the business mceling the ex BCUUVL for 196061 wm elected President Mrs Gatehouse Secretary MrsR NiCOLS Trea surer Mrs HOMES Both Mrs Nicols and Mrs Hodges hold their posts for the second term The evening ended with refresh ments prepared and served by Mrs Nicols and Mrs Hodges The Crimp Borden District High School will hold bingo in the schools auditorium in the near fuuuc starting at pm There will be ten regular games with prizes of $10 each four share the wealth games and juck pot of $0000 which must go dur ing the evening The bingo is be ing sponsored by the High Schools Home and School is sociation Residean who have at tended previous bingoes in the High School know that this will be an entertaining evening Pro cecds accruing from the bingo will go towards purchasing much needed instniments for the Camp Borden District High School Band Admission price will be $1 Stained glass crests have been installed in Camp Bordens Trin ity Chapel recently They repre sent the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corp The Canadian In telligence Corps and the Royal Canadian School of Infantry The dedication of the Canadian in telligence Corps Crest took place during Divine Service at 11 am yesterday The dedication of the RCAMC crest and the ROS of guest will take place at later ate Weddlng Portraits nooK Young now wrrn Pnnlop st West ut Mary PA 35440 Camp Bordens Trinity Chapel was the scene at special after noon service recently when the daughter of Captain and Mrs Shelley was christened Katherine Emily at baptismal service The scnice was conducted by Major Rand Senior Chap lain Pl In the absence of Lt Commander and Mrs Holland the childs Godparenis now rc siding in Victoria British Colum bia Captain and Mrs Gra ham Kerr acted in the capacity of Godparean by proxy After the ceremony at reception was held in the home of Capt and Mrs SheUey Among the guats were Major and Mrs Rand Major and Mrs Binkley Captaim and Mrs Kerr Mrs Brown Captain and Mrs Dobson Captain and Mrs Gordon and Captain and Mrs Forbes PRESTIGE THIS EMBLEM nuno identifies your WELCOME WAGON SPONSORS ï¬rms of prestige in the burial and civic life of your community For information call PA 66302 WELCOME WAGON Gibbard designers have created colonial living room grouping inspired by heirlooms handed down from the United Empire Loyalisls who settled near the Bay of Quinta Gibbard of Napanee Canadas oldest turni ture manufacturing firm is located in the heart of this historic area the name of which is derived from Kente Cayuga Indian village on the Bay In presenting the Quinta collection Gibbard has used Genuine Cherry recognized as superior and ex pensive cabinet woods SSeater Sofa Chair Cocktail Table StepTabie Spice Box Commode BachelorChesi 00 FURNITURE SHOWROOMS 202 Dunlap St Barrie Ontario