many other instances capabilities which can not be the mere resultoirtudy Canada has no need to panic over the reported educational and scientific ach ievemenm of the Soviets Dr stencie president of Canadas Research Council told the House of Commons Those who panic over Russian techno logical and scientific gains are using the wrong yardstick according to the dootor The vital comparison to make with Rus sia was the production of educated peo ple not just scientists In the same breath he warned that Canadians should be concerned over the fact that education was not supported in this country in the way that it was in Russia He also said that Canadian schools were already turning out more scientists and engineers than the nations econ omy could assimilate This was not disadvantage to the graduating students who are finding outlets for their talents in the United States Canadians generally as Dr stems says may not be as enthusiastic sup porters of education as they might be RESPONSIBLE VOTE Regina MedalPost dimmmeectofmrldngnballottdoesmt fully citizens resporusibjlljly in em eiecbml It should be preceded by thought ful eonsidemation of the issues involved 01 all these the major one always is whether on fri necond government seeking reelection responsibility of government should be our tumbled to other bands THE ElCHMANN CASE Christian Sdence Monilor Not enough is definitely knownabout the matter of Adolf Eichmann in Israel to come in many firm conclusions about the handbag of it Certainly if the identification is reliable and ï¬le line of responsibility established the man who headed the Hitler program of extermination of six million Jews in Nazi Germany deserves punishment Whether the courts in Israel can properly claim jurisdiction over the crimes of which he stands accused is however another question Those crimes took place in Germany before the State at lsrael was in existence Any of its laws under which the defendant might be tried would have been written after the event gt How Eichmanu came to be in Israeli custody is another question on which further information is awaited According to the Foreign Minister of Argentina the Israeli Government has revealed that the prisoner was seized by Israeli volun teers who abducted him from Argentina The South American country intends to protest the affair to the United Nations if lsrael means to assert mission to dispense justice in crimes against Jews wherever they may be consumed this could lead to serious Has medical science ever tried to get germs to kill one another or by sowing seeds of dissemion among them The Terrie Examiner uthoflled as second clun mail Ofï¬c Department Ottaw uuy Bundlyl and Statutory aouam excepted warn Publisher um emu sinm essence wanna sullen mum mu emu mullIr Miter Bonner anamB Advertising Minnr loan nebula cucumber Manager blcrl don rm by carrier see me all 54 maï¬a lsta at £331 ournso Canada Mate Officer or naive Ave rnxnmn Calliert scout noneu ml ext coingm Street nncauvu Member of lb Canadian Daily Newspaper Pub fishers Amereon rm Canadian Press and the Audit some of dimenqu Audi Prcu exclusively enuuea to on Weicu uhIfllzaunn of all um MDluhtl In this use credited to ll or re Allocated rm or 5mm and me ur lacl news published therein an righu of rapueucruon of mun dlrpltcbel Mull are also reserved relapllnn Number Editorial Advertising And Business airway um Want Me PMkvuy not the Titanic hammer Published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd Id Bayfleld street Barrie Ontario PAGE FOUR MONDAY JUNE 20 1960 EDITORIAL When Does One Qualify For Adult Status Todays World The general misconception in the minds of great portion or theyoung people of the day of what growing up actually implies causes great deal of trouble Due very largely to certain stresses placed on adult life by persons seeking financial profit from sales of var ious products growing up has become matter of attaining certain privileges Most people began smoking as an inst ance because as boys of 15 or so they wanted to appear grown up The same holds increasingly true with girls large percentage of alcoholics started drinking as teen agers because they wished to ap pear adult And the same holds this in William Telfhune M11 has given pretty good summary of maturity in his book Emotional Problems and What to Do About Them What are the minimum psychological requirements for maturity he asks And he gives these characteris tics as perhaps the most important The ability to rise your intelligence objectively wllllngness to face facts An avoidance of rationalization good understanding of the principles influencing your social environment and acceptance of them Minimizing the pleasurepain motif of life placing wise action ahead of com fort or discomfort Complete emotional emancipation from parents and the attainment of reason able amount of independence Belief in God to whose laws you try to conform Belief in the brotherhood of man Contribution of service to the com munity But he warns these are only the min imum requirements Dont Panic Over Soviets No one ever became an adult over night whether or not hear she adopted the characteristics which appear to in dicate that stature It takes hard hon est work to become an adult It is far from being merely matter of the pass age of years but maturing of the mind building up of character the attaining of great deal of knowledge reaction One does not expect the common run of people tolook upon these cultural things through the same eyes as our leaders Canadian leaders should not have to be treadmill There are other nations which are not world leaders in any of the scien ces They should know we have long way to go to equal the rest of the world in science educatio the humanities Furthermore it should not be necessary for Dr Steacie to have to bring Russia in as prod to good us onto the scholastic treadmill There are other nations which could just as well be held up for Cana dians to emulate But the doctor like so many others appears to think that mak ing us look bed in comparison to Russia willshame us into new ways The reverse could be true llf enough people keep paneling the superiority of the communist way ofdoing things as compared to our own disinterest some people are going to believe them and wonder why we continue in our own in efficiency when the Russians with better way Males In Buenos Aires Find GirlWatching Great Sport BUENOS AIRES APlIf its good day in Bucnos Aimsor bellcr yet if stiff brccze is blowingits pesos to pastries youll find good percentage of the male papulaiicn standing on the corner watching the girls go regularly Do all of you have favorite spots Well some spots are better than uihcrs like this one be cause theres breeze at the corner TIIE PIROPOS ls it permissible to speak lo the or subjects 01 course scllor possible you have noihcnrd of the pirapo No dont believe so The simplest piropos are How Senoriia there was sunshine Your hair is like spun gold Your eyes like deep ponlJYouchgs Thatsfinc Mr Casanova we get the idea Do they ever speak in return mean besides to say get lost or something like that EARN SMILE Unfortunately ruics call for the subjch to lg noro us completely keep their eyes straight in front of them carry their noses high in the air But thats where skill comes in truly effective plropo occasion ally can earn smile or once in great while something more You seem to enjoy the spori Mr Casanova Si senor What sport could offer morefresh nir sunshine challenge competition suspense Excuse me senor All scnurita what face It is like painting by Spanish master Your lips are like two rose buds that Know What Ii Trad Is In UK lust Opposite To ii llliod Youth LONDON CPTo Eliminate any confusion about trads mods beats and feds this story is of fered as simple guide to the current crop of British teenag engineering and always nice its the favorite outdoor sport in Buenos Aires Being somewhat of sport ourselves we decided to do an onthespot sirch inter lt is not seldom The Pardon me sir saw you watching the girls and wonder if you would answer few ques lions for the press Si senor Ill be delighted But move over little please Youre blocking the view All Your name please Juan Casanova Mr Casanova could you give us an idea of your duties at this corner mean few simple rules for girl watching FIND SPOT Cerlainly senor First you have to find spot with an un obstructed view Then you keep your eyes open swing your head quickly from side to side until you spot subject The subject is then kept in observation until its quality is judged If accept able the subject is viewed thor oughly up and down approach ing if especially worthy viewing may coniinuegafier the subject has passed Often back viewing as it is known in the trade is very re warding However it is danger ous especially for an inexperi enced watcher for another sub ject may be missed Veterans after front viewing glance quickly down the street to besure noth ing good coming then and only back viewing Ive been nnlicing MrCasa nova that you come to this corner beautiful eyes or for the more daring What figure Eut real experts can breath sonatas into sub jects car For more elaborate piropus of course one must ful low the subject for some blocks talking quietly to her Then you can say for example Ah sen mile have finally found you For months have been waiting lonely on this corner until today you walked by and suddenly Provide us Opinions of 0therNewspapers complications in international law The effects would not be unlike those of the Nazi claim which other nations rejected persons of German birth might be citizens of no to the loyalty of or descent though they iher country Fm what has been made public it would seem that lsrael would be taking more convincing course and helping to establish better precsud enB if it should return Elcbmaon to Argentina for extradition in turn to West Germany where numerous Nazis have bee should stand LriaL beatniks They wear identical welbworn long hair and boards They are against conformity TEDS CHANGE CLOTHES The fedsthey began in Ed wardian dress but new favor Wyatt Earps clothes They like rock roll sideburns and flick knives other teenagcrs the great majority of Britains youth cant be classified into any particular group They wont be discussed here Now each gruu jeans sandals iswoolfliyofmuifliertermofofï¬ceoriftbe It will serve as reference un til new variety emerges prob ably in week or two Introducing them briefly they punished and where he WHERES TEE PRESSURE Quebec WaleTelegraph Smnahowthecooceptionoienenaod hmqlnhzem with every marked or study is the one The tredsThey go for iradl industry community jazz and all aspects of lan dress except long jack who form sibilily industry should have for rugged nerves and the community orlre undorimtensepressure doeanl matdhalllthe factsth workers dolloureaweekbisluwoundingstlmemetol erubleamdoflendouunugh halvetbemoansandtho of recreebml They can nelax inhomcs that are miracles of luxury and convenience cam paredudthhomseollothe toascstofusliteloolrnpnebygood NUCLEAR TEST TREATY New York Times Even without the summit fiasco it would have been exceedingly difficult to reach agreement with the Soviet Union on test treaty It will now be we must not show ourSelves unwilling to reach reasonable protected freely with the Russlaila on this issue If the nuclear test conference is to collapse along with the summit let the rest heretoo with the other side tseemto The modsThey go for mod spend about errl jazzlta1ian jackets and Perry Como haircuts The beetsBetter known as INTERPRETING THE NEWS Raise Firewalls In Africa ReadyForCongoIndependance By DAVID OANCIA Canadian Press Stiff writer then Urey lsl in more dD ever is that the early plans have provided no place at all for government in the picture comfortable They usually be time for wide range found in Londons many base ment jazz clubs where Dixieland music blares through smokela den rooms These clubs incideln folly are quite respectable and free from hooliganism In impressed Stovepipe trous ers bright vaistcoals shirts and rounded while collars the trad will bounce around all night jiving with his girl The girl usually wears black stock ings baggy sweater and long igood old days in striped acceptable nuclear than ever but ru can an leve In the fore seeable future Authorities drew little comfort from recent events On Friday the territory that becomes self governing in two weeks still was without govern ment No one party gained an overall majority in the recent elections and attempts to form broadly based coalition have been fruitless OTHER QUIRKS The situation was complicated by threats of some leaders to set up rebel regional govcmmeuts or to secede from the Congo Two of the six provinces also were un der martial law Sumc authorities now feel there nationalistic drive that is lending is distinct lmssibility that the to Congolese self government Congo may revert to iriballsrrl or may spread like bush fire to regionalism soon after Belgian Angola colony of 4000000 on the continents western shores The Purluguese have Show m7 is Patrice Lumumba former postal clerk whose party polled the biggest percentage of the votes during the election Responsible de scribed him as ruthlesst umbi demagogic spellbinder with surreptitious political as socialions The Belg has under The firewalls are being put up in the heart of Africa in prepara tion for the June Ill independence of the Belgian Congo At least few of the neighbors of the huge African territory feel the precautions are prudent be cause they fear the birth of the Congo republic will come with They speak normal English without bop talk He introduces his girl as the young lady vlih whom am currently assucl ated She lwiris her enormous granrlmas beads MODS SPEND MONEY The mod is different sort of He frequents ground modern jazz clubs that cost plenty When hes not wear ing the latest Italian styles he leans toward the American Ivy League style His shoes are aIlt ways pointed and his fingers snap to the music His girl normally wears buuffant hairstyle and pointed shoes lle introduces here as She says things bko Fab man Fab They seem to dance without moving their The boats inhabit coffee bars under lï¬m lights you cant tell male from female Paragraphically Speaking person above If you were transported to the sun you couldnt stand on its surface because it is gaseous body says an astronomer Another reason you couldnt stand on it is that your legs would be burned off Both Portugal and the territor lei government in Northern Rho desia are reported quietly mov ing troops into what they expect may become the troubled Congo lese borderlands For woman to play poker is not Portugal is worried that ihe crime says judge or course not but the way many Woman plays it should be classed along with misdemeanors wide skirt the more serious chick authority is withdrawn The dominant political leader Intuition is that strange faculty that among other things eneibies woman to know what man is going to do con siderable time before he himse hes going to do it Another slant on progress in the last halfcentury From magic lanterns to movies from the stereosc vision To start the day right do something pleasant when you first wake up ad vises psychologist One of the most pleasant things you can do is turn over and go back to sleep inclination to relin hold on this region OTHER SOLDYERS Rhodesian troops have also been sent to the Congos south ern borders Their task app cnlly is to cope with any disturb ances that may frontier and to prevent any do tcriuration of the internal situa quish their where it knows BIBLE THOUGHT Hear my son your fathers instruction and reject not your mothers teachingProverb 18 Many life has been shipr wrecked because of disregard for this great admonition to all WIDE people spill over the resident governor Lumumbas pro posal to form guvemment of broad national union Events have made clear that only such government with the support of the chief regional lead or will be able to run the nation when it becomes independent ope tothe tele are predicted for British Col umbia and the southern areas of Alberta Saskatchewan and Manitoba in the aoday we look of the United States wee lhcr office Maps detail we and that enough weather But the concern overthis new nations future spreads far be yond the limits of its territory There are many who are frankly dictcd temllcralurcs and pro lcepticnl that orderly federal cipilatioo across the country OTTAWA REPORT No Fingerling Slips Through Netv By PATRICK NICHOLSON thn Finance Minister Donald Fleming allows fish in slip through his not it is no mere iingcrling Emulaiing the Wirflla mil lion psychology of the former Liberal government illc pres enl Conservative administralion shows sponrllhlift prodigaliry with our fax money when watch dog Firming sbuis one eye on March 3i Mr Fleming wllo is no shrinking violet even when he has plenty iobe modest aboutloll Canada in his budget speech about his unremitting efforts lo cifoci further econo mics and efficiency in all gov ernmcnt activiiies SHOULD NURSE WEAKLINGS prudent finance minisicr would makehis clioris most un remining in those areas where he has grounds for suspcciing the responsible at at minister lucks qualifications for cabinet rank llis colleague Hon Paul Comiuis is widely believed lo boast the qualifications of living in the right province and attract ing sufficiency of votes period lllrFlcn1ing overlooked red flat the estimates of be de narimcnt of mines and technical surveys presided over by Mr Comiuis The Canadian Hydrographic Service within that department last your cost the taxpayers $6552596 This year when lrcas ury board pared every csiimulc to he bone that cost will lake whopping leap to $10985523 There was need to step up our mapping services but did anything slip by to boost the cost needlessly There is big in crease in the civil service staff of that section from 919 to 995 which should improve our un employment figures Wages will cost an extra $250000 this year so will charter of aircraft and vessels materials and supplies QUEENS PARK Princes Conference 0i Ontario Interest Dy DON OHEARN TORONTO Prince Philips 1952 conferencu should have lot of interest to Ontario Tile conference is to study the human canscquencesof induslt trial development successor to similar meet ing held in England in 1956 it will be attended by industrial and labor representatives from all areas of the Empire and Commonwealth it is being sponsored by some 800 Canadian industrial firms and labor unions at cost of $500000 to $600000 will cost $150000 more consich lieu of buildings is up by $1000 000 and construction of ships up by $2500000 This last item has jusi had some light thrown on it by press release The Hon Paul Comlois minis er of mincsgand technical sur veys and the lion RI oilurloy minister of defcnre produclion announced today the selection of Saint John Dry Dock Co Ltd Saint John Ni3 for he build ing of one hydrogrnplric and oceanographic survey vessel TAXPAYER WILL WONDER The harderhit taxpayer will wonder why survey vessel con earns the minisicr of defence production The informed fax pnyel will also rightly ask why the minister of mines concerns himself with shipbuilding when we have minisicr of transport especially charged with supply ing and maintaining iranspartm lion facilities for general govern ment use Just as he prime minister filis his nircruil needs from tho general government pool main mined by ihr minister of trans port so him he minislcr of mines needs survey ship hc shouidusc illc iisign and supervisory and mnlnionnncc far cilities already provided by the minisicr of Iransport But instead of this more occlt nomicai and efficient and desir able practice lion Paul Comiois has now duplicated oxisiing far ciiilicsand be cost to the fax payerswilh hugely expanded section for shipbuilding in his department This provides some cushy but needless jobs for hur caucrais and helps to explain the swollen figures qlloicll above It also provides some zlmmuniiion with which the Opposition will justifiably attack the government for gross negligence in Mr Flemings unremitting search for economy and efficiency The only active participants in the conference are industry and labor This is readily understood and need not be argued against But there is no plan to con suit wilh government except possibly on the lowest level And how one can study the community today without con suiting government is simply un fathomable Government is the community DISDAINFUL INDUSTRY This must be taken largely another reflection of the such bery which large industry is in clincd to havcluwards govern 0f pariicular interest to us is ment that under the tentative program the fields of study will cover some of onlarios mostclitical problems In broad sense this program is mainlydevoted to the position of the community in industrial development One of the particular subjects Anolher is how much respon most amazing aspect how COLD AREA it looks down its nose at it and generally iach disdainful air towards its machinery its motives and the people in it it generally regards it as in competent and then utters surly whines because if does not do better job But when its number comes up to do part of this job itself it regards itself as too superior Observers really cant be blamed if they in turn think it is stupid This refusal by industry to lake on active part in government must be viewed as one of our great weaknesses of today to nus moon aucouvrk L1 wanton gram ls wmmtec 26 voromo as Menram as emu as Belowseasonal temperatures from mivaune in midJuly Tables give normal readings for various centres These maps are based on predic tions of the weather office which says its monthly out look is not specific forecast pattern may pr uce major errors OP News up