mm EMINER FRIDAY m1 nons Prince Philip Is Getting Fed Up Rare Pralse Of Red Cnh With Queens Passion For Races seen In Dlsarmament Offer By EDDY GILMORE By JOHN BlGIflDWER tziiï¬cgepéedaiisuming at Ggueia But in Geneva Thursday the Russian delegate repudiated WASHINGTON APJA new LONDON AWPrince Phili Soilct solcntlllc MOSCOW APiBoris Paster We celebrated him as an frhanlts ironr the Iworlgels for is showing signs ol gutting leg L° sigh fï¬vestem CMIRD coupeiate by congdifctgn llak was buried Thursday in is absolute democrat Asmos said him We were awaiting his book up with the Queens passion for 95 315 he the same 39 the IS mn ol nonnuclcnr underground ex simpl cercmony highlighted by Like the friend of his childhood but something happened and it horse racing today in Nikita Ixhrushchevs latv stdcrable uncertainty and some plosim in Russia He also de rare praise mm Soviet literary Leo Tolstoy he was opposed to never appeared IHe IIis higher lack of enthusiasm or the 89 armament Plan he Russ 1mm manded right to inspect in de critic luorethan looo mourners lighting and his error was in out than any other wntcr sport has been well known for The Soviet premier proposed PW CP mm tall every nuclear device to be Irocped up grassy slope in the lighting for his opinions Pasternak who died Monday at years But at Wednesdays Derby that the means at delivering nu gym 69 mug used in corresponding v5 non tuaeral procession to his grave An unidentiï¬ed student stood the age of 70 was buried in the he couldnt hide his royal bores clear weapons such as rockets 195 Sign 50 military test program The poet novelist translator up suddenly and said it was graveyard of 15th century dom airplanes submarines warships glee Elia airport Thursdayto was not completgly ignored by great hoolr he wrote it is pity church in his home Village at When the Queen decided to and artillery shouldbcnbolishcd shwfmfgï¬day aF°l Soviet ottioioldnm despite the they wont let us read it Peredelinko Pasternak born leave the royal box and vrsit the at the very outset or any agreed the 55 if 1° TRY EXAMINER wrwr ans political smrm cde by Asmus continued Than are Jew but an Orthodox convert res paddock she shot her husband disarmament program The pro salami as Ira winning the 1958 Nobel Prile for only few people equal to Pas ceived no religious service The one at those wrioly looks that posal was made Thursday in lct 5m 1de away Mel PHONE PA 32414 literaturer lie was forced to turn tomato in the my and hamsty graveyard is administered by snyz Come on What are you tch to President Eisenhower and sinus 30 93 exil down the prize after campaign at his convicting He is an ex local Communist authorities waiting for the heads of an other Igovern of mm criucism Emma 01 man who defended None of the write from what The pump indicated thnt ha Incnts represented by diplomats Western leaders have thought The Soviet Writers Union his convictions betore his con might be called the official So wasnble Sams Lilli herl Willie 05ml that the talks on prohibiting me which expelled Pasternak tor temporarics being lirmly con viet literary set attended thi le 01 mg 13 KhthhEV said I15 was mflk 91° 9390 mm nder puhllrhing his novel Doctor Zhiv vinced he was right herol No Soviet oiiicials were mints IWII vhf 05 ms the offer because of the in mwna WWW iysem ago abroad managed the fu man who identified himself present and no ulticlal represent bill soon is torest of other countries numb otlcrcd the best opportunity for nerali Critic Vladimir Asmns des as worker was applauded when alivcs oi any state literary organ mp mum France In flttackmg the problem 31 ESTEMHE RUSS 011 livercd graveside oration he shouted mm the crowd tzntion QUEEN Excrmn PRINCE PliluP fr glide disarmament Ity con Dne disarmament problem few minutes later the Derby mg means delmry was under way The Queen 50m ing good horses all the time you United States olliciuls studying on tiptoe her nee flushed with knuw Shes had some wonderful the detailed plan for first reading excitement yearsI rind very good run of found no real hope it was Prince Phinp looked mum luck portedI for breaking the East Continued from page one special devices would be prn The third stage provides for The Queenled the applause or The hard lac is that the West disarmament deadlock in hipped dlshandnrontot all armed torcos the winner Philip sat on his Queens horses arent very EDOd CYLINDERS 0F discontinuance at their manulw ban would be imposed on an end to conventional military hands and toolred gloomy 115 Yfl my my PROPANE GAS ture warships sailing outside territors production and destruction at re There nra sound financial rea Cm 9005 on Washington officials saw int waters and on nights at miiir maining arms stookpiiesnholi sons to back up his disenchant That could be contributing wrrn Eacn COMPLETE Khrushchcvs plan as aimed at tely aimnit capable ot carrying tion oi war ministries and dis mcnt nth the horses aclhr to the princes Jack or NEW PROPANE speedy elimination at the Vest weapons of mass destruction belt continuance of appropriations of In 1907the Queens 0Wn racers enthusiastafar race hniscs INSTALLATXDN ern nuclear deterrent and this your their national territory funds for any term at military won 5174000 and she turned all It you are considering the American base Sysmm in cm IL nuke mum be launched purpose other English race horse owncrs use or Propane Gas in your tries close to Soviet territory exclusively for pencetul purposes Countries Would be allowed to 1958 her mmgs dmllcd IV home take advantage oi 1N1an ATIONAL CONTROL by agreement including inspcc manufacture only small arms in 513mm and In 5mm this special one As tton of launching sites tended for police forces to main No WINNERS no mo new customer you can em thghï¬irsltmifillgs ofsnlghgeéitieigdrillE SECOVD STAGE mi inlmm This yearalter the first eight joy up to months supply mm be carried in appmxi The end ï¬gs onus hr The Soviet plan also proposed weeks of the seasontho Queen of Propane Gas FREE by mam yam 13 mumps that the countries signing the hasnt had single winner EARN contacting your local Ctr der intornatiunalon tho spot Kb 51 Chem treIiity study the making at police Her trainer Capt Cecil noyd op now Offcr subject to comm Immgca and 5390950 units available to the UN secur Rochlort says Now is the time to fill purchase In complete new mass destruction of all existing council The Queen nil keep on Haw propane installation and other first stage provisions Stacipiles you gunk 10 mm continued CW Propane we Reduction ol the armed Patronage All loreicn military bases areas or all countries to agreed would be abolished With all troops levels Wm the us and the So withdrawa within their own na vie union mud to not mm Ion and costly repairs tlonni boundaries than 1700000 men each Destruce The launching into orbit or thin at arms and equipment thus the placing in outer apnea oi released If you have cooling or ventilating probleIn CYLINDER OF call us no obligation mgrlllgyxflglzlzp PROPANE GAS Gar Wood or McClury Heating For Your give Saharan 193 Egucï¬pmprogï¬f Hom flner flavour Youll Electrical Installation and Service 1°C CM mime LTD to prevent condensat onlythelinestlnpredlenls supply you with your tirst Electric Heating Cables onn Solve your loo problems EIECTRIC gigggotï¬zogï¬l Iood products Now LOCATED Ar continued Coop Propane Parry Electric SHE WAN EATNG ï¬nish Am CONDITIONING VENTILATION sues LSERvicE PH0NEI FUEL mum 160 Golllngwood St Phone Barrio PA ttSEBG HEATING SHEET METAL WORK MOTOR REPAIRING Iitfl PA 82533 Domestic Commercial Industrial ï¬fnwwnm ShlrrtlHorsdy 395 PA 850 t0 cteisqualrty Eirncrmcl mm Economical Eieotxio heulinl entirely or flint mid 75 Eccles sh PA 84040 RV Eï¬ggalgagdhymo Edson and Marshall wlco room Symboch PKODS 259 Innlslil PA $6531 Excellence ltlllltllP ST trillions olllili ill lllEBllilltiE Bllhlill woe is 95Tn rots other he sold MUSTBESOLD lno mime ROSFBUSHESI oncrroxcrm enriches To THE HIRST Your CREDIT tusrlrlrs 300 ms STARTS 12 noon JUNE 11 FREE COFFEE LUNCH lmhlowtflhemtdc