by mary mount IT GOES ON AND ON AND ON It seems to me there is time in the life of housewife that knowsno barriersit stretches to in finity That time is spring cleaning time admit that spring cleaning means nothing more to me than airing out crammed closet and rummag ing through the attic to retrieve lastsummers ward robe REAL SERVICE It was just yesterday that bug was put in my ear bug about special advisory service which has been set up to helpyou do your heusecleanins Bettie Brad iey columnist and commentator in the field of home furnishing and Yvonne Germaine radio and TV re presentative both of Toronto stopped by to tell me Just how the service works The promises they made werent colossal They didnt even mentlon coming round to your house to scrub floors But it sounds like good news You cari receive help in giving your house and furnishings the proper care Whether or not you are aware of it advertisers and manufacturers can send you into spin If they arent pushing new surfaces synthetic finishes for floor and walls they are creating new polishing and clean ing agents Its vicious circle It seems only common sense that servicethat will answer your specific cleaning questions and one that is backed by testing laboratory is worth try THE FINISH COUNTS For instance the service will give points on fur niture CRIB An important point to remember in this field is that the care is relative to the finish of the wood One example is the low lustre finish of Scandinavian furniture This sheen is not preserved or heightened by wax polish Only an oil should beLused on any low lustre finish of course the floors are usually considered the slide rule by which to measure the homemakers true worth One of the points to remember is to be sure that the floor is free of wax before applyinga new coat especially if you are trying new brand of wax And if you have succumbed to the speedy liquid waxeskeep them clear of your wood floors The nat ural beauty of wood needs and deserves the harder finish and better shine of paste wax These are but few of the cleaning hints that my two visitors mentioned when talking about the new advisory service sponsored by OCedar of Can ada Limited No Im sure they dont have the answer to why your husband wont take down those storm windowsbut if you have any othervhousecleaning problems you could address your enquiries to Bettie Bradley OfCedar of Canada Advisory Service 11 Yorkville Avenue Toronto Ontario Elects Executive Hqs Cleaning Bee Edgar Womens institute met pianists gtMrs Sheardown Mrs at the home of Mrs Shearl down recently Mrs Johnson read the mot to Honesty promotes the best public relations in theab sence of Mrs Andrews It was reported $770 was real lzed from the birthday box officers elected for 1960431 are president Mrs Hayes vicevpresident Mrs Johnson secretarytreasurer Mrs Dalley assistant secretary freasurer Mrs Hacketf dis trict director Mrs Strschan branch directors Mrs Bid well Mrs Dalley program committee Mrs Johnson Mrs Johnston Mrs Andrews Mrs Hutchinson and Mrs Bidweli lower committee Mrs Johnson Mrs Sheerdown Bldwell press correspondent Mrs Strschan Conveners education griculture and Canadian indus irics Mrs Howell historical research Mrs Bidwell Mrs Lauder public relations Mrs Sheardown auditors Mrs Hutchinson Mrs Howell Mrs Dailey was winner in the draw Mrs Hayes assisted the has less with lunch The WI willmeet at the Com munity Hall Wednesday for the annual cleaning bee Roll call will bea cleaning hint Lunch will be potluck Anyone interested is asked to bring along pail and scrub brush Present Gifts To 4H Members Twentyelght members and two visitors were present at the April meeting of Thomton Womens lnsitute which was bold st the home or Mrs McQuay donation to Polio Comfort Club CAC subscription was renewed Globe and Mail Article on Adelaide Headless was ordered and it was decid ed to give each Provincial 4H girl gift It was decided to plant Cemetery Flower Bed Committees were arranged for theCNIB canvass Members were urged to at iend 4H Achievement Day at Strand Juno and to show and attend the ivyThornton Llobby Show May 25 in ivy Orange Hall The District Director irs Lonnox rcporlcd on the recent cxculive remindingzlhcm nilend District Annual May is in Everett and that Agri culture Convener answer roll call by displaying Table rangemcnts in recognition of their past rteviccs the Pesident Mrs ni so users and Trcan surcrr Mrs ionneii six years were each presented with Federation of Womens institute of Ontario badge viewing the District stressing and re interests in church home and community Mrs Spencer then conducted the election of officers which re sulted as follows Past Presid ent Mrs Geo Holt President Mrs Beaity first vicepre sident Mrs Dixon second vicevpresideni Mrs Jan nettsecrctaltry Mrs Black assistant secretary Mr treasurer Mrs Roi director Mrs Geo Holt alter nate district irector Mrs McQuay branch directors Mrs Black Mrs Smith Conveners are education Mrs Lennox health Mrs Burt agriculture Mrs Sanders Mrs Bone Canadian rics Mrs Altman ci zen ship Mrs Smith historical research and current events Mrs Geo Holt Christmas Mrs McQus grandmothers Mrs Cs hccr Mrs Ban ng public relations rcprc schistch and press reporter Mrs Jcnncti Auditors lilrs Maw and Mrs Black Lunch was served by the hostesses CDNVENERS MEET infilliii programs were pinn not by the conveners and exc cuiivc ill sncelululiernoon meeting held at thcf home of ii ncw Prcsidoni Mrs Hearty The May meetng was chang Districl Presidcnl Mrs ed to May 12 or Mrs Spencer brought greetings from15pcerr home citizenship and Mrs Johnston vilh er Treasurer Mrs home economics League it was MR AND MRS FLEMMING Bond Head WI Instais Officers BOND HEAD The recent meeting of the cns Insdluts was held in the and Head hall Mrs Usher president presided Eighteen mcmbcrs answered film roll call How to improve iour meetings conunlltee was appointed to look after the proposed danca The treasurer gave report of the years work which show cd that the branch had very successiul year Mrs Amcy gave her report of the district directors meeting held at Cooksiown Thu prcsldcni thanked all con vcncrs for their cooperation during her years of office Mrs Brown and Mrs Wil llnm Sutherland presented Mrs Usher president and Mrs Keith Knccslmw secretarytreas urcr girls in appreciation of their work Mrs Edgar Kneeshnw was asked to fake the chair for the election of officers Mrs Wil liam Sutherland read the names of the nominating committee and the following officers were elect ed for the year 19ml Life members are Mrs Bradley Mrs Armstrong Mrs James Andrews Mrs McLean Mrs RAmey Mrs Kaeeshuw Officers are president Mrs Charles Brown first vicepresi dcni Mrs Smith second vicepresident Mrs Stod dard secretary Mrs Han nnh treasurer Mrs Knee rh district dire Mrs izcr alternate director Mrs Knccshmv Twccdsmulr Book lrs ii Dixon remembrance Iirs Harvey Branch directors are Mrs ilnieman Mrs Dixon iVilliam Reynolds lBanquet For Good News banquet andpacty at the home of Mr and Mrs Kinzic Shanty Bay Road held May marked the closing of the 195960 season of Good News Club Activityin Bernies Public Schools Thirtyfour teachers and as sociates enjoyed time of good food and fellowship together The green and yellow spilling color theme was carried out to the table flowers and streamers the buffet table was pretty daffodil centrepiece ilunkcd with green candles in silver candelabra Atihc final business meet ing held Thursday April 28 the following slate of offloom has been electedï¬m the1960 61 season Director Mrs Fligg Asst Director Mrs KinzicSccrttary Mrs Park ilmone GoTo Toronto Fer Convention At recent meeting of St John Vianney Catholic Womens announced that President Mrs Hicks and Mrs iioolr will attend the Archdiocesan convcnlion at the loyal York Hotel in Toronto MELV 30 convcncr for May MIs Chew vos nsmcd membersh cunvcncr iobo as Smith Utopia innisfil Street elcn Wills Stroud and MrsSjcrps Ivy Mrs Sierps is also immigration convener Oihcr convcners are Mrs De loug for press and Mrs Smith in suiiliuul Mrs Tenuock und lllshop are hospital vis itors The next nicciing of the CW su nor for all the women of the purish it will be held June Mm Mrs lioukvns named social will take the form of potlucki Press secretary Mrs Kneeshaw pianist Mrs Smith librarian Mrs Brad ley auditors Mrs William Watt and Mrs Fsrg Sutherland Conveners are agriculture and comedian industries Mrs Wil liam Sutherland citizenship and education Mrs William Watt historical researd and current events Mrs Csrdy McLean home economics and health Mrs James Andrews public relations Mrs Bradley reso lutions Mrs 11 Armstrong The members were pleased to have Mrs Paul Catenia Brad ford showlwo flimsy The Ear vest and Home Landscaping which Mrs Smith had pro cured from the Federation of Agriculture at Barrie The Ro tary Club Ernieclor wss used vote of Inks wss given Mr and Mrs Catenla social time was at at the lunchheur Honeymoon In New York Quebec Cains Unifed uiurds was the some of the ceremony wind united in marriage Mary Jane daughter 9f Mr and Mrs Valientyee Barrie and Ralph Fleming The bridegromn is the son of Mr and Mrs Fleming Barrie Rev Brena oiflcisted at the wedding April18 The bride given in marriage by her father were fulllength gown of silk organza with laws led applique The bodice fea lured short Shirred sleeves and Jewelled portrait neckline Her ï¬ngertip veil fell from halo Miss Vallenlyng carried bridsl bouquet of whiio osm ations and red roses Mrs Donna McKenzie attend ed the bride as matron of hen or no bridesmaids were Miss es Sandra Flemming and Mar garet Reynolds The attendants were identical dresses of streetlength powder blue taffeta with organza oven dress The dresses were fash ioned with portrait necklines sad bouffsnt skirts rs matron of honor and the bridesmaids carried bouquets of Organist sue Walker am psnled solout Mrs Mary Hir The brides molha Hrs Val lentyne received her guests at the Cedar Rail Restaurant in drum pink silk sbsnumg dress The bridegrooms mother assist edlaebeigclscedresstnrrun ed with organza Outoitown guesis included the brides grandparent who came from Midland and the hrfdegrooms parents who came from Morrisburg and Perth other gums were from Temple London and Hamilton For the wedding trip to New York State and Quebec the bride wore blue flowered two piece drus with black and white accessories The newlyst will reside in ibronto white and blue Chrysanthemums The groomsmen was John lb ons and the ushers were Robert McKenzie and Joseph Walton Tea Bake Sale Held By Barrie WI Beards Womenl Inelith hold the spring tea sndbsuar Thlnbdsy lo the YWYMCA Owe SL MN 363 Adams Mrs Bogandis and MN Coles poured tea Mrs Noon anlos Mrs it Gardiner were at the bake table and Min Burbidge Mme boy wore on the bazaar table Mas Lynn had disuse oil the tea tickets and one Campbell had charge of the draw Molten First prize of ten set to Mill Mm Maple Ave tea pot Mrs Hodgson Campbell Ave linen table cloth Mrs Allen Dunlap Street west JOHN GAB HAIR STYLISTS IO Maple Avs Burris onusuulsn by appointment PA 84661 Shirri Only Shirrlff Instant Mashed Po atoes come In ready ceoked FLAKE form These flakes make the smoolhssi flufflest Instant oisioss you ever fastedAs ullSalsda ShirrmHersey food preducfs youll find true flavour and extra value in every package Every Sslsda ShirrlffHcrsoy product is sunny lulnnlosfl by the chocman Symbol of Excellence nus run mes nuier Larie 88 Tuonio fell 60 fee Tosdny SUMMER lobisdulhwflle warring ICPl Cbaflesznewbuddingailhe 85 THURSDAY SPECIAL Values to $3998 MW mice in eluding lovely REVERSEEl CONE fabrics houcles sued es and muggy mohairs Spring odesl Sires to to Just Says CHARGER SussMnns flexible dings Account le ea You Added Men the To Pay Menev Desired SPEGIAL COATS center or Opp Wellington Hotel PA 85195 ovos INA SALE on THESE Paomicrs eLEAROUT RoxsroNEf DISCONTINUED comes QUARTS REG 250 GALLONS nae 800 85 5395 KEMTONE QUARTS Reg 335 GALLONS Regll20 Every cAnMusr eo 33 OFF some 22 SALE 795 KEMGLO QUARTS Reg 265 GALLONS Reg llin gt our New forCHlllTMA5l save LSD SALE 815 Airrm sums brushesolls all covers paint by number sets canvas boards etc