BERNIE OMAN RETURNS Visit To The Orient Was Part Of World Tour or MARY MOFFAT The soil cool silk of the sari draped luxuriously around my shoulders falling lightly to the floor The um Barrie traveller with many haunting flute sound seemed to tilt the air as the opportunities to observe and snake coiled and rose No wasnt in Indiaj Imagination one afternoon this week while standing in and um he uavellem she met the living room of Barrie home was looking at and talked treer but quietly oi their lands and politiu trying on some oi the ar ticles Mrs Cliiton Ward Blake Street brought back from her trip around the wcrld 9VEEK TRIP Mrs lard still bursting Vvilh energy and enthusiasm despite the more than 30000 miles and nine necks or travel by train ship and plane was busily un packing treasures collected on her journey The sarithe Hawaiian sarong Japancsc cotton eyelet will soon become part ol the ward robe oi Mrs Ward and her dau ust transported there in my ghter Leila as dresses and skirts But in the meantime to conjure up adventures oi the an loii lands touched by this world traveller trip around the world can be the 25000 miles as the crow flies it can be few plane hops as the businessman flies or it can be the maddening dull ness at is conducted cruise Boarding the 55 lberin at Vancouver Mrs Ward soon nb andoned the main principle oi the latter ideaenjoying only its inexpensive asset Alter boring conducted tour of the historic places and monuments in Manila she decided to go on her own OWN ITINERARY This adventurous state oi mind aided by heipiul bus drivers and iriendly natives in the streetsi and shops led her to many out oi the way spots in spite oi the limited time available while the ship docked The shops on the sidestrceu of Tokyo the slum villages oiSlngapore and Hong Kong the marvelous show of wealth is Bombay homethese were all part oi her own person al and unexpected itinerary It was in Tokyo that Mrs Ward took turn at Japanese DRESSED in Chinese clothes Mrs Ward enters the spirit or costume party held on board ship At one such party part of the entertainment provided for the passengers of theSSJ Iberia she won first prize MRS CLETON WARD shopping centre The narrow street with open stalls on either iside was iar cry irom the spacious modern shopping plaz as at Canada But one incident bxcmplilied nthe courtesy oi the Japanese that would put to shame most Canadian sales girls JAPANESE GIFT Was trying to find agift for my son Paulboys are dii iicult to buy iorin one or the little shops The sales girl was so disappointed she couldnt ind Paul giit that she gave me silk handkerchiei or my daught er Leila It was in Singapore and Hong Kong that the squalor oi China provided bitter contrast to the creamy white richness at cm broidered silk sold in shops Duckiltg another conducted tour Mrs Ward set out to seem much of China asshe could She was shown touch of one oi the cities and many of the small squalld villages by Chinaman who was proud of his English Then back on board the Iberia and oti to India The cosmopolit an lite on board ship provided italk with people oi lands which lshe saw in fleeting moments Irl most rspecls Mrs Ward IN BOMBAY The iberia soon presented its somenger in india She witnmed the enigma oi prodigious wealth sitting in sea oi destitutiou They docked at Bombay An in lroduction to iricnd oi irlend afiorded MrsWard the opportu nity to glimpse the marbled hushed rooms oia wealthy la dian couple Aitcr looking at their collee tion oi valuable treasures it was shockingio drive back to town to the docks that night dodging the hundreds oi persons sleeping in the streets she said the other conducted tourists when the portoivcali was an Arab soil lIN CAIRO Leaving the ship bciore it sail ed through the Suez Canal the party took bus to Cairo and enjoyed lunch at city hotel lit wasnt until the bus took fllem out to see the pyramids that Mrs Ward had chance to see any sign oi the temiou in the amnmmumouuvruu MRI AND ltms Exchange Vovvs At Mrs Ward did go along with1 White Chrysanthemums and red carnations bedeckcd Trinity Anglican Church tor the morn ing ceremony which united in marriage Donna Frances dough ter oi Mr and Mrs Robert liens ueth Bunting Newton Street and Dale Roland Curl Rolie The bridegroom is the sonoi Mr and Mrs Len Rollo Timmlns Canon Reid oiiicldtcd at Middle East Armed Arab guards the wedding Apr 13 lstopped the vehicle intermittent ly whlic Arab guides spouted the travelogue decided would take Ia lcarnel ride it it killed me said Mrs Ward The saddle kept slipping The camel graciously knelt low for you to dismount but the problem was when he was Given in marriage by her ia ther the bride wore white brocaded satin gown with round neckline The ankle length skirt swept into slight train at the back Miss Bontiags shoulder length veil ieil irom seed pearl crown She carried bou quet of red roses and white lily kneeling with his front legs heloevalicy was standing with his back legs THEN HOME ihe Barrie motherstopped few days in her native England tbdfllfl flying home gt it was wonderiul opportun ity to meet people said Mrs Wald as she stood in the middle of the room holding up the lia waiian sarong once more trying to decide just how to best re model the flat straight gar went into dr Mrs Ann Carney attended her sister Tile bridesmaids Sharyrl Banting sister at the bride and June Lucas Susan Banting acting as flower girl for her sister carrieda bas ket of blue and white carnations flle attendants wore identical dresses oi pale blue crystal charm and carried crescent bou quets of blue and white cama tions The groomsman was Peter Banting brother of the bride Family PrepaieQi Dinner TEE EXPERIIS SAY By EDNA BLAKELY Canadian Press Staff Writer truly iestive occasion for mother then the tanlily should prepare dinner on that day And of CDUISE mother shouldnt be al lowed to do the dishes menu planned especially to be made by dad and the chil dren has been worked out by the cohsumersaction of Canadas department of agriculture Heres the menu tomato juice baked marinated chicken baked potatoes buttered corn niblets spring salad apple jelly hot tea biscuits caaned peaches with brown sugar crunch Preparations start early in the day when thaytomato juice apple jelly and peaches are put in the refrigerator The potatoes can be scrubbed andthe salad vegeta bles prepared TORONTO CF If Mothers DaySunday May 8is to be The marinade should be made well beiore dinner and poured over the chicken an hour before cooking Then make the brown sugar crunch Anhour before dinner time put the chicken and the medium sized unpeelcd potatoes in 425 degree oven While the chicken isbaking set the table tinish the salad heat canned or irozcn corn open and serve the tomato juice and peaches and make up iresb tea biscuits They can be ready made and heated ready tooook packaged tea biscuits or mix that can be popped into the oven during the last 15 minutes the the chicken is cooking Four pounds of cutup chicken will make iour to six servings The chicken should be washed in cold water and wrapped in dry cloth for few minutes Themarlnade is simple Com blue cup waterl cup white MISSION CIRCLES MeetAiGrqvenhursi For Theix Annual Spring Rally JWomen from most of tile Misan important part of Mission minded the women that the stain Circles of the Georgian Bay Association of Baptist Churches 90 in liumberygathiered at Cal vary Baptist Church Graven hurst April 28ior the ï¬lth an nual spring rally Mrs StuartBard Orillia pr ident oi the Womens Associa tion presided at all sessions At ter the call to worship Mrs German of Hunt iile gave an inspiring meditation on Power Apanei discussion on the role of the Mission hide in Bapt Jubilee Advancel was mostr tercsting This was follow ed by buzz session when three groups discussed the top it Leadership Training by Mrs Tomlinson Barrie ll EFraser Creemore taking Devotionals with Pur Qopley taking Steward concluded thetaa leadership training course should be given to make Mis on Circle effective vice equal on worshipin theimeetlngs onsider it privilege tovpartlc patp in the rahip service in the prayer Pléparation loving heart turned God ard let usjoylully Circle worshipv se Taken T33 Citcle work Much time should be spent in prayer Prayer let ters were distributed to the Circle presidents pleasant interlude was en ioyed when Bracebridge women taught new lrynuiwith Mrs Johnstonleading She chose The Glory of Spring how Sweet using both musical set tings givea for the hymn They were Kings Langley and St Saviour Rev Ross Readhead of Col lingwood baptist Church gave challenging message on he Churchs Marching Orders stressing preaching fellowship and stewardship Moan smomo During the supper session the trio irom Merrick Mission Cire ed when all the nunlsters wives and Circle presi rise andvbe recognizedu Miss Margaret Sinclair Bar rie divisional treasurer gove encouraging financial report Grace was said by Mrs Medley and the vote oi thanks by Mrs lllam ï¬lthy Burls Falls Intha evening sesaio by Mrs Fraser Mrs Craig Midland gave the were the daily caresiaud wor ries of daily living which are ionary questions wereanswered Bands are the responsibility of the Mission Circles ABOUT BOLIVIA ZMiss Kay Rowe mlssionary Bolivia now home on iurlough and living in Hamilton was speaker She said the mission aries need to know that the wo men at home are behind them both prayertully and ï¬nancially She stressed fGo ye into all the world applies to allthe world not just the mission fields but also at homes churches and communities Miss Rowe showed tolerating slides of her mission work in Druro Bolivia Mts Fraser directory in her mall ge from the text The violent take by force stressed iorceiuiness in thinking and in mission workla the parable oi the seeds spoken by Jesus she said the stones and aroma that choked out the seeds which iell by the wayside crowdng out the seeds of the better things oi life People must push them out lehlly to lacy hie bettér Chris RevRalph Wright First Rap tist Church Midland pronounced the benediction lap aedioboldthemtll lly on or about April On SundayMothers Day sugar cup butter or salad oil taps salt tsp paprika tsp thyme sage rosemary or Worcestershire sauce in sauce panand bringjo boil Pour over the chicken pieces in bowl or glass dish and let stand or one hour turning the chicken over at half time if its not en tirely covered by the marinade BAKE 30 MINUTES Drain oi the marinade and ar range the chicken skin side down in greased shallow bak ing pan Bake uncovered in disdegree oven for so minutes Turn chicken skin side up haste with the liquid that has collected in the pan and bake iurther 15 minutes Baste again and cob tinue to bake until the pieces are tender and golden brown it should take about another 15 minutes The brown sugar crunch is also easy to make The ingredis ents are tsps butter 11 tbsps brown sugar tbsps chopped nuts cup any readytoeat cereal 15 cup whlping cream tbsps brown sugar and afew drops of vanilla Melt butter in saucepan Add the tbsps sugar and nuts and heat over low heat or two min utes Add cereal crushed its important tocool it thoroughly atgthivs point Combine whipping cream tbspa sugar and vanilla Whip until thick Fold in half the nut mixture Pour intofreezcrtiayand top with rcmelnirig nut mixture Chili in ireezing compartment for one hour Makes four to six servings cHANcING inmoan All electron acceilcsrator creatv Ing gamma rays played irl South African laboratory can changedhc color and physical properties of diamonds COOP SPRING SALE Special Offer nuaurunrosn GREASE GUNS ONLY see men when you purchase Tan Pucks onceor LUBCO MULTLPURPDSE GREASE spring illa Price no Pubs null rmonaon am now UPEN7A T0 PM Time Talent relies are aioa Bluidroport aod binom meeling place will be were Phoio by Idldina DALE ROLFE The ushers were Albert Lebruo and Walter Menard Mrs Roberts Orillia accom panied Wally Kennedy who sang the Lords Prayer and Per iect Love The brides mother Mrs Banting received her guests at home in beige dress with brown accessories Her Corsage was oi yellow roses The bride grooms mother Mrs Rolic os sistcd in dress oiturquoise lhaatung topped by white straw hat American roses armed her coraage Out town guests came from Gucip Palmer Rapids Egan viile Ancuster lorontoI Tim mins Newmarkct Caledon Pet erborough nndCookstown For the wedding trip to Ni agara Falls Buiiaio Rochester Syracuse and Kingston Ithe bride wore suit of emerald green wool with black and grey accessories Thc newlyweds will rcsidoin Barrie SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLA Barrio Social Notes an intended to flu general social Itic II fly and district Wedding Il nlrcnlrtcs MIMI hrldll parties untoldage parthi flatten and traveller In an item oi Interest to the ID raea reader oi this page Your bell in lupplyhlg this new vlll armo tated Please pboa PA 55551 and uh II the Womenl Page ro HAVE II urn session on the controversial onto mouth to mouth method at artil lciai respiration will be held in Victoria Hospital is holding its annual Florence Nightingale Ten Thlnsday alternooo irom to 550 The admission is as cults QUIET CEREMQNY quiet wedding took place at Hillsdalr unease recently The ceremony united in marriage lsobei Itoxema McLeod daught eroi Mr and Mn Meredith MacLeod Edgar and Winlam Douglas McLean son or Ilr and Mrs John McLean Edgar The couple will reside in Tor MOTHERS DAY Trinity Parish Hall Com This Sunday moans aomcihlng Street Monday evening Kirk Wipper irom the atali of the adioohoi physical and health Ipecial to many mothcrs On her own day Mrs Smith Mary Street will be with her education University oi Toronto onmlnw and daughwr and will explain this method ni res uscitation and demonstrate the correct way to perform it The meeting sponsored by the Simcoe County Recreation Service in Itooperation with com munity programs branch of De partment of Education will be gin at pm mommoan rnll lts that time again The time when Laidlaw Residence Wei lington Street opens its doors to the public The Womena Auxiliary Royal Mothers Auxiliary Plans Weider Roast The April meeting oi lst Allan dale Scout and Cub Mothers held at St Georges parish hall Allandole Auxiliary was recently The meeting was opened by the president Mrs Ruth Train hlrs Douglas Culham and arm ily Colllngwood CLOSING DINNER Members at the University Wo mens Club oi Barrio enjoyed an eadoillleycar dinner meeting at Collingwood Pioneer Restaurs out Wednesday evening During the evening the women toured the Blue Mountain Pottery plant The University Club has decid ed to sponsor the Canadian Piny ers to come to Barrie again this year The meeting was conducted by Barrieeornpaay in the porch mined by gold cord winner Miss Judy Smith District minionerJV Gray will noun paaythegroupasaguest ROTARIANS ENTERTAIN Wives oi Rotary Club mismbfl on were entertained by til husbands at luncheon tlfl week Among the guess were Cox Mrs Mrs Peter Scott Mrs llIrs Tornllnsoa Batstone Mrs Mrs Mulhoiiand leon Mrs Mrs Dyck Mrs Edaon Mrs John Stevenson lunzms IN calcaoo Leaving Monday for week the windy city are Mayo Mrs Willard Klnzle Mayo zio will attend the Cloud Mayor and Reeves conveali being held this year in cool tioa with the ericnn coo tion The Kinder will be lg at Chicagos Hotel Mrs Miaaikin chain the guests at the Park Hotel during her stay in To the new president Mrs Peter Mills BTII BARRIE GUIDE C0 Ten guidcsvirom the sixth Bar ria Company will be honored to morrowwhen they recciyo their Religion and Life emblems The ceremony will take place at St Michaels cathedral Toronto during the holy hour Guides ro ceivlng the emblem are Rose marie Tenute Dionne Hamilton or with the motherg promlge Cheryl Robinson Janice Robin Tweiva members were present son Carolyn OConnor Marilyn During the business session it OConnor Shield Clyuc Joy was decided to have wiener roast instead of the May meet ing Mrs Edith Lea oiiered her Ambrosio Kathy Wheeler Nan cy McLiudcn Beiore the presentation the summer cottage or the occa sixth Barrie Company will alon plant solo took place among members as iund rais ing plan Refreshmenis during the social hour The next meeting will be held in the rectory room 01 St Georges Church June 27 Brownies irom the Toronto arch diocese The rally is an annual served event held by the Catholic Wo mena League groups of the Tar onto diocese THE EXPERTS SAY By EDNA BLAKELY Canadian Press Stali Writer TORONTO cP Women make lent paperhangers says Lilla Tilison The attractive bionde grand mother irom Galt0ntior the last nine years has been em ployed as wallpaper consultant by firm in suburban New Tor onto When it comes to hanging wall papers women often are more careful than their husbands and do better job she said in an interview CHANGING FASHIONS Fashions in wallpaper as in iurniture change with the years says Mrs Tilison Dark heavy patterns have passed and light shades now are the trend Many of the new patterns are almost indiscemible rough tex ture leading the main interest Popular now are mixtures oi muted blue and green shades all well as blends of oilwhites and gold The lighter shades have be come popular with the improve ment in wallpaper she ex plained Many papersnow are finished with iiue coat of plas tic which can be washed and sheds dust Light shades make room ap pear larger just as white cell ing appears togive height small room can be visually ex panded by using horizontalpattern wallpaper Mrs Tillson says The lines dont need to be obvious subtle pattern in enough PRESTIGE They Hang Paper Better Than Men Plasticcoated wallpapers are easy to clean with pail oi sudsy water and sponge As each section is washed it should be rinsed with clean pail oi water and another sponge Spee cial cleansers are available for removal of grease spots In applying wallpaper the cell ing should be done iirst with the strips running from the window so that the seams wont show up in the light On the walls start in the least obvious comer usu ally bebind the door where it doesnt matter much if the pat tern does not exactly match Mural papers are an exception They should be applied from the centre with the work flanking out from there and scams must not overlap To get paper on straight it might be an idea to suspend weighted string irom the ceiling and then draw vertical line with pencil Ive never seen house with perfectly straight walls Mrs Tilison says Unless the woodwork is par tlculariy well kept advise peo pie to paint it the same color as the background of the paper Just as the irarne shuld not be the prominent part of the picture the woodwork should not be the prominent part of the identitiesyourj WELCOME WAGON SPONSORS ms of prestige in the business and gtcivic life of your community For information call graham offer Expires May at man PICKUP 1Alli DELIVERYH us To Mouths To Pay Niiw SPRING nannies FREE ESTIMATES MATERNITY APPAREL 1th Collier st PA $35M VELKAY itb Door East oi Town Hall Your ior Privacy and Economy Mrs Pat Corrigai will lead the TOM uPoIertlllo sordid FREE INSTALLED AT No EXTRA cosr have your suite covered later iivyou wish but order nowand be assured or your EREEPDAM CUSHIONS rs sulrr RECOVERED MATERIAL INCLUDED erSAerONAL DIAMOND RING SALE FOR libHm TIMEONLY parade with other Guides and SAVE UP TO 40 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS 52 Dunlap St Next To Valley Taxi rams ARRANGED No Interest 0r Carrying Charge itlE BEAVER is OIIB oi the most industriops oianimalt tie tail with loving care on In construction at home ior his iaplilu Beavers male in tile and their homes are built with an eye to permanent use When mall builds or buys home he too like to ice that it is permanent For it at home lhat tho innily develops loo and iliendships Saiegualding the home tor the iamin is but on at Sun Litas many services tor the sterility and protectio oi yourself and those you love Let me tell you about than services ANDERSON empowerton st borne sull LIFE ASSURANCE toMPAilv or cAlleA LIMITED UPPER comm nomadic you man sultan wonxnansmr GUARANTEE lllllllllr TENT llwullll co BAYFIELD ST PA coms