our memories FR Examiner WI Ada Tele phone PA 524 telephone number touli the Business or Edltorhl szL PA AIBMENS cuss one TOWED T0 DUMP number of cars belonging to RCAF personnel at nearby Uplands st tion ended up at us PLANE snor MOSCOW AP Nikita Khrushchev told the Soviet par iament in bristling speech to ay that Soviet armed forces ave shot down plane he de ribed as US military craft 1hrentened retaliate with ockets if American bombers ap ear over the Soviet Union Khrushcheva cast loom over prospecLs for the sum nit conference opening in 11 lays He issued an unveiled hreat to United States Allies ook hefty slap at VicePresi lent Richard Nixon and harged that President Eisen vowers freedom ofmovernent at he summit is being restricted by certain US circles Khrushchevs attack on the test capped day which brought noouncement of shakeupin re ruling hierarchy promise Khrushchev to abolish income ixes by the end of 1965 and an nnouncement which amounted to revaluation of the rublereffec in October UESNT WANT NIXON Khrushchev referred angrily to Iresident Eisenhowers sugges ion that Nixon might sitnn for Vrim at the summit if the presi Vents presence is required in Vashington on domestic matters Ulrushchev said he had met lixon several times and it was lifficult for him not to gain the mpression Nixon was the last person to think of stopping the told war or ending the arms race am afraid that if Nixon he omes entitled to carry nnego Iations at the sum it would we as we 53 ending goat to take careVof hedcabbage the Soviet prem Zal The Supreme Soviet parlia rnentl session burst into wave of applause as Khrushchev an 57 irrvHussiVa like thebottom of this ditch alter being towed away from the station parking lot for luck of licences One airman cor Down nounced the downing of an Amer ican plane May singlelengined jet U2 re search plane has been missing since May after takeoff in Turkey defence department offi cials said inWaslringtom lt is assumed to have come down near Lake Van not far from the bor der of Soviet Armenia In this general area useJae trans port was downed by Soviet forces in 1958 By US reckoning the Soviets accounted for only six of 17 men lost then The U2 plane assigned to NASANa tional Aeronautics and Space Ad ministrationis flying labora tory assigned to make weather Mï¬ SOVIET SHUFFLE VFrol it Kozlov was shifted to top Communist partyjob Wednesday night as part of major shakeup in Moscow For full story see page 10 y3ï¬iskiiBgoards Unite hg¢linVst Teachers TORONTO CPlA resolution irging unity among secondary cbnol boards and an unsuccess ul bid for royal commission refe among the highlights of Iednesdays central zone conferï¬ uceofthe Ontario Urban and ural School Trustees Associa wn John Anjo nf Collingwood pre ntcd the resolution asking for rmation of provincial salary rhedule committee to unite all MD dary school boards against le Ontario Secondary School enchers Federation It was passedbe largemaï¬ MW and will go bathe OURSTA vnnual convention inJune for zip voval The proposed committee would rename Metropolitan Toronto rovlncinl school gotlations was unwarted then telephone call made Scarborough school trustee ThornasWells late for the general session of the asso ciation Earlierhe had proposeda res olution thatthe association ap penl to Premier Frost for aroyalr commission on education financ ing Other trustees suggested Ito move his resolution later as an amendment to North York res olution calling on the province to increase education grants But when he stopped to make telephone call trustees at the general session unaware of his resolution passed the North York resolution and moved to other business Association president Mrs Ell th Ambridge of Ottawa called for revision of the provincial grant structure She told the confer ence the Province was moving further away from paying the promised 50 per cent of educa Thebid for royal commission tion costs have provided the US cess at the talks owner has initiated legal pro ceedings against tin command ing officer Group Captain Mussells observatinns and check air for radioactivity One man was aboard CALLED AGGRESSIVE ACT Khrushchev called the plane in cidVent an aggressive act and measures why dont you think we can take similar measures when plane appears over our territory and threatensthe se curity of our country We have the same rights as means as you We have no bombers on duty but we have rockets on duty They are more accurate and trustworthy than your bombers Then came the threat to US allies Khrushchev said it is high time for those countries which with bases to realize they are playing with fire and that they too can suffer retaliatory blows The Soviet leader contended the American plane was sent on mission to impress and frighten the soviet Union on the eve of the summit D11st SUMMIT CflANCES Khrushchev said the govern ments of the United States Brit ain and France do not seem to be looking forward to settlement of ouktanding cold war issues This dinis the ch Khrushchev at he presented dingV up to the Khrushchev said ane crossed into Soviet territory from the Afghan border April and the Soviet Un on took no action Apparently the Americans iked the fact that they made this incursion and were not punished ithe premier sai 0n the first of May at 536 am an American plane rcrossed the border into tour territory The order was give to shoot downthe invaderJlhis order was fulfilled andthe plane was shot down It appeared that the plane was American although the markings were painted out Deputies shouted Down with the aggressor and Its direct banditryl on consensus so on Khrushchevannounccd his in said Describing wh as events lea plane incident an American pl Nations Security Coun the plane incident The party and government shakeup brought Khrushchevs protege VFrol Kozlov up from deputy firs premiership inthe cil over munist chev secret committee ization Kozlov arty job under Khrush seif Kozloy Elabecame Vflle Party central and competent author es cidewhether action is necessary nsked rhetorically of the US If you think you can take such you the same 11 ances of suc tentinn to complainto the United vcouncil ofmimsterthoratopCom NTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MAYS 1960 CROWDS IN l0 TORONTO CPlTbcrc have been serious shortcomings and deficiencies in the local govern ment ofsuburban York Town ship Judge Joseph Sweet of Hamilton says in his report of judicial inquiry released today Handling of land sales seri ously and adversely affected the financial affairs of the township he said He proposed strengthened legis lntion regarding lnnd soles and Zoning bylaws and recommended that some of the evidence taken during the 47day hearings last summer be reviewed proï¬cr to Judge Sweet was nppointcd commissioner for the inquiry after criticism of some municipal dealings in the township which lies northwest of the city in Met ropolitan Toronto LAXIN THEIR DUTIES His detailed conclusions were Some York Township councils in recent years have fallen for short of their duties ln the sale of township lands the interests of the township ihave not always been served by some councils and as result the township has suffered griev ous financial loss An unhealthy attitude was sometimes adopted by some coun ollstoward the lawvof Ontario and posse of 50 residents of Tot tenham and provincial police from nearby Alliston have so far been unable to locate Totten am man who disappeared from his home about 130 pm Wed nesday George Hitcbman about 48 is an epileptic and apparently left without the 24hour pills which mitigate his condition He is known to have about $70 on his person His mother Mrs George Cowan by second marriage said Mrullitchmnn left their home on Queen Street tenham after the noonhourmeal Wednesday She said he had been feeling somewhat despond ent lately States last yeah In his speech Khrushchev said first problem facing the summit readerence is disarma men the most radical means ensuring peace and banning war lie repeated his demands for unuenoto the Western occu pationof Berlin and the signing of Germn peace treaty ARREST NUCLEAROBIEC New York police unidentifed woman arrested in along with 25 olhrfi refusingto take shelterVin the who was Hall Park persons for KEYED UP FOR EVENT in Tot Senous Deï¬ciencies In Sales 0i ark Township Lands Iudge bylaws of York Township which is cause for serious concern The judge considered several individual land sales One con ccmed the allegation which sparked the inquiry that Reeve Chris Tanks had purchased town ship land through an agent ILLEGAL UNDER ACT The Ontario Municipal Act makes it illegal for incmbcr of municipal council to buy from or sell to the municipality Judge Sweet snid Tanks and his wife made the purchase in the name of another and the judge found that there appears to have been an attempt to avoid the low and competent authorities re view thc Tonks purchase If they find Reeve Tonks not eligible to sit and vote in council or that the sale or what purporLs to be such sole is void they should consider appropriate proceedings and action The judge also wrote of alle gations that were made of mal feasonce on the part of some members of council The report names Deputy Reeve William Graham Frederick Wilfred Hall HairoldB Linden andflFred How ar BUILDING PERMITS The report says these allega tions were onnccted with the ssuing of Darkhaired and heavy set he is about live feet seven inch es in height and weighs around 160 pounds While her son is particular about his dress Mrs Cowan said he was wearing working clothesa dark plaid shirt and blue overallswhen she last saw him Two brothers yinToronto told police he had not turned up there Mr Hitchman does occasional iwork at the nearby farm of iLeonard Abernethy The posse of Tottenham resi dents searched bush in the area llate Wednesday afternoon and some are continuing the search clvil defence titert ruésdoy Followsnid most of those ar rested were constientious ob ectors nuclear tests and war He recommended that proper Belga news gen councilmanr GROOM WONT PAY presence LONDON APlThn bride groom wont pay the preacher Friday when Princess Mar garet marries Antony Arm strongdones The ceremony will be per formed by the Most Rev Geoffrey Fisher Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the Church of England An affi ciulat the church offices told an inquiring American re porter You can say that the ques tion of fee has not been raisedand you can be sure that the archbishop will not be paid Barrie Schools lire Graylisted Pending meeting of Ontario rie Public School Board assist ed by Ontario School Trustees Council May ll it is consider ed unethicul by the federation for any teacher not employed in the Barrie public school system to accept such employment ac cording tea local official Also included in such gray listing are someals other pro vmcial public school systems on set out ina letter to every pubV Vince originating with thefed eration in Toronto chars accepting employs men school belonging ton scho board so gruylisted do so without the backing of the federation in event of employ ment difï¬culties Federation is made up of On talio Public School Men Teach ers Federation and Federation of Women Teachers of Ontario it is presently concerned with disagreement between Barrie public school teachers and the Barrie Public School Board over salariu Ontario Federation Vand School Trustees Board were called upon to settle the dis agreement at higher level Hundreds lit Well lls Boy Trapped IRONTON Ohio APlRescue crews have poured into nearby Eurlington Ohio in an effort in free an 18yearold Negro boy from his entrapment at the bot tom of 35foot dry well Hun dreds of wouldbe helpers and on lookers ringed the scene today Individual digging efforts were halted early this morning because of the wells repeatedly collapsing walls clamshell shovel was brought in to do thework Warren Payne wasburier un der eight feet of thesandy soil late Wednesday afternoon as he worked at the bottom of the newly dugwell The sides of the pit had not been shored up jLate Wednesdayvnight one of the youths arms was uncovered but collapse of the walls quickly buried it Negroes Attack Police In Congo BRUSSELS Rafters Hun drcds of Negroes Wednesday night attacked aVpoliceV station near VStanleyville in the Belgian Congo wounding 20 cemen cy reporte The report did gro casualties The building was wrecked awn The rioting same timethat theylpcal radio ration was broadcasting an off all communidde calling on for calm folloin distur cés in Stanleyville Tuesd Theunew agency dnot therea Th andhand grenades against the glthevBelgiu embersyleft stool Ville earlytodayfor Leos lpoldvrlla Teachers Federation and Bar lic school teacher in vtho pro nest not mention Nef The gendnrmerie force of armed state troops used tear gas ke on at the inttglmgnuthiority 11 per Copyl Pages DON Title For TOny No Say Britons LONDON CMThe flags are out the crowds already are mill ing around Westminster Abbey and London is keyed up for the biggest royal festivity since the Coronation seven years ago Preparations for the wedding of Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong lones reached crescendo in the last 24 hours be fore they walk down the abbeys long aisle Friday The couple went to diamond studded pre wedding hall at Buckingham Palace Wednesday night to the cheers of 50000 sightseers nlong the route As time grew short Britons speculated about the chances of ArmstrongJones getting title If he goes to the altar in West minster Abbey without title Margaret will be the first Eng princess in 450 years to marry plain mister TITLE NONSENSEI Title for Tony What non sensel exclaimed be headline on the front page of the tabloid Daily Mirror An editorial declared Does young Tony want title No Does he deserve title No Maybe he will deserve title later on Maybe we all will But on what grounds does he rate title new Mr Jones fell in love with princess and princess fell in love with him All good luck to H323 Princess Margaret and happiness to theyoung couple But Lord Antony Viscount Armstrong Earl Jonesz loh no please no compromise suggestion came from Pine editor of Burkes Peerage The splendid preparations be ing made for the marriage would seem to point to an honor of some magnitude he said it would be fitting climax to most romantic matchllf some ro mance could be given to any title bestowed WHITE KNIGHT Pine suggested that Tony get beautifulAsounding title which would give proper recogni tion to the dignity of the mar riag withoutVnecessnrrly creating peerage His nominees in cluded the Knight of Glin tho Knight of Kerry or simply tho White Knight all titIES from British history Friends of the groom still be lteve be wilLbc made an earl The Queens husband plain navy Lieut Philip Mountbatten on hu engagement because he had relinquished his title of prince of Greece was created Duke of Edinburgh by the late King George VI justheforo the royal wedding in 1947 Title or on thousands of sight seers and tourists have packed London hotels and snappedup all available seats on stands erected along theflowerdecked route for the wedding GLITIERING BALL The Queen and Prince Philip staged glittering ball Wednes day night with top figures in ins ternational society among their 1000 guests Massed crowds of waiting sight seers broke tlrrougthordons as Margaret her fiance and Queen Mother Elizabeth drove slowly through the palace gates Mounted police shepherdsfun big maroon Rolls Rnst through the crowd Margaret and her fl ance waved and miled as shouts of Good luck went up from the mass of struggling men and women New LileStaris Fer Princess LONDON AP new life starts Friday for Princess Marg aret And fascinatingyoung mar ried life it certainly should bea mixture of the royal rigidityshe has known since childhood and the gay Bohemianism in which Tony Armstronglones feels most at home Despite heroccasional taste for fling Margaret always has loved the pomp and position of royalty Someone once asked if she did not find the royal round wearisome Eack snapped the answer can think of nothing more wonderful than being what am WONT WHEDRAW Close friends for this reason discount suggestions that the princess is tired of life in the headlines that she wants to with draw to quiet country vlova lfwithdrawal from the royal world is what she wanted they say she could have dona it five years ago and marrid Peter Towpsend Certainly for the next year or two Margaret will avoid such major duties as tours overseas But the explan on is simple The princess will be 30 inAu gust Like any other couple marrying late ar and Tony will hope to start family as soon as possible Fanmore likely family friends say is that Queen Mother both will be the one to bowf out ofthe roynl scene Some even believe that after eight years of widowhood she may wish to re igncsronicr medicnne nursing sc UniversityMaya cc and Fusion This prospect could answer puulewhich many Britonshavo pondered Why Margaret and Tony accepted such small house as their first marriedhome The Queenhas given them an apartment in Kensington Palace with only three usable bedrooms It is not enough for raising family in even halfroyal style But if theQueen Mother does decide to retire the Armstrong Joneses can move into Clarence House her magnificent residence near Buckingham Palace Th they will be living in the manner to which Margaret is accustomed What sort of private life will they lead Small though their first home will he the princess will not be expected to give hand with the dusting The attic and basement have plenty of room for servants No noonsmr RUSS Nor willrMargaret kiss her hlle band goodbye Von the doorstep each morning as otherwiwes do For one thing Tonygave up work as photographer in favor of marriage For another Margaret likes breakfast in Shedand late As for cooking its safe bet that Tonynot Margaretwill bé the one to whip up thoschozyu latenight snacks when the staff have gone to bedMargaret has never been known as the domes ticated type but Tony after long years in bachelor snuggeries is hand with sauce and skillet Once the princess and her husV band are established in their London home it is inevitable that new Margaret set will gather around themTheold set were the bright young group who enf livened Margarets salad days pres coins Wednes ntronlof ang Ill convocation for conferring degrees to law will beheldat Queens