ismcor MANSFIELD llltlo rtuthter was bum in Mr and Mrs Kent Johnston Sept 14 sister for lloss Jluc and David Ill Lindsay on Aug 28 to Elk Cfld Mrs Mervyn Cook dau ghter Wanda Ruth sister or Jeliery Mrs Gordon Barber is again patient in St Michaels Hosplt al in Toronto Saturday evening the many friends of Mr and Mrs Cari Mayer and family gathered at the hall ln Mansï¬eld to express their regret at losing them and extended best wishes or their future Elmer Reid was chairman and announeed variety program oi songs music reading and gam alter which the allowing plh were presented with an ad dress read by Alvin Greer To Mr and Mrs Mayer col tee table two stepup tables and lamp to Ernest set of ster ling silver cull links and tiepin to Innis cull links and tie set to Lynne musch jewel case and to Philip watch Mr Meyer replied suitable for the iamlly The Mayers came to Mansï¬eld almost six Years ago lrom Shelburne and in that time have made many improvements around the store and home and bad thriving business Mr Ma yer has been the harbor for folks for miles around Mrs Mayer has bright kindly dis position and is friend tnavery one They are leaving near the end oi the month for Florida where they expect to make their home Mrs Minnie Hard had pain lul accident at the home of her daughter in Toronto when she had her right hand badly mang led in the wringer The people at the neighbor hood gathered at the hall at Stalt nton Friday evening to honor Mr and Mrs Cora Stokes and family as they were moving to Alliston Mr Stokes has been employed with Austin Rutledge or the past iew years Th ey were presented with step table and lamp The United Church choir held practice at the home of Mrs Mactaggart Wednesday evening Nancy Swiderstry who has been faithful member has gone with her parents and iam ily to live in their new home On Highway 89 at Alliston Nanoy and her parents were present and after some games Nancy was presented with Hymnaly beautimliy hmlbed by Carl Mayer Following her reply and the singing of Blest be the tietthal binds lunch was served Mr and Mrs Austin Rutledge latt Friday on trip to the Mar itirnes ST pours Congratulations are in order for St Pauls0rcllestra which placed second in competition at Copkstown Fair also the rat prize winnerMiss Eileen Fitz sirnmins member Oithe orch estraMiss Eitzsimrnins played the accordion gt Mr and Mrs Pratt and Margot visited Mr and Mrs Herbért Pratt Elmvale last Sunday Mrs Bud Martin holds ï¬rst place standing in theBalrie Ex aminer circulatiOngetting Con on his cousin Mrs John Kaliv comm news test Anyone who wants to help her just contact her or ii WI are reoewinl or taking out newsubscriptioa please ask the young lady at the desk to give the cruiit to Mrs Martin Lets keep herin first place William Near Detroit called Wednesday CBHHHHUEST Mr and Mrs Bethnel Carr oi lioraepayne visited Mr and Mrsrlewls Carr during the week ltlrs Mary Miller at Moon stone speni Sunday with Mrs Evoy ANNIVERSARY SERVlCE The anniversary services in Knox Presbyterian Church had such beautilul day and the vis iting minister Rev Mr Bell of Barrie and the choirs from Hills dalo and Midhurat rendered good music so the services were cnioyed Mr and Mrs Harvey Prince of Peterborough spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin There was shower in the hall Saturday evening or Mr and Mrs Hardy nee Diane Ells more and they received lovely Ellis Mr and Mrs Herman Harvey of Bond Head visited Mr and Mrs Ernest Caston at the weekL end Harvest service in St Johns Church next Sunday Oct at 1115 am Mr and Mrs Mount Victor la Harbour visited Mr and Mn Taller Emery at the weekend Mr and Mrs David Scanners and Len visitedin Crown Hill at the weekend Merry Menagerie Mam IInpll lur Kr 914 if ll ii NE ¢ll CALL HERIZ FOR THE KIND 01 CAR YOU LIKE TO DRIVE BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY MONTHLY on vANNUAL LEASE Low RATES BARRIE DamsA can and Travel Servloe CO Ltd 102 Dunlap at PA 66474 DordRéRAsHANG 5PECIAL5While Theylasl THURSDAY 10 AM Ladias Gingham HOUSE DRESSES SIZES 1420 Mens All Nylon Reversible WlilllBliEilllEllS to only Completely in sulated This is real yalua Reg 1995 Value Mans Flannel SLACKS Sell Belts ooloura grey and char coal Sizes 3044 Regullir 895 value Mans SUBURBAN cOATS Plain and fancy all wool patterns Eggs 34 to 48 Regular $2495 and Boys Burris coins rur lined Hoods This is the ideal ooat for the cold weather ahead Mens All Wool Worsted SUITS lhese are ifantsuits withfancy patterns in assorted shades Sizes 35 52 Reg $5950 3370 i695 me am 5395 $1677 aim sts neg 1495 s990 aim we lneg 1395 I8 mm RM Childrens Lined Corduroy JEllllS Dakar arm and $193 MONDAY OCT 10 AM MansGray lb wORK SOCKS 44° TUESDAY OCT PM Mcns aney WOOl CARDIGANS SATURDAY 11 AM Mens Plaid Flannel SPORT SHIRTS Small Ind Medium Rm $243 Mens Gabardine Zip11 TOP cOATS Grey only Sizer sou Rag 2in SUITS lain shades of charcoal grey black and navy Sizes 36 to 44 Reg 4950 Mens Work PARKAS Witblletachable bond Quilted HnEd Sizes 3346 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