Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Sep 1959, p. 6

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Revitalizze Bootnsif By Remaking Lampshtide By JEAN IRVINE Home Economist for North South sirneo Fair Lime is here again and everyone is busy preparing en tries imagine most of you have things very much under control but do not forget to check and make sure you have your things entered by the cor rect date wish everyone the best of luck at the Fairs re gret that have not been able to get to all the Fairs this year as my time has been previously taken up Barrie Fair has come and gone The Hit Homemaking Club exhibits wore pleasure to see aml certainly lot of work had been put into them There were lot of entries but we always like to see more it is well worth the effort to enter your club exhibits Lets see everyone out next year MAKE LAMPSIIADES The ladies in North Sirocco County will soon be busy mak ing new and original lamp shades Training schools were conducted last week in Earrie and Elmvnle The turnout was fairly good and if you are at all interested in learning how to make new lampshade from your old ones contact the load ers in your community who at tended the school and arrange to either attend classes that she is conducting or if there is group of ladies who are inter ested arrange with her for meet ing Everyone is welcome in these courses and they will give you an opportunity to use your im agination and initiative as well as learn to go about improving your home lighting SUPPER CLUB PROJECT Trainingsehools for the Sup per Club project in North Sim eoe are on met if and 20 in Barrie at the Eastern Star ions HEALTH Age Deadens Senses Oi Smell And Room and oh October 31 and 22 in Elmvale in the Banquet Room of the Big lied Rooster2 an looking forward to largfi turnout this year Soon ifnot already our win ter garments will be coming out of storage and yonr cottons re placing them Are you storing your hummer garments cor rectiyl Most summer things are cotton and sometimes it is thought that they do not need much care in storing However to preserve their beauty and keep them longer all cottons being altered should be washed and dried thoroughly andany repairs made such as mending split scam or putting on those mis sing buttons before storing Discard any garments you wont be wanting next year to save space PRESS AND HANG If you have lotI of room in your home for storage press the garments carefully and bang themon rod in an an use closet or dry basement or attic They should be hung in such way that they are not crushing each other and they should be covered with an old clean sheet or put in garment bag to prevent harm from dust or dirt Be sure that dremas and blouses are hung on the hairs ger straight that is the shoul der seams of the garment fal ling along the slope of the hanger and the weight dis tributed evenly on either side of the hook when hanging skirts do not pin the waist band to the hanger with safety pin as you might tear the material articularly if the skirt is of material or is heavy one Use snap type clothu pin instead Your efforts will be mil rewarded next spring when Taste By HERMAN BUNDBBEN MD sror complaining that no body can cook like mother used to The food these days is as good as it over was and probab ly much better So are the cooks And the cooking equipment is far superior to what your moth er used WHATS THE REASON So why dont things taste the some as when Mum used to pre are them years ago Well the taste probably is about the same but your taste buds and olfactory discrimina tion are not As we get older welose great amount of our ability to taste and smell things FOUR TASTE QUALITIES There are four taste qualities hitter sweet sour and salty Some of the taste buds which on able us to distinguish these qual ifies begin to atrophy fairly ear ly in life By the time you reach matur iw you no longer are able to use the taste buds for sweets which were in your cheeks This prob ably explains why most adults dont have the same longing for candy as they had in childhood SENSE 0F SMELL Was Your sense of smell suffers even more than your sense of taste as you age And you real ms of course that what you tasteris actually blend of taste and smell Try tasting even your favor to food when you have cold and youll see what mean The older you get the less act ive your olfactory discrimina sinco there is nothing you can do about it the best advice can give you is to atopcomplhin ing about the taste dr lack of it of the foods prepared in your home You probably will find that fresh fruits also taste pretty flat not at all llkethey did when you were youngster Again its you not the that has changed STOVEE ARE BETTER Even the cook of the house as she gets older is apt to com plain that these new fangled stov es just dont cock like the old kitchen ranges of years back or course they dont they really are much better fruit So next time you are about to spout off about the good old cooks in the good old daysjust remember your memory prob ably is better than your taster or your smaller QUESTION AND ANSWER have insomnia and cfnnuot even take mild sleeping is there any herb that Would help this condition Answer lho register use of sleeping pillajshouid be avoided You should prepare for sleep by relaxing for an hour or sobeforo going to bed avoid exciting read ing conversation radio or TV shows The bedroom should be quiet darkened and well at Ed without drafts andfbe bed comfortabieand not too warm warm bath or warm drink before retiringwill helpinduce tion becomes Unfortunately this loss is permanent natural restful sleep ShouldtKeep Filter Clean On Your Air Conditioner by enema Ross liven very early model air con tioneis will continue to give splendid service if they are prop erly looked after Whether late model or an early one the filter should be checked from time to time Some of the recent modelsbave filters of foam plastic which can be washed and then reused Kenn mm more To prolong the usefulness of an older type disposable filter go over it from time to finie lmocklt rants sxrnaragusy JOIN Emu OPHOUBEWM SEWINGWVEM on resonancesshone ing away as much dirt and grime possible or better still using vaeuum cleaner for the chore But when filter becomes so dartclogged that it cannot be cleaned its time for to replace ment Otherwise you wlli not get maximum service from the air conditioner and in really hot humid weather mnxhnum serve loels what we need and want Avoid switching the air con ditioner on aft frequently Once the con ols are set let the imlt rim at thatsetting in other words dont fuss with it Onand off operationpsay the manufac turers renilts in loss of cooling power of the appliance and his puts additionelrstreln on use wir The conditionor hand TammiMammalsnnmor Appétite Stomach By marsau nam There is popular controversy astowhetheroreotonocancn large the stomach by the practice of overeating and shrink it by persistently unhlng the appetite MISS JEAN film you get your armcnu out of storage and find that you can put them right on with little touch up with the iron instead of complete press job Not everyone is blessed with lot of room for storage bow aver and must use as little space as possible In this case after your clothes are washed and dried thoroughly roll each garment up carefully using tissue paper in the folds with4 out pressing or starchlng and then wrap the garment in newspaper if it wont be mark ed by tho newsprint or plain paper and store in cardboard box that has been lined with paper and cover with sheet of paper or plastic and put it in corner in closet or some other out of the Way spot pre ferably away from the furnace or any overly heated spot Above all remember that the clothes should be clean and bone dry before putting away for winter as there are eight long months aheud of us for mildew and rot to take place if they are not properly pre pared Air Cadet Ladies Plan Rummage The Womens Auxiliary of 102 Air Cadets had their September meeting at the home of Mrs WestgartinTnylor Plans were made for rummage sole to he held at the Oddfeilows Hall Collier Street Oct 16 from to pm On Sept itll ladies of the Auxiliary enjoyed tour through the Georgian China at Coiling wood The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs lrvine RR Barrie at pm Miss Joan Cripps daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Cripps Midland recently became the son of Mr and Mrs Harold needed Turning itnn only after room has been warmedby the sun means that much longer timcis required for the appliance Classes will monthscour go insane sr Member Soho bride of John Mervyn Broley BARBIE BUS In The Business Edu That is our subject for todsy You shall know by experience is proverb that seems to fit here Did you toss calorie can to tho simmer breexu and oven eat on the American plan during your vacatlon Heros the test question Are you undeniably hungrier now than you were be fore you indulged in the pastime of eating to your hearts contentt If so draw your own conclusions The stomach is muscular or gan which is fairly elastio roughly comparable to balloon When considerable food is con sumed the stomach is forced to expand Continual resting keeps the stomach distended and the appetite enlarged SPECIAL NAME FOR IT Dr Norman Jolliffe has spa clal name for our appetite regu lating mechanism He calls it tho oppestate The appmtate works this way With normal appetite you automatically regulate cal orie intake to fit your needs For example if you overeat at spe clal dinner the next day your up petite is less keen and you cut down But when you practise overeatingand take that place of pie even though you are no longer truly hungry that is cater ing to false appetite This prnc tica is not only fattening but it upsets natures appetite regulat ing plan To reverse the process you have to get the appetite back un der control Take heart Fonsor five days of discipline on your part will work wonders Thats one big advantage of dieting 0n smaller meals the stomach eon hacts The feeling of having had enough to eat is believed to be caused by the tension exerted from within on the circular muscular fibers of the stomach it is then that nature gives the satiety signal Dcliheratcly snub your appetiteup short and you will soon have your appetite reg uloting mechanism under control it helps to know too that even on the occasion of the baptism lick Minealng have announced BROLEYCRIPPS Broley Thornton The wedlt ding ceremony was held at St Marys Roman Catholic Church Barrie started before it is actually on in optimumjob Dont clutterup the arch in front of the appliancomith fluhim lure The cleaner the area the better thefconled air will circus Into into the room NIGHT SCHOOL resistorsnow rnunsnav oeronsn In held on Mondays hard museum in intensive six Shorthand1ypéwrlting some All Subjects tonght by professional business nominations win he held for certificates meanness max carts mnromay thoufl you feel bit hungry im mediately after meal short time later you will feel satisfied Successful dieters report dramatic change in their food cn parity They all describe the em pty feeling experienced at the start of diet But alter few days or in extreme overweight few weeks than rams dieters begin to feel content on their smaller meals Later they won der how they were able to eat the amount of food they formerly felt they needed to appesso hun ger The practice of getting upfmm the table Just short of that full feeling is the only way to shrink your appetite back down to size Get lion From Domestic Tasks By DORMIIY ROE NEW YORK AP When woman takes holiday from her own kitchen to eatout she wants the works in luxury and service says William Pahlmann man who has made thorough study of feminine psychology in his work as an interior designer woman who has to cook three meals day at home and then wash the dishes wnnts the greatest possible contrast when she goes out to dine says Pahlmann She went exotic food perfectly served in an at mosphere of elegance whats more she deserves it Few women have domestic servants any more so they make up for it by seeking out the ultimate in service when they go out Thats why Pohlmnhn has con ccntroted on creating lush rich and luxurious atmosphere in two of Manhattans newest and most expensive restaurantsTho Forum with the decor of the is Caesars and The Four Seasons latest and most lavish addition to the cafe circuit The latter recently opened features marble swimming pool with bubbling diartreusa colored water in the middle of the main room Diners dont swim in it but they may reserve pool side tables and imagine they are iuxuriating at some gilded salon on the French Riviera as they nibble on truffles and pate do foia gres while attentivo waiters hover near The decor menus and waiters uniforms are changed four times year with the change of the seasons SOCIAL NOTES Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs William Dickey of theirson William George were Mr and Mrs Dickey Sudbury and Mrs Brown Jr 0t fawn Miss Stewart and Miss Lee Toronto alsoat tended Rev James Ferguson officiated at the St Andrews Presbyterian baptismal cere mow Allan Kelsey Gowan street who recently broke his wrist is resting well at home after spending one week in hospital Mr and Mrs Mervin Fra the engagerdent of their eldest mm DELEGATE Miss bf Jeanette Gillespie pruident of South Simeon chapter Regiltered Nurres Association of Ontariowas delegate at the recent leader ship trainingrcourso held by the association in ibronto Chaired by bliss Isabel Black director division of public health nursing Department of Health the delegates repre sented association chapters in all parts of the Province lepro ed what the Association of 23000 members is doing in the develo meat of personnel poii cies eglslatloou nursing edu cation and service and public relations The gout speoker at din ner held inconneetiob witifths Institute was Mrs Florence Mr and litre Morley ortt Barrie have announced the en gagemcnl of their daughter Pa triciaDcil to LAC Eugene Gil bert Orr son of Mr and Mrs Man Orr Monoton New Bruns By CLEVELAND mes What can be more delightful than to see the youngster about two or earlier take his first flight on his wings of imagination This of course may come much ear lier or much later lie talks about things not pres cat or he talks to them as if they were right there before his eyes and ears or in his hands SURPRISING BIEMARK See the little birdie in the bottle Now its coming out of the bottle said our little daugh ter when not quite two shes the mother of children now daughter Myrtle Marie to Gar net John Albert Graham son of Mrs Cecil Graham and the late Mr Graham Elmvsie The wedding cercmony will take place Oct 24 at St Peters An glican Chnroh Mincsing wscxs scam canon HAIR STYLING as Dunlap at Pa sam Permanents IA $560 unto man No Appointment fNeoessasy wire unwvnay amm soar nudism in Smith gmdua in moi dhlg HM dime was lawman offhamfhnmkeglmmhoWorldWaf mmwmamummas RN Trair1ing Course lrvinc lnaniedlate presi lim helping teachers dent of the Federation of Wo menTeachers Associations oi Ontario Mrs Irvine pointed out that movie are vastly more in crested in teachers that ever before because world devel opments have spotlighted the need for education for bet ter living for survival and for 153 stressing the need for highly qualified teachers and regls tered nurses Mrs lrvine said We are convinced that our pmfesional organizations are furthering education of our nations children for they are taught but by highly qualified happy Vialpaid professionals in reference to tho teschera federation she said We be ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT wick The wedding ceremony will take place Oct at Trin ity Anglican Church The bride lobe is graduate of the Royal Victoria Hospital The couple plan tomato thelrhomoinVem couver Your Childs Imagination Becomes His Creative Ability prise at her remark for no bird or bottle was visible to me Yet her mother quick to appreciate this creative event talked to the child about this birdie and the conversation was spirited Pretty soon this youngster was inviting me to drink tea with her All she had were some small bits of paper Yet can still recall her smiles and glow of satisfac tion as she saw me participating WORLD OF FANCY From then on for several more years she spent many short or longer periods day in her world of fancy About the same thing cant recall needing telephone 1152 years repair SAYS DR NEIL SMIIHa DJJS 0P GKATHAM 0N7 toinmsove their own stature so that they live tell hdepenv dent lives in theirawn homes and communltlcl socially low ecpted and able to enjoy free domof thought We are helping to main tam dimate that pennitl edaea tlonal grawtlfahd progress so that teachers and pupiis alike may develop character and also havetho right to be tbarae terr shesaid Conference leaders included Miss Margaret Morgan Hamil tim RNAO president Mia AI rna Reid Hamilton immediate but president Mrs H117 Strong Miss Florence Wal ker Miss Hilda Coates and Mrs Blanche Duncanson all of Tomato Kiwanis Ladies Enjoy Sept Supper The Womens Auxiliary to the Kiwanis Club enjoyed delicious pot luck supper at thesummer cottage of Mrs Charles Boxers at Alcona Beach Sept 24 The weather waswarm and the cot tage proved to be an ideal place for the occasion The supper and program were supervised by the president executives and directors of the Auxiliary There were 35 mem bers present and business meeting was conducted mo tron was made to donate $10 to the VON Mrs floss Stephens took charge of the program and sup ervised two games which were misfit enjoyed Stephens graclo thanked the hostess Mrs 13 are for the delightful evening WERNER CP Kitchener librarys plan to take bookmobiles to childrens summer playgrounds for pupils in grades to proved so popular that elder brother and sisters asked for books too younger brothers All these child ren had been read to from before the age of two until they were far beyond six and many of tho filllies they listened to were fen lpEon thiceim In five they on many ng any area not when asked to do sojbut when occasion prompted them Often these yarns included items from one or several stories they had heard occasionally woven in with real experiences We took down pages and no of these yarns some of tablets were publisth in my first book Their children have read some of these creations eagerly Now and then mother sends me yarn her youngster two three or four has spun out of his own head These yarns are choice can well remember my sur happened with her older and for their novelty and spontaneity raffles

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